Ruan Tian drives Qin Yu out of his home. Last night, he fainted with a fever and took him in kindly. Who knows this man was vengeful this morning and stabbed him on the spot.

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Ruan Tian was able to see clearly. She and Qin Yu couldn't explain clearly.

In fact, Qin Yu was still suffering from a low fever. He didn't look good. He took his coat and was pushed out of the bedroom by her. He was not angry. He said two rogue words to her. Seeing her red face, he felt better.

Back home, Qin Yu cooked a bowl of noodles casually and took the medicine for the first time. The whole person still looked lazy and tired, and the fever had not subsided. His head was still heavy. He rolled up the quilt, bored himself and then went to sleep.

In the rich circle, the slightest disturbance is spreading all over the corner.

If we say that before there were people in twos and threes who didn't believe in the connection between Qin Yu and Ruan Tian, they didn't believe that the Qin family would let Ruan Tian in.

After these days of observation, Ruan Tian and Qin Yu seem to be really in love.

The Qin family didn't seem to take any action either. They didn't care about their eldest son's marriage. They didn't plan to fight with each other. They decided on their own.

Ruan Tian just got off the branch and flew up the high branch.

Although we all know that Ruan Tian and the Zhou family had a terrible quarrel at the beginning, some lonely people ran to ask Zhou Xiaoqiao for details.

Zhou Xiaoqiao naturally pretended to ask three questions.

Those people felt that Zhou Xiaoqiao was taking Qiao, and they were discontented, but they didn't say anything.

The Zhou family is weak. In recent days, the company's situation has been declining again and again. It's not the Zhou family that was at the height of the day, and Zhou Xiaoqiao is not qualified to be proud in front of them.

The share she held in her hand has long been worthless.

Zhou's mother is busy with the company's affairs these days. She's so busy that she can't help but tell Shen Hui that the Shen family doesn't want to help.

Zhou's mother's anxious mouth bubbled, and it was not easy to stabilize the company, but it was also the end of the storm, and she could not make any more mistakes.

Zhou's mother was tired for several months. During the period of rest at home, she was vaguely tired of her crying eldest daughter.

When something happens to the company, she just cries.

There's nothing else to help, it's just adding to the mess.

When Zhou's mother was free, she had time to ask, "Xiao Qiao, what happened to you and Shen Hui that day? This time, he didn't show any affection to our family. "

It was very heartless.

It's just a simple conflict.

Zhou Xiaoqiao wanted to deal with her mother's sharp eyes. She clenched her fingers. Suddenly, she didn't dare to lie. She lowered her eyes and closed her mouth.

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Zhou's mother seems to be a lot older. The villa building is empty. She is stronger in this life.

I don't have a good relationship with my husband, but I can live on.

The children's business, the company's business, make her more headache.

She was vaguely aware that her eldest daughter, who she thought was pure and kind, did not seem to be what she had imagined.

Zhou's mother immediately opened her eyes, "do you want me to ask Shen Hui?"

Zhou Xiaoqiao's eyes turned red and pinched his palm with his fingernails. He knew that once he said these words, he would not be able to please.

Zhou Xiaoqiao met his mother's sharp eyes, his heart was tight, and then whispered: "don't ask him, I did something wrong."

She still lied, "Mom, I once drugged brother Shen amnesty and let him find out."

Zhou's mother widened her eyes, "you give him medicine!"!? When did it happen? "

Zhou Xiaoqiao bowed her head and did not speak.

when Zhou's mother thought for a moment, she guessed the date. She gritted her teeth and asked, "three years ago? Is that right? "

She stood up in anger and couldn't sit any more.

Never in my life have I spoken to her so loudly, pointing to her and saying, "how can you do such a dirty thing?"

At the beginning, let alone her, others thought it was Ruan Tian who did it.

Because of this, Zhou's mother, who was not satisfied with Ruan Tian, had a deeper opinion on her.

It's a shame for the Zhou family to get men by such a mean.

Zhou's mother never thought that the person who did it would be her proud eldest daughter!

The starlight in front of her, holding the coffee table just barely stand, angry for a long time speechless.

"Joe, you really let me down."

Weeping, Zhou Xiaoqiao went up to help her, and was pushed away by Zhou's mother slowly. She said angrily, "I want to go upstairs and be quiet."

Zhou Xiaoqiao knew that his mother was angry.

She sobbed in a low voice: "Mom, I just liked him so much at that time."

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Zhou's mother didn't answer, and naoren had a terrible pain.

Zhou Xiaoqiao stayed alone in the living room, frightened and scared. She wiped her tears, grabbed her mobile phone like a straw, and then called Shen Hui.At first it was the secretary.

Public reply: "Miss Zhou, Mr. Shen is in a meeting. I'm afraid I can't answer your call."

Zhou Xiaoqiao said yes.

After a while, she did not give up, and then made two phone calls in the past, but also the Secretary answered, polite and unfamiliar.

Zhou Xiaoqiao's mood is a little broken. She thinks Shen Hui won't pay any more attention to her.


after the movie, Ruan Tian's study plan was put on the agenda again, and this time she signed up for a cram school.

She firmly believes that diligence can make up for clumsiness, and she did not chew down the English of that year!

As long as you work hard, you can use mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Every time Ruan Tian goes to class, she will wear a mask. She is probably the most nonexistent student in the class. Every time she comes to class, she will sit in the corner and study hard.

Even after more than half a month's class, Jiang Li couldn't see it anymore. "You don't really want to be a bully, do you?"

Ruan Tian thought about it, and then said seriously, "I really want to continue to go to school."

Jiang Li calculated for her, "there are still six months to go before the college entrance examination. Can you be a senior examinee in time?"

Ruan Tian told the truth, "I don't know."

She scratched her hair irritably. "I have no confidence."

Jiang Li wondered, "is it useless for you to spend a lot of money on cram school?"

Ruan Tian took a pen to poke his small head, "it's not useless." She compared with her fingers, "it's probably progress from 60 to 90 points."

Jiang Li hasn't been to school for a long time. "How much is the total score?"

"One hundred and five."

"Why don't we do it?"

Ruan Tian is more confident than she is, "once you see that you have never been to school, do you know what the concept of math test nine ten is!"

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She boasted, "this is a great achievement. If I work hard for another six months, I can get a score of 140."

Jiang Li really can't hear a word, "stop, stop blowing."

In recent years, the temperature has dropped sharply, and a thin layer of frost has formed outside the glass window.

The room was well heated, and I didn't feel cold in my sweater.

Jiang Li, holding a soft pillow in her arms, suddenly asked, "sweet boy, otherwise you can go to my home for the new year."

It's lonely to celebrate the new year alone.

With her toes, she can't go back to Zhou's house.

Ruan TianDun, "ah, no need."

On the contrary, going to Jiangli for the Spring Festival will make other people in her family uncomfortable.

"Really not?"

"No Ruan Tian said seriously, "I want to learn."

Jiang Li has no way to take her, "OK."

Ruan Tian goes to cram school every day. It's not because she loves learning. She just feels that if she doesn't go, the tuition of tens of thousands of yuan will be in vain!

But the effect is very little, although her grades have improved, but every math exam card in the 100 or so appearance.

She did surprisingly well in physics and chemistry.

With the days of going to cram school, Ruan Tian was gradually recognized. The mask couldn't cover her eyebrows. After several times of looking at each other, the girls in the class recognized her first.

That girl is also smart, did not rashly approach Ruan Tian asked her to sign, just secretly pay attention to her.

@Just want to study hard woman: just like in a dream, Ruan Tian and I went to the same cram school.

Fans have been prepared before, so they are very calm to accept the idol half back to read this thing, and think that reading more books is not a bad thing.

However, Ruan Tian's dismissal is ahead of others, and other onlookers know that Ruan Tian is acting like a fool again.

University which has so good examination! It's not just that.

If you don't take the road of art examination, it will be more difficult.

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"Can you hold on for three days?"

"Don't understand what she wants to do?"

"What's wrong with reading! Did you spend your money? Can you be kind to the world? Everyone wants to be kind and scold everything. The stench of contemporary netizens! "

"Pure passer-by, why scold Ruan Tian? Is there something wrong with reading? On the contrary, I think it's very good. I hope all the stars can go to university and get employed again. "

After being attacked, Shanshan shut up.

Ruan Tian probably also knew that she was exposed when she went to cram school. She climbed up the microblog for a long time and gave a rare response: [report, studying hard. 】

"come on! Go, go, go. "

"It's only a few months before the exam, but don't be tired."

"I believe we can do well in both acting and examination!"

Fans are more confident than Ruan Tian himself.

Ruan Tian looks at the comments in a complicated mood and thinks that if she fails to do well in the exam, isn't it a shame!?She works hard and seems to be dealing with mathematics and chemistry in her dream.

Suddenly, the Spring Festival is approaching.

When Ruan Tian went to the supermarket, it was hot and bustling. The word "Fu" had been hung up long ago. The supermarket was full of people, almost all of whom were buying new year's goods.

Ruan Tian goes home with the food she bought, but Qin An is waiting in front of the building, as if waiting for a long time.

"Ruan Tian, how did you come back? I've been waiting for you for a long time. "

"No, when did I make you wait for me?"

Qin An looked at the supermarket bag in her arms and then said, "my mother asked me to invite you to my house for dinner."


"Don't go too far."

Ruan Tian passed him and went straight ahead. He happened to meet Qin Yu who was coming downstairs. He stood on the top, his hands lazily inserted in his trouser pocket, looked at Qin An, and then looked at Ruan Tian who had no expression.

With a low sneer, he said in a clear tone: "what did I say? When I saw her, I directly got her into the car. I don't need to ask more."

It's no use asking.

Ruan Tian won't go at all.

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