On the side, Qin An snorted with amusement. He really would never have guessed that even Ruan Tian’s dull brain could see through Cen Bei’s tricks. 

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        Of course, Qin An, as a person who was confident he could identify a fake white lotus 90% of the time, felt he was a pretty accurate judge when it came to this sort of thing. 

        Plus Cen Bei’s little trick of deliberately imitating Ruan Tian’s style was really not subtle at all.

        Cen Bei stammered and bit and couldn’t force out a retort. Eventually, she managed to plaster on a thin smile and, while barely keeping her face calm, she said: “I suddenly feel a bit thirsty, I’m going to drink some water.”

        【Tell me, in the whole entertainment industry is it possible to find another person as daring as Ruan Tian? 】

        【Holy ****. I’m laughing so hard I’m dying. I took a screencap of Cen Bei’s expression just now. When Ruan Tian said ‘You obviously are’ Cen Bei’s eyes almost popped out of her head, it’s so funny. 】

        【Students, today Ruan Tian face slapped quite heroically hahahaha 】

        【It seems that not everyone in the industry is a schemer. There are still people like Ruan Tian around. 】

        【In Qin An’s relieved eyes, I can see a trace of love for Ruan Tian. 】

        After this little intermission, it was time for this episode’s game session.

        This time Director Liu had found a fairly normal game, which he had shamelessly “borrowed” from other variety shows.

        He cleared his throat and began speaking: 【The game for this episode is a bit simpler than the game from last time. Everyone just has to call their boss and talk about their shortcomings on speakerphone for one minute. Anyone who fails to make the one-minute call will be punished, and anyone can choose to accept punishment instead of making the call.】

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        Ruan Tian: There’s actually such a good thing in this world? !

        Don’t even mention one minute… 

        If it was insulting Qin Yu, she could definitely do it for an hour straight without needing to stop for breath! 

        Qin An was the first person up and he immediately chose punishment.

        It wasn’t like he didn’t want to live anymore, okay? How could he dare to call his brother and scold him for a minute?

        After that, Cen Bei also immediately choose the punishment. Cen Bei’s agency was affiliated with Huanshi Entertainment, so Shen Shu could be considered her big boss. She wasn’t so bored as to be willing to offend such a character over a trifling variety show game.

        Xu Jing put his hands in his pockets and said indifferently: “Well, I don’t mind playing the game and making the call.”

        Then when it was her turn Ruan Tian put on a show of pondering for a while, as if it were a difficult decision, before finally also saying: “I also don’t mind playing along.” 

        On the side, Director Liu didn’t fall for Ruan Tian’s tricks at all, but he just quietly watched her pretend.

        Ruan Tian pulled out her phone and dug through the trash can to find Qin Yu’s number. After three rings, Qin Yu answered the phone.

        Before he could say anything, Ruan Tian blurted, “Qin Yu, there’s something I’ve never told you before…”

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        Hearing who it was, Qin Yu’s hand tightened on his phone. He coughed and, after a long pause, he said slowly, “Go ahead.”

        Ruan Tian said. “I’ve always felt that you, even as a black-hearted capitalist, are really too much of a skinflint! Too stingy, too miserly, too bad-tempered, too crazy, and just generally too inexplicable and hard to understand.”

        Qin Yu: “…”

        Using her one breath, Ruan Tian tried to force in every complaint she could think of before the other party had a chance to retaliate. 

        Finally, she gave a cheeky smile and said, “Ah, sorry about this, it’s actually just for a game. Don’t take it to heart.” 

        Then, with a click, Ruan Tian hung up the phone decisively before Qin Yu could reply.

        Director Liu swallowed nervously, “This… Ruan Tian… in fact, the punishment option isn’t anything much.”

        It was just a game, okay? There was no need to be so serious about it…

        Director Liu was really a bit afraid that after that little show Ruan Tian might end up being quietly buried by Qin Yu. (tl note: buried as in ‘deprived of resources’ not ‘murdered’ mind.)

        “Ah, it’s okay, Qin Yu always likes it when his employees give him feedback.” Ruan Tian replied casually.

        Qin An, who was sitting on the side: As if! 

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        From Qin An’s expression, you could practically see the words: “Ruan Tian, ​​you are dead.” and “You don’t know it, but your body is already cold.”

        But then he had a realization!

        Actually… wasn’t the person his brother liked Ruan Tian? Did that mean she would be fine?

        【According to how Ruan Tian really dares to talk to Qin Yu like this, I will bet my non-existent boyfriend that there is definitely something between them. 】

        【Mr. Qin and TianBaby are already too at odds, the CP will never happen. It’s much better to match our cute and upright Qin An with the natural TianBaby who has a poisonous tongue. 】

        【Person above, they really are too at odds, I can’t see it at all. Rather than believing Qin Yu has a chance, I might as well just wait for that ex-husband to try to reform the broken mirror. 】

        【I’m on team ex-husband! ShenXRuan is the only real CP. 】

        Meanwhile, Cen Bei and Qin An were listening to the director as he explained the punishment game. 

        To jump rope on top of an acupressure mat ten times. 

        Of course, when he was made to jump on the mat Qin An’s pained expression was terrifying, and his ghostly wailing almost lifted the roof.

        Ruan Tian tried to hold back her laughter, but in the end, she couldn’t manage to do it and lowered her head to giggle wildly. 

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        However, at the same time, she noticed that her phone had been vibrating in her pocket constantly. Taking advantage of a free moment, she pulled it out to take a look and found that she had dozens of missed calls, all of which were from Shen Shu.

        Ruan Tian frowned for a moment, and only ten words ran through her mind: “So a day like this can come for you too!”

        Then another seven words, “It really ****ing came for you too!”

        Meanwhile, her phone kept vibrating nonstop. 

        But there was only one word that was written all over Ruan Tian’s face: Whatever.

        Even if she was a person who loved to fight, she really couldn’t muster up any desire to pick up this call. 

        But then, halfway through the punishment games, the people from the director’s crew all suddenly became agitated.

        And then, a few moments later, Ruan Tian heard gasps of surprise and hushed whispers.

        “Why is Shen Shu here?”

        “Cen Bei is an artist from his Huanshi Entertainment, did he come because of her?”

        Hearing that, Ruan Tian had only one word to say: ****. 

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