Chapter 184

Since filming was finally done, Ruan Tian also posted a selfie to her own Weibo as usual.

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Then, filled with exhaustion, Ruan Tian went back and had a good sleep in her hotel room.

The next day, Jiang Lili came in her car to take her home. 

By now, the weather was already turning colder and Ruan Tian could see that the people on the street had begun to wear their autumn clothes.

Jiang Lili talked a lot about work with Ruan Tian along the way. “TianBaby, ‘Destined Immortals’ will finally begin broadcasting next month. It’s going to be broadcast over Christmas in one of Fruit Station’s primetime slots. There are a total of 60 episodes, so if they do the usual two episodes a day and one episode on weekends, it will probably be ongoing until the Spring Festival.”

Ruan Tian was very happy to hear that her first TV series in which she played the female lead was finally going to be broadcast and replied, “En, understood.”

As she drove, Jiang Lili continued: “However, I’ve heard that Zhao Meng’er’s ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ will also begin broadcasting on the same day as your show. It will also be released over Christmas with a joint broadcast from Blue Channel and Red Channel. Moreover, this show also seems to be in the same genre as ‘Destined Immortals’.”

The most important point, which Jiang Lili hadn’t mentioned, was that the novel that ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ was based on was much more popular than the novel that ‘Destined Immortals’ was based on. The two IPs were on different levels.

Of course, she had no idea what kind of quality ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ had after being adapted into a script. 

However, now that these two very similar dramas were being released at the same time, there could be no win-win situation where both would coincidentally benefit.

If there was going to be an explosion, only one would be able to explode, otherwise, they would just both flop together.

Ruan Tian snorted and made a particularly pretentious remark, “Well I suppose it’s up to each one’s individual ability then.”


All the major film crews were wrapping up their current projects by the end of the year, so currently there weren’t many scripts for actors and actresses to start work on.

Of course, that didn’t mean that these stars were just sitting around scratching their feet at home. Major award galas and ceremonies were being held one after another. However, they were mostly just grand events where the female stars competed to show off their beauty, so the male stars would hardly show their faces. 

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Ruan Tian also received some invitations to these ceremonies, and this time she didn’t even need to find Jiang Lili and have her look around so she could borrow some clothes.

These days, her company had finally arranged a properly qualified agent for her. Her new agent was a professional who had a good relationship with the various major clothing brands, so there was no longer any need for her to borrow clothes from random people if she wanted to attend an upscale event.

Also, after Qin Yu seemed to have gone crazy that day, Ruan Tian hadn’t seen him again since.

Furthermore, there was completely no sign of anyone living in the apartment next door anymore. 

Ruan Tian estimated that Qin Yu must have moved back to the old Qin Estate due to some accident.

As it turned out, this time she had guessed right. Qin Yu had really returned to the Qin Estate to rest and recuperate for the past half a month. His health these days was sometimes good and sometimes bad, and the family doctor was coming over every day to check on him.

Meanwhile, ever since the first day his brother had returned home, Qin An felt like each day was a year, and he began living like a dead man. He spent every day feeling afraid and keeping his tail firmly between his legs.

On that day, when Ruan Tian had called him to pick Qin Yu up, he had eventually really gone over to pick his brother up. When he arrived, he found his brother with a nightstick in his hand and eyes that were as red as blood. When he saw Qin An had arrived, he merely gave him a cold stare and spat one word: “Scram.”

Of course, Qin An really scrammed immediately.

But after that, Qin Yu returned home on his own. Since then, he had been at home for half a month now and seemed to be behaving just like a normal person.

He would get up early and go to bed early. He had a very regular schedule and properly ate his three meals a day.

However, the more normal his brother behaved, the more frightened Qin An felt.

It was as if there was a sharp sword hanging over his head, ready to swing down at the next second.

Today, Qin An was playing a videogame in the living room, when Qin Yu suddenly walked in and turned off the power. The lively background music from the game immediately disappeared, leaving nothing but stifling silence. 

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Still holding his controller, Qin An turned to look over and asked in a tiny voice, “Big brother, is something the matter?”

Qin Yu was standing there with furrowed brows. The sunlight outside was reflected by the floor-to-ceiling window onto his body, exposing his cold and delicate but deathly pale face. Uncharacteristically, today Qin Yu seemed a little uneasy, as if there was some quandary he couldn’t unravel. He murmured: “Am I no good for Ruan Tian?”

Qin An, whose immediate impulse was to shout “Yes!”, quickly swallowed his words back.

“Well, I think you’re okay for her.” He finally choked out.

Qin Yu smiled and said, “I think I’m okay too, but she seems very angry with me.”

Qin An pressed his lips together firmly. In his heart, he really wanted to tell his brother that he was lucky Ruan Tian didn’t want to directly have him killed! 

Chapter 184

Since filming was finally done, Ruan Tian also posted a selfie to her own Weibo as usual.

Then, filled with exhaustion, Ruan Tian went back and had a good sleep in her hotel room.

The next day, Jiang Lili came in her car to take her home. 

By now, the weather was already turning colder and Ruan Tian could see that the people on the street had begun to wear their autumn clothes.

Jiang Lili talked a lot about work with Ruan Tian along the way. “TianBaby, ‘Destined Immortals’ will finally begin broadcasting next month. It’s going to be broadcast over Christmas in one of Fruit Station’s primetime slots. There are a total of 60 episodes, so if they do the usual two episodes a day and one episode on weekends, it will probably be ongoing until the Spring Festival.”

Ruan Tian was very happy to hear that her first TV series in which she played the female lead was finally going to be broadcast and replied, “En, understood.”

As she drove, Jiang Lili continued: “However, I’ve heard that Zhao Meng’er’s ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ will also begin broadcasting on the same day as your show. It will also be released over Christmas with a joint broadcast from Blue Channel and Red Channel. Moreover, this show also seems to be in the same genre as ‘Destined Immortals’.”

The most important point, which Jiang Lili hadn’t mentioned, was that the novel that ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ was based on was much more popular than the novel that ‘Destined Immortals’ was based on. The two IPs were on different levels.

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Of course, she had no idea what kind of quality ‘Emperor’s Bound Songstress’ had after being adapted into a script. 

However, now that these two very similar dramas were being released at the same time, there could be no win-win situation where both would coincidentally benefit.

If there was going to be an explosion, only one would be able to explode, otherwise, they would just both flop together.

Ruan Tian snorted and made a particularly pretentious remark, “Well I suppose it’s up to each one’s individual ability then.”


All the major film crews were wrapping up their current projects by the end of the year, so currently there weren’t many scripts for actors and actresses to start work on.

Of course, that didn’t mean that these stars were just sitting around scratching their feet at home. Major award galas and ceremonies were being held one after another. However, they were mostly just grand events where the female stars competed to show off their beauty, so the male stars would hardly show their faces. 

Ruan Tian also received some invitations to these ceremonies, and this time she didn’t even need to find Jiang Lili and have her look around so she could borrow some clothes.

These days, her company had finally arranged a properly qualified agent for her. Her new agent was a professional who had a good relationship with the various major clothing brands, so there was no longer any need for her to borrow clothes from random people if she wanted to attend an upscale event.

Also, after Qin Yu seemed to have gone crazy that day, Ruan Tian hadn’t seen him again since.

Furthermore, there was completely no sign of anyone living in the apartment next door anymore. 

Ruan Tian estimated that Qin Yu must have moved back to the old Qin Estate due to some accident.

As it turned out, this time she had guessed right. Qin Yu had really returned to the Qin Estate to rest and recuperate for the past half a month. His health these days was sometimes good and sometimes bad, and the family doctor was coming over every day to check on him.

Meanwhile, ever since the first day his brother had returned home, Qin An felt like each day was a year, and he began living like a dead man. He spent every day feeling afraid and keeping his tail firmly between his legs.

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On that day, when Ruan Tian had called him to pick Qin Yu up, he had eventually really gone over to pick his brother up. When he arrived, he found his brother with a nightstick in his hand and eyes that were as red as blood. When he saw Qin An had arrived, he merely gave him a cold stare and spat one word: “Scram.”

Of course, Qin An really scrammed immediately.

But after that, Qin Yu returned home on his own. Since then, he had been at home for half a month now and seemed to be behaving just like a normal person.

He would get up early and go to bed early. He had a very regular schedule and properly ate his three meals a day.

However, the more normal his brother behaved, the more frightened Qin An felt.

It was as if there was a sharp sword hanging over his head, ready to swing down at the next second.

Today, Qin An was playing a videogame in the living room, when Qin Yu suddenly walked in and turned off the power. The lively background music from the game immediately disappeared, leaving nothing but stifling silence. 

Still holding his controller, Qin An turned to look over and asked in a tiny voice, “Big brother, is something the matter?”

Qin Yu was standing there with furrowed brows. The sunlight outside was reflected by the floor-to-ceiling window onto his body, exposing his cold and delicate but deathly pale face. Uncharacteristically, today Qin Yu seemed a little uneasy, as if there was some quandary he couldn’t unravel. He murmured: “Am I no good for Ruan Tian?”

Qin An, whose immediate impulse was to shout “Yes!”, quickly swallowed his words back.

“Well, I think you’re okay for her.” He finally choked out.

Qin Yu smiled and said, “I think I’m okay too, but she seems very angry with me.”

Qin An pressed his lips together firmly. In his heart, he really wanted to tell his brother that he was lucky Ruan Tian didn’t want to directly have him killed! 

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