Even though they were in grade six and were about to graduate. The students in the school were not worried one bit about their academics. That was because there was no exam. Everyone still did everything the same. They would jump rope in physical education class and go home at around four or five o’clock.

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MiaoMiao had grown very quickly these years. Fu Rou felt that with her current speed, her daughter can be 170cm.

But when MiaoMiao started grade six and her period came, her growing speed slowed down. She was still growing taller, but it was not as fast as before.

Every student in the school had a physical health booklet. Every time they got a checkup, the parents needed to sign the booklet and return it to the school.

This was to allow the parents to understand their child’s health. Fu Rou had looked through MiaoMiao’s health booklet before and noticed that before she started grade six, the past five years, she had grown 7-9cm a year and her weight would grow by 10-11 pounds. Basically she would grow 1 cm every month and a half. But after her child’s first period…

Oh well, she did not have such high expectations. 165 cm is also fine.

MiaoMiao noticed that she was not growing that fast anymore. That was because… her little desk mate became the same height as her in just one semester.

Previously because MiaoMiao did not want this to affect Qin Yu, she would specifically choose shoes with thin soles, so when she put shoes on, she would only be taller by about 1 – 2cm. But now, when Qin Yu wore shoes, they would be about the same height. In just one semester, Qin Yu could grow this fast?

The second semester of grade six had just started when MiaoMiao noticed this. She curiously asked: “Yu Tou, what have you been eating lately? You’ve been growing so fast.”

Qin Yu had also noticed that he was growing very quickly. But there was no way he would know why.

“I think I’ve been eating the same things as always. I’ve also drank milk for so long, I guess it probably wasn’t only due to just this period of time.”

“This is something you guys don’t understand, right? I heard that girls hit puberty earlier, so girls will start growing taller earlier.” Ye Lu explained.

When MiaoMiao and Qin Yu heard this, they finally understood. So the reason why Qin Yu grew so slowly, was because boys entered puberty later.

MiaoMiao thought about this for a while and thought that it was reasonable. She was similar in height to Xiong Da and Xiong Er before, but now they were already taller then her. Even though it was just a little bit, they were indeed taller.

MiaoMiao also thought about the changes in her body recently and suddenly got nervous and said: “I was growing so quickly before, I seem to have slowed down now. Will I not be able to grow taller?”

“Don’t worry, MiaoMiao you will definitely reach 160 cm.” Qin Yu quickly said. After all they were only in grade six, no matter what, they could still keep growing throughout junior high.

“I want to be 168 cm. 160 cm is not enough. I can eat a lot. If I am not on the taller side, then i’ll look short and fat.” MiaoMiao nervously said.

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Ye Lu thought for a moment and then leaned closer to MiaoMiao’s ear and quietly whispered something. Qin Yu was curious. “What are you guys talking about?”

Just when he finished asking, MiaoMiao’s face turned red. She nodded and then awkwardly looked at Ye Lu and asked: “Ye Lu, why are you asking this.”

“After that has happened, you will start growing slower. It seems like after that has happened, you will only grow a few more centimetres before stopping.”

When MiaoMiao heard this, she suddenly felt unwell. She was not even 160 cm yet. If after you start your period, you can only grow a few centimeters, there was no way she could reach 168 cm!

Qin Yu looked at them with a face of confusion. He quietly thought about what they could be talking about that he could not listen to.

This was the bad thing about being a different gender. He felt as though after the two of them had grown up a bit, MiaoMiao had many things she could not tell him.

The girls would always go to the washroom together. If it was one boy and one girl, the classmates would gossip about them. The girls could also walk hold hands and talk, now they could at most just tug on the sleeves of their clothes.

The more Qin Yu thought about it, the more jealous he felt.

Previously he, Xiong Da, and Xiong Er would fight over being MiaoMiao’s favourite. But now there was Ye Lu, in the future there will also be other girls.

Ye Lu saw that MiaoMiao was disappointed, so she quickly said: “I heard that exercising a lot will cause you to grow tall. Since you can still grow, you should exercise more.”

MiaoMiao quickly nodded. “Okay, from today onward, I will exercise lots!”

She would also drink milk. Maybe it would help?

The bell rang, and it was time to start class. After sitting down, Qin Yu couldn’t help but ask “What were you guys talking about earlier?”

“It’s just girls stuff. You’re a boy, its better not to know.” MiaoMiao said in embarrassment. Her mother had said, things related to her period could not be discussed with Yu Tou.

Qin Yu: “…” Why am I not a girl! QAQ

In April, the school’s Arts Festival started. The students who want to perform in June all had to participate in the Arts Festival’s skits, music, or dance competition. It could be considered as part of the audition process for the graduation ceremony.

During that time, the Arts Festival would have a competition and the winners would perform again during the literature and art performances. They would have two opportunities to perform.

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Normally the performance for the Arts Festival and the performance for the graduation ceremony will be prepared separately.

The graduation ceremony is the graduation ceremony for the grade sixes, but the grade five students could also participate. The grade five students will become grade six students after attending the graduation ceremony, so some students will try to go on stage to get some prior experience.

MiaoMiao signed up for piano. The Arts Festival did not have a piano specific event, but it did have a musical instrument event. They were not that stringent about the requirements, as long as they could perform decently, they would have the opportunity to go on stage.

The study time for grade six students was limited, so the teachers did not have complicated requirements for the students.

On the day of the audition, MiaoMiao wore a long white dress. Fu Rou had even hired someone to give her an updo. She wore a little tiara on her head and looked extremely adorable.

She sat down offstage and waited for the teacher to call her number.

She is number twenty three and was near the end. There were not that many people who knew how to play musical instruments, so each class did not necessarily have someone participating.

This time, the competition only had 31 people in the musical instrument category. Other than the piano, which was prepared by the school, the other instruments had to be prepared by the students themselves.

MiaoMiao saw quite a few people holding their own instruments and many were instruments she had learned before.

She honestly did not know how good she was compared to others. Her family and Qin Yu said she played very well. This was the first time she would play in front of people she did not know. The judges did not know her, the points given would also be fair.

MiaoMiao was a little nervous, she hoped her points would not be low.

However… as more and more performers took the stage, her confidence grew and grew.

The sixth graders were considered to be on the older side. The other students were younger and the time they had for studying was shorter. There were quite a few that were nervous and made mistakes when they played. The teachers would all kindly comfort them and asked them not be nervous, and to pretend that it was just a normal performance.

There were two children that completely forgot their pieces halfway through and were so nervous they started to cry.

When it was finally MiaoMiao’s turn, she stood up straight, with her chest out proudly. She walked towards the stage. First she bowed to the judges and did a simple self-introduction. She explained what piece she would be playing and then sat down in front of the piano and tested the sound.

The piece she was going to play was the piece she had been practicing a lot. It was very practiced. In addition to this, the piano was prepared by the school. To avoid students who were performing instruments other than the piano from being blocked by the piano. The piano was not in the center of the stage, it was to the side.

With the front being blocked by the piano, MiaoMiao could not see anyone.

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She took a deep breath and pretended that she was the only person there. Her surroundings got quiet and the only sound left was the music from her piano.

You could not really say that MiaoMiao’s piano was truly amazing, as it really was not. She was only in grade six and she had learned many different things. Fu Rou had never hoped for her to be a prodigy in one thing, she had only hoped for MiaoMiao to explore and find her passions.

But compared to the previous children, in the teacher’s eyes, her bearing was good, she was calm, and her performance level was the best among the children.

Also from her playing technique, they could tell it was well practiced. She must have learned properly before and spent a lot of time on it.

After watching so many student performances, the teachers suddenly felt good about this new student and the points they gave were not bad.

The scores will not be announced until the end, so after MiaoMiao finished playing, she bowed and got off the stage. She did not know how many points she got.

She returned to her seat and sat down. After all thirty something of them had completed, the teachers would give out prizes according to the points.

The top three students in each grade will receive a music competition certificate and MiaoMiao got first place for the sixth graders.

Of the more than thirty children, only three of them will be able to perform at the Arts festival. MiaoMiao was the first to have her name announced, as for the other two children, one was a sixth grader and another was a fourth grader.

That is to say, during the graduation ceremony, other than MiaoMiao, there will be another child who would be performing.

MiaoMiao did not know who they were, but she had received a certificate and was very happy. After everyone left, MiaoMiao was about to return to her class when she saw Qin Yu rushing towards her.

When MiaoMiao saw him, she immediately ran towards him and happily showed him the certificate. “Look Yu Tou! I got first place! I can perform during the Arts Festival and also during the graduation ceremony!”

Qin Yu saw her holding the prize and smiled: “MiaoMiao, you’re amazing.

In his heart, he was a little disappointed, if he had known, he would not have signed up for the singing contest and missed MiaoMiao’s piano performance.

“Yu Tou, how was your competition?” MiaoMiao asked.

“I got first place.” Qin Yu also took out his certificate. Aside from their names on the certificate and competition events, everything else was the same.

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“Yu Tou, you’re amazing! So many people signed up for singing. There were only four grade six students who signed up for musical instruments. Other than fourth place who did not get a prize, the other three people all got prizes.”

Qin Yu blushed and scratched his head. “I’m not that amazing, the judges said that I was cute.”

“It definitely is not just because you are cute. You must have sung very well or they will not let you go on stage. That’s right Yu Tou, we will be performing the pieces we prepared for the Arts Festival, so for the graduation ceremony, let’s perform together? I will play piano and you can sing. How’s that?” MiaoMiao thought it was a good idea and happily shared it with Qin Yu.

“I think that’s a good idea, let’s ask the teacher in a bit. Before the graduation ceremony, a teacher will come look at the performances we would have prepared. If the teachers agree, we can perform together.” Qin Yu’s heart was really happy. He can perform with MiaoMiao! Ye Lu can’t do that, hmph!

At that moment, Ye Lu who was studying felt her nose was a little itchy. She rubbed her nose and sneezed. She felt a little confused, the weather was getting warm, but she was going to catch a cold?

The literature and art performances was after the Arts Festival competition’s by about half a month. It would be in the beginning of May.

Fu Rou had arranged for people to make another dress for MiaoMiao. This time, MiaoMiao wore a silver sparkling dress. She happily posed in front of a mirror and spun around in a circle. She was extremely happy!

“Daddy, am I pretty?” She happily ran to Wen FuChen to ask.

“You’re beautiful. My family’s princess is beautiful in everything.” Wen FuChen naturally praised.

MiaoMiao felt like she was on cloud nine and said: “I’m going to go on stage to perform. At that time you have to record me okay. Later there is also my graduation ceremony, at that time I will also perform! You have to come!”

“Okay, Daddy will come.” Wen FuChen agreed and thought that he would definitely have to get his secretary to help arrange his schedule. At the very least, when his BaoBei is performing, he has to be able to watch.

MiaoMiao was very happy and when she came to the mirror in her wardrobe, she pulled out her phone and took a pictures to sent to Qin Yu.

She had a phone already. Her mother had bought her two phones. One is a small phone that could only be used for calling. This was the phone she would use at school. If anything happened she could call her mother. The other was a phone with a large screen. She would use it at home to take pictures or to do other things.

MiaoMiao’s photography skills had improved over the years, but it wasn’t that great yet. She would take pictures at an upward angle that would make her legs look short. But she did not care and directly sent it to Qin Yu.


Joey’s Corner:
Wow, I’m so jealous of MiaoMiao. I’m only 157cm… I really wished that I could have been a few inches taller. I drank a lot of milk, I did a lot of exercise, but I’m still very short 

I was really lucky as a kid to have had the opportunities to take piano lessons and the opportunities to do a lot of sport. When I look back at the things that I had tried, I wish I was able to appreciate it more at the time. I also wish that I was able to absorb more of what I was taught. I realized over the years that there were many things that I could have done more efficiently, understood better or even just put more time and effort in. I was a really lazy piano student. I didn’t like to practice very much. Haha. I do wish I would have had the opportunity to learn about things like musicality and how to better express things on the piano as a kid. With YouTube, I was able to learn more and rekindle an interest, but I just don’t have the time or the opportunity to play piano anymore. Did you guys learn piano? I feel like it was the asian instrument to learn. Either the piano or the violin.

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