After showing off, Qin Yu directly tossed a ring of keys into her hands and said lazily, “I feel a bit tired. Let me borrow your bed to sleep.”

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After a pause, he looked sidelong at Ruan Tian, who seemed to be on the verge of exploding, and said, “Don’t misunderstand. I just need to sleep. I don’t want to sleep with you.”

Then he really went into her room and went to sleep.

And he certainly slept long enough.

Even when 8:00 p.m. rolled around, there was still no sign of him waking up.

In Ruan Tian’s bedroom, this guy confidently occupied her bed and her quilt, seemingly without any psychological burdens at all.

Ruan Tian finally felt that she had put up with enough, so she went over to not-so-gently wake him up: “Quickly get up! Or else I’ll kick you out myself.”

The man on the bed remained motionless and continued to sleep soundly.

While Ruan Tian was still thinking about how to kick this guy down from her bed, Qin Yu suddenly stirred. He suddenly sat up, then reached over and dragged Ruan Tian down on the bed. Then, in a sleep-muddled voice, he muttered, “Come here, let’s sleep together.”

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Ruan Tian immediately flushed red with shame and anger. She hissed, “Who wants to sleep with you! ! ! Even if you don’t care about shame, I still do! ! !”

Qin Yu’s head rested heavily against her neck, seemingly adjusting and trying to find a comfortable spot. Finally, he closed his eyes again and said in a hoarse voice, “Don’t play this push and pull game and deliberately provoke me.”

Ruan Tian: “…”

Your mother she was “trying to provoke him”! 

Qin Yu let out a low and throaty chuckle. As he exhaled, his warm breath gently brushed across her neck. His voice was deep and pleasant: “You should be grateful to my ability to hold back, or else you would be trying to sleep in vain.”

Ruan Tian’s old problem with her cheap mouth surfaced again, and she shot back without thinking, “What bullshit ‘ability to hold back’? Isn’t it clearly because you are impotent.”

Ruan Tian had truly blurted those words out casually without any particular intention of provoking Qin Yu.

But as soon as the word “impotent” came out, Qin Yu stiffened and froze. His long, thick eyelashes shook as he slowly lifted his eyelids to look at the woman in front of him, “Are you so sure that I’m impotent?”

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Ruan Tian felt a little bad when she heard his frosty tone. She squirmed in his arms and felt a bit unsettled. Finally, she just said, “I didn’t say anything.”

Qin Yu fell silent for a long moment. Then he suddenly rolled over and used one arm to lever himself up above her, at the same time, his other arm caught her wrist and pushed it down against the pillow. His face hovered a few inches above hers, and his dark eyes bored down into her own. His free hand reached out and gently stroked her cheek, then slowly traced down to her chin.

“Ruan Tian…” He paused. When he continued speaking, the usual three-parts of laziness in his tone had disappeared, showing his rare serious side, “I’ve told you that I love you several times, though it seems you didn’t believe it.”

Ruan Tian squirmed and tried to avoid his eyes, but Qin Yu gently caught her chin in his hand, looked deep into her eyes, then said, “But you should understand that it’s hard for a man who says that he loves you to not take your words seriously.” 

Ruan Tian pursed her lips into a thin line until they turned slightly red from the pressure.

Qin Yu said: “Besides, it’s not like I’ve never gotten hard in front of you.”

Ruan Tian flushed red and replied, “Stop, stop, stop, y-you… let me up first.”

However, Qin Yu still didn’t release his grip on her wrist. These days he had been very patient and restrained. He had been trying to learn how to be a good person, and he no longer did any impulsive or radical things like in the past.

Thus, he felt that he should be able to get a little in return.

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Qin Yu’s hand traced along the side of her face. “Ruan Tian, do you like me, even a little bit, by now?”

Ruan Tian rapidly shook her head.

Qin Yu gave a thoughtful “Hmm”, then suddenly lowered his head and lightly bit Ruan Tian’s lips. Before she realized what was happening, his lips had already overlapped with hers and he was greedily plundering them.

“Let me kiss you once, even if you don’t like me.” 

Qin Yu’s kisses had never been skillful. In the past, they were always rough, impersonal, and even a little hostile, as if he wanted to crush her body into his. 

But this time was different. He was very gentle. 

At the same time, Qin Yu’s grip on her wrist loosened and he let her go. The next second, Ruan Tian pushed him off of the bed.

Qin Yu sprawled backwards, half on and half off the bed, and looked up at Ruan Tian. His clothes were messy, with the top two buttons of his shirt unbuttoned, and his exquisite face had lost its usual indifference as his brows furrowed uncontrollably. Ruan Tian was shocked by the slightly aggrieved expression on his face.

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Ruan Tian felt a strange sense of guilt when she saw his “wronged” expression. She said awkwardly, “Anyway, if you’ve slept enough, quickly go back.” 

Didn’t he have his own house, with his own bed! ? 

Couldn’t he get up and leave with his own feet! ?

Qin Yu looked out of the window, where the sky was gradually turning dark, then said shamelessly, “I’m hungry.”

Ruan Tian: “Could it be that I am controlling your mouth and stopping you from eating?”

Qin Yu just stared up at her quietly, looking really pitiful.

Ruan Tian could immediately tell what this guy was thinking about. She pondered for a moment, then took out her phone and directly transferred 200 yuan to Qin Yu’s account, then said, “There, now you can go and order takeout by yourself.”

Qin Yu suddenly really had the sense that he was a gigolo being kept by his mistress. 

This… gave him very mixed feelings. 

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