→The 6th night ←

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It was a dream of unparalleled beauty and ecstasy.

During his youth, he had similar dreams. But never once had they been as vivid as this. Even after he woke, he could still feel the warmth of her touch.

He opened his eyes gently, it was still five o’clock,he was about to get up early for the morning court, but with a slight movement, he realised something was wrong.

Someone was there!

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As he shifted his gaze down, he saw a woman’s peaceful sleeping face. His face darkened, but his heart was partly rejoicing and partly worrying. Why had she …… come back again?

“I’m not going anywhere.”

The woman with closed eyes suddenly spoke, full of certainty and determination. Su Yuan’an sighed softly, “Okay, then you’re not leaving.” 

With that, he walked out.

He no longer spoke of her leaving. He went to see her everyday, as if there were no state affairs to take care of. She didn’t see him working hard every day, because he was with her, lingering every day, and singing happily every night…

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He told her, “Zijue, in my next life if I am reincarnated as a man again, I will be a tyrant- cutting down anyone who displeases me- and I will snatch up any woman who looks beautiful.”

He suggested, “How about we just run away like this? Afterwards I will take you all over the world. When the time comes, my lady must remember to protect me, who is weak.”

But, in the end, he was just saying that.

Her informants kept her up on the situation-Tang San was entangled with the Liao, Bai Rongzhi was gaining ground and would enter the capital in the next few days, and Su Yuan’an had sent a secret letter to Bai Rongzhi and Tang San. He asked Bai Rongzhi not to touch Tang San, and asked Tang San to rebel if Bai Rongzhi dared to touch him.

He had given up on his own life for the sake of the people, but could not let his brother do the same.

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Ye Zijue clenched the pages in her hand with resentment and threw them straight at Su Yuan’an, who was sitting at the side reading a book. She slammed her hand on the table and shouted at Su Yuan’an, who looked puzzled: “You treat your brother’s life as if it were your own, and the lives of all the people in the world as your life, but you do not treat your own life as such?!” 

Su Yuan’an smiled softly and shook his head: “Zijue, I was born for the people and this is my duty. What do you think the history books will say about me in the years to come? It will be written that I was corrupt, that I imposed heavy taxes, and forced the people to live in poverty. So Bai Rongzhi obeyed the will of god and will save the people from the fire…..”

His gaze lost focus, and with some resignation he sighed out, “Probably. Don’t you think that’s how it will go?”

“Su Yuan’an,” Ye Zijue uttered, biting her lip, “you are ruthless.”

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Ye Zijue walked up to him and hugged him gently: “Zijue, I was thinking that it would be great if you had a child.”

“What?” Zijue responded, looking up. Su Yuan’an smiled. “You must live like a weed, no matter what. There are always new things and people in life, and there is always hope behind despair.” 

“I don’t want to hear you say this.” She murmured in a low voice: “I want to take you away.” 

“I can’t leave. It would only hurt you.” Su Yuanan shook his head: “Zijue, Bai Rongzhi doesn’t trust me. Besides, as an emperor, there’s no escape.” 

Ye Zijue was silent. Su Yuan’an smiled softly and looked down at her: “Zijue, shall we have a baby?” 

Tln: Su Yuanan ur abt to legit get dethroned but here u r being horny…

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