Meanwhile, this whole affair thoroughly confirmed Ruan Tian’s status as the Imperial Concubine of Qin Pictures in the eyes of outsiders, and there were many people who secretly envied her.

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Moreover, these people looked at all the men who had supposedly fallen in love with her and felt even more envious. Each of these men were handsome men with beautiful faces and perfect figures and, most importantly, they were all young, promising, and powerful in their respective circles. 

There was even a certain group of tireless anti-fans who had been smearing Ruan Tian’s name ever since she was a small 18th-tier actress, and when they received this news it was as if some get personal tragedy had struck, as if they learned their mothers had been stabbed or something. In their anger, they all began to create threads and make posts online. 

One particularly eye-catching thread used the roaring title: 【Please stop feeding Ruan Tian the “poisonous milk”*! ! ! 】

In the past, this group had often mocked Ruan Tian as having dreams higher than the sky but a fate thinner than paper whenever the “Imperial Concubine” rumors circulated. But now, it seemed that Ruan Tian had really done the thing they had always mocked as being impossible and become the Imperial Concubine, and maybe she was even going to go further and become the boss’s main wife. Then they always used to mock Ruan Tian and say she would be obscure forever, but she unexpectedly blew up overnight and became famous. After that, when ‘Motes of Dust’ had first started filming, they had all mocked and said it would be impossible for such a film to earn anything at the box office, but then there was a sudden and unexpected reversal at the end. It seemed that, while following Ruan Tian’s career, this group of anti-fans had really seen everything.

In the end, it seemed that all this “poisonous milk” they had fed her might really lead Ruan Tian to becoming a Movie Queen.

And if Ruan Tian really became Movie Queen, then this group who had been slandering her for so long really felt like maybe they didn’t even need to keep living anymore. Maybe they should all just jump into a river… 

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Ruan Tian received a call from an unknown number late into the night. She picked up her phone, looked at the long string of unfamiliar numbers, then hung up without hesitation and went back to sleep.

However, the buzz of the ringing phone droned on and on as calls came one after another, as if the person on the other end was very desperate to speak with her. 

Ruan Tian finally picked up the call with eyes that were half-closed and, in a nasal voice that was thick with drowsiness, she said, “Who is this?”

Qin An’s voice came from the other end of the line, sounding very “spiritual”, “Ruan Tian, I need a favor.” 

Ruan Tian didn’t immediately recognize the voice on the phone. Her eyelids cracked open a little and she asked tentatively, “Wang Baiyuan?”

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Qin An sighed and said, “It’s me. Ruan Tian, I need you to come to the police station and pick me up. Hurry up.”

His tone was like Ruan Tian coming to pick him up was just a matter of course, and there was no trace of gratitude or a person asking for a favor in his tone at all. 

Ruan Tian angrily replied, “Why would I? !”

She looked at the clock and saw that it was 03:00 in the morning! Qin An was clearly just calling to disturb her sweet dreams. 

Ruan Tian let out a big yawn and said, “Anyway, if it’s all right with you, I’ll be hanging up now.”

Qin An wanted to lower himself to beg for help, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to do so. The result was that he squirmed like a wronged little wife, fumbling around for a long time but not actually saying a word.

The policeman who was watching from the side finally couldn’t bear to watch anymore and snatched the phone from Qin An’s hand. Then, he spoke into the phone with a businesslike tone: “Are you Mr. Qin An’s wife? Your husband has done something wrong. Please come to the police station to pick him up now.”

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Qin An felt like the whole world was turning black. Wasn’t this just asking Ruan Tian to come kill him? 

Meanwhile, hearing the word “wife” from the phone cause Ruan Tian to pause and wonder if she was hearing things.

But, in the end, she endured the impulse to lose her temper and lash out at the policeman on the phone and mumbled an agreement before getting out of bed. Remembering Qin An’s ghastly wailing over the phone, she quickly rushed to the police station and arrived at around half past three in the morning. 

As soon as she entered the police station, she heard Qin An shouting, “Just wait for my wife to arrive, she’s going to kill you, you punk!”

Ruan Tian: “…”

As it turned out, Qin An had a fight with someone after coming back from a banquet in the middle of the night, and now his face was black and blue. However, at the end of the day, Qin An was still a well-known artist and one of the most popular performers in his company. Thus, he didn’t quite dare to call his agent and admit that he had made such a low-level mistake and needed someone to pick him up for the police station, let alone his big brother. 

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Moreover, he had fought this fight mostly because of Ruan Tian, so he decided that it was fair to ask her for help. 

The young policeman waiting at the police station actually recognized Ruan Tian when she arrived, and was surprised to see that this little girl looked the same now without makeup as she did on TV, very beautiful.

The young policeman gulped, put away his stern expression, and became more gentle, “Your husband… um, this is your husband, isn’t he?”

Ruan Tian took a cold glance at the culprit of this mess, Qin An, but nodded in the end.

*tl note: “Poisonous milk” is a piece of internet slang that is generally used specifically in the context of e-sports commentators who “overly praise” a player or team that ultimately ends up losing. Then people say that the commentator sent the team/player “poisonous milk” by praising them to the high heavens before the match was decided, causing them to lose. Of course, the commentators don’t actually have any effect on the game, it’s just a meme.

However, because of the next paragraphs, I think this is supposed to be read slightly more literally and the line is a call for the other anti-fans to stop saying bad things about Ruan Tian because they keep not coming true.

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