Ruan Tian had no opinion on the matter of shooting the bed scene, and Shao Chengyue had even less of an opinion.

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However, during this time, the director had actually tweaked the script and changed this bed scene again, making the scale of the scene much bigger than in the first versions of the script.

After she read the new scene, Ruan Tian couldn’t help but flush when she read some of the adjectives in the new version of the script. In fact, it was to the point that even a well-informed and experienced actor like Shao Chengyue turned a bit red behind the ears.

However, Shao Chengyue kept cool and calm on the surface, and spoke up to comfort the uncomfortable-looking Ruan Tian: “Don’t worry, I know how to behave.”

He definitely wouldn’t use the situation to purposefully take advantage of her.

Before they started filming, the director felt that he needed to cultivate the emotions of his two actors and help them get into the proper headspace for the scene.

He called out, “Teacher Ruan, you need to let loose. You are immersed! Intoxicated! Excited! Do you understand! ?”

Ruan Tian blanched. What kind of dangerous words were these? 

The temperature of Ruan Tian’s cheeks that had just gone down suddenly started burning up again. She coughed a few times and said, “I see.”

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The director continued to speak, this time to Shao Chengyue, “Teacher Shao, you should also be bold. When it’s time to shoot the scene, do it properly. Don’t overthink things.” 


With this the director felt that everything that needed to be explained had been explained. 

He took a deep breath, then shouted for them to start. 

In an instant, Ruan Tian’s wrists were firmly clasped over the top of her head.

She felt her lips being gently bitten and a hand being placed on her waist. She felt a feather-light touch as fingers traced along her waistline and up her back until they reached her neck and held her there.

She slightly arched her back and raised her neck, creating a graceful arc with her body.

The director looked at the scene being captured on the camera and couldn’t help but gulp audibly. He picked up his loudspeaker and shouted, “Teacher Shao, you don’t have to be so cautious.”

“Teacher Ruan, put your hand around his waist and get closer.”

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In the end, he didn’t pass their first attempt at the scene. 

Although it was visually very beautiful, the director could clearly sense stiffness in the actors. 

In between takes they took a short break. Ruan Tian had put on a long coat face, but her face was red like it was on fire. All of a sudden she felt very awkward when facing Shao Chengyue.

She felt very embarrassed.

Meanwhile, Shao Chengyue was also having a hard time. He felt uncertain and wasn’t sure what he could say to ease the atmosphere. After a while, he considerately said to Ruan Tian, “If you don’t want to do this scene, we can talk to the director.”

“I don’t want to stop shooting the scene, really I’m fine.” She replied eventually. 

Fortunately, the second time they tried shooting the scene, there was a lot more tacit understanding between the two actors.

They managed to film all the scenes of rubbing and kissing to the director’s satisfaction. 

After the second attempt, the director was finally willing to let them both go.

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Ruan Tian went behind the camera and looked at what they had just shot and, inside her heart, she felt she really had to give the camerawork a thumbs up! There was nothing to say but: awesome! It really looked like it was real! ! !

Shao Chengyue had done his part perfectly. His one hand was enough to grasp her waist, his kisses were just right and, overall, he made the scene seem very moving and intimate. 

The director was also satisfied with how things had turned out. He said, “You two have great potential to be a CP too.”

The director was in a good mood. Filming had gone much more smoothly than he expected. He had thought it would take the whole afternoon, but who knew his two actors would be able to develop such good tacit understanding so quickly?

Ruan Tian had been beautiful and delicate, while Shao Chengyue had been gentle and domineering.

A perfect match!

Ruan Tian said, “But this scene… can it even be broadcast?” 

The director replied, “It’s fine, we didn’t go too far! Isn’t it just a simple kiss? ! Don’t worry about anything, it can definitely be broadcast as it is.”

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At the same time, the director made up his mind not to let Qin Yu know about this scene before the movie was released. After all, he still wanted to live. 

He went around and told the whole crew to keep it a secret and to say nothing about what happened today.

Unfortunately, the director had still underestimated Qin Yu’s ability.

The very first day after he came out of the hospital, Qin Yu reappeared on the set.

Of course, the director was thick-skinned enough to pretend that he had done nothing wrong. He happily went forward and began lying with a smiling face, “Boss Qin, the people from the crew have all missed you very much during these days when you weren’t coming to the set.”

Qin Yu merely smiled faintly and ignored him.

He sat down in the director’s chair lazily and began tapping his fingers on the armrest. Then, he slowly said, “Let’s take a look at the scenes you shot while I wasn’t here.”

The whole crew quieted down.

The director suddenly felt completely convinced of Qin Yu’s abilities. 

Was there anything that he didn’t know! ! !

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