“What do we do? The little bastard has a high fever, she’s so frail looking it looks like she’ll faint after taking two steps. There’s no one who will be willing to buy her! “

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“Did taking the fever reducing medicine work?”

“No use, she’s just been sleeping the whole time. What bad luck, I thought we had found a money tree, and could have sold her for a good price. Who knew she would be such a money loser!”

MiaoMiao laid on an old little bed, covered with a very thin blanket, with a temperature reducing plaster on her forehead. Her cute little face was reddened by the fever, and a pair of little hands grabbed the thin blanket, while she breathed heavily.

“Mommy… …” She murmered, her little brows furrowed slightly.

“MiaoMiao? MiaoMiao?”

“Who is it?” MiaoMiao drowsily asked, when she heard an unfamiliar voice calling her. She wanted to speak, but could not make a sound.

“I am your system, I can speak to you in your heart. You are sick right now, you don’t have to speak. Just think in your heart.”

“Sister System, MiaoMiao is very unwell, I’m very scared, MiaoMiao wants to go home” MiaoMiao’s little hands grabbed tightly at the blanket and said aggrievedly in her heart: “MiaoMiao was kidnapped by bad guys, I miss my Mommy and Daddy.”

“Relax, you’ll be able to go home soon.”

… …

MiaoMiao didn’t know how long she slept for, she only felt that she was very dizzy and she didn’t want to open her eyes.

When she finally woke up, she saw a white ceiling, and her big innocent eyes looked around confusedly.

“MiaoMiao woke up” A familiar and gentle woman’s voice was heard from beside her. MiaoMiao looked to the side, when she saw a young beautiful woman, she immediately started crying, “waaaaaah Mommy… …”

“Baobei.” Fu Rou quickly hugged her, “Don’t cry, don’t cry, Mommy is here.”

MiaoMiao grabbed at her mom’s clothes, her tears kept falling without stopping.

Half a week before, she was kidnapped by the human traffickers by using candy. MiaoMiao was born in the wealthy Wen family, and every since she was young her parents did not allow her to eat much candy. So she is very attracted to candy.

After being kidnapped, they saw that her clothes were all well-known children’s clothing brands. So they took her clothes and to sell to second hand stores, so she could only wear the cheap and shabby clothes left by the previous children.

As it was winter, these clothes were not warm enough, and on the second day she fell ill with a fever. The human traffickers wanted to sell her for a good price, so they gave her medicine as well as temperature reducing plasters. But she was afraid of the cold and in the middle of winter she only had a thin blanket so her temperature did not drop.

It was only until the Wen family were able to find the person who bought her clothes through the clothes’ GPS system, were the police able to identify the human traffickers from their description, caught them all, before they finally retrieved the three and a half year old MiaoMiao.

“Waaaah, MiaoMiao was so scared, MiaoMIao will never follow unfamiliar uncles anymore. MiaoMiao misses Mommy and Daddy, MiaoMiao also misses big brother and little nephews.”

Fu Rou quickly patted her back, “Good baobei, mommy will never let people take you away in the future, just let me know what you want to eat. Don’t ask for things from strangers, okay?”


MiaoMIao was exhausted from crying. Fu Rou helped her lie back down on the hospital bed and helped cover her with a blanket. Then she made a phone call.

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“Husband, MiaoMiao woke up… …”

While MiaoMiao was muddleheaded, she heard Sister System’s voice: “MiaoMiao, are you still feeling uncomfortable?”

“It’s not uncomfortable anymore, thank you Sister System.” When MiaoMiao heard that voice, she immediately replied in her heard, “Sister System is so amazing, you said MiaoMiao will be able to go home, MiaoMiao then saw Mommy. Mommy will take MiaoMIao home.”

“Mmm, from now on you have to remember, you cannot follow strangers okay? Your family will definitely worry.”

“MiaoMiao knows now, in the future MiaoMiao won’t do this again.”

“Good good. But MiaoMiao, you definitely cannot tell people that I can talk to you.”

“Why?” MiaoMiao curiously asked.

System: “Because older sister doesn’t have a body, other than you, no one can see older sister, and no one can hear older sister’s voice. If you tell others, they will think you are lying. MiaoMiao doesn’t want to be considered a little liar, right?”

“No, MiaoMiao isn’t a little liar, telling lies is a bad child.”

The System continues: “So MiaoMiao needs to hide this matter, okay?”


“Older Sister will show you something.”


While MiaoMiao was confused, in her mind a data frame appeared in her mind.

In the data frame, the left side said: Grandpa, Grandma, Daddy, Mommy, Big Brother, Sister-in-Law, Elder Nephew, Second Nephew.

MiaoMiao: “… …?”

System: “This is MiaoMiao’s family members. Afteropening it, each person’s physical data will be shown. You can use your family’s Intimacy Values to improve this person’s luck, physical health, and appearance.

“What is intimacy values?” MiaoMiao loved to learn, if she doesn’t understand she’ll ask.

“Intimacy values, can be understood as the relationship between you and a person. When the relationship is good, then the intimacy value is high. For example, your parents love you very much and you also love them. So the intimacy value is very high.”

MiaoMiao nodded her little head with understanding, so it turned out: Intimacy Value = Love.

System: “If your family’s colour becomes red, then it means that this person will be in danger. MiaoMiao can then click it to see what will happen to them. Each person can only generate a small amount of Intimacy Value, so MiaoMiao needs to use these values carefully. It would be best if you can change their destiny without using the intimacy values.”

MiaoMiao was very confused. Until the system explained it to her again in detail, before she finally understood.

Intimacy Values are very precious, they need to be used carefully. If she can stop it herself, then that would be for the best.

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MiaoMiao’s full name is Wen MiaoMiao, and her family member’s were the ones on Sister System’s panel.

She is the daughter of a welthy family. Her father, Wen FuChen is 35 years old, her mother Fu Rou is 30 years old. Her older brother Wen FanChu was the only son left behind by her father’s deceased elder brother. Because her uncle passed away as a result of trying to save his younger brother, Wen FuChen has always been very grateful and has always treated his elder brother’s only son as his biological son.

Now Wen FanChu is already 26 years old and he got married when he was 22 years old. He married the daughter of his father’s friend. His first children happened to be a pair of twins. These two nephews are older than MiaoMiao by half a year and are already 4 years old.

When MiaoMiao woke up again, her father already reached the hospital.

Wen FunChen saw that his cute little daughter was sleeping deeply, he distressedly held her little hand. “What did the doctor say?”

“She can leave the hospital tonight. Because the child is young, this definitely would have scared her. They suggest to come back after some time to do a checkup and it would be best to have a psychiatrist to do some counselling.”

Wen FuChen nodded his head. Thinking of the culprit who cause his daughter to suffer, his expression sank.

There were four human traffickers that kidnapped Wen MiaoMiao. After being caught they refused to admit that they were selling children. They only said that they abducted two children to try and reduce the sentence. But how can Wen FuChen let these people off easily? He already sent people to investigate the crimes that these four people have committed. After the evidence has been collected, he will show it to them.

When MiaoMiao woke up at night, she had already left the hospital and had returned home.

In the familiar little princess room, she opened her eyes, and the little teddy bear she always loved was next to her side.

She hugged the little teddy bear, got off the bed, walked out of the room with her chubby legs and saw her parents in the living room.

Because the house had children, the Wen Family’s house was only storey high, which is convenient for MiaoMiao to walk around. In addition to this MiaoMiao has no sense of direction. In the end they only bought a house of no more than 400 square meters to prevent the little princess from getting lost inside the house.

In this residence, each storey has one family. This floor is MiaoMiao’s familiy’s, upstairs is her big brother’s and sister in law’s, and the floor below is grandma and grandpa’s.

Knowing that MiaoMiao had returned, the entire family had rushed there. But because she was asleep, no one wanted to disturb her. As it was already very late, grandma and grandpa returned first to rest.


Translator Notes: Hi there! This is my first attempt at translating. Even though English is technically my first language I always did poorly in English class. Let me know if you see any grammar mistakes or other issues.

The Elder nephew saw MiaoMiao coming out, and immediately ran over, “Little Aunt, waaah Little Aunt, I really missed you! We thought we might never see you again!”

MiaoMiao looked at her eldest nephew, she sniffled and said “Xiong Da, I missed you too!”

Seeing his big brother and little aunt so close together, Xiong Er also ran over to MiaoMiao, “Little Aunt, I missed you too. In the future you can’t randomly run around like this. Second grandpa and second grandma will worry a lot. These past few days second grandma did not stop crying, her eyes are all red.”

**Translator note: The two nephew’s names are hilarious. Translated literally its “Bear Big” and “Bear Two”. MiaoMiao is also holding a little teddy bear too. I’m going to leave it as the pinyin spelling for now, but if you have a better idea let me know.

“I won’t randomly run anymore, those bad uncles didn’t give me any good things to eat, I don’t dare to do this in the future.” As MiaoMiao finished speaking, she walked to her parents and placed her little teddy bear on the sofa and fell into her mother’s arms. “Mommy, MiaoMiao wants to eat delicious things.”

MiaoMiao’s fever has already gone down but her body is still very weak, she cannot eat her favourite fried chicken legs, even when she begged using puppy eyes, Fu Rou finally only asked the helper aunt to cook some light dishes for MiaoMiao to server with some plain congee.

MiaoMiao sulkily ate using a little spoon and little chopsticks, but knowing that it was because she was disobedient and didn’t listen to her parents and followed a stranger which caused her to become sick. So she only yelled at herself in her heart calling herself a little idiot and obediently ate the congee.

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In the house she has a specific seat, so while she ate her congee, Xiong Da and Xiong Er sat next to her and ate as well.

Xiong Da: “Little Aunt, you need to eat a bit more meat, you look like you got skinnier.”

MiaoMiao was taken aback for a moment, and patted her cheeks and asked: “Is my face still cute?”

MiaoMiao likes to show off her looks, every time she goes out, people would always praise her for her cute chubby cheeks. Over time, she believes that a chubby face is considered good looking.

Once she heard her eldest nephew say she got skinnier, she immediately got anxious.

“Little aunt is still pretty.” Xiong Er quickly said, “But you should still eat more meat.”

“Okay.” MiaoMiao quickly grabbed a few more pieces of shredded meat and put it into her mouth.

After eating, the other people went back first and Fu Rou helped MiaoMiao check her temperature. Seeing that it did not show any signs of rising again, she breathed a sigh of relief and said: “Although your temperature has gone down, you still need to obediently eat your medicine, okay?”

At the thought of taking medicine, MiaoMiao frowned, “Does MiaoMiao need to eat little pills or does MiaoMiao need to drink the medicine?”

“You need to take both kinds.”

MiaoMiao was unhappy, in her experience medicine that she needs to drink was bitter. Swallowing little pills on the other hand, she was not afraid.

After 20 minutes, Fu Rou gave the prepared medicine to her and let her drink it.

After swallowing a few pills with the soaked Isatis root, MiaoMiao tugged her mother’s dress: “Mommy, this medicine is tasty MiaoMiao wants to keep drinking it.”

Fu Rou almost laughed at her, “How can you arbitrarily drink medicine? You can only take it once per meal.”

MiaoMiao: “Then MiaoMiao will have it three times a day from now on!”

Fu Rou: “… …” After you get well, how can you keep drinking medicine!

Not long after drinking the medicine, MiaoMiao felt sleepy again so she went back to sleep.

The next morning, is Sunday and Wen FuChen had a video conference in his home study. He also asked a psychiatrist for MiaoMiao to come.

If kidnapped children are abused, they may end up with psychological problems and require timely psychological counselling.

MiaoMiao and the doctor chatted for a while and the psychologist decided that she had no problems and was just a little afraid of being abducted. After explaining the situation to Fu Rou, the doctor left.

Fu Rou was slightly relieved and then opened MiaoMiao’s closet and chose some convenient clothes for her. “Baobei, after we change our closed, we need to go to the hospital for a physical examination.”

As MiaoMiao took off her closed, she curiously asked: “Mommy, what is a physical examination?”

“That is to go the hospital and let the doctor see if MiaoMiao’s body is sick.”

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MiaoMiao’s eyes immediately brightened, “So if I am sick, does that mean I’ll be able to drink the delicious medicine?”

Fu Rou’s movements froze for a moment, she didn’t expect that MiaoMiao would still remember the Isatis root and decided to first trick her daughter for now and replied: “Yes”

MiaoMiao quickly changed her clothes and at this time, in her mind she heard a voice: “MiaoMiao, quick look at the system interface, your father’s physical condition has a problem.”

MiaoMiao was taken aback and then previous interface appeared in front of her. She was wondering what to do when she heard Sister System say: “Click on “Daddy.”

MiaoMiao carefully look towards her mom and saw her mom leave the room to prepare and quickly clicked in to check.

There were words on the interface… But she basically did not recognize them. She frowned in distress and said in her heart: “Sister System, MiaoMiao can’t read it, MiaoMiao can only read “Daddy.””

“… …” System: “This is the body’s physical data. It shows that there is a problem with your Dad’s body and a red warning has appeared. The red warning indicates that it is an early stage of cancer.”

MiaoMiao: “… … MiaoMiao understands each word, but when they’re added together, what does it mean?”

The system patiently explained: “Basically, your Dad is not in good health. If he delays the treatment he could pass away. Does MiaoMiao understand what passing away means? If someone passes away, you won’t be able to see them again.”

MiaoMiao’s little face suddenly turned white, “No, MiaoMiao can’t not see Daddy. MiaoMiao is good, Daddy cannot leave MiaoMiao.”

“MiaoMiao, what you need to do right now is to get your Dad to go see the doctor, as soon as possible. But you cannot let your Dad know of my existence, so you need to think of a way to convince your father to do a physical examination.”

“Okay!” MiaoMiao knitted her brows and got off the bed.

The system relaxed. Although the host is only three years old, they can still communicate.

MiaoMiao put on her little bunny slippers, and quickly ran out of the room to look for her father and conveniently saw her father leaving the study after his meeting.

She quickly said: “Daddy~”

Wen FuChen heard his little daughter’s voice and stopped his steps. Seeing her run over, he squatted down to support her, “Daddy’s little princess, are you feeling better now?”

“Mhm, Mommy said she will bring MiaoMiao to the hospital, can Daddy come with MiaoMiao too? MiaoMiao looked at him expectantly.

“Daddy has some things to do at the company today, I have to go to the company. Mommy will go with MiaoMiao, okay?” Wen FuChen patiently coaxed his daughter: “Wait for Daddy to come back in the evening, and I’ll bring MiaoMiao some tasty food.”

Once MiaoMiao heard tasty food, her eyes immediately brightened, but she suddenly remembered what Sister System said, if she doesn’t remind Daddy to go to the hospital, she won’t be able to see him in the future. So she could not agree to his suggestion.

She tugged at her father’s clothes, “If daddy doesn’t accompany me to the hospital, then I won’t go get a physical examination!”

Seeing her puffing out her cheeks and staring at him, Wen FuChen felt a little helpless. This little girl has been spoiled by him to be a bit too unruly, but this is his dear daughter so if he doesn’t care for her than who would? So he agreed and said “Alright alright, we’ll all listen to the little princess, so we will set off now. So we can go early and return early.”


Isatis Root – Isatis is a plant with small yellow flowers that grows in northern and central China. The leaves and the roots of the plant can be used to treat the common cold and other upper respiratory tract infections.

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