Shen Shu’s emotions were a bit unstable and he was feeling a little irrational at the moment. He suddenly muttered plaintively, “Ruan Tian, you hate me, don’t you?”

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Ruan Tian was silent for a moment, then denied it. “No.”

Hearing her indifferent tone, Shen Shu felt wronged. He couldn’t help but reach out, grab her wrist, and pull her to face-to-face with him so she would have to look him in the eye. He said, “I really didn’t like you in high school. It’s unreasonable for you to hold a grudge against me for what happened back then.” 

Listening to him, even Ruan Tian was almost convinced.

She nodded along and said, “En, I know. It was just my one-sided affections, so I really don’t hold any grudges.”

Shen Shu took a deep breath. He suddenly felt that he had made a mistake just now. 

From the side, a member of the staff came forward and urged Ruan Tian to continue to shoot the advertisement.

Shen Shu stepped back and stood by to wait. However, once the shoot was done, Ruan Tian completely treated Shen Shu as if he were made of air and directly left. 

Despite that, Shen Shu followed behind her and said, “I’ve already started looking into what you said last time. About the drugging incident.”

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Ruan Tian had no special reaction. “I look forward to the day when you’re able to return my innocence.”

Just before Ruan Tian got into the car, she stopped and asked: “If, at the end of your investigation, you find that Zhou Xiaoqiao was the one who did it, will you believe it?”

Coldness flashed in Shen Shu’s eyes and he said, “I will not spare those who scheme against me.”

Hearing that, Ruan Tian felt relieved.

In this respect at least, Shen Shu was somewhat admirable! 

After all, when he had thought she was the one who had schemed against him, he had left her alone and in the cold for two whole years despite marrying her. Not to mention treating her like a wife, she hadn’t even been able to get through the doors of his company. It went to show that he truly would not let a person who schemed against him off! 

On the way back, Ruan Tian leaned against the window and couldn’t help but recall what had happened that day. She had drunk a glass of orange juice served a waiter and then a lecherous old man had appeared and began to pester her. 

Ruan Tian had kicked the old man’s family root and then fled back to her hotel room.

However, whatever they fed her had really been unbearably strong.

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After that, her memory wasn’t very clear. She vaguely remembered that Shen Shu had opened her door, taken off his suit coat, and looked at her coldly.

(tl note: In an earlier chapter I translated that Shen Shu was the one who got drugged but that is apparently wrong, it was actually Ruan Tian. I’ll go back and fix the mistranslation.)

Ruan Tian also remembered that the lecherous old man had accidentally let some things slip. Most importantly, he had said the words “your sister”.

Thanks to that, Ruan Tian later suspected that the whole incident must have had something to do with Zhou Xiaoqiao.

However, even though she searched for a long time, she was never able to find any evidence that Zhou Xiaoqiao was really the one behind it.

Ruan Tian’s assistant suddenly spoke up and reminded in a low voice, “Sister Ruan, we’ve reached your home. You should go upstairs and get some rest.”

Ruan Tian nodded. She had been shooting commercials all day, so she really was feeling tired by this point. 

She climbed the stairs, went to her apartment, then lay in bed and got ready to try to make up some missed sleep. She sighed. In a few more days, she would be going to join a film crew again. 

When she woke up again, it was already completely dark.

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Ruan Tian got up and washed her face, then just stared into the mirror in a daze for a moment. Eventually, she went and dug up the math papers she had bought last time and bravely began to attack the problems on the paper.

She bit her pen and puffed out her cheeks uncomfortably.

After finishing the math problems, Ruan Tian’s head felt like it was exploding.

She sighed and began to feel that she might need a tutor.

Just at that moment, her phone rang with a call from Jiang Lili. After picking it up, Ruan Tian noticed that her friend’s voice was extremely excited, “TianBaby! Have you looked at Weibo?”

Ruan Tian answered honestly, “No.”

So long as she didn’t look at Weibo there would be no one to scold her. 

Jiang Lili couldn’t restrain her excitement and shouted, “You’ve been nominated for the award that will make you the next Movie Queen!”

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She was the youngest candidate in history.

Moreover, it was the first time she had played the female lead in a film, and she had already been nominated to be a Movie Queen. 

And thanks to this one award, the whole film had been put on the list of nominees. 

The selection process of the Hong Kong International Film Festival was actually extremely harsh. Very few commercial literary films had been nominated for any awards in recent years.

Moreover, counting the Movie Queens over the years, almost all of them were much more experienced actresses when compared with Ruan Tian.

With enough works completed and awards in hand, an actress would finally have the right to speak in this circle.

Ruan Tian opened up the official website with slightly shaking hands and carefully took a look at the list of nominees that had been announced. She saw her name in both Chinese and English in the nominee column for Best Actress at the very top of the page, and the trembling of her hands intensified. 

It seemed that those two months of effort under the hot summer sun, those days of immersing herself too deeply into the role, it really hadn’t been in vain.

Ruan Tian fell into a trance for a moment. She closed her eyes and suddenly she could remember the days when the only acting roles she could get were stand-in roles. She recalled how she had slowly worked hard to walk higher and higher in order to reach a position where she would no longer be easily bullied…

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