In the end, thanks to Qin Yu’s interference, the plan to shoot the bed scene completely failed. As a result, the whole crew ended up finishing their work for the day ahead of schedule.

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The members of the cast and crew slowly started leaving one after another, and Ruan Tian also went and took off her makeup to get ready to leave as well. 

Her assistant suddenly appeared at the door of the dressing room with a bitter expression. She looked at Ruan Tian and said apologetically, “Sister Ruan, your usual driver got into a traffic accident today. He’s still being detained at the police station to give his statement right now.”

Ruan Tian’s assistant was still young so she was slightly panicky in the face of this unexpected situation. She said nervously, “There are many reporters squatting outside the set today. It’s as if they’ve heard from somewhere that Boss Qin would also be here. Clearly, they want to try to take pictures with the two of you in the same frame in order to stir up more rumors.” 

Ruan Tian pondered for a moment, then said, “Why don’t we go back in the director’s car?”

The assistant stammered and replied, “The director has already left…” She paused, as if finding the next words difficult to say. Eventually, she continued, “Boss Qin has been waiting for you outside and says that he can send you back.”

Ruan Tian had no desire to ride in Qin Yu’s car. She replied, “No, call a taxi.”

The assistant lowered her voice and advised: “I don’t know if that’s a good idea. There are a lot of paparazzi and reporters from more than a dozen media outlets outside.”

Then, in a tone that was almost crying, “Actually, Sister Ruan, when Mr. Qin asked me if you wanted to ride with him earlier, I just agreed to it for you without permission. But if you don’t want to, I’ll go back and reject him right now.”

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Ruan Tian could see that her assistant was on the verge of tears and decided she didn’t want to embarrass her over this.

“It’s just a trivial matter. Since he offered there’s no reason to turn down a free ride.” Ruan Tian said comfortingly.

Even without her makeup, Ruan Tian was still very beautiful. Her skin was pale, her figure was good, and her facial features were exquisite. In order to be more low-key, she put on a mask that only revealed her two moist black eyes.

She carefully made her way to the front and then rushed out to the large black car that was parked there. 

She slipped into the car and found a familiar man inside. He gaze off a frosty aura and seemed to have a faint scent like cool, crushed pine. Currently, he was slightly leaning back against his seat with his eyes closed. 

Looking at him, Ruan Tian got the sense that Qin Yu seemed to be in a good mood today.

After a while, Qin Yu spoke to the driver in a low voice, “Drive.”

The various media outlets had, in fact, gotten some news in advance this time, so they had all come out in order to get pictures for a new big scoop. Thus, there were many paparazzi who saw Ruan Tian when she rushed out of the building. They quickly tried to follow with their cameras but were immediately blocked by the dark tinted windows of the car. Their cameras clicked but, in the end, they didn’t manage to photograph anything. 

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The assistant who had also jumped into the car was scared half to death by this scene. She patted her chest and said, “It’s a good thing they didn’t manage to take any photos.”

Or else her boss would end up on another hot search!

Ruan Tian just lowered her head to look at her phone, seemingly content to just play games.

Qin Yu looked at her sidelong, then said in a voice as if he was delivering good news: “Your sister has run into a bit of trouble these days.”

Ruan Tian’s response was flat and disinterested, “Oh.”

Qin Yu raised an eyebrow and asked, “Don’t you want to know what kind of trouble it is?”

Ruan Tian shook her head. “To be honest, I really don’t care about her.”

Zhou Xiaoqiao was the female lead this world. She should be protected by her unbeatable golden finger, so while Ruan Tian found it a bit unexpected that her sister’s usually invincible hand of cards had somehow managed to fail her this time, she didn’t really care.

Qin Yu also decided to shut up and drop the topic.

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He wasn’t too interested in discussing this matter either.

After all, this topic was ultimately related to what had happened back then. And whenever he thought of that matter, it would dredge up some lingering feelings of discomfort in his heart. 

Soon, they arrived in front of the hotel where Ruan Tian was staying. Her assistant was still worried, so she said cautiously, “Sister Ruan, I’ll get out of the car first and see if there are any reporters squatting around.”

Ruan Tian nodded and waved for her to go.

After getting out of the car, the assistant stretched her neck and looked around, but didn’t see any traces of reporters. She finally felt relieved and called for Ruan Tian to also come out of the car.

Qin Yu followed her and got out of the car at the same time. 

At that moment, a flash of light suddenly lit up the darkness. Ruan Tian subconsciously wanted to cover her face with her hand, but it was too late.

Camera flashes filled the dark street one after another.

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Qin Yu wrapped his arm around Ruan Tian’s shoulder and pressed her head on her chest in order to help hide her face, then forcibly led her up to the hotel doors. Once they were inside, he turned to a nearby bodyguard and told him to deal with it in a cold voice, “Catch that person. Delete all the photos and destroy the camera.”

The bodyguard nodded and left to do as Qin Yu ordered.

Ruan Tian, who had been forcibly grabbed, had no choice but to take in the crisp, cold scent of Qin Yu’s body.

Once they were inside, she finally lifted her little red face to look up at Qin Yu. She was really unhappy. She had completely lost all face this time! 

Qin Yu chuckled, causing his adam’s apple to roll up and down. He said, “I have an idea. Don’t all those reporters and journalists like to say that we are lovers? As lovers, it shouldn’t be strange to share a room and a bed, right?”

Ruan Tian was so angry that there was practically smoke coming from the top of her head. She shot back: “They also like to say that you are my licking dog! It turns out you really are! ?”

Qin Yu thought carefully before saying, “That’s a bit of an exaggeration.”

Ruan Tian said solemnly: “Therefore, please don’t tarnish my innocence. Don’t try to turn black to white and make something from nothing. After all, I also dream of finding a handsome boy and falling in love someday.” 

After pausing for a few seconds, she went on to say, “But with your virtues, I really won’t like you.”

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