These days ‘Obscurity’ was still dominating the summer box office, and people were predicting that it would probably stay that way for at least another half a month. Thus, during this period, the movie’s leading actors and actresses were still firmly under the focus of the limelight.

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        Thanks to that, invitations to various interviews were arriving one after another every day, but Jiang Lili rejected most of them.

        Only a few invitations from the bigger and more mainstream media groups and TV stations were accepted in the end.

        Ruan Tian leaned back in the car seat tiredly and yawned. Then she said: “Lili, I think it will be a tough battle this time.”

        Jiang Lili responded while driving, “Have the other actors been ganging up to bully you?” Then she continued: “TianBaby, shouldn’t you know that you’re already at least a mid-tier star? For these little actors who aren’t as famous as you, it’s enough to deal with them by posting on Weibo acting pitiful for a bit. No need to thank me for my advice!”

        Ruan Tian chuckled: “It’s not like that. I’m pretty popular with the other members of the crew and get along well with the other actors.”

        “Then why would you say you’re in for a battle?”

        “Well, the male lead for the production still hasn’t appeared even until now. I think he plans to try to directly start filming without doing any training at all. It seems he has a powerful backer.”

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        In fact, Jiang Lili had already asked around a bit about this mysterious male lead. He was a young man with a bit of a reputation for being rash and temperamental on set, but for some reason, he hadn’t ever received any backlash for his behavior even until now. 

        It seemed that shortly after he had debuted he had immediately started dating the woman boss of his entertainment company, as if he had only wanted to quickly secure himself a backer.

        “Ever since he started stirring things up online I knew he was no good.” Jiang Lili remarked.

        Ruan Tian stuffed a chip into her mouth and replied as she ate, “Just let him smear me as he likes. It’s already too late to change anything!”

        After all, the contract was already written down in black and white and signed. 


        Soon after that, the two women arrived at the TV station’s building and went inside. The staff there had already set everything up and were ready to begin the interview. 

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        However, before the interview could officially start, someone suddenly knocked on the recording studio’s glass door and poked their head inside: “Pardon me, could the several seniors stop for a moment first? Some of Teacher Ruan Tian’s fans sent over tea and cakes for everyone here on set.”

        This was the second time that Ruan Tian’s fan club had sent her this sort of material support.

        After all, in the recent days, the fan club had collectively raised a few tens of thousands of yuan, and the president of the fan club had even donated a few tens of thousands himself so, after finding out where Ruan Tian would be interviewing, they had decisively arranged for this care package in advance.

        Although what they sent over was only tea and cakes, these tea and cakes were actually ordered from a nearby high-end restaurant, so even the experienced staff members of the TV station felt a little hungry after catching a whiff.

        The reporter who was doing the interview chuckled: “Teacher Ruan, it seems your fans really adore you, they’re so polite.”

        Ruan Tian felt a small burst of pride and happiness and responded: “My fans have always been very kind and they also have excellent character.” 

        Ruan Tian really felt this way. For instance, last time, it had been very cold outside, but her fans had still come out to cheer her on. It showed they were good and kind people.

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        After everyone sampled the refreshments for a while, the reporter and cameraman began to get down to business.

        Of course, Ruan Tian had already read the outline draft for the interview that the station had sent her beforehand, so she had already prepared answers to the questions the reporter intended to ask.

        Doing it this way saved time and effort and also ensured that the interview would have content and depth.

        After smoothly going through the prepared questions, the reporter suddenly added another one at the end: “Teacher Ruan, these days all of your fans have been wanting to know when the previously announced ‘Destined Immortals’ will finally be released?”

        Recently xianxia was very hot in the industry and, on top of that, the actor playing the male lead was a big name, so there really were many fans curious for news about ‘Destined Immortals’

        Unfortunately, Ruan Tian really didn’t know anything new. She hadn’t received any news about ‘Destined Immortals’ from the chat group the crew members had joined at the start of production, and the director’s personal friend group only revealed that the film was still in the last stages of production. Of course, they were probably aiming for a winter release, but if the special effects couldn’t be completed on time then a winter release might end up being impossible. 

        After pondering for a while, Ruan Tian gave a safe answer: “As far as I know it’s in the last stages of production and should be released fairly soon. I hope all the friends who are interested in the film can keep waiting patiently.” 

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        With the interview done, the reporter came forward to take a photo with Ruan Tian.

        Secretly, the reporter was very happy and felt that Ruan Tian was much easier to work with than the usual starlets who he had to interview. She had answered almost every question, hadn’t nitpicked or complained about the draft they had sent over, and overall had cooperated with them very well.

        Plus, she had been very polite and kind, and smiled very pleasantly the whole time she was being interviewed.

        The reporter decided that once he got home he would definitely polish this up a bit and make the interview seem even better for his viewers.

        In his mind, an actress like this, who was beautiful and had acting skills, but who still had a kind and humble personality, definitely deserved to be popular.

        After walking out of the TV station’s building, Ruan Tian found that the sky had already turned dark.

        But, as soon as she stepped outside, she was surprised to spot Huai Mo loitering around near the doors. It looked as if he had been waiting there for a long time.

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