This was when Tooi Cross was still living as Kurosu Tooi.

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This was when he a common high school student that can be found anywhere, and was living a mundane high school life.

Even he had a [Favorite Artist].

It’s not like he had interest in music and it’s not like was well-informed in the field. He does not know how to distinguish between a guitar and bass and it’s not like he was totally immersed in a particular group or band but, he had a regular interest in his [Favorite Artist].

Hearing it in a CommercialCM and after thinking it was kind of good, he got into watching the PV from video sites; he did not buy the CD but, he would get the best album from a rental shop then put it into his computer and hearing it in his player.

In words, that was all.

Even though it’s his [Favorite artist], it was at that level.

From the people that collect all the CDs and the people who are affiliated with a fan club with an annual fee, they might think that his love isn’t enough – but even so, it did not change the fact that Kuroso Tooi liked that artist.

In his own way, Tooi liked the music made by that artist.

And one day – The artist brought out a song with a completely new taste.

It was rock style until now, and many of them were really rhythmical songs but, the new song was completely ballad and was a quiet and gentle song.

In response to that song, these types of comments were raised between the fans.

“That’s so not ****”

“This isn’t ****”

“I want the music made like how it was before”

Naturally, other fans started raising their voices.

“Don’t go deciding how ***** does this”

“I want to support the new ****”

“I like this ****”

Cutting down this situation, it feels as if the ones showing their disapproval to the new songs are narrow-minded fans and the ones accepting it are the fans with deep love.

However- is that really the case?

It’s because they had strong love that they have times that they want to do the rejection.

There’s no way that being a fan that agrees without any restraints towards what the creation the Artist announces is correct.

If you don’t like it say you don’t like it, as a comment, and as a fan, this might be a way of love.

Kurosu Tooi thought that way.

Accepting everything is not love.

Maybe that’s why? He hated words like [I will love you forever] or [I will follow **** forever] that often comes from specific fans from artists.


---Even though you don’t know what kind of song will come from that artist in the future?

He knows that it’s like quibbling – but even so, blind and fanatic love felt dishonest and it was somehow disgusting for him.

This does not limit for only artists, this goes for authors, manga artists, comedians, sports athletes – and even significant others.

Loving someone regardless of how much small they reduce too, feels kind of off.


“I just – don’t like you Gilfrain”

Tooi just hates the man in front of him and feels disgusted.

Tooi doesn’t even understand why he feels this much anger.

He just – could not bear forgiving this.

The Gilfrain who killed his own tribe members so easily.

The fact that the man that once loved his tribe more than anyone else, felt hatred and completely rejects the changes of his own tribe.

It’s because he loves that he feels hate.

If things changed then abandoning it is love.

Tooi understood Gilfrain viewpoints.

That is why – he must not acknowledge it.

“…….Kuku, this is nice, that’s one heck of a killing intent there, Tooi”

It won’t weird if a normal person faints when confronting Tooi’s killing intent when he is activating his [Deus AlmaDeity Equipment] – Even though he was receiving that, Gilfrain laughed.

He then trusts his right arm forward.

It was Ifnatus’s characteristic arm with a crimson symbol carved on it.

“---Let’s do this, Pheonicia”

The space behind Gilfrain distorted and tremendous heat burst out at the same time.

What appeared there – was a giant bird with burning big wings.

The surrounding temperature increased due to the appearance of the bird covered in divine flames.

The immortal bird Pheonicia.

It’s a super high ranking fire Spirit and the battle Spirit passed down to the Ifnatus’s [Hero] every generation. It’s a legendary spirit bird said to have lived over thousands of years and it’s Spirit status does not lose to Deities.

Having summoned his contract Spirit, Gilfrain raised his right hand up to the sky.

Pheonicia then stopped on top of his arms as if it found a mistletoe.

Immediately, tremendous amounts of Ether and high heat gushed around.

The Spirit with crimson wings disappeared and Gilfrain’s arm changed color to black red at the same time. It was burnt up as if he sacrificed one of his limbs.

This is the Ifnatus Village secret spell that is passed down every generation.

The [Ray AlmaSpirit Equipment] normally requires a weapon to act as a medium but, since they don’t use weapons, they would directly let the Spirit possess one of their limbs. Symbols will be carved onto their arms at a young age and this is a feat only possible by Ifnatus warriors who have put in a long time of special training as if to burn their body.

It has more power than a normal [Ray AlmaSpirit Equipment], the risk is high. In replacement for not using a medium, the burden on their body is large and every of Ifnatus warrior have short lives.

They would not use weapons at all and would literally burn their lives in battle.

That’s is Ifnatus’s honor and pride.

That way of thinking might be prone to being called anachronism and having that viewpoint exterminated might in a sense be inevitable.

“---[EscarlataScarlet flames]”

Abnormal amount of heat and killing intent gushed out from Gilfrain. It was so hot that Tooi might get vaporized if he got recklessly got closer.

There are creaks running everywhere on his black right arm and burning hot flames peaks out from the gaps. Since tremendous heat is closed inside that right arm, it as if lava was at the edge of bursting out from the gaps of the rock.

That black crimson right arm is Ifnatus’s secret spell, and also their pride.

He trusts out that arm and made a fearless smile.

“Well, let’s bring on the celebration, Tooi Cross. This will be one heck of a war”

Immediately after, Gilfrain dashed and faced Tooi straight on.

Hero and hero, a meaningless battle that happened in an unexpected way, began.


Alua immediately returned back to the village after finishing evacuating the people to a safe spot.

She was worried about Tooi – not exactly.

Regarding the fight, honestly speaking she was not worried at all.

Having beaten down 2000 Lectar soldiers hands down, there’s no way Tooi Cross would fall behind some rebellion. Regardless if the enemy possesses Zesca Aldebaran’s weapons, they are not the enemy of the legendary Deity knight that has Zodiac which is equal – no, a weapon in a higher class.

Also, since Ryura and Zesca joined the team, there’s no way Tooi would lose no matter how much he thinks about it. It wouldn’t even be a tough battle.

That’s why the reason why Alua is rushing back to the village is simple for her own gain instead of worrying about Tooi. Regarding the treatment – the arrest and questioning of the defeated [Wings of crimson light], the military officer Alua is more knowledgeable in that field than Tooi.

In other words, this is one of her few chances to have a role.

I will not miss this!

That’s why Alua hurried back to the village but----

“Wha…What is this…….!?”

She felt 2 unordinary presences when she got back to the village entrance.

A solemn wave and burning heat.

Both great force is conflicting each other and violently clashing.

She knows that one of them is Tooi Cross.

But, who is the other person?

Who is this person that is displaying a power equal to Tooi Cross---

“…..What-what is happening……..?”

“It’s Gilfrain”

Ryura who was given the role to defend the village and the villagers like Alua was the one that answer the question. With gentle yes, she was looking towards the clash of the 2 powers.

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“Gi-Gilfrain…….!? When you said Gilfrain, you mean THE Gilfrain!?”

Ifnatus’s [Hero].

The person that made [Tyrant Slayer] Tooi Cross say [He might have been the one who would have defeated the [Demon King], if It weren’t me]

“Wh-why…….why is that person here……..forget that, why is he fighting Tooi Onii-chan!? Don’t tell me, he got attacked!?”

“You’re mistaken. Apparently – Tooi was the one who picked a fight with him”

Tooi started it?

Ryura plainly told Alua who was having trouble understanding.

“This is a rare occasion; it looks like Tooi is angry”


“No……rather than angry, I think it’s correct to say that he’s irritated”

Ryura placed her hand on her chest and said this.

“Since I am in contract state, Tooi’s emotions are also told to me. It’s just a little though. Tooi is currently……really irritated. Apparently Gilfrain’s way of life is overlapping with his own and he is desperately struggling against it”

“Eh……..? Wh-what do you mean?”

“Tooi most likely wants to accept things that have changed. The power to reject change, and the weakness to not accept change………..he’s trying to found out which is correct inside his mind”

After mumbling and agreeing to herself, Ryura took a step forward.


“My master wishes to fight. I must hasten to join in”

Leaving that sentence, the Deity of [Violent Wind] turned into the wind and vanished.

Left alone, Alua could only feel the battle of another dimension from far away.


The swung down great sword and trust out right arm clashed and a sword to sword locking situation occurred. Expressing [Sword to sword locking] when it’s a sword clashing against an arm might be a mistake in the first place.

Both of their powers rivals each other.

Tooi could not push forwards no matter how much strength her pours in. Forget that, he feels as if he’s going to get pushed back if he relaxes even by a little.

Their strengths are almost equal in comparison.

But, Tooi was suffering not only from the opponent’s power, but also from that abnormal heat.

Gilfrain’s [EscarlataScarlet flames] allows him to be covered in ultra-high heat that can vaporize everything he touches. Tooi was able to endure it thanks to the [Deus AlmaDeity Equipment] but, his stamina is getting exhausted in close distance.

Tooi purposely undo his swordsmanship and took distance from his opponent to switch his posture.

Several streams of sweat were drooping down his forehead.


Tooi could grasp his opponent’s strength level just by one sword clash.

Gilfrain is on a different level compared to 10 years ago.

Of course for physical abilities like muscle strength and reach, the heat emitted out from his right arm could not even be compared to what he had 10 years ago. Just how many battlefields did he experience to reach this realm.

The genius boy from 10 years ago did not drown in his own talent; he continued working hard in his training and has grown into a prideful and strong warrior.

(That Gilf, he became so powerful that it’s impossible to believe that it took 10 years……..)

“What is this, Tooi. Did you……..get weaker?”

A completely opposite version of Tooi’s impression came out from Gilfrain’s mouth.

His voice was oozing with slight scorn and mostly disappointment.

“Well, I guess this is it since the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses] isn’t gathered………if possible, I wanted to fight you at full power but……..i guess I can’t ask for luxury!”

The same time Gilfrain finished his sentence, he kicked the ground with those explosive leg strength. His aloft right arm was covered with strong flames and had the heat strong enough to burn down space.

“[EscudoGrand Shield]”

A giant silver shield which is as big as Tooi’s height appeared in front of him. The heavy tank’s charge was blocked by the shield – was what he saw though.


The shield was easily destroyed by Gilfrain’s right arm. The shield which was faithfully recreated like the shield that Zesca Aldebaran once created, was easily destroyed like it was paper.

However – that was the result Tooi aimed for.

Even though it was faithfully recreated, the shield that was created only had its [Appearance] faithfully made and is just a papier-mache that has almost no Ether poured into it.

His goal was to create a giant lance and hide his figure even if it’s for an instant.


When Gilfrain destroyed the shield, Tooi took a big step behind to make distance from the opponent. He instantly then manifested lances – and threw them.

The fired lances sliced through the wind. Without waiting for it to land, Tooi continued creating more lances and threw the lances while moving around in an arc to corner his opponent.

Countless lances approached Gilfrain.

It was an all-direction attack and not possible to dodge – but.

“Hah. How would that work seriously”

Together with an insult, Gilfrain violently increased the flames burning out from his body.

The lances that Tooi threw, instantly melted when it touched those flames. All the lances were melted down by the flames covering him and did not hit their target.

(…….It seriously is an annoying skill)

The armor of flames covering an Ifnatus warrior is a terrifying technique that takes on the role of attack and defense. The gushing ultra-high temperature will burn down every half-hearted attacks.

Nonetheless – not every Ifnatus warriors can put out this crazy out power. It’s because that Gilfrain is doing it that it displays this level of effect.

(What a messed up defense……what’s more)

And the most annoying part about it – is that, his entire abnormal defense is simple just a side effect.

The flames burning out from his body are all caused by side effects.

It’s just high heat leaking out from the right arm that is closing in that abnormal amount of heat.

Gilfrain’s [EscarlataScarlet flames] real worth is in its tremendous attack power.

“!? [EscudoGrand Shield]”

After Tooi immediately refined the shield, a tremendous impact came from behind. Having closed in the gaps with one step, Gilfrain slammed him with his right arm acting as a claw.

“Shield again huh. What an uncreative fellow”

“……….though, I am still stopping you am I right?”

Just like Tooi said, the attack from his right arm was halted by the manifested shield. Unlike just now, this is a shield refined and created with the highest level of Ether. What’s more, this is a shield Zesca made specializing in fire endurance. Even if it’s Gilfrain, there’s no way it would break with just one hit – but.

“It’s a matter of time”

The weight of the opponent’s attack increased. Tooi’s legs got pushed deep into the ground. The burden on his arm supporting the shield turned bigger – and worse of all, the burden on the shield itself was abnormal.

The flames wrapping his arm were slowly melting the shield. Even the shield made by Zesca to block fire attacks, was not able to block Gilfrain’s flames.

After a few seconds, a hole finally opened in the shield.

It was not done by Gilfrain’s right arm instead; it was from the trusting sword that Tooi manifested in his other hand.


Seeing that it was a matter of time that the shield would get destroyed, he immediately made the next move. Using the shield as the blind, he launched a trust to penetrate the shield with his own sword.


The attack that was completely from a blind spot was not predicted even by Gilfrain as expected but, he dodged this with his super reflex. The trust only slightly cut his opponent’s shirt.

Gilfrain took a step back to make distance but – Tooi closed in the gaps this time. He did not let go of the small chance his opponent let happen.

Dual blades, axe, sickle, lance…….he created weapons one after another and attacked Gilfrain.

Controlling those 1st class weapons with fluent techniques, he continuously launched attacks towards vital points but he could not corner down his opponent.

Gilfrain has the reflex and movements of a wild beast and thus he continuously dodged it with paper thin difference. Unless it’s an attack from a blind spot like before, there’s no way a master warrior like him would be vulnerable.

Adding on, the weapons losses its refined state after a few hits because of the rising flames.

(……….As expected, Zesca is a terrible compatibility with Gilf as the opponent. If Anna or Yuu were here, things might be smoother though…….)

Tooi started to think about what he does not have by reflex but – Gilfrain did not miss seeing him having a useless thought for an instant.


A heavy and sharp kick trusts towards Tooi’s stomach. The power isn’t as strong as the right arm but, the kick that was performed from a trained body had the power to launch a human a few meters away.

The moment he was about to slam onto the ground, a gentle wind passed the battlefield. The countless winds bundled up and gently caught Tooi.


A voice that cares for her master dearly from her heart.

Before he noticed, Ryura was standing beside Tooi.

“………..I was waiting for this”

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Tooi trust his right arm forward and poured power into Zodiac.

She probably guessed that this was a crisis, Ryura quietly nodded before vanishing to possess the black short sword.

“[Combiar TelaChange Equipment]”

Pale Ether light swirled around Tooi.

Instantly, the warrior in black armor and great sword changed his appearance to a knight wearing white armor and covered in a tornado.

From [Henerar ArroganciaPride of the Weapon Empress] to [Tempesta SancionThe Sanction of the Violent Wind].

With 2 Deities dwelling inside the Zodiac, he is able to instantly change to each of their respective [Dues Alma].

Of course, the more Deities inside the Zodiac would cause higher burden and thus more burden towards Tooi.

For example, Zodiac was destroyed when he defeated the Demon king but, it was not caused from external interference but rather it was the result of having too many Deities dwelling inside.

“Hee. The 2nd one huh”

Gilfrain distorted his mouth in joy while looking at Tooi who activated [Tempesta SancionThe Sanction of the Violent Wind].

“I don’t know how many you have but……this is good, do whatever you can Tooi. Show me more of your-----!?“

Gilfrain was leisurely saying that but his expression was clouded by a weird feeling.

It’s because the flames coming out from his body suddenly turned weaker.

It wasn’t only the strong flames covering his body. The flickering flames burning the village houses, grasses and trees that suffered the fire sparks done by his technique, was suddenly extinguished.

“………..I see”

“Better don’t talk, Gilf”

Tooi said that while pointing that splendor sword towards his opponent.

“You will lose precious oxygen if you do”

[Tempesta SancionThe Sanction of the Violent Wind] allows him to use the power to freely control the wind.

Of course for the flow of the atmosphere, he is able to freely control the density too.

Flames or combustion is a chemical reaction that produces carbon dioxide, radiation and heat.

It’s impossible for flames to burn if there is no oxygen.

The flames created using the Spirit’s powers are the manifestation of Ether and it directly does not need oxygen but – Gilfrain uses the flames of his Spirit as coal to gains explosive firepower by absorbing the surrounding oxygen.

Which means, his firepower will take a huge drop if there is no oxygen.

First off, it’s impossible to block Tooi’s attack in that state. If he does not do anything, he would suffocate to death within 10 minutes.

“Sorry that it’s an underhanded trick but, you won’t call this cowardly right?”

“…….Cowardly? Kukuh, I won’t say that. There is nothing cowardly in a fight”

Gilf smiled.

He did that while exhaling the remaining oxygen inside his body.

Even though an oxygenless area would drive a fire user like him to a corner but, his expression only showed joy as if he was having fun with this critical situation.

“It’s true that my strength is halved if there isn’t oxygen………no, it’s probably a fourth of my power. I will suffocate if I don’t do anything. Even if I try to run away, I can’t see how big you made the oxygenless space”

But, Gilfrain said.

He did that at the same time he kicked the ground with superhuman leg power.

“---But I know that there’s oxygen here right?”

The destination that he charged towards to in the speed of sound – was around Tooi.

It was further in than Tooi’s sword distance.


Since he was caught off guard, his reaction turned out late.

There was oxygen around Tooi for him to breathe. Within the area which he made deprived of oxygen, he stored oxygen only around him like a gas cylinder.

In order to force Gilfrain into a low oxygen situation, Tooi thought that he needed to inhale perfect amounts of oxygen to allow him to move normally but – apparently, that was a terrible mistake.

His reading was completely off.

He failed to read the craziness of the man known as Gilfrain.

“Okay – Let’s see who is sturdier?”

He swung his right hand at his face.

Even though it was an oxygenless area, Gilfrain was still keeping his right hand on fire the whole time. However, no matter how much strength he pours in, he is unable to increase the flames without large amounts of oxygen and was in a weak flame spark form.

What would happen if the right hand that is in half-combustion state, enters a gas chamber filled with large amount of oxygen?

The answer is obvious as day.


The moment it touched the oxygen, an explosion occurred.

Back draft phenomenon – after a fire outbreak happens in a closed space, the flames will then get weaken and end up in an incomplete combustion state because of the lack of oxygen, then after large amounts of oxygen flows in from either the door or window, the active carbon dioxide and oxygen will immediately react to each other and cause a huge explosion.

The explosion that occurred here is extremely similar to that phenomenon.

Having taken on an explosion in a very close distance, both of them were blown away.

Tooi crashed to the ground while Gilfrain slammed into a half-destroyed village house.

“…….Damn, this, shit. You plan…… have a double suicide with me huh”

While saying that as if he was spitting it out, Tooi raised his body.

His damage was huge and his burnt skin stands out. If he did not put on his [Deus AlmaDeity Equipment], he would be dead.

“…….Kukuh. Hahaha. There’s no way we would die from something like this. This goes for me and you too”

The half-destroyed village house burned up in flames and Gilfrain appearance from inside. The oxygenless area was erased because of the impact form the explosion.

The wounds on Gilfrain stood out too. He has high heat endurance since he is a fire user but, a close range explosion still caused big damage on him too.

But even so, Gilfrain still smiled.

It’s as if he was saying that having both of them close to death was what he desires.

“Looks like you are having fun, Gilf”

“Yeah, very”

In response to Tooi’s irony, Gilfrain calmly nodded.

“Aren’t you enjoying this? Tooi”

“There’s no way I am enjoying this. I was about to die after all”


After making a meaningful nod, Gilfrain moved. He lowered his posture like a 4 legged beast and charged in like an animal.

Tooi immediately controlled the wind. He can’t use the oxygenless area anymore. It’s a trick that is only effective because of how surprising it is. Since he requires high concentration to adjust the oxygen density, his opponent will definitely defend it if he tries to do it one more time.

Tooi tried countering back with tornado or kamaitachi but, he was unable to capture Gilfrain’s unrestrained movements and ended up letting him get close again.

An intense attack came from his right arm. Tooi prepared his sword and somehow managed to block it.


When Tooi was groaning from the fire power and the weight of the attack, Gilfrain told him this across his blade.

“Don’t lie”


“You’re actually enjoying this right? Enjoying about the fact that we are trying to kill each other like this?”

With eyes as if he saw through everything, Gilfrain started talking.

“You’re nature is the same as mine. No matter how many arguments and impertinent excuse you line up, you wish for battles from the depths of your heart. If not, you wouldn’t have become this strong”


“I thought this 10 years ago, Tooi. You belong to this side. You are a badger from the same hole as me. That’s why, I go well with you, that’s why I was able to leave my back to you and fight. KuKuh. There’s no one in the Ifnatus Village that I acknowledge as much as you. There’s no one that is immersed in a fight as much as me”


“Admit it, Tooi. You are the same as me”


Tooi nodded.

At the same time, he used his whole power to divert the right arm away. The same time Tooi flicked Gilfrain’s right arm away through brute force; he created a condensed tornado in his hand and slammed it at the opponent’s stomach. [2G 1]

Having taken a small disaster to the body, his body rotated while getting blown away.

“---[Combiar TelaChange Equipment]”

Tooi changed his [Deus AlmaDeity Equipment] again and closed in the distance without giving time for Gilfrain to regain his posture after he was blown away. The same time he was covered in black armor, he created countless swords behind him.

If an example is needed, then it’s a wing of swords.

He took one sword from his back and used all his strength to slash. Even though it was blocked by his right arm, even if it’s melted down by the flames covering his body, he continued slashing without caring.

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Once the sword’s loses its cutting edge, he immediately extends his hands to the next sword.

Tooi performed that chain with both his hands – and what’s more, it’s done in a fluent and tremendously fast speed.

It’s a battle of numbers by using brute force.

There’s no plan or clever scheme, it’s a foolish plan of just forcefully pushing through.

Despite that, he was gradually cornering his opponent.

Even though Tooi’s expression was terrifying – it looked somewhat like a smile.

“It’s fun, Gilfrain”

In the battlefield, in a battle with his life on the line, while performing chaotic attacks in god speed, Tooi murmured.

“Fighting someone as strong as you is really fun. It makes me actually feel the crazy power that I have. Able to freely use a power that can destroy the landscape with one swing…….is so fun that nothing can replace it”

A small smile oozed out from the edge of his mouth.

“Knowing that I am strong………….and trying to know how much stronger I get, is so fun that it’s laughable”

“…….Kuku, hahahaha, am I right? Then ----“

“But, I am different from you, Gilfrain”

Tooi strongly said his words.

“It’s so fun becoming stronger – and I am desperately fighting that feeling”


“If I relax, I will get a heck stronger and might end up in a dangerous realm. In order to not seek for power than what I need, I have to be careful. I might look like this but I am having a tough time inside me you know? Restraining my own desire is tough”

“………….What are you saying? You’re not making any sense”

“It means that I am not acknowledging you, Gilfrain”

Tooi manifested a remarkably huge great sword before saying.

“I won’t become a battle maniac like you, and I won’t abandon my precious things just because it changed a little!”


Tooi’s point was very unique.

It’s probably a difficult to understand viewpoint for most of the humans.

But – there was one person here that had her heart moved by his words.

(Aah, I see)

Zesca Aldebaran.

Inside Zodiac, even when she has become the [Deus AlmaDeity Equipment] by combining with Tooi, she was still listening to his words.

(I finally understand, Tooi. The real reason why you stopped becoming stronger 10 years ago)

It’s because he gained a power enough to defeat the [Demon King].

She thought that this was everything about it. She was so disappointed that seeking [Power] was simply a method to him, and did not want to acknowledge that.

(But – I was wrong. You were desperately fighting it)

Tooi probably understood it.

About his own [Weakness] and how [Dangerous] he was.

His [Weakness] that might cause him to drown in a great power once he obtains it.

His [Dangerous] self that would use any crazy methods to achieve his goal.

It’s because he understand that he was like that, that he desperately regulated himself.

Throwing away his unlimited potential to become powerful, in order to prevent himself from drowning in power, he did not seek for power that he does not need.

(Strength to not become stronger huh……….Fuun. that’s one strength that I would never think off. No, I am not the only one. It’s probably a viewpoint that is hard to understand to all the people in this world)

Zesca made an astonished yet gentle smile.

(You are an interesting man to the point of humor, Tooi Cross”

Her master can only be this man.

At this very moment, Zesca Aldebaran thought that in her heart.


The war between heroes continued while making the nearby area into scorched land.

Both their powers rival each other as expected.

Tooi, who is has unlimited supply of weapons and the power to use the inexhaustible air, and Gilfrain who violently swings his super firepower that is similar to hell.

Their fight was fiercely intense but – the conclusion happened unexpectedly earlier.

Since both of them ignored defense and was solely focused on attacks to defeat their opponent, both of them lost their stamina at a fast rate and that soon led to,

“----It’s over, Tooi”

Unable to block Gilfrain’s right arm, Zodiac ended getting flicked away.

The black short sword spun up in the sky and was sent flying to quite a far spot.

Since the foundation of the medium has been flung away, the [Deus AlmaDeity Equipment] was forcefully made to release. Tooi returned back to his jersey appearance, while Ryura and Zesca jumped out from Zodiac.

“Damn it”

Tooi immediately wanted to head over to retrieve Zodiac but, Gilfrain did not allow him to do so. He proudly stood there to block his path.

While sitting on the ground, Tooi clicked his tongue in detest.

“Well, it wasn’t a bad fight. If possible, I wanted to do it when you are at your prime though”

He sounded as if he was carefree but, he is just like like Tooi and is suitable for the word of “Wounds covering his whole body. It was a close battle where it wouldn’t be weird if either side won but, Gilfrain was the one who controlled this battle.


“----Woah there. Don’t move”

Ryura and Zesca immediately raised their voice over from the place where Zodaic flew to but, Gilfrain stopped them with words.

“Relax. I won’t kill you”

Afterwards, to show that he wasn’t lying, Gilfrain deactivated [EscarlataScarlet flames]. The flames covering him disappeared and his black right arm returned back to normal.

“There’s no need to kill you after all. I won. Just that is enough”

He looked down at Tooi with a satisfied face.

“Rather, I still have no clue towhy you got so pissed. Oh well, it’s not like cared”

While his body was covered in wounds, Gilfrain said that with a refreshing voice. Tooi, who was sitting on the ground, started backing off while he butt was still on the ground.

“Hnn? Oi oi, what is this. Why are you so scared? I won’t do anything anymore”

However, Tooi did not stop backing off.

“……..What are you planning?”

“Nothing. It’s just that – it’s a little off”


In response to Gilfrain who frowned his eyebrows in doubt, Tooi said that with a gentle voice.

“Looks like the point is slightly off target. It would be dangerous if I stayed so, I thought of backing off a little” “……….What are you------!?”

Gilfrain wanted to follow Tooi who was backing off so he bent his body forward but – immediately, he pulled back his head in panic.

It was at that moment.

A sword fell from the sky like a meteor.

The swords that fell with tremendous speed, pierced the ground in front of Tooi who was sitting on the ground. Gilfrain was all most skewered when he bent over forward but, he dodged it with a paper thin difference. A few strands of his white hair were cut off.

“Oi oi, what’s going on here……….Didn’t your [Dues Alma] deactivate………..”

“I don’t think you have the time to glare at me you know?”

In response to his doubtful and angry gaze, Tooi raised one finger and pointed at the sky.

At that moment, another sword fell from the sky again.

There weren’t only swords; there were lances, pikes, bows and arrows too.

A rain of weapons were heading towards Gilfrain who backed off to fix his posture and was pouring down as if they were aiming right at him. Even though he dodged the weapons with excellent reflexes, more weapons were heading towards where he ran off to.

As if every of his movements were all predicted.

“Gilfrain. You might hate this since you like pure strength comparison but………..Not picking my methods like this, is my way”

All of this was Tooi’s plan.

The offense, defense, and even Zodiac getting flicked away was part of his plans.

If the weapon that acts as the medium leaves his hands, he would be unable to maintain the [Deus AlmaDeity Equipment] and would forcefully deactivate. If his weapon is gone, Gilfrain will definitely undo his [EscarlataScarlet flames].

Maintaining [EscarlataScarlet flames] for long periods of time is tough even for the [Hero]

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That’s why, Tooi purposely undo the [Deus AlmaDeity Equipment] and made his opponent lower his guard by acting getting cornerd.

All of this was to make his opponent release [EscarlataScarlet flames] which acts as his defense and offense.

Of course, when the [Deus AlmaDeity Equipment] is released, he is unable to create more weapons an all the weapons he created would all reset.

But, there are other weapons in this battlefield other than the weapons he created with [Henerar ArroganciaPride of the Weapon Empress].

They were the weapons Aldebaran Company sold to the [Wings of crimson light]

Now that the [Wings of Crimson light] was beaten down by Tooi, he moved all their weapons to the sky. There were many of them broken but, there were also weapons that were undamaged and still maintaining their shape.

Within the battle with Gilfrain, he moved those weapons up to the sky without his opponent noticing. He quietly moved them with Ryura’s power and then set them there.

It’s at a very high spot where it won’t be noticed very easily.

It was a giant trap he set up in the sky.

What’s left was to let go of Zodiac and disperse the wind he used to fix them in place and let the weapons fall due to gravity.

The landing target was already calculated.

Even if it’s Ifnatus’s [Hero], he wouldn’t come out safe if he takes on Zesca’s weapons which fell down with tremendous speed when he isn’t activating [EscarlataScarlet flames].

He might have dodged the first attack with his wild instincts but, Gilfrain is unable to use simple dodges on this unpredicted situation – whenever he moves somewhere, it would always end up to a spot that Tooi has already predicted.

More weapons showered down to where he dodged to.

It was like a rain, or a meteor shower.

“……..Are you kidding me”

After all the weapons he set up in the sky fell down, Tooi murmured in wonder.

“I thought it would be over with this though………..”

What he’s looking at – was Gilfrain who finished handling all the weapons. Unwounded – he was not. As expected, it was impossible to fully dodge the rain of weapons and his whole body was covered in wounds.

However, the [Hero] has yet to fall to his knees and was glaring over here.

“……….Haha. Not bad there. It’s a petty trick suitable for you”

“Don’t call it cowardly. There’s nothing cowardly in a killing match”

“I won’t say that. Aaaah, I lowered my guard”

“You did not [Lowered your guard]. I made you [Lower your guard]”

They glared at each other and threw retorts.

Gilfrain was smiling but, violent emotions were burning inside his eyes.

“…………I wasn’t planning on killing you but, I can’t hold back myself anymore now that it got so interesting”

He prepared his right arm again.

The Ifnatus right arm which is the worst weapon.

“Now that it came to this, let’s bring on the celebration, Tooi Cross”

“Bring it on. No hard feelings. Gilfrain Dulk Lana Merjedra Ifnis”

Tooi stood up again and took Zodiac in his hands again. Both sides were exhausted and any further fight will literally lead to a death match.

But they did not stop.

While understanding that this was a meaningless private fight, they were about to clash until it becomes a death match.

Even they don’t understand why they were going so far.

Maybe it’s because that fighting is fun, or they don’t like each other.

Or – They were rejecting the opponent in front of them or they can’t agree with themselves.

Unclear to each of their real motives, the heroes made their stances to prepare to throw themselves into a violent battle again – but their battle met it’s end with an unexpected turn of events.

“----Okay. Stop stop. Please stop this already, seriously”

A spiritless woman’s voice appeared from somewhere.

A small shadow suddenly interfered in their battlefield.

The moment Tooi was about to activate his [Deus AlmaDeity Equipment] with the short sword that has Ryura and Zesca dwelling inside, and Gilfrain was about to activate [EscarlataScarlet flames]at the same time,

His right arm was sealed with a black cloth.

As if to cover his crimson tattoo, a smooth cloth wrapped his right arm and sealed its movements.

“You stupid leader. Calm down, please I beg you”

“Mehina…….What are you doing”

“That’s my line. Everyone was desperately trying to find you after you disappeared, you know? When I thought I felt leader’s presence and wondered what you were doing………..I wouldn’t have imagined that you were in a serious killing match”

The person called Mehina is a small girl. There’s a hood over her head and her mouth was covered with a cloth. Her eyes were the only parts visible on her face but since her voice was young and high-toned, it can be inferred that she’s female.

With his movement’s sealed, Gilfrain glared at Mehina in anger.

“Oi, Mehina. Take this off now”


“I’ll kill you?”

“No use trying to threaten me you know. You’re so exhausted that you can’t use force to peel off my [Cloth] right? To think that the leader would be so weakened……… were fighting one heck of a dude huh”

While saying that plainly, Mehina controlled the black cloth on her hands. As if it has its own will, the cloth squirmed around and instantly wrapped Gilfrain’s body.

“You bitch….Don’t fuck with me Mehina! Let me fight, I am going to kill Mghhff!”

When his limbs were sealed and his mouth was noisy, his mouth was finally covered with a mouth gag.

Having completely captured Gilfrain, Mehina easily burdened her shoulders with that black chunk of meat. She then looked over to Tooi and,


She politely lowered her head.

“A-ahh, hi”

“I don’t know you are but, our stupid leader has caused you great troubles. I will take responsibility and take him home so, please forgive us”


With an indescribable expression, Tooi made an ambiguous smile. He could not completely swallow the sudden change in development but there was no time for him to understand because Mehina took Gilfrain and left the place.

He was left alone in the battlefield which was supposed to be a zone for a death match.

“……..Should I follow?”


Should he be relieved that he was spared?

Should he be disappointed that he could not defeat him?

He could not sort out his emotions but, the only thing that’s certain is that there’s the feeling of [Lost interest] inside him.

When he was standing there blank; from behind,

“…………….Tooi Onii-chan”

A voice called out to him. When he turned over, Alua was running over to him. Because Gilfrain’s presence was gone, she probably judged that it was safe.

“Tooi Onii-chan, are you okay?”

“Yeah. Alua-chan how about you, are you okay? You’re not injured right?”

“I am okay! And well….what about Gilfrain…….?”

“Uuun. I don’t really get it but, the woman that suddenly appeared, took him and went somewhere right? That’s most likely Gilfrain’s acquaintance”

“Acquaintance…….So that means that, she’s Gilfrain’s comrade?”

“Most likely. She called him leader after all……….”

Gilfrain might have created some kind of organization. The details were unclear but, he wouldn’t be called [Leader] if it weren’t that case.

After abandoning Ifnatus village and gone missing, he was probably doing something within the time when he was not out in the public.

The girl called Mehina said [Everyone was trying to find Gilfrain]. The [Everyone] she’s referring to, was probably his comrades.

Gilfrain’s current comrades.

The new comrades made by the [Hero] that abandoned his village----


Tooi suddenly mumbled.

“I promise you”

“Eh……Promise what?”

“In the future, if I continue the journey to reestablish my contracts with the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses], I might encounter someone that has changed. Within the Deities that I loved 10 years ago, I might find someone that has turned into a stranger”

But, Tooi said.

“I won’t abandon them. I won’t throw them away because of the reason that they [Changed]. They are my benefactors so no matter how much the [Nebulosa12 Goddesses] changes I will definitely accept them”

It was an oath.

It’s an oath he made for himself, and it’s a viewpoint that is in conflict with the viewpoint belonging to the [Hero] of the destroyed village.

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