Ruan Tian hadn’t recognized Shen Shu’s niece at all, nor had the little girl recognized Ruan Tian, this ex-aunt of hers. 

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But, after thinking about it, it was actually normal for them not to recognize one another. After all, apart from Shen Shu’s parents, Ruan Tian had almost no contact with any of his other relatives even back when they were still married.

Shen Shu was also surprised that there would be such a coincidence.

Seeing Shen Shu’s face made Ruan Tian feel a bit nostalgic. After all, the school where the examinations were being held this time was actually their old high school, so was familiar with every plant and tree in this place, and now there was an additional familiar face as well. 

Of course, back then her classroom had been on the first floor, but she could still remember rushing out of her classroom the second the bell rang in order to come to the square below and look up at the second floor to see if the young man in her heart would be leaning against the railing there, gazing off into the distance as he often used to do in those days. 

Before long, the pretty little girl rushed off again to find her classmates and explore the examination venue, leaving her uncle alone with Ruan Tian.  

Shen Shu hesitated for a while but eventually moved over to her side. Ruan Tian could immediately smell that unique and familiar fragrance, like crushed pine needles in winter.

Shen Shu began to chat with her in a calm tone, “Do you feel prepared?”

Ruan Tian looked down at the locust tree in the square with a dazed expression, but she still replied, “En, should be about prepared.” 

Then, there was silence again.

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Having finished taking a look around and having seen the examination room, Ruan Tian was about ready to go home.

But before she could leave, Shen Shu suddenly stood in front of her. He reached into his pocket and took out a cigarette case and lighter that were probably worth thousands of yuan, then lit a cigarette and said, “I went on a blind date again yesterday.”

Ruan Tian was confused. She didn’t understand why he was giving her this information.

Still, she replied, “That’s good.” 

Shen Shu took a deep drag on the cigarette, then slowly exhaled a ring of smoke. He said, “En, it’s good. Although I probably won’t love anyone else, I should still get remarried in the future.”

This was Shen Shu’s inborn coldness. 

He had never treated any woman seriously or with his heart. 

It wasn’t that Shen Shu had tragically lost his ability to love, rather, he had always been indifferent to these kinds of feelings from the beginning.

Ruan Tian… was an exception.

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However, by the time he realized it, it was already too late.

Now Shen Shu just regarded finding a new partner as a menial yet unavoidable task. His feelings were numb, and his life went by day by day filled with nothing but dull shades of gray. It all seemed so meaningless.

It seemed that this would be his fate until the end of his life.

He could practically see it all playing out already. 

On the other hand, Ruan Tian was feeling pretty good. She said, “Well, Shen Shu, I wish you happiness.” 

Then she walked away.

Shen Shu leaned against the iron railing and silently watched her leave. His eyes were fixed on her back, watching it slowly grow farther and farther away.

Soon, the pretty little girl came back. She found her uncle standing alone in the classroom, seemingly in a bad mood. 

“Uncle, smoking is not allowed in school.” She said. 

Shen Shu casually stubbed out his cigarette and replied, “I know.” 

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How could he not know? 

After all, who was Shen Shu? He had been the golden child of this high school, someone excellent in both moral character and academic performance according to his teachers. Yet, he was also the young man who used to smoke cigarettes with Qin Yu at the corner of the teaching building.

He suddenly recalled that, back then, the topics they had discussed had almost always revolved around Ruan Tian. 

Of course, mostly to mock her. 

Back then, whenever he had been in a bad mood, he would chuckle and say, “She’s a weirdo.” “A bitch.”, or other similar things.

But in hindsight, he was just hypocritical.

After all, just imagine, what if he hadn’t purposefully seduced her? 

What if he hadn’t deliberately left hope for her?

If he hadn’t done that, she probably wouldn’t have been so willing to smash her head against the wall for so long trying to get his attention.

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His little niece asked, “What happened to that classmate just now? Where did she go?”

“Let’s go.”

“Wait, that classmate kept an eye on my school bag, but I haven’t thanked her yet. Did you thank her for me uncle?”


“Uncle, what kind of manners are these? You are so annoying! No one will like you like this.”

Shen Shu wore a faint expression. He also found himself quite annoying.

He was hypocritical from the inside out.

And it seemed that Ruan Tian really would not and probably could not ever love him again. 

Just thinking about it made Shen Shu feel as if there was a stone on his chest, making it hard for him to breathe. Somehow, it felt as if his heart had been hollowed out.

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