Alua Schut wakes up early in the morning.

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She would get up at the same time with their maids living there and it’s her daily routine to train her sword skills in her mansion’s courtyard.

However for this day, after equipping her beloved Rapier and parry dagger on her hips, she headed straight to Tooi’s bedroom without heading to the courtyard.

It is to ask him to act as her training partner.

(He refused last time but, I’ll make him do it this time………!)

About 2 month ago, around the time Tooi came over to this world, he refused her with the reason of [I can’t be your partner since I don’t have any Contract Deity now].

But now.

Tooi has regained on of the deities within the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses] that had obeyed him.

The Deity of [Violent Wind], Ryura Vega.

She rejected Tooi at first because of the complex situation she held within her heart but, after the battle in Fior region, both of them reestablished their contract.

His battle appearance in the later Dean plain caused a huge impact in Alua’s heart.

[Nebulosa NemesisThe Divine Punishment of the 12], [PrimeraThe First Chapter]

[Tempesta SancionThe Sanction of the Violent Wind]

With glowing silver armor worn on his body, Tooi’s valor appearance which she saw when he overwhelmed the Lectar army with disastrous strong wind and elegant sword skills were still scorched inside her eyes.

It was an overwhelming strength worthy for him to be called the Tyrant Slayer.

A mighty warrior that can match a 1000 soldiers.

Having admired the Tyrant Slayer for 10 years, Alua could not suppress her excitement after seeing Tooi’s terrifying strength first hand.

What’s more, there are 11 more deities that possesses equal or more power than Ryura; this is no longer a laughing matter.

It is said that even one of them is able to bring down a castle alone, a high-ranking Spirit – a Deity.

Just how strong was Tooi’s golden age---the Tooi of 10 years ago which had all those 12 Deities serving under him.

Just how strong will he get in his journey to regain back the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses]----

---You kill him.

---Use that sword to stab his back when he walks out the realm of humans.



Alua froze when her sister’s word resurfaced in her mind.

(………i-it’s okay. it will be okay……….Onee-chan definitely exaggerated those words and it’s still a possibility to the end so it's just a small matter. No matter how strong Tooi Onii-chan gets………he won’t become the enemies of me, Onee-chan and the people living in this country)

Because, Alua thought this.

(Tooi Onii-chan, is Tooi Onii-chan after all)

After reuniting with him after 10 years, he would still give her a smile with a gentle smile which has not changed from before.

To Alua, he’s an existence like a brother to her and at the same time, the hero that save their world. It does not change the fact that he’s someone that she holds aspiration and admiration towards to.

“It’s okay”

After mumbling that as if to tell herself that, Alua slammed open Tooi’s bedroom door to get rid of the complex emotions boiling in her chest.

And she turned speechless.

She could not believe the scene in front of her.

“Ah. Good morning, Alua-chan”

In the room, Tooi greeted her in a carefree manner while,

“Kyaa! Al-Alua-san!?”

Ryura Vega revealed her bewilderment with her face turning red.

Ever since they reestablished their contract, she has been living with Tooi in the Schut mansion.

Although; since she’s a Deity, she is not captured by the concept of living like a human. She would walk around by whim and would follow Tooi from behind while in her Spirit form which does not possess a physical body.

“Ryura-san………..what’s with that look?”

Alua asked while shocked.

She possesses a mystical beauty and usually wears a beautiful outfit that seems as if it would melt into the breeze but, she’s currently wearing an unfamiliar looking outfit.

It’s was a thin cardigan over a white shirt.

It had a grey skirt and a checker patterned tie.

It looks like a uniform at first glance but, the chest area is wide open, and the sleeves were long to the point where it covered her hands; the whole impression it gives off is that it’s slightly untidy and its done so to look stylish.

“E-err, this is………”

“Well, It’s basically JK[2B 1] fashion”

Tooi answered for Ryura who was stammering in her words.

“Jay, kay?”

“JK. The short form for School girls[2B 2]. In a rough explanation, basically it’s a uniform of a females only education institute in the country I lived in. There are many more other types other than this Cardigan style”

“Haa………….Then why is Ryura-san in that so call JK fashion?”

“I explained before that the Deities manipulates the Ether in their body and can freely create their own clothes by will right?”


“Basically, you can say that they are normally naked based on how you think about it”

“………Is there any need to purposely explain that?”

“Yes, they are basically naked based on how you think about it”

“There is never a need to say it twice right!?”

“I thought it would be nice if she could try on more clothes since she can freely control her clothes. But well, this is just for fun”

“For fun…………”

Ryura Vega is one of the 21 Deities existing in this world.

They are owners of a power beyond human intellect and it is said that even one of them is able to take on several thousands of soldiers.

With that said, her very existence is like a myth and she’s a living legend.

(………….that legendary existence is being used as a dress-up doll by Tooi Onii-chan)

Feeling tired and admiration at the same time, Alua was in a complex mental state.


Ryura fiddled around her fingers while asking him with a somewhat discomposed manner.

“These clothes……….I tried making it according to Tooi’s words but, how about it? Not only is it unfamiliar to me, I am not used to wearing these clothes so, I have no idea what to think………”

“Yup. It looks really good on you. Just like what I thought”


Her expression glowed.

“I am so happy. It really was worth making it”

Ufufu, she smiled happily.

Just a month ago, Ryura looked at Tooi with cold eyes as if to push him away but, ever since they reestablished their contract, her attitude took a 180 degree turn.

Anyways, she’s really faithful and really obedient.

This is most likely Ryura Vega’s real personality.

(………It’s not like I don’t feel that she’s too obedient though)

Alua was not amused about Ryura overly lovey-dovey attitude but, Tooi then urged her for her for her thoughts and opinion.

“You think it suits her too right, Alua-chan?”

“Eh…….Ah, yes. That’s right. I think it looks cute”

It wasn’t lip service and was her honest opinion.

She’s unfamiliar with those weird clothes but, they elaborated the detailed designs and it’s really cute. It’s so cute to the point where she wanted to try it on herself-----


When she stared at Ryura in the JK style, a weird feeling appeared in Alua’s mind. No, rather than a weird feeling, it’s more towards Déjà vu.

(These clothes, where have i………)

She looked into her memories for a few seconds, before noticing it.

Her face instantly turned redder by the second.

It’s because she recalled what the situation was when she saw the clothes in front of her from.

“T-Tooi Onii-chan!? Th-th-these clothes, aren’t these erotic clothes!?”


“Because……..within the books Tooi Onii-chan brought over, there were many of them with women wearing these types of clothes on the front cover!”

Around the time he was summoned to this world, Tooi brought a carry case over to this world.

Inside that, were several useful goods that only exists on the other world……..this was supposed to have happened; in a weird twist of fate----Basically a simple mistake, he brought over the case which he had planned on throwing away instead.

Which means, the objects inside were his treasures that he had planned to dispose.

The scene where many half-naked women flung out from the puffed up bag, is still stuck inside Alua’s mind even now.

“Yes………..Yes I am right! I knew it; these are the clothes on that ero magazine!”

“No! Yo-you’ve got it all wrong, Alua-chan! You are having a big misunderstanding! This appearance is not indecent!? It’s a uniform suitable for a female student attending an education institute and thousands of young girls all over Japan are going to school in this appearance!”

“Then why is this appearance on an ero magazine!?”


“It’s clear that there are also people wearing these clothes even though they are clearly over the age of being called a young girl!”


Tooi was amusingly stumbling on his words.

There was one person looking down at him with terribly cold eyes.

“……..Tooi. Don’t tell me………… used my lack of knowledge and made me wear perverted clothes!?”

“Ryura……no, you’ve got it wrong! These clothes are not perverted at all………….the clothes itself isn’t the erotic part, the importance part is what the situation the person is in…… should I say this, rather than the clothes doing the deed, the determination of the level of eros is based on what the viewers feel about it……………”

“Tooi said [I think………….if you take on that appearance, it would tremendously increase the output of the [Deus Alma]], so I believed you………!”

Alua retorted in her heart “I can’t believe you got tricked with that”.

As expected, she does not have the courage to retort a Deity face on.


Ryura looked to the side as if she was sulking before lightly waving her hands. Ether light then covered her body and her usual magical outfit came back in the next moment.


Tooi was extremely disappointed.

Maybe his depression was too much, he did not noticed Ryura said […….You should have told me that it was erotic clothes from the start] while pouting.

“……….so, Alua-chan. What’s up?”

After saying that, Alua finally recalled back her goal.

“Tooi Onii-chan. I came here to ask you to help with my training today”

“Training? Un, okay. Then, let’s----“


Alua told him.

“Please fight 1 vs 1 with me”


In the fight with the Lectar’s military, Alua saw Tooi’s tremendous power.

She felt an indescribable excitement after seeing the gallant figure of her admired [Tyrant Slayer] but, on the other hand, she felt an unsolvable sense of regret in her heart.

Even though she’s assigned to be Tooi Cross’s partner, she feels really apologetic that she was given a piggy back during the whole important part.

In the first place……….she felt alienated.

(Err? Did I just become air?)

She thought that plenty of times.

Speaking of Alua’s achievements in the last battle-----

When Tooi and Ryura was exchanging a passionate kiss to prove their re-contract-----She was fighting with the forest Spirits at the sidelines.

After Tooi and Ryura reestablished their contract, he equipped the solemn [Deus Alma] and took on the Lectar’s military from the front------While, she was quietly hiding behind the forest and looking at them from behind.

(…….There should be a limit on how sad it can get)

Which that said, Alua plans to change that regret and sadness into the desire to improve herself so, she requested Tooi for a duel today.

Of course, she knew she couldn’t win.

She’s fully aware that there’s no way someone as weak as her could fight Tooi.

But, but even so.

Alua took on Tooi from the front.

She wants to learn as much as possible by confronting the legendary hero.

By understanding the absolute difference of strength by being beaten down to a pulp, she would grind down her inexperience and use that to improve herself.




The wooden sword flicked up into the sky before falling onto the courtyard’s lawn.

“I-I give up. I lost”

With the wooden sword poking towards his throat, Tooi raised his hands and surrendered.

A duel was commenced in the mansion’s courtyard.

Even though it’s a duel, it was obviously not a fight with their full strength. It’s still a practice match to the end. Of course for [Deus Alma] and [Ray Alma], any other Spirit techs are prohibited. Their weapons are not real swords but wooden swords. As a result of a discussion, they decided to fight under such restrictions first.

A duel with pure swordsmanship.

Another way to put it, it’s a comparison of individual power without using the power of their Contract Spirits.

As a result, the one who won was Alua.

“No way……….”

Impossible, Alua was making that expression. After she pulled away her wooden sword without hiding her bewilderment, Tooi let out a small sigh before making a lax smile.

“Iyaaa, I lost, I lost. Alua-chan, you’re really strong”

“………..Tooi Onii-chan. Are you holding back?”

“I didn’t hold back. I gave it my all”

Tooi easily admitted his defeated without any showing any signs of excusing or regret.

Alua was shocked. She could not believe her own victory.

(Weak…… he wasn’t. it’s not like he’s weak but……..)

Tooi’s sword skills are about Alua’s level. As a result of getting offensive when she got the chance, she managed to win this time by luck but, she does not know if she could do the same next time.

That’s why it’s weird.

There’s no way that the strength of the man that is told to be the [Tyrant Slayer], that commanded the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses], to be in the same level as her.

“I said this before, all of my power is the power of the Deities I made contracts with. My own power isn’t a big deal”

Alua agreed for a moment there but, she immediately swung her head.

(No. That’s because, Tooi Onii-chan’s movements today were different from that time)

There’s a heaven and earth difference of movements compared to the movements he done when he fought the Lectar’s military while using the [Deus Alma] with Ryura----[Tempesta SancionThe Sanction of the Violent Wind]. He had body movements like a fairy and the sword skills of a war god but, there were no signs of that today.

(At that time………somehow, it looked so natural and he looked so carefree when he fought)

In response, today’s Tooi---looked somewhat restricted. There’s hesitation in his sword skills and body movements; it’s as if someone borrowed his body, that kind of weird feeling.

“Fufu. You’ve lost, Tooi”

When Alua was in thought, Ryura appeared out from nowhere and made a mischievous smile towards her master that had lost.

“As usual, Tooi can’t do anything without us Deities”

“Haha. No excuse for this”

Both of them laughed. Not only Tooi but even Ryura easily accepted her master’s easy lost.

Alua was getting more confused but, when she’s like that,

“Hey, Alua-chan”

Tooi asked her as if he thought up with something.

“Now that I think about it, are there any new Deity knights that appeared in this 10 years other than me?”


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“No, I am kind of curious. When I was at my world, basically the time when Hadar was rampaging around the continent, it seems that there were no Deity knights other than me……….10 years passed since then so, it’s not weird that someone like that might appear”

Deity knight.

Having succeeded in making a contract the high rank Spirit – the [Deity], only the person that successfully manifest the [Deus Alma] - the Deity weapon created by using their weapon as a medium is allowed to be called by that name in this continent.

There are only a countable number of people with that title in history. In other words, heroic figures that are accepted by the Deity rarely appear.

The people called Deity knights will most definitely be related in the continent’s history—no, they have no choice but to be related.

By using the Deities tremendous powers, the Deity knight will cause a ripple by distorting the existing society, in good or bad ways.

If there are kings and heroes, there are also people with the title [Enemy of the world].

A contract of a human and Deity alone, is treated as a historical event.

“None. There’s no way a Deity knight will appear that easily”

“Ahaha. True”

“……….and, that’s what I wanted to say”

After making a feint, Alua continued on.

“Actually, there is currently only person in the Empire that turned into a Deity knight”

Tooi opened his eyes wide.


“Yes. It’s based on the knowledge gained by the Empire’s military in the end though”

“So we are clear that there is one person……so, what kind of person is that?”

“Sachs Hayern. A former captain of the Empire’s military at the southern HQ”

“Fuuun. I don’t know who that is. If that Spirit practitioner is so good to the point where a Deity accepted him, I think he would be quite famous even from 10 years ago though……..”

In the battle with the Demon king 10 years ago, Tooi was often thrown into the front lines under the Empire military that Laila Schut is associated with. He experienced many fights together with the Empire’s proud elites.

In the first place, that also means that only the Empire’s leading elites are allowed to stand on the same battlefield as Tooi Cross.

“If it’s someone I don’t know then…………he was either hiding his real strength 10 years ago, or, his strength increased exponentially in these 10 years”

“I don’t know which is correct but………..i think it’s the latter one. The former captain Havern, was originally a normal soldier at a remote area after all. In terms of his Spirit knight abilities……….i think he is just below average; I heard this from Laila Onee-chan”

“Below average? How did a guy like that become a Deity knight”

“The details are unknown. From the information told by the central, we are sure that the former captain Havern became a Deity knights 5 years ago. Ever since then, he took a big promotion and reached the status of captain within 3 years”

“A normal soldier became a captain in 3 years……..the Deities power is amazing”

“………….It kind of sounds ironic when Tooi Onii-chan says that”

A male soldier that had no achievements that stands out reached the status of captain after ignoring all the strict rules and theory in the military by a single fact that [He made a contract with a Deity].

Having 12 of those powerful Deities under his command; the legendary existence known as Tooi Cross---that’s basically the man in front of Alua right now.

Even the [Sage of Creation] who is said to be the creator of Spirit techs – The legendary sage that ordered 5 deities, gets overshadowed by him.

“But Alua-chan. Since you said [Former] Captain, it means that he retired?”


“Why? His status is secured even in the military with the power of the Deity. Depending on his actions, he should be able to reach a higher status than captian”


Alua stumbled her words; something happened at that moment.

A woman’s high-pitched scream echoed from outside the tall walls. It did not end with one. Voices of fears from females and children followed on immediately after that.

After Alua raised her face in reflex, she could hear shouting from a group of male.

“What’s wrong!? What happened!?”

“Th-this is bad! A group of the [Wings of crimson light] that were being escorted to the 1st prison escaped when the guards weren’t paying attention!?”

“What!? Don’t tell me the rebellion army……..sneaked into this sector!?”

“Yes………..and what’s more, the escapees, are all Spirit knights. Apparently skilled weapon users even in the [Wings of crimson light] hidden weapons at their stomach………..”

“………Impossible. There are embassies and mansion of nobles in this sector. If criminals that can use [Ray Alma] snuck into here, who knows what damages will occur…..”

She immediately knew that the emergency voices exchanged outside the wall belonged to the military police. Alua’s face gradually turned pale.

“No way……..people from the [Wings of crimson light] escaped………?””

“[Wings of crimson light]?”

“They are mainly active in the Empire’s northern side. A faction of the rebellion. I heard that a group that got captured was planned to be imprisoned but……I didn’t think they would escape the guards”

Alua clenched her teeth in regret. She then wanted to run towards the mansion’s exit but, Tooi caught her arm to stop her.

“Where are you going, Alua-chan”

“Isn’t it obvious! I am going to help the citizens!”

Apparently all of the rebellion members are all Spirit knights. They are too strong for the city’s police. No one will be able to fight them unless they are able to use [Ray Alma] themselves.

That’s why, Alua wanted to head straight there, but.

“You don’t need to go”

“Wha!? Wh-why!?”

“What’s with the why…….”

“It’s true that………I am still an inexperienced Spirit knight. I don’t know how strong the rebellion is too but, as an officer of the Empire’s military; I can’t keep quiet and watch! I have a job to protect the citizen’s peace!”

“Nope, not that-----“

In response to Alua who was talking passionately about her pride as a military personal, Tooi told her that with a bitter smile.

“---because everything is over”


She did not understand at first. Alua turned speechless after she saw the other arm instead of the arm that Tooi was grabbing her with.

The black short sword was pulled out from his hips before she noticed and was in his right equipped on his right arm.

Deity sword Zodiac.

A one and only legendary sword made only by high-quality [Etherium].

Surrounding the short sword, a shell was constructed from Ether and it formed a silver sword.

[Tempesta SancionThe Sanction of the Violent Wind]

The beautiful slender sword manifested when he activates the [Deus AlmaDeity Equipment] with Ryura Vega, was brilliantly glowing in his hands.

However, unlike 1 month ago, Tooi’s body was not covered by silver armor. It only appeared on the silver blade extending out from the Zodiac and the gauntlet equipped on his right hand, everything else was normal.

“Partial activation of the [Deus Alma]…….?”

Alua opened her eyes wide in shock.

With the weapon used as the medium to perform the fusion with the Spirit, the technique to materialize them as weapons and armors is given the title, the ultimate battle Spirit tech – [Ray Alma].

The image strongly created by the practitioner and Spirit will manifest in this word as a weapon.

Breaking down the image completed after a long time of training, and using only a part of that part is extremely difficult; it is sad that it is a god move that only veterans can use.

Even though that is the case, Tooi was right now performing that partial activation with ease.

It was done so fluently and so quietly to the point where Alua could not even senses it.

What’s more, the skill he is performing right now is not [Ray Alma] but rather, the partial activation of the [Deus Alma].

The weapon with tremendous energy was not overexerting at all, was not stagnating at all and he was controlling it as if it was a part of his limbs. That probably proves that he has full control of the Deity’s power.

In response to Alua who was staring at him blankly, Tooi mumbled as if it isn’t a big deal.

“…….5 of them. Hey Alua-chan. I stopped the escaped rebellion members so, it’s okay if I beat them up right?”

“Eh? Eeh? Wh-what do you mean? You stopped them…….what’s more, how do you know their numbers?”

“It’s Ryura’s power. If I activate [Tempesta SancionThe Sanction of the Violent Wind], I can fully grasp the surrounding [Wind flow]. It was easy to find them since they were making a mess. I made a small tornado and sealed their movements”

“Ca-can you really do that?........”

“if it’s 5, then I can manage”

Tooi closed his eyes. He was feeling the surrounding wind with his skin and was probably looking at a world that he and Ryura are the only one in this world that are able to.

“So, what should I do Alua-chan? Can I beat them? Or, I can make it look like a little accident and give the credit to the police?”

“I-it’s okay. Just beat them……”

After Alua told him that, Tooi [Okay] lightly nodded.

He then raised the slender sword in his right hand and sliced the wind 5 times. His sword skills were shockingly beautiful and the sword movements were so beautiful to the point it made her mesmerized by reflex.

He’s a complete person compared to when he used the wooden sword.

“Okay. All done”

After lightly swinging his sword, Tooi finished his sentence and released the partial activation on his right arm. The silver shell creating the slender sword turned to light and dispersed.

“I knocked all of them out and broke their weapons. I moved them to an unpopulated area so; I think the police will settle the rest”

After saying that in a carefree manner while returning his short sword back to his hips, he thanked Ryura who returned back to her normal form. Alua was frozen in place while looking at their peaceful chat.


He suppressed 5 spirit knights in an instant.

It might be a natural result judging by how he overwhelmed an army of 2000 but, to think that he would defeat the enemies scattered in the city without moving from this spot.

(Amazing….but, then, why?)

An intense odd feeling attacked Alua.

The Tooi that performed the partial activation [Deus Alma] so naturally and the uncomforting sword skills Tooi showed just now in the mock battle did not match up inside her.

He is completely treating the Deities power as his own.

But even so, why does it look like his movements were bowered----


Alua suddenly knew.

She remembered it.

The reason why Tooi fought 10 years ago.

(That’s right. Tooi Onii-chan……….fought for his grandmother)

Not for the country and not for the people.

He fought only for his grandmother.

All for his single family, everything was to see her last moments.

(Defeating the [Demon King], is just………….simply a method to Tooi Onii-chan)

That was everything.

Even the contracts with the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses] are just a method for that method.


(To Tooi Onii-chan……..everything is okay as long as the demon king is defeated)

It’s not for world peace and it’s definitely not to become a hero. He just wanted to go back to his world. He had no choice but to go back to his grandmother as fast as possible.

His status in the world after the demon king is defeated, and his individual strength probably means absolutely nothing to Tooi Onii-chan.

---…….That’s overestimating. The deities I contracted are the ones strong and it’s not that I am amazing.

--- If in fighting game terms, I, am kind of like a set character that can only use ultimate skills.

His sentences were not modesty and might be the truth in a certain angle.

Tooi Cross’s [Strength] is too [Biased].

Positioning, body movements, sword skills, Spirit tech……..all of his strength and techniques are created with the condition of the contracts with the Deities.

(In these few months, I saw him training many times but………I feel that Tooi Onii-chan has fixed himself always fighting together with someone from the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses])

10 years ago, Tooi probably poured all his time just to master the [Deus Alma].

That’s the fastest method to defeat the demon king.

Thanks to that, he is able to use the Deities powers like his limbs but in return, he was unable to polish his individual strength.

He scraped off every single needless factor; he even cut off his own self to reach it – a single land and the farthest land by innocently set on one point.

Tooi Cross was completely devoted in using the Deities power--- No; maybe calling it “Soaked in” would be a better choice.

He was using it.

He was soaked in it.

Completely and deep inside it.

What was created from that was an irregular existence known as the [Tyrant Slayer].


The escaped rebellion members were injured by a local unnatural tornado and kamaitachi[2B 3] and were captured again without causing any violence.

Alua took on the role to explain the situation to the police so Tooi returned into the mansion.

After taking a light shower to wash off the sweat, I asked about Laila’s whereabouts from the head maid Cecil who happens to passed by me, and she told me that she has not left her bedroom.

Even though it’s the afternoon, apparently she’s still asleep.

(She’s so weak against the morning as usual)

He was forced to know about how terrible Laila’s sleeping posture and how bad she wakes up during the time travelled the whole continent in his last summoning.

Tooi headed to her bedroom while remembering old memories.

(We need to get her up soon as expected)

It was set that he would be going out with Laila in the afternoon. She’s the type that gets ready quick for a female but, she has to eat lunch so it’s probably best to go over to wake her up.

I went up the stairs and reached Laila’s room.

There was no reply even though I knocked. After I slowly opened the door, apparently this should be expected, she was still on her bed sleeping comfortably.

“I knew it……….and now, how to wake her”

He started coming up with a plan while looking down at the sleeping Laila.

The first thing that came up was to pull away her blanket but, there were plenty of times where Laila would strip off her pajamas in this season. When he looked down, as expected, her pajamas were off the side of her bed.

So pulling her blanket away is a no-----

(---no wait. Shouldn’t that be the reason why I should pull it away. If i pull it away while pretending to not noticed anything, things would settle as an accident…….no but, my conscience will…….no no no but, it’s not every day I get this chance……..)

A fierce war between devil and angel was inside hismy heart. After 10 seconds of agony, Tooi somehow managed to cut down the devil’s invitation.

Since I could not come up with anything, I tried waking her up using the old shaking method.

“Oi, Laila. Wake up”


“It’s noon already. We promised to go out after lunch right?”

“Hn~~……’re so noisy, Alua”

She only groaned and there were no signs of waking up.

What’s more, it seems that she’s still dreaming and mistook Tooi for Alua who is usually the one that would wake her up.

After Tooi lightly sighed, he shook Laila together with the blanket. She then distorted her expression displeased and----

“Hnn~~……..Shut up”


The blanket on the bed opened up like a carnivorous beast.


When he was taken by surprise, *Gulp*

Tooi was swallowed inside the blanket. If this was seen from the sidelines, this scene probably fits the word [Predation]. The person on the bed pulled his arm and forcefully brought him inside the blanket.

(Eh, Ah……Wha!? Wh-what just----)

“Fuhaha, Gotcha, Alua”

Inside the blanket, the mumble from close distance was Laila’s sleepy voice when she is still mistaking Tooi for Alua.

Since he was completely swallowed inside the blanket, Tooi’s view was completely covered in darkness. However, the soft sensation felt around his whole body, was telling him the detailed situation that he was being grappled.

(No good…….this is not good at all)

He was completely glued to her.

Her exposed skin. Warm breath. And the female’s characteristic sweet smell was tickling his nose.

Maybe it’s because he could not see her, he felt oddly excited. Laila’s first class body that he is feeling in the dark is unusually destructive.

Without noticing Tooi’s excitement and panic, the underwear appearance Laila played with his body and hugged him.

“Hahaha. How is it Alua. Give up? This is the punishment for always disturbing my beauty sleep”

You’re the one that told me to wake you up. Tooi had no time to retort that now.

He was stuck in between her rightly meaty thighs while her slender arms invaded into his clothes with seductive movements.

And more importantly – her breasts.

Her overly voluptuous breasts, was stimulating his body because it was squeezing into different shapes. It’s an unescapable prison of pleasure. Tooi could not move at all and had no choice but to stiffen up, in a lot of meanings.

“Hnn~`….? What’s this Alua? Did your breasts turned smaller when I haven’t touched you for a while? There should be a small bump but, it’s as if you have a male’s chest today…….”

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“What’s more, why does it feel as if you’ve gotten bigger…….Your body build is kind of bony”


“Hn? What’s with you? Did you put something between your crotch?”


“What’s with this rod-like object…….? Un? It’s kind of getting harder the more I grab hold----“

“------TIME OUT! This is bad!”

Having reached his limits in a lot of ways, Tooi shouted with his face red. He swung off Laila’s restraints with all his strength and jumped out from the blanket.

“Uwah, so bright…….”

“How long do you plan on dreaming, Laila! It’s me, ME!”


After scratching her eyes several times, Laila made wrinkles between her eyebrows and looked carefully at him. She has a serious case of shortsightedness but, she can probably see the person in the same bed as her with her naked eyes as expected.

After carefully observing at close distance,

“U-uwaaaaaaa! Tooi!?”

Laila shouted in shock and jumped up.

“What the hell are you doing!? Di-did you come to jump at me at night!?”

“It’s the afternoon! How can I attack you at this time!...........No, I won’t come at night too though!”

“Then why……….why did you crawl into my blanket?”

“I was forcefully pulled inside!”

“Mu………I see. Un…….so that’s why”

Maybe she recalled her own actions, Lail;a slowly regained her calm.

“Aah. Oh yeah. I mistook you for Alua and made you taste my [Laila Special Hold]”

“Hmm, is that the name of that move………?”

“No wonder I couldn’t find any breasts. It felt odd but, I kind of let it slide after thinking [Well, it’s Alua so this is about it]”

“………Alua-chan will cry if she hears that you know?”

“By the way, about the rod between your crotch”

Laila looked at her hand as if to recall back that feeling.

After that, she directed a mischievous devil smile at him.

“Fuu~~n. I see I see. Looks like you were quite turned on huh. Was my body that charming to you?”

In response to Laila’s expressing her unrestrained fun, Tooi looked down while getting a complex feeling of regret and embarrassment.

“Fufufu. You’re really a closet pervert”

“…….Leave me alone. Every male will become like that. Rather, how long do you plan to be in your underwear? How about covering yourself a little?”

“Fuun. Showing you my underwear after all this time, I don’t feel anything”

Without trying to cover herself, Laila boldly puffed out her chest. Those giant breasts covered only by those light underwear, jiggled a little at that moment.

“In the first place, you might get horny after seeing my underwear appearance”

Laila did not stop smirking.

A woman in her underwear and a man staring at her in it. Even though the male will be sued of sexual harassment in this situation no matter how much thought is put into it, Tooi felt as if he was he was the one endlessly sexually harassed.

1 year ago, during the time he travelled with Laila, there were many times he witness her 17 year old naked body due to accidents but, her charm right now could not even compare to before.

She grew, matured making her body polished glamorously.

“What’s wrong, Tooi. How giving your thoughts on this?”


Tooi nodded and slowly observed her body carefully,

“You kind of……gotten meaty”

He mumbled that.

He was serious as if he had fully thought about it.

It was not sarcasm nor was it an insult; he had actually planned to praise her in his own way.

Actually, Laila’s body got meatier compared to 10 years ago. It definitely did not meant [Fat] but, it looks like flesh ratio got a bit better.

In slightly substituting the smooth and tight skin texture, she gained the highest quality of fitness and fluffiness; something like that kind of expression.

Anyways, to Tooi, the word [Meaty] is a sort of praise and it is his honest expression from the joyful emotion that was created when he received the [Laila Special Hold] skill.

However, he did not know it.

He did not know that the word [Meaty], would become an discriminative insult no different from [Fatass] and [Pig], depending on how the female takes it -----



Laila smiled quietly.

That smile was so scary it would give anyone the chills.

She got off her bed silently and walked off while in her underwear.

“Eh……H-hey Laila? Where are you going looking like that?”

“Isn’t it obvious? I am going to shout as loud as possible outside my room and cry out that I was stripped by you when I was sleeping”

“You trying to kill me!?”

“Fufufu….Fuhahahaha. That’s right. I’ll even add in the fact that I was drugged yesterday. Just you wait, Tooi. I’ll establish the fact that you are a perverted maniac that has a fetish of raping females when they are asleep”

“There should be a limit on fabricating the truth!? I don’t have any fetishes on raping females when they are asleep! Rather, I would prefer the opposite and have the female sneak in when I am the one asle----, No, forget that forget that. Anyway wait for me Laila!”

Tooi has no clue what he did wrong but, he desperately tried to stop Laila to protect his social status and his dignity.


A few hours after the commotion when she woke up.

Laila Schut was walking in the central HQ’s corridor.

With her military uniform worn neatly, her appearance when she’s striding around with her chest puffed out, had the majesty and dignity suitable for someone with the status of a commissioned officer.

However in her case, the more she walked around with her chest puffed out, her already huge breasts looks even flashier.

(Meaty….Aah, I get pissed off each time I remember that)

Laila’s insides were boiling in anger when she recalled the events in the morning.

She had already separated from Tooi who came out from the mansion with her.

Both of them had different matters after the afternoon today. Laila prepared a carriage to attend a conference in the military and Tooi accompanied her half-way there.

(Seriously, I can only describe his lack of delicacy as pathetic!)

Laila was violently enraged.

She’s completely playing innocent after all the sexual harassment she has done.

(In the first place, I am still 26 you know!? I am not drooping from old age……n-nope I am not, I think. I’m not right? Unn, it’s wrong……..right?)

Laila Schut is fundamentally arrogant and haughty and is usually filled with confidence but, as a maiden, she had no choice but to feel skeptical about her own age.

Ever since he reunited with Tooi Cross after 10 years, that trend turned especially stronger.

Tooi who has not changed much at all from before and herself after aging 10 years.

It’s only impossible to not worry about the difference.

Even though she’s military commissioned officer at a young age, she is still a woman.

(I-it’s true that……….i got flabbier compared to before……Ever since I left the site after working in the central, I have done nothing but mental labor and have not been exercising lately……..)

Uuumu, Laila was seriously in thought.

She confirmed her flesh condition by touching her waist and butt before “Hey it’s still okay, no but being careless will be deadly to me”……….thinking that. ---it was at that moment,


She encountered a man when she turned the corner.

It’s a young man with a tall lean body. He’s wearing the Empire’s military uniform but, the buttons were not put in place and was worn messily. His facial features are well arranged but, he’s eyes are annoyingly narrow.

Laila noticed that he was the one letting out those loud yawns.

“Oh hey there, why if it isn’t major general Schut. Long time no see”

He talked to her in a friendly manner. His expression and voice was gentle and cheerful but, he won’t direct his narrow eyes towards Laila. It was directed towards the light black leather cover notebook in his hands.

“…….Yes, it’s been a long time. Mister Cougar”

Laila’s expression when she replied back was obviously stiff.

That’s the result from somehow subduing the disgust from flowing out.

(Aah…….i see. This man is attending today’s conference too)

To Laila when rising in the military, [Creating expressions] [Hiding her true intentions] is a daily action to her. Sometimes she made a satisfied smile. Sometimes she gets tears by acting in grief. She could freely control her expression to skillfully create human relations.

But even for that Laila, she is unable to perfectly control her expression when it comes to confronting this man in front of her.

She just can’t stop the insuppressible disgust and hatred from oozing out.

The only [Tactician] of the Empire’s military.

That occurs each time she bumped into Astarot Cougar.

“Fuaaaa. Oh sorry. Iyaaa, actually, I didn’t sleep much yesterday. I think I only slept about 2 hours. This is seriously tough. Aah………I envy free people. I am always given jobs to do so I don’t have any free time at all”


“Of course for Military work, I am being chased from my writing profession recently. It’s that, you know that. It’s the so called [Deadline]. Ah, sorry sorry. It’s a feeling that people that has not experienced it will not understand. I said it according to my feeling”


“Should I be happy or said…..oh how problematic, looks like its being sold again, my novel. It’s about time to take a break so, I prayed in my mind [Don’t sell well now] but……….it’s being sold like hotcakes again. I was pestered to continue and now I’m busy. It would be so nice if it didn’t sell well………oops, no good. Saying that sounds kind of like sarcasm. In the world, there’s a mountain full of authors having problems bringing food to the table”


“Even I am often told that I talk too much. Even though I know it’s not good, my true thoughts just can’t help coming out from my mouth. I’m bad with annoying indirect actions like being humble or saving face. Because of that, I end up quarreling with my surroundings……..but, I can’t help it. Because, it’s just who I am”


So annoying.

Laila maintained her force smile and desperately concealed her true thoughts.

He’s the same-----no, Astarot Cougar is more annoying than usual.

(……..I wish this man would die from some kind of funny disease)

Honestly, Laila hates this man.

Rather than calling it hate, it’s more like physiological rejection.

She cannot cooperate with him at all. She hates everything about him. She does not like his overly self-conscious personality at all. It feels like she would get rashes just looking at him.

Anyways; she completely rejects the human known as Astarot but, the reason why Laila hates him was not only because the incompatibility of their personality.

Even in their current status in the military, to Laila, Astarot is an existence like a bump above her eyes.

“So it looks like Mister Cougar is attending today’s conference too”

“Yep. I was kind of requested to. It’s my bad habit to be unable to reject requests. Honestly, I hate things like meetings and discussions. I just can’t help to feel that a group of humans quarrelling endlessly is just a waste of time. Oh you know, I am the type that likes to decide what I want to do”

I don’t fucking know, she swallowed down those words.

“It can’t be helped. Mister Cougar is a talented tactician that the Empire’s military is proud of. Everyone is asking for your opinion”

She gave him a polite compliment.


Such a position did not original exist in the Arludea Empire’s military.

Astarot was a vagrant from another country and lost his way into this country about 10 years ago.

Apparently he was originally living at a nearby village as a [inventor]. The first princess laid eyes on his after observing him to have unique calculative abilities and his special innovative skills before moving him to the imperial capital. Ever since then, he became a supporter of a faction led by the 1st princess and is deeply related to politics and military strategies.

Conclusively speaking – Astaroth is terrifyingly talented.

He has come up with many inventions that would replace existing inventions, suggests several useful strategies, and contributed a lot to the Empire’s military. That talent did not stop only in the military; it has even appeared in all fields such as engineering, architecture, literature, music and art.

After the defeat of the Demon king, basically after Tooi Cross defeated the Demon King Hadar, this man could be described as the one that contributed the most to the Empire until today for 10 years.

With his achievements all acknowledged, the emperor gave Astaroth the title of 1st generation [Tactician].

He would not be controlled by feudal nobles and Military ranks, and would use his free status to give advice/meddle with domestic affairs – this is the special privilege given to the tactician Astorot Cougar.

(……What a messed up success story)

Laila cursed him in her mind.

Even though she grabbed the status of general at a young age of mid-twenties, she felt really irritated and pissed at Astarot’s evident joy of his status which is higher than hers when they are the almost at the same age.

Although Laila is a daughter of Arludea’s prided grand noble – The Schut family, the status which she reached by fully using her house’s authority, was easily obtained by a foreign wanderer only with his own knowledge. It’s only normal that this wasn’t amusing to her.

“Is Major general Schut attending today’s conference too?”


“Now this is joyful. If Major general Schut attends, it will probably end fast. In the higher ups of the Military, I think someone like you is able to keep up to my level”

So annoying.

Laila killed those emotions and made an ambiguous smile. This is the only man Laila’s knows of that would make her so disgusted even though she praised him this much.

His ultimately annoying personality and ridiculous talent.

That’s the reason why Laila is disgusted with Astarot.

“Ah. Now that I think about it, Major general Schut, how’s the 2nd generation doing?”

While looking down at his note, Astoroth asked her as if he recalled that.

2nd generation is referring to Tooi Cross who is currently living in Laila’s house.

He is being referred with titles such as [2nd generation] and [Tooi Cross’s successor].

Of course he’s the hero that defeated the Demon King – basically the same person as the 1st generation but, in order to explain about him who has not aged for various reasons; it was easier to say that he is the 2nd generation instead.

“Even though you asked how……I can only say that he is normal. Just like the 1st generation, he is living in my house. The Deity of [Violent Wind] Ryura Vega is obediently obeying him for the time being”

“That is excellent. But how should I put this……….Major general Schut really is lucky huh. Following with 10 years ago, you added a man that can use the Deities power under your control again. You’re really lucky”

“No no. My luck cannot be compared to Mister Cougar’s”

“I wish you would teach me how to get it. Aah…….but, is it a fun method that males can’t do? If that’s the case then I would like you to teach me that on the bed”

“I’ll take up that offer anytime you want. I think the newspaper reporters would be happy to write an article about the lower half condition of the Empire’s military genius tactician, Astarot Cougar”

Laila responded in a familiar manner to his sarcasms and sexual harassment but, Astorat smiled and pointed towards her before.

“You pass. That’s nice. Things won’t be interesting for me if you don’t reply as much”

He said that.

It’s pretty obvious that killing intent was boiling inside Laila’s chest.

“Well, regardless, this is really interesting. 10 years has passed since Tooi Cross disappearance and a Deity knight that self-proclaimed himself to be the 2nd generation appeared again. Let’s watch what that young man would bring us shall we”

While saying that happily, Astaroth lowered his sights to the note-like object at his hand. He then used the fingers on his other hand to touch the opened notebook many times.

“………I have been wondering this from before but, what meaning does that action holds, Mister Cougar?”

Astarot is always walking around with his small black leather notebook. Whenever he moves, whenever he talks to others, there were many times his sights were directed to that notebook. It’s not like he’s writing on it and sometimes; he would draw cross-like signs on it with his fingers.

“Hn? Aah, you don’t have to worry about this. It’s kind of like a ritual”

“A kind of ritual…….?”

“it’s a religious act told in my hometown. In that country, regardless if we are in a meal or moving around, many people would touch their [Holy book] on their hands with their fingers. It’s weird right?”

“……That’s true”

“But, the people there are not aware of this and won’t question this. That’s basically what you call a group and the same time a country---well then. While we are having this idle chat, I guess it’s about time”

After Astarot finished touching his [Holy book], he closed it and put it into his military uniform’s pocket.

“Can I expect something from you for today’s conference, Major general Schut? That’s because the top for today, is your beloved problems regarding the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses]”

As if to provoke her, or maybe as if to test her, Astarot told her.

“The Deity of [War Empress] – Zesca Aldebaran. The weapon shop built by that deity has grown to a level where he can no longer ignore it. I wonder how you and the 2nd generation Tooi Cross would settle this problem……….”


Part 2

“Hnaa~~ But you know Too-kun~~”

The lowest floor of the underground basement of the Imperial capital’s first prison.

Living a lazy life inside the prison, La Shii Fomalhaut let out a characteristic yawn while opening her mouth tiredly.

“I feel kind of complex if you come over to meet me this casually, just because you live nearby~~”

“It’s okay right? I feel like seeing your face”

“You know~~ I want to stay on the position of the last boss. I want Too-kun to fight, fight; fight and fight………get really really strong and would come to challenge the strongest enemy, which is me, kind of like that? That’s why, I kind of~~ feel that everything is messed up if you come over so care freely even though there’s nothing important to discuss”

“I knew you were going to think like that so I came here to play since I am free”

“Aah~~ I see~~. Now that’s one loss. Ahaha~~ I knew it, Too-kun is interesting”

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After accompanied Laila to the Central HQ, the place Tooi headed to after getting off the horse carriage half-way was the Imperial capital’s 1st prison where La Shii is living in.

Originally, this place needs several piles of documents to attend to but, since Tooi is well known in the military as the [2nd Generation], he was about to enter the last floor with a face pass.

The Deity of [Time & Space] – La Shii Fomalhaut.

It might be hard to believe from her carefree actions, words and her appearance which can only as be seen as a young girl but, within the deities that possesses tremendous power, she’s the owner of a power that is on another dimension compared to them.

Everyone accepts the fact that she’s the strongest Deity within the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses].

However, since she has terrifyingly lazy personality which is on contrary to her power, she is not active now and is indulging in a life where she sleeps every day.

Days ago, Tooi and La Shii reunited after 10 years with Laila guiding him here.

He received the Zodiac from her and they made a vow to fight with a wager to have their ass licked.

Roughly speaking, they parted with a tension that is kind of like [I will definitely defeat you].

Despite all that, Tooi was currently visiting her naturally.

There was no particular reason for this.

He came over because he wanted to see her face. Able to do something this naturally is the personality of the man called Tooi Cross.

Both of them were inside a cage playing chess. There were various toys in the prison where La Shii lives because of her selfishness.

This chess game started with no particular reason but……….the contents were all crude.

“Alrighty. Okay, Too-kun, checkmate~~”

“No that’s a lie. The knight can’t move there”

“Eh~~ It can’t move like this?”

“………should be”

“Oh let it slide. My knight is a special case~~”

“If that’s the case then, I’m going for castling. Changing the position of pawn and king”

“Eh~~. What’s that, that’s cheating~~”

“It’s not cheating. I am sure that there’s a rule like this in the book. The Book is a manga called [The grand adventures of Dai]”

“Then I change position with Too-kun. Rotating the chess board~~”

“Uwaah, what are you doing, Shii. Aaah, the pieces all fell”

“It’s okay its okay. You just have to put it back out once it falls~~. Just like life”

“Don’t think everything will sound deep if you reference it to life. Oh well. Let’s make a simple fix”

A game between players that have no proper knowledge of the rules, looks boring and messed by a viewer’s perspective but, both of them were having quite fun.

The board is slowly filled with chaos by the hands of 2 novices, and finally they pilled the chess pieces high up and started playing a game similar to Shogi Jenga.

“Now that I think about it, Shii”

While moving the chess pieces without making any noise, Tooi said that.

“I heard this from Alua-chan today but, there is a Deity knight other than me. Something about a former captain of the Empire’s military”

“Hnnn? What, is Too-kun worried about that?”

“A bit”

“Too-kun really is greedy~~. Or calling you flirtatious is more proper here? Even though you have us, you still want more Deities?”

“Not that. I am just wondering about the Deity that person made a contract with. Shii, do you know that Deity?”

“Un~~. Well, I met her several times before I guess~~.

“Fuun. I see”

Tooi nodded and fell into thought.

The Deity of [Celestial poles] – Ilum Elta Sirius.

He heard a little bit of that Deity and the contractor Sachs Hayern from Laila when they were in the horse carriage----


“It means that there are people that do not fight for their desires and ambition with their lives like you and me”

Why did that Hayern quit being a captain? In response to Tooi’s simple question, Laila looked at the passing buildings outside the carriage and answered him uninterested.

“The former captain Hayern took a huge jump in success ever since he made a contract with a Deity but, he apparently thought this half-way through his success. [It’s stupid to work in the military since I have this power]”


“After that, Hayern ignored the voices from his surroundings and immediately quit the military. With the condition that he would stand on the front lines during important matters, he ripped off money and land from the Empire and is having a whimsical leisure vacation around the south border”

“…………Can they even overlook such a crazy story?”

“The power of the Deities is the reason why this crazy story is overlooked”

Laila spat those words out.

“To him, rather than gaining social status or authority, living a life of self-indulgence every day is more important to him”

Tooi was dumbfounded.

(…….It’s kind of like the feeling of winning 3 billion yen from lottery so it’s okay to quit the company I worked in, like that?)

It’s not like Tooi could not understand this story since he has no interest in authority too.

If he can gain money without working, then there’s no need to work. If he has no fixation with social status and his social appearance then, he can devote his life for his hobbies.

(I can understand him----but)

But, he just can’t accept this once he thinks about the money provided to him is the money contrive by the Military organization which is formed by the public’s tax money.

“………..Hey wait a second Laila. If he promised to move when there is an important matters, then what about the problem Ryura caused the other day? Isn’t that called an important matter”

“We called for him many times. But, he refused with many excuses”

“……….He had no intentions to fight right?”

“That might be the case. But, we can’t do anything. If he go on a rampage in worst case scenario and revolt to other countries then it would be a problem. Things will be fine if we can keep him satisfied with a little money. It’s a fortune that we can make a clear decision that, Sachs Hayern is a boring man with no ambition and aspiration”

In contrary to her words, Laila was disgusted.

Laila has a grand goal to reach the top of the Military and is wholeheartedly striving towards that goal without being picky about her methods, from that Laila’s perspective, she has a viewpoint that completely rejects Sachs Hayern’s lifestyle because he desire the stability of his life through authority.


“Former captain Hayern’s thoughts……..Well, it’s not like don’t understand him”

Tooi said that while looking at La Shii and quietly moving the chess piece.

“What I don’t understand is about Ilum Elta Sirius. Why would that deity make a contract with a talentless and goalless man like him…….”

“Who knows~~. It’s useless to try to think about I-tan’s actions. She’s quite a weird one after all. I don’t know what she thinks about at all~~”

“……..Look who’s talking”

“Ahaha~~. That’s true~~”

Shii laughed.

“Well, since I don’t know what I-tan thinks about, I think it will be useless no matter how much Too-kun thinks about --- so, Too-kun should only think about the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses] without trying to cheat on us okay?”

La Shii slightly opened her sleepy eyes.

“It’s about time they settled information about Ze-tan right?”

“……….As usual, that’s one heck of a devil’s ear you have. Aah, that’s right. Laila is called to the Central HQ because of that matter. They are deciding the future policies in today’s conference”

“How annoying~~. Ze-tan is making a big commotion so her whereabouts is already known right~~? Then why not just head there alone, convince/fight her? Too-kun already made a contract with Ryu-ran so, you have no reason to borrow the Empire’s power anymore right~~?”

It’s true that he knows where Zesca is.

There was no need to look for her, she’s a well-known existence since she opened a company under her name and is boldly conducting a business.

If he uses Ryura’s power, it’s possible to fly straight to Zesca’s current living spot – the HQ of Aldebaran company.


“I can’t do something that thoughtless”

Tooi said that”

“The [Nebulosa12 Goddesses] will remain a monster if I do that”

Right now in the Renous continent, the name Tooi Cross holds the 2 meanings of hero and criminal.

That’s because many of the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses] he let go is causing trouble in the continent.

Because of that, there are many damages caused by the Deities so, the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses] are also treated as criminals by many humans just like how they treat Tooi.

No - it’s much simpler to think them as this since they are not human.

And that’s, Monsters.


La Shii was a little silent but, she immediately let out her usual slow smile.

“What are you saying, Too-kun. We are, monsters. We live how we want and the humans that see that would worship us as [God~~] when it’s convenient to them, and once it becomes inconvenient they will start fearing us as [Monster~~]. That’s it~~”

“Aah, I know. But—I hate that”


If Tooi cleared all the unstandardized problems the Deities are causing around the continent by borrowing the powers of the Deities he made contracts with, then what will the world think?

Tooi’s name might spread out as a hero again. The 2nd generation Tooi might be set up as a new hero.

But, the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses]’s name will still be covered in dirt.

As the [Monsters that would have done who knows what, if not for Tooi Cross] they would probably be exposed to the world as the target of fear and target.

They might be treated as monsters like now or even worse.

That’s why-----

“I want to make you all obey me by using positive means as much as possible.

“…….So that’s possible if you have Laila’s help?”

“Yeah. If Laila stands at the top of the military then the military’s thoughts will change too. Once the Military’s thoughts change, the nobles and citizens will slowly change their thoughts too”


“Well, it’s [As much as possible] of course. I will refuse if the order is too improper and I would probably be their enemy if I don’t like it. Well, it’s not like everyone is our ally but, there are people like Laila and Alua-chan in the military that would understand----“

“----That’s your ego, Too-kun”

La Shii said that.

She made a cruel smirk as if she was scorning him.

She opened her eyes with a glare and emitted a special pressure.

“We don’t feel anything about being treated as monsters by humans. We don’t want humans to like us nor do we want to blend into human society. We are not going to stay quiet if you do something like that for your own self-satisfactions you know?”

“I know. All of this is my ego – but, I’ll have this ego pass”

Tooi did not back off from her overwhelming gaze and bravely replied back.

“I just know. There are no one the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses] comfortable being treated like a monster. There might be some that hates humans but, there is no one that is happy about being hated by humans”

“…..You sound as if you know what you say”

“Let me say at least this”

Tooi said this.

“I am the man that will make you obey me once more”


After Tooi Cross left, La Shii did not move from her spot for a while.

Her eyes were closed but she wasn’t sleeping.

She was carefully pondering.

About the opponent that she faced just now with the board in between them.

About the master who she used to obey.

“……I knew it, Too-kun sure is interesting~~”

La Shii slightly opened her eyes and mumbled to herself.

“He is just so weird~~. After all, he is thinking of trying to protect us for a mere human ~~”

He’s trying to protect the inhuman Deities who are possessors of tremendous powers.

It just like helping a shy little girl who is not fitting inside the circle.

On contrary to the many of people who are desperately extending their hands for the existence known as the Deities, to use their powers for their own goals ---- he was extending his hands to the Deities.

“Is he a big shot, or a simply an idiot, or maybe………greedy to the point it’s helpless. No matter what it is, this is interesting~~. I just can’t get bored watching him – You think so to right?”


La Shii said that.

With her eyes sleepy, without being bewildered even for an instant, she naturally said that name.

The word [Tan] is La Shii’s way of respect. She would only call inhuman beings equal to her – the Deities [Tan] to show her respect to them.

“----I see that you noticed me. La Shii Fomalhaut”

A voice.

A quiet and magical voice echoed from everywhere.

Immediately, the outline of a female slowly appeared from a supposedly empty space.

It’s a petite girl in a dense colored robe.

She has arranged facial features that looked like a delicately made doll but, since both her eyes were covered with a wide eye patch, it’s impossible to see her eyes.

With that outfit and both her eyes closed, she gives off a mysterious impression to people who see her. It’s a young woman that has an otherworldly appearance that does not seem real.

She stood at where Tooi was at just now and was looking down at La Shii.

Though with that said, since both her eyes were covered by the eye patch, [Looking down] might not be the right expression here.

“Of course I noticed~~. Who do you think I am? Long time no see~~ Mi-tan”

The deity that appeared in front of La Shii was one of the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses] that used to obey the same man.

The Deity of [All-knowing] – Minami Acrux

It’s the Deity that rules wisdom and the future and is told to be able to predict everything in this world.

“Or what, should I call you the 1st pope of the holy land of Sazaria?”

“Apparently, the news about Tooi coming back was true”

Minami did not answer La Shii’s question and plainly continued on.

“I came over after I heard a rumor that there’s a successor to his power but………as expected, it was Tooi in person”

“Information reaches you fast~~. Aah, iyaa……….should I be praising Laila-chi’s information scattering ability? Apparently, spreading a rumor like this was one of their plans to have our contracts reestablish”

“Reestablish our contract…..Fuun. How stupid”

Her tranquil yet strict voice was slightly filled with anger.

“Just when I thought he appeared after 10 years……………to think he was thinking about something like that. So the powers of us Deities, was that dear to him”

“Hnn~~, that’s a part of the reason but, that isn’t all. The reason why Too-kun wants us is not to [Use] us, it’s to [Protect] us It seems”

“Regardless which one, it’s annoyance to me. The reason why I lend my hand to Tooi 10 years ago was because I [Saw] a future with that young man defeated Hadar. Now that the existence disrupting the world’s peace is gone, there’s no reason for me to accompany his self-satisfactions”

“That’s true~~. Everything is Too-kun’s self-satisfactions. But, fully aware that everything is just self-satisfaction and working boldly serious to fulfill that self-satisfaction, that’s just Tooi”

“You look like you are enjoying this, La Shii”

Minami said that. In response, La Shii smiled.

“I am having fun~~. I am having really fun now that Too-kun came back”

An endless innocent curiosity was shown in her half-opened eyes.

Like a pure child chasing after a butterfly for fun, or, a pure child that pulled the wings of a butterfly for fun.

“Is Mi-tan happy that Too-kun came back?”

“I am happy --- obviously not”

Minami arrogantly said that. Her voice was as cold as ice.

“Like I said just now, it’s an annoyance”

“Oh how anti-social~~. Speaking of Mi-tan, you’re the creator of the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses]”


Without replying back, Minami faced her back to La Shii.

“In these 10 years, the foundation of my ideal country is about to be completed. I won’t stand quiet if he does something unnecessary”

“After all, the current Mi-tan is the highest leader of the state although it’s a small country~~. You’ve been working hard for these past 10 years too…….well, I sympathize with your motives”

“La Shii. If you meet Tooi again – Tell him, that the holy land of Sazaria is my dream country I created. If you plan on destroying my [Worldcountry], then I will be ruthless”

“If I remember~~”

Minami’s figure slowly disappeared deep away from the prison. The same time the sounds of the stone floor tapping disappeared, her figure was completely gone.


Having left alone, La Shii let out a loud yawn.

“I think I talked too much today so I am tired now~~. I think I talked for at least 1 month so, I guess I’ll sleep for 1 month”

With crawling movements, she wrapped herself in her favorite blanket and rolled on the bed. A comfortable sleeping sound started to appear after a few seconds.

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This world is definitely moving thanks to the return of Tooi Cross.

Is it to settle the chaos.

Or --- Is it to destroy the stability.

What is the Deity of [Time & Space] La Shii Fomalhaut, thinking about the situation with Tooi and the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses], or maybe she’s not thinking of anything.

The only thing that’s certain is that her sleeping face is extremely cute.

Part 3

Right when Tooi came back to the Schut house, the scene he saw was Laila face flat onto her office table which is suitable with the 4 letter word *Slump*.

“………Hey, Alua-chan? What’s going on here?”

“Onee-chan has been like this ever since she got back……..someone she disliked attended today’s conference and that’s the reason why she got tired. Apparently, she got involved with that person one way or another during the conference.”

“Fuuun? There’s someone Laila dislike? There are a lot of people that’s apparently disliking Laila though…….Ouch”

A pen thrown over from the office table hit his head. Even though she is tired, it’s so like Laila to not miss insults towards her.

Alua continued explaining to Tooi who was patting his head.

“Does Tooi Onii-chan know of Astarot Cougar-san?”

“I heard of his name only. He’s the only tactician of the Empire if I am correct”

That’s the name he heard several times when he walked in the city.

It’s a name he does not know when he was summoned to another world last time but – after 10 years, he became so famous that there’s no one in the imperial capital that does not know of his name.

“Laila. Do you dislike him?”

Laila slightly nodded when he asked her.

“Why do you dislike him?”

“…….because he’s annoying”

Laila quietly insulted him before closing her mouth. Looks like her mental state was driven to the corner. Just what kind of man is Astarot Cougar to weaken Laila who has an extremely thick skin and is mentally brash, to this extent.

“Alua-chan, is he really that annoying?”

“Who knows………I don’t often talk to him. Judging by his achievements, he is an excellent person though. His efforts are shown in several other fields other than being a Tactician. For example……….oh yeah, the motorbike was developed under Cougar-san’s idea”

The motorbike is a vehicle newly developed in the Imperial capital a few years ago.

The shape is extremely similar to the motorbike in Tooi’s previous world. But since the fuel is Spirit energy and not gasoline, only people who are skilled in Spirit tech can use it and what’s more since it’s expensive, it’s still not spread out to the public.

“What’s next……..his activities as a writer are magnificent. He brought out many best sellers”

“Hee, it’s an amazing guy then”

“He also wrote many novels with Tooi Onii-chan as the main character. Rather, Cougar-san was the first person who started writing about Tooi Onii-chan and the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses] bringing it to the spotlight. So basically, he’s the instigator of the Tooi Cross fad in recent years”

It seems that the existence of [Tyrant Slayer] who defeated the Demon king was a hot topic for all the literature lovers and many creations with Tooi as the theme was published within these 10 years.

Apparently, Astarot Cougar was the pioneer of that fad.

(………….Should I feel happy or embarrassed or disappointed)

Tooi felt complex.

Since the novel with him as the main character was written interesting to the point it became a best seller, well he feels blessed to be the inspiration for tit but------Don’t make me the model by your own accord, rather give me a little bit of the money; he felt that.

Negative and positive about the talented man, was mixing inside Tooi but,

“His latest creation is an original series with setting of Tooi Cross as a female----“

“So that’s the bastard who wrote the female version of me!?”

The moment the impactful truth was confirmed, his heart was immediately colored in hostility.

“I understand Tooi Onii-chan’s feelings. At first even I felt, what’s with this disgusting setting? But when I tried reading it, it was unexpectedly interesting----“

“I am the person in concern so I feel even sicker! Forget that, Alua-chan………are you reading it?”

“I am a big fan of Cougar-san after all. I’ve read all of his works”

*Mufuun* Alua puffed her chest proudly.

Now that she mentioned it, she’s a [Tooi Cross] maniac. She’s really knowledgeable about pictures and literature related to Tooi.

“There are many novels with Tooi Onii-chan as the main character but………..within them, I like Cougar-sensei’s works the best. How should I put this, it feels like he understand Tooi Onii-chan the best”

“……….a guy that turned me into a girl?”

“N-no, it’s not something surface like that, it’s more like, how he written Tooi Onii-chan’s deep view point and views of life, was very good and-----“

“---Don’t read that guy’s book”

An extremely unhappy voice.

Laila finally raised her body from the desk and glared at Alua.

“Books written by a disgusting man like that are obviously rubbish”

“Mu……….don’t say that, Onee-chan. A writer’s personality is not related to how interesting the product becomes”

Alua defended her favorite author but, she has no intentions to defend the writer’s personality.

“So, how’s today’s conference, Laila? Did we get permission to raid Aldebaran company?”

After Tooi asked her, the revived Laila silently nodded.

“We finally settled it. Tooi, Alua. I’ll have you two leave for Istar tomorrow or as soon as possible”

Istar is the name of a village located at the northern side of the Empire.

It’s the village closest to Aldebaran’s company HQ.

“It became clear that the weapons from [Wings of crimson light] were supplied from that company. The higher ups finally decided to lift their ass”

The military fundamentally don’t intervene with businesses with the civilians. Of course, regardless of how many collusions and consultations are done, they require a great cause to publically intervene.

Even if it’s a weapon shop created by an inhuman Deity, if there are customers paying and the business is done legally then------Tooi, who’s affiliated to the Empire’s military by name, can’t do anything to interfere.

The situation is different if the company is assisting the rebellion which is threatening the country.

“The reason why we got permission…….is it perhaps the commotion that occurred during the morning?”

“Good guess. That’s right. It’s thanks to a certain someone doing a good job catching the people from the [Wings of crimson light] that escaped the guards”

“Heeeh. I guess we have to thank that certain someone huh”

“………Eh? Eh? Eh? Wha-what does that mean?”

Tooi made a simple explanation because a question was brought out beside him.

“Alua-chan. How did the people escape the guards this morning?”

“That’s………I heard that they pulled out their assassination tool hidden in their stomach and use it as a medium to activate their [Ray Alma] when the guards were not paying attention and scattered into the city………..”

“Yes, that’s correct. Changing questions --- Can Alua-chan activate the [Ray Alma] with an assassination tool?”


Alua finally noticed.

A weapon is definitely needed to be used as a medium to activate the [Ray Alma].

Choosing the medium requires many important factors such as the Spirit’s compatibility and the practitioner’s skills.

The weapon’s material and killing factors are of course important but, factors other than the practicality like the designs such as the shape and ornaments are important too.

It’s preferred if the weapon is more solemn, splendor, and elegant.

If the weapon possesses both efficiency and appearance, it will be able to bring out the Spirit’s maximum power and it’s possible to materialize a stronger [Ray Alma].

However on the other hand, weapons focused on the design – for example assassination tools focused mainly on concealment; many Spirits do not like them and it’s not suited for the [Ray Alma].

“I just thought they were quite skilled but……”

“That possibility is there but, judging by the [Wind] that touched them, they were not a big deal. Which means, there is only one possibility. The medium they used – even though it’s a lame looking assassination tool, it’s still a weapon that still has [Class]”

It’s an impossible territory to reach no matter how much the human tries to reach.

But, if it’s Zesca who is crowned with the name [Weapon Empress], it’s possible for her to create weapons that transcend human knowledge.

“The captured people have not spilled the beans but…….it’s a matter of time now. If that’s the case, it’s better if you all move as fast as possible. A weapon shop that does not choose it’s customers, is no different to a criminal organization to the country”

Laila said it as if to give up.

Tooi raised his face and looked over to the Arludea Empire’s map decorated in the room.

“Istar huh………..It’s probably easy to live there in this season”

“Tooi Onii-chan, you went to Istar before?”

“Uun. But, I traveled over there many times around that northern section. Ah, oh yeah. Since we are going to the north, I guess I’ll show up in the Ifnatus”

Tooi thought that and said it.


They are skilled with fighting together with fire Spirits to confront evil Spirits ever since the age of old and would take on occupations such as mercenaries. They are a genuine war tribe filled almost with warriors with excellent battle strength.

The warriors of Ifnatus would fight with special secret spells that only their tribes can use. They would not bring any weapons into the battlefield and would obliterate their enemies with unique techniques; the name Ifnatus is even well known to other countries because of that.

Fighting with heavily guarded secret spells, their battle skills were so powerful that they were authorized to govern themselves even though the village is within Arludea Empire.

The warriors of Ifnatus gave many results even during the Demon king suppression 10 years ago.

“I only went there 2 or 3 times but, I am quite fond of that village. It’s filled with big-hearted and kind people there”

When Tooi went to Ifnatus village, he was given a warm welcome by the prideful warriors there as the Deity knight fighting the Demon king.

He experienced many joint battles with the village warriors when fighting the Demon king’s army.

Even within them – there was one man that has specially remained in his memories.

The Strongest Warrior, who is given the title [Hero] by the chiefs of Ifnatus------

“It’s been 10 years. The children that I used to play with probably grown to my age……Eh?”

After talking about his past memories, Tooi immediately noticed a weird change.

Before he knew it, the room was filled with an indescribable nervousness. Laila was looking down in sorrow and Alua was biting her lips while her shoulders were slightly trembling.

“E-ermm………wha-what happened to you two…..?”

Even though he asked, the heavy silence continued for a while longer.

Soon – Laila opened her mouth.

“Ifnatus was destroyed”

It was a very cold tone.

He can’t feel any warmth from it. It was too plain that, it sounds like a word citation rather than calling it a sentence.

“Eh………What do you mean by destroyed…………”

“3 years ago, the village of Ifnatus officially disappeared. It’s not like there were no survivors but, most of them are dead”

“……..What in the world”

“Internal conflict”

“Internal, conflict……”

“The Empire’s and Ifnatus’s opinions split regarding the rewards from the war with the Demon king 10 years ago. The discussions slowly turned into chaos; both sides were completely antagonizing each other when a group of Ifnatus extremist started terrorizing a government facility. Our goals was to suppress them at first but, it was hard continuing to fight strong Ifnatus warriors, also, since Arludea had no spare strength to continue an unpredictable attritional war – 3 years ago, the Empire Military used its full power, plotted to purge Ifnatus, and annihilated the village”

Laila said it emotionless like she’s reading from a text book.

(……….There’s no longer, a, Ifnatus……..?)

It’s a truth that’s very hard to swallow.

There was a 10 year void that Tooi was not in this world – that is enough time for an internal conflict to occur and end.

“………You’ve got to be kidding, Laila. Something like Ifnatus is destroyed, is that even possible? That village has the strength of a small country you know?”

Ifnatus can be compared to a small scale autonomous region but, it holds many strong warriors.

In the first place, it’s because that using force and the military was too risky that Ifnatus was granted the rights to govern themselves in the Empire.

That’s why; Tooi could not believe the reason why the Empire decided to annihilate them, and the fact that it was actually annihilated.

More importantly----

“…….[Hero]. Yeah, the [Hero]. He should be in Ifnatus right? There’s no way he would quietly let it get annihilated if he’s there”

The memory that resurfaced in his mind was a young man who ran together with him in a battle-filled world 1 year ago.

With the title [Hero] bestowed to him, that Ifnatus warrior is a powerful warrior in a higher class compared to even the warriors of Ifnatus; his strength could even compare to Tooi who commanded the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses].

He’s a prideful warrior loved by everyone in Ifnatus.

To Tooi, the young man who had his back several times, who ran together with him in the battlefield which was side by side with death, was the only existence in this world that he would call [War comrade].

“Him – What was Gilfrain doing!?”

Laila closed her eyes as if to bear with Tooi’s angry shout.

“………..Gilfrain Dulk Lana Merjedra Ifnis”

Laila then slowly opened her eyes.

A cold glint was in her eyes as expected.

“Gilfrain betrayed Ifnatus”



Part 4

Around the Lepia lake south of Arludea Empire.

That area has a warm climate throughout the year and is famous resort area. Lines of resort houses by nobles were built at the lake shore and there’s an entertainment street developed nearby.

A little further away from the best line up of giant luxurious houses, there’s an isolated house.

It’s the house of the former captain of the Empire – Sachs Hayern.

Turning 30 this year, he is a [Government servant] by name but is actually [Unemployed], and is living only by the money provided periodically by the Empire. That lifestyle was not like its luxurious nor was it modest; it’s probably the same standard of living as the citizens living in the Imperial capital.

If there are days where he would sleep the whole day, there would be days where he would spend his time on movies or reading. If there are times he went fishing or hunting, then there are days where he would continuously head to the entertainment street at night.

His lifestyle was not as prosper as a grand noble but it was not to the point where he is poor like commoner.

Sachs enjoyed indulging in that lifestyle.

While being a Deity knight which is historically rare, he was not giving his best for the country, he did not need to cause a revolution in the world and was spending his days idly. In a sense, this is a loss in human resource and might actually be a waste but, he realized that being driven by that sense of duty is the root of all evil in recent years.

Originally a normal solder, he suddenly reached the title of Captain immediately since he was chosen by a Deity.

Proportionate to the status and authority, his responsibilities, restraints and more importantly work load increased.

Sachs felt that this boring lifestyle was stupid and chose his current leisure and carefree life. If he threw away his sense of justice and greed for prestige, this life was the best and he did not need to be troubled by money or time.

Tentatively, he gained periodically income by adding a condition of [I will work anytime the Empire demands me to] but, he can play if off by tricking them with frivolous objections. If someday, his income was cut off, then all he has to do is to leave to another country. Any country would welcome him since he is a Deity knight.

He does not need to aim high, he was not being chased by time, and he is living his days in a slightly extravagant way.

That’s the shape of happiness that the man Sachs Hayern thought up – and currently, he is living in the best happiness that he desired.

And tonight-----

Sachs Hayern died in his house’s bedroom.


His corpse tumbled on the floor of the spacious bedroom.

No – It’s more like charcoal instead of calling it a corpse.

Of course for his hairs and clothes, his flesh and bones were even scorched up. There were no traces of how he looked when he was alive. Most of his body was melted down and a part was turned into ash barely maintaining its shape.

His death was in an instant.

He did not even feel that he was [Dead]. He was scorched to death without any torture while he was imagining the events that he would have with the prostitute that is set to come to his house.

Just how high must the temperature be to cause this kind of phenomenon?

“ --- Fumu. The human species is unexpectedly fragile”

That dull and uninteresting voice was not particularly interested or filled with emotions.

The person standing at the corner of the bed room, mumbled without any care while moving towards the window side. During that, Sachs Hayern who turned into charcoal was brutally stepped on but, the person was not particularly bothered by it.

A white slender arm opened the window. The night wind blowing from outside, scattered the charcoal powder which was caused because it got stepped on.

The person in the room was exposed pale moon light.

It had long black hair flowing down the back, and a red outfit was covering its whole body.

It has the facial features of a neuter beauty, it does not look like a young man but it does not look like a young woman either. There were no emotions on her expression and it had a somewhat doll-like atmosphere.

The Deity of [Celestial Pole] – Ilum Elta Sirius.[2B 4]

Right now, after scorching its master whom it made a contract with to death, the Deity stared at the moon with an unbelievable calm attitude.

“This man was a failure. I did not think that he would be this boring. Since I went through all that trouble to make a contract with you, you should have played something more fun”

Ilum said that in a bored manner.

“So picking someone randomly is a failure. I thought all humans are the same but, unexpectedly, each individual have their own respective personalities. Now then, I hope the next one would be a more amusing one”

While mumbling to itself plainly, Ilum took a step out the window.

“Wait for me – Tooi Cross”

After announcing it towards the moon, the Deity melted into the night and disappeared.

The gentle breeze blows into the room and left a trail of ashes.

Counting Tooi Cross who is a standard exception – Sach Hayern was the only Deity knight in the current Empire.

The curtains of his blissful life suddenly were closed tonight.

It was too fast and was a really sad last act.

However, based on the people’s perspective, he - Sach Hayern who turned into ash believing his [Happiness], died without feeling fear or pain and he did not even need to prepare for his death; in a sense, he might be the happiest man.

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