Standing outside the examination venue, the midday sun was beating down from overhead, and the glare made it so Ruan Tian almost couldn’t open her eyes. At the same time, thin beads of sweat had already begun to form on her forehead thanks to the uncomfortable heat.

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Thus, she didn’t say any hypocritical words of polite refusal and just directly climbed into the air-conditioned car. 

Qin Yu followed her and got into the drivers seat, then drove her to a nearby restaurant that he was familiar with. It was a high-end private restaurant that was built in a small courtyard with a bamboo grove, making it seem almost hidden from the outside world. The environment was very quiet, and there weren’t many other patrons inside because this restaurant was completely closed to the public and only accepted private reservations.

Qin Yu ordered a few light dishes, then poured Ruan Tian a glass of water and asked, “What time does your afternoon exam begin?” 

“Three o’clock.”

“Then you can rest here for a while after you finish eating. I’ll take you back to the examination venue when it’s almost time.”

“That’s fine…” Ruan Tian’s eyelashes were drooping as she tried to fight off her exhaustion. She looked a bit dazed, but she still muttered, “Thank you.” 

After all, even though Ruan Tian had never been to this restaurant before, just looking around was enough for her to know that having a meal here was definitely expensive. 

Soon the food arrived and Ruan Tian ate happily. 

Then, once the meal was done, she really did start to feel sleepy and yawned as if she could fall asleep the next second.

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As for Qin Yu himself, he didn’t eat much. He had never been a person with a good appetite.

Because this was a private box in a high-end restaurant, there was even a small side room where guests could rest. Thus, Ruan Tian tiredly laid down on the cot inside the side room and really fell asleep. 

When it was nearly 3:00 p.m., Qin Yu woke her up and sent her back to the school.

After watching outside until Ruan Tian’s back disappeared inside, Qin Yu returned to his car and leaned back in the drivers seat. He was also feeling a little tired, so he leaned back in the seat and closed his eyes to take a nap.

Another two hours went by, and the math test came to a close. 

The classroom was filled with the sounds of wailing and lamentations of the examinees. Some of the examinees with poor psychological resilience even laid down on their desks and began to sob.

The test this year was just too hard.

This was not a test that humans could pass! 

There had even been two new types of questions on this year’s test that none of the examinees had ever come into contact with before.

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Inside the classroom, many people were complaining.

“It seems I’ll be repeating this test next year.” 

“Why does it have to be our year’s turn to be so unlucky? Even if they announced that they were reforming the college entrance examinations this year, this test is really too different compared to the ones from the previous years.” 

“It’s just too hard.” 

In contrast to all the despairing people around her, Ruan Tian herself was actually relatively calm.

She was more or less satisfied with her performance. At the very least, she could say that she had finished all of it, and she had even solved the big final problem at the end of the test. She estimated that her result shouldn’t be too bad. Probably her score would be over a hundred points.

To her left, Shen Shu’s little niece didn’t seem to have done too well on her own exam. 

The little girl wiped her tears and asked, “Classmate, how did you do?”

After pondering for a moment, Ruan Tian replied, “I did okay.”

“Did you manage to answer all the questions?” 

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The little girl felt speechless. She might as well not have asked!

The little girl’s expression became aggrieved, and Ruan Tian almost thought she was going to burst into tears. 


The matter of the college entrance exams was a hot topic, so it ended up climbing the hot search rankings for a few days immediately after the exams were done.

Ruan Tian, as an older examinee, didn’t attract much attention compared to young outstand academics. 

But there were also certain people in the circle who regarded her as a competitor that were paying close attention to this matter. They were waiting for the results to come out so they could see Ruan Tian make a joke of herself.

Of course, it wasn’t as if there were no academic achievers in the entertainment circle. 

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However, people who really had talent for learning and academics generally wouldn’t be willing to mix around in the industry, so most of these people assumed that Ruan Tian wasn’t very smart and expected that she would fail and were just waiting to laugh about it.

After the final day of exams was over, Ruan Tian directly went home and slept for three days straight. 

During this time, Qin Yu called her 800 times. Only on the third day did she finally fish her phone out from the pillow she was sleeping on and answer the call. Her voice was stuffy and muddled with sleep, “Hello? What’s the matter?”

Qin Yu almost felt admiration for this woman who could sleep for three days straight, even ignoring his calls.

Young master Qin wasn’t annoyed by this though, he just said bluntly, “Are you there? I need to meet you, customer.”

Ruan Tian: “…”

Qin Yu sneered, “It’s already been three days. Five thousand yuan is no longer enough.”

Ruan Tian: “…”

Not enough? When exactly did she hire this guy? ! 

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