Chapter 182

The news that Wang Baiyuan had been admitted to the hospital had already spread out on a small scale.

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Zhao Meng’er, who was always waiting for more news about Ruan Tian, saw it as well. Then, her hand “slipped” and happened to like a certain post on Weibo:

StarEntertainmentGossip: 【Wang Baiyuan is so miserable. He’s always bullied like that by Ruan Tian while he’s in the crew. I hope Ruan Tian will one day stop bullying others. 】

Wang Baiyuan looked at this post and smiled coldly.

He was well aware that these people were just waiting for him to fight with Ruan Tian. They wanted them to play the clam and the crab so they could be the fishermen that reaped the benefits on the side! 

Completely daydreaming!

They could just dream on!

Coincidentally, a reporter called him to verify the authenticity of the matter, so Wang Baiyuan gave a response that was the opposite of what they expected and pretended to be pure and goodhearted: “Those rumors online are all fake. I actually have a very good relationship with TianTian. She even buys me water and drinks to drink every day, and we often have meals together in private.”

Actually, the reason why Zhao Meng’er had been so determined to go against Ruan Tian recently wasn’t just because of the losses she had suffered in the past. It was more because she knew that both of them were working on TV shows that would start broadcasting soon, what’s more, their two shows had very similar themes and would undoubtedly be pitted against each other and compared. Thus…

It was either her or Ruan Tuan!

There was no third option.

That night, Shen Shu once again dreamed of himself and Ruan Tian forlornly hiding in that cave. In the dream, Ruan Tian’s eyes were washed with tears.

She was crying pitifully and looked very sad.

Seeing that, Shen Shu’s heart was full of gloom and felt as if it were being pressed down by a big stone.

When he finally woke up, he noticed that for some reason the pillow under his head was half wet.

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Shen Shu slowly sat up in bed and flicked the bedside lamp on. His eyes were complex as he looked over at a ragged scrap of paper on the bedside table. It was the merry-go-round ticket that Ruan Tian had torn up and thrown into the trash that time.

He really never would have dreamed that he would one day find himself digging through the trash for some scraps of paper. 

On that day, Shen Shu had been like some sort of deviant, digging out the scraps of this ticket so he could painstakingly glue them back together and then put the “repaired” ticket nicely on his bedside table.

But every time he saw the ticket, he only felt it was ridiculous. 

Whenever he saw it, he would be reminded of the time back then, when he had also promised to accompany her to the amusement park. But back then, the price for his company had been clearly marked: 500 milliliters of blood.

Back then, Shen Shu really hadn’t regarded Ruan Tian as a fellow human being. He hadn’t thought of her as a person who could cry and feel pain, and when he saw the needle poking into her veins, his eyes had only been full of apathy and indifference. 

At that time, he had clearly seen her reddened eyes, but he hadn’t felt anything.

Also, even after she had gone through all that, he hadn’t even properly escorted her at the amusement park.

He remembered that day, Ruan Tian had wanted to board the pirate ship ride. She had bought him a cola and dragged him to a shady spot and told him to wait obediently and not run around because she would be right back after riding the ride.

He had agreed to her words casually. However, as soon as she was far enough away he had thrown away the things she had given him and directly left the amusement park without a word. 

Clearly, he had just been bullying her and playing with her heart.

Sitting on his bed, Shen Shu blinked a few times. His eyes felt hot and sour, and his throat felt choked and stuffy like he could hardly breathe.

And even when he managed to draw a breath, the air flowing through his clogged throat felt sharp and painful. 

Shen Shu felt he could see something in the room with him. Perhaps it was a hallucination. It was Ruan Tian. She was sitting near the bedside sitting in her pajamas. She giggled and said, “Am I good-looking in this?”

He was just about to nod and say she was very good-looking…

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But then wet tears welled up in the apparition’s eyes, which quickly turned bloody red and left two scarlet tracks on her cheeks. She said mournfully, “Shen Shu, can’t you be nicer to me?”

“Can you show me a little pity?”

Shen Shu reached out and wanted to hold her, but his fingers only clutched empty air. 

He blinked again and then shook his head with a wry expression. In this cold and empty bedroom, where could she be?

They had already gotten divorced a long time ago.

Ruan Tian had also already left a long time ago.

That night, around 3:00 in the morning, Shen Shu’s lawyer received his call and heard Shen Shu’s raspy voice: “Get me the divorce agreement Ruan Tian and I signed.”

Chapter 182

The news that Wang Baiyuan had been admitted to the hospital had already spread out on a small scale.

Zhao Meng’er, who was always waiting for more news about Ruan Tian, saw it as well. Then, her hand “slipped” and happened to like a certain post on Weibo:

StarEntertainmentGossip: 【Wang Baiyuan is so miserable. He’s always bullied like that by Ruan Tian while he’s in the crew. I hope Ruan Tian will one day stop bullying others. 】

Wang Baiyuan looked at this post and smiled coldly.

He was well aware that these people were just waiting for him to fight with Ruan Tian. They wanted them to play the clam and the crab so they could be the fishermen that reaped the benefits on the side! 

Completely daydreaming!

They could just dream on!

Coincidentally, a reporter called him to verify the authenticity of the matter, so Wang Baiyuan gave a response that was the opposite of what they expected and pretended to be pure and goodhearted: “Those rumors online are all fake. I actually have a very good relationship with TianTian. She even buys me water and drinks to drink every day, and we often have meals together in private.”

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Actually, the reason why Zhao Meng’er had been so determined to go against Ruan Tian recently wasn’t just because of the losses she had suffered in the past. It was more because she knew that both of them were working on TV shows that would start broadcasting soon, what’s more, their two shows had very similar themes and would undoubtedly be pitted against each other and compared. Thus…

It was either her or Ruan Tuan!

There was no third option.

That night, Shen Shu once again dreamed of himself and Ruan Tian forlornly hiding in that cave. In the dream, Ruan Tian’s eyes were washed with tears.

She was crying pitifully and looked very sad.

Seeing that, Shen Shu’s heart was full of gloom and felt as if it were being pressed down by a big stone.

When he finally woke up, he noticed that for some reason the pillow under his head was half wet.

Shen Shu slowly sat up in bed and flicked the bedside lamp on. His eyes were complex as he looked over at a ragged scrap of paper on the bedside table. It was the merry-go-round ticket that Ruan Tian had torn up and thrown into the trash that time.

He really never would have dreamed that he would one day find himself digging through the trash for some scraps of paper. 

On that day, Shen Shu had been like some sort of deviant, digging out the scraps of this ticket so he could painstakingly glue them back together and then put the “repaired” ticket nicely on his bedside table.

But every time he saw the ticket, he only felt it was ridiculous. 

Whenever he saw it, he would be reminded of the time back then, when he had also promised to accompany her to the amusement park. But back then, the price for his company had been clearly marked: 500 milliliters of blood.

Back then, Shen Shu really hadn’t regarded Ruan Tian as a fellow human being. He hadn’t thought of her as a person who could cry and feel pain, and when he saw the needle poking into her veins, his eyes had only been full of apathy and indifference. 

At that time, he had clearly seen her reddened eyes, but he hadn’t felt anything.

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Also, even after she had gone through all that, he hadn’t even properly escorted her at the amusement park.

He remembered that day, Ruan Tian had wanted to board the pirate ship ride. She had bought him a cola and dragged him to a shady spot and told him to wait obediently and not run around because she would be right back after riding the ride.

He had agreed to her words casually. However, as soon as she was far enough away he had thrown away the things she had given him and directly left the amusement park without a word. 

Clearly, he had just been bullying her and playing with her heart.

Sitting on his bed, Shen Shu blinked a few times. His eyes felt hot and sour, and his throat felt choked and stuffy like he could hardly breathe.

And even when he managed to draw a breath, the air flowing through his clogged throat felt sharp and painful. 

Shen Shu felt he could see something in the room with him. Perhaps it was a hallucination. It was Ruan Tian. She was sitting near the bedside sitting in her pajamas. She giggled and said, “Am I good-looking in this?”

He was just about to nod and say she was very good-looking…

But then wet tears welled up in the apparition’s eyes, which quickly turned bloody red and left two scarlet tracks on her cheeks. She said mournfully, “Shen Shu, can’t you be nicer to me?”

“Can you show me a little pity?”

Shen Shu reached out and wanted to hold her, but his fingers only clutched empty air. 

He blinked again and then shook his head with a wry expression. In this cold and empty bedroom, where could she be?

They had already gotten divorced a long time ago.

Ruan Tian had also already left a long time ago.

That night, around 3:00 in the morning, Shen Shu’s lawyer received his call and heard Shen Shu’s raspy voice: “Get me the divorce agreement Ruan Tian and I signed.”

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