Chapter 214

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After Ruan Tian’s outburst, Jiang Lili gave some words of comfort to calm her down and then said, "It doesn't matter, you'll have money again after you finish this next variety show."

"Oh right, I still haven't asked you, what kind of variety show is it this time?"

"‘Star Acceleration’, it’s a hide-and-seek style variety show. Formerly one of Fruit Station’s highest revenue competition-type shows, it’s very fun. Also, they bring on about a dozen stars for each episode."

Ruan Tian vaguely recalled seeing this show at some point in the past, so she nodded, “So I just have to run, hide, and, when necessary, kick out my unpleasant teammates, right?"

Jiang Lili nodded, "That's right."

She hesitated for a brief moment and then added, "It’s just that… erm, Wang Baiyuan will also be participating this time. That child is already very miserable so please don’t beat him up again. Oh, Qin An, Zhao Meng’er, and few other good friends you’ve made along the way will also be on the show this time."

Ruan Tian rolled her eyes. Suddenly she felt that this show could be renamed to ‘Ruan Tian And Her Sworn Enemies’.

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Ruan Tian fell silent for a long while before slowly saying, “Well, that’s great. Qin An can be the first one I kick off the show.”

She would definitely make sure to kick out Qin An until he was doubting life!

Back when ‘Star Acceleration’ first aired it had come out of the blue and immediately became a big hit. The show was interesting and exciting for the viewers, so the ratings were high and its popularity climbed. Nowadays, stars would feel overjoyed to receive an invitation to go on this popular show.

However, only certain stars were eligible to be invited, the type that the general public wanted to lick but could not lick.

The only downside was that the show’s audience was historically very demanding toward the guests. If a star couldn’t personally excel or create any interesting drama, the audience would definitely petition the crew to kick that star out. Of course, once a star was kicked off the show there would then be a wave of negative publicity as all the fans of the show would show up to scold them as a waste who had washed out of the show.

Ruan Tian spent about a week to watch the entire first season of the show. To sum everything up, she discovered that this was a show that had high requirements for physical strength. If a participant could run fast enough and hide well enough, then they would ultimately be able to have the last laugh.

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But when Ruan Tian thought of how her competitors would be a bunch of wastes - young masters who had never done a day of labor in their lives and who could barely lift their skinny arms - she was suddenly overflowing with confidence.

She felt that she alone was more than enough to abuse a group of such wastes.

One thing puzzled her though: Why were these people, Zhao Meng’er and Wang Baiyuan, still so courageous as to participate in such a show that depended purely on physical strength?

In particular, that Wang Baiyuan was as fragile and delicate as a flower. Truly the embodiment of a young master who couldn’t suffer the slightest bumps or hardships.

On her side, Ruan Tian had just finished packing up her luggage and was ready to leave to begin recording when she suddenly received an urgent report from Jiang Lili: “Director Cheng has finally picked out the male lead for his upcoming film!”

Ruan Tian replied, "Isn't that a good thing?"

In her mind, now that the all-important male and female leads were set, it was just a matter of picking out the supporting cast, waiting until the designated time, and then smoothly starting filming.

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However, the male lead that Director Cheng had found after a month or so of searching this time was a movie star who was much more accomplished professionally than Ruan Tian. He was a powerful and sensational actor who had won three leading film roles using his own skills from as early as the age of 17.

Jiang Lili sat down cross-legged on a cushion and, without any care for her image, happily ate some of the fruits Ruan Tian passed to her. At the same time, she started complaining: "Well, this big movie star doesn't seem to be all that happy to be working with you."

As soon as he had heard that Ruan Tian was the one who was selected to be the female lead, he had sent some members of his team over to communicate with Director Cheng, with the obvious intention of finding out whether she could be replaced or not.

This kind of movie star who had some achievements and awards within the film circle were often like this. They were arrogant and unwilling to act opposite of someone like Ruan Tian who had just risen to prominence and was still mostly only popular within the TV circle.

Or perhaps it was because Ruan Tian’s name had been showing up on the hot search so often recently, causing him to not have a very good impression of her.

Although there was no doubt that Ruan Tian had won the audition through her own efforts, this movie star and his team still wanted to forcibly replace her with some more famous actress.

After all, it was better to combine two already popular stars than to help out some no-name.

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Casually grabbing another of the small strawberries she had just finished washing and popping it into her mouth, Ruan Tian said between bites, "There are already so many people who don't like me, he doesn’t even rank on the list."

As she bit down, strawberry juice stained her pretty lips.

She leaned back lazily on the sofa and continued, "If he really doesn't want to work with me, then he can just refuse the role."

Such a big cake like one of Director Cheng’s movies, but he wanted to act reluctant to join because he was unsatisfied with the female lead?

He had already used up all his luck just to secure the role, but he still wanted to push for more? How could there be such a good thing in this world?

Jiang Lili’s expression was a little sad and she sniffled a few times before saying, "Actually, this star was always my male god in my heart. I really never would have thought that he was actually someone who judges other people by appearances. His image was like a tower, but now the tower has collapsed in my heart."

Ruan Tian mused for a moment and then said, "In this industry, you will find that there are still a lot of such towers collapsing every day."

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