The little secretary sighed and asked, “Is Boss Qin heartbroken? He’s too fierce today.”

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After seeing this scene, the chief assistant understood inside that the young master indeed probably had something go wrong in his love life that had caused him to be in such a bad mood.

Thus, it was with a heavy heart that he pushed the door open and walked into the office. He reported nervously, “President Qin, the Shen family has recently been looking into that matter from three years ago.”

President Qin’s face was very cold at first, but when he heard that a twisted smile appeared at the corners of his lips, and the tip of his of his pen tapped against his desk. Finally, he said, “Let them look into it as much as they like.”

Incidentally, it would let Shen Shu see if Zhou Xiaoqiao was really the perfect wife in his heart that he had always imagined.

In fact, even when it was necessary to make a move, Qin Yu had always been reluctant to use ruthless means against Zhou Xiaoqiao. After all, there was still the relationship of growing up together for so long to keep in mind. However, on that day three years ago, Zhou Xiaoqiao had thoroughly infuriated him.

What a hypocritical “good sister”. Her heart was so vicious! 

Thus, over the past few years, he had threatened Zhou Xiaoqiao several times to warn her not to misbehave.

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And, on the surface, Zhou Xiaoqiao seemed to be doing a good job of that. 

But now it seemed it was finally time for her to eat the bitter fruit sown by her own actions back then.

Qin Yu could still remember night back then. He had rushed to the party and looked around desperately before finding that old man. However, he had to beat that old man half to death before he finally started talking about what had happened.

Qin Yu was able to learn that Ruan Tian had already long left and the old man hadn’t touched her, but the news hadn’t brought him any feeling of relief.

By the time he finally got to the hotel, everything was already too late.

Qin Yu checked the surveillance cameras and saw Ruan Tian and Shen Shu entering the same room one after another and quickly rushed over. He ended up standing numbly outside that room for a long time in silence. The sound insulation was very good, so he wasn’t able to hear anything inside.

That night his eyes had been red and his fists had been tightly clenched.

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A violent murderous intent had wildly undulated from his body. 

Every time! He was always a step too late!

Qin Yu had pursued this relationship step by step for so many years. He had acted crazy, he had done bad things, he had been unscrupulous and borderline hysterical, so obsessed he had practically tied himself in knots. He had loved her and hated her and, in the end, he had seen Ruan Tian’s tears. But, after hearing her cry…

He really didn’t want to see her cry ever again.

Behind his desk, Qin Yu showed a cold smile. He was somewhat looking forward to Shen Shu’s reaction once he discovered Zhou Xiaoqiao’s true face. When he learned that the “kind and pure little sister” in his heart was actually a highly poisonous snake, what kind of face would he make?

When he thought of this, Qin Yu’s gloomy mood somewhat dissipated. 

Then, for the first time, he sent Weibo a message to create an official verified Weibo account for himself. Shortly after that, a new user ‘QinYu’, who had the red checkmark but no follows or followers appeared.

Qin Yu immediately found Ruan Tian’s Weibo, clicked “Follow”, then logged out again.

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Qin Yu’s newly made Weibo account had no fans or followers, so it was very inconspicuous.

However, Qin An seemed to have a dog-like nose that could sniff out anything, because he was able to find it very shortly after it was made. 

Despite finding this exciting piece of gossip, Qin An was disappointed to find that Qin Yu’s new Weibo account was completely empty without even a single post.

Thus, Qin An cheekily sent over a message on WeChat: 【Big brother, I’ve followed you, remember to follow me back. 】

Qin Yu didn’t even bother to reply to this message. 

It was even more impossible for him to actually follow Qin An back.

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Meanwhile, Qin An’s fans saw one more person appear on their idol’s list of people that he was “Following”, so they clicked on that profile one by one to have a look.

Oooooo~ So amazing. 

It turned out that the low-key eldest young master Qin, who you could usually find neither hide nor hair of, had for some reason opened an official Weibo account. From his profile picture, he seemed to be a cold yet handsome young man. 

Also, Ruan Tian was the only person on his new account’s follow list. Even his own brother didn’t receive a follow!

【This is true love. 】

【I really can’t help but like this kind of ruthless and overbearing CEO who only loves you and only you and makes everyone else step aside. 】

【I just want to ask, when will they get married? 】

【As a former alumnus from the same school, I’ve rushed to deliver this news to all of you: In fact, back in school Ruan Tian and Qin Yu were notoriously irreconcilable like fire and water, seemingly always ready to have a fight to the death. Their relationship was “Today, you humiliated me, tomorrow, I will retaliate” all throughout their time in high school. Basically, both of them were always fighting and seemed to have water in their brains. 】

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