Ye Ming stood at the door, staring at Lu Xiuwen from afar.

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He understood what it meant for him to come back. It meant he accepted Lu Xiuwen. He wanted to be his lover. 

He was hesitant and torn. But he came back eventually, for he was unwilling to let go of Lu Xiuwen.

Since he could not afford to lose this person, why didn’t he try to change? Moreover, he could not bring himself to selfishly receive Uncle Lu’s care without giving anything back in return.



Ye Ming pursed his lips and finally walked over slowly. He was so nervous that his palms were covered in cold sweat. As soon as he was near, Lu Xiuwei pulled him into his arms and sat him on his lap before he could even react. Lu Xiuwen pinched his chin and gave him a hard kiss again!

Ye Ming felt his body tremble and his instinct was to run away. But this time, Lu Xiuwen did not let him get away like before. He tightened his grip on him instead, making him unable to move! 

This kiss was burning hot. It was similar to the time when Lu Xiuwen was drunk. Ye Ming was a little frightened by the ferocity of his kiss.


It was as if he wanted to swallow him completely!

Ye Ming was not used to Lu Xiuwen being so vengeful and dominating. This side of him made him feel sacred. But he had already agreed to come back… Wouldn’t it be too much to refuse even a kiss? But this was what lovers did. And so, he endured it even though he was not used to it and let Lu Xiuwen kiss him.

Lu Xiuwen grabbed Ye Ming’s waist tightly so that he could lean in his arms. He finally could kiss this person openly and treat him like a lover instead of using all his might to restrain his affection and urges, playing the role of a qualified guardian.


The emotion from two lifetimes and the lust that accumulated for years broke out of control at this instant. He wanted to take him so badly now!

Lu Xiuwen carried Ye Ming and placed him on the couch. He bent down on one knee next to Ye Ming. He pressed Ye Ming’s shoulder and pinched his chin as he gazed deeply at him before lowering his head once again.

Ye Ming felt the man’s aggressive aura. He knew what Lu Xiuwen wanted. He closed his eyes and let Lu Xiuwen kiss him. He tried hard to let himself get used to it until he noticed that Lu Xiuwen was about to enter him…

He still cried out of fear. This sort of thing…was too scary…He was extremely frightened… 

He was a man but he was about to let another man…

Lu Xiuwei gazed at Ye Ming’s tearstained face. He suddenly paused his action and did not continue doing anything.

Ye Ming bit his lip with his eyes tightly shut. Tears came rolling down along the corner of his eyes and his face was pale from fear. It was at this instant that he suddenly noticed that Lu Xiuwen had stopped moving. He timidly opened his eyes to look at him. His black pupils were like those of a frenetic little animal, panicking because its life was held in the jaws of a beast.

Lu Xiuwen gently wiped away those warm tears with his thumb and pulled away slightly. He draped a shirt on Ye Ming’s body and gently held him in his arms. He said in a hoarse and deep voice, “Don’t be afraid. I won’t do it.” 

Ye Ming was startled. He wiped away his tears in embarrassment. He sensed that Lu Xiuwen’s arrow was already nocked on the bow and it must have been very unbearable for him to stop now. But he was really frightened and didn’t want to progress so fast…Lu Xiuwen eventually stopped because he cared about his feelings. This made him feel guilty. “Uncle, I…”

Lu Xiuwen looked at him tenderly. He wore a forgiving expression as he comforted him, “It is perfectly normal that Xiao Ran was unable to adapt to it in such a short time. It was me who was too impatient. I wanted you so badly…”

Lu Xiuwen’s blunt words of love made Ye Ming blush instantly. He was unable to resist such a gentle Uncle Lu. In the end, he could only bury his face in Lu Xiuwen’s chest, holding on to the collar of his shirt in embarrassment.

Lu Xiuwen smiled faintly. He lowered his head to drop a kiss on Ye Ming’s hair. His eyes were brimming with strong affection. 

This life, I will make you mine. You will fall in love with me.

I’m really happy that you came back.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[Ding! Lu Xiuwen’s blackening value -20. Current blackening value 45.]

Oe Wlekfc mjgglfv Tf Zlcu jcv qea tlw lc tlr yfvgbbw. Lf xlrrfv tlr obgftfjv jcv rjlv, “Efra fjgis. Tbe ralii cffv ab ub ab rmtbbi abwbggbk.” 

Tf Zlcu vlvc’a vjgf ab ibbx lcab Oe Wlekfc’r fsfr. Lf ibkfgfv tlr tfjv jr tf jugffv.

Oe Wlekfc xcfk atja Tf Zlcu wera yf nfgs ecfjrs cbk. Lf vlv cba rajs atfgf obg ibcu. Vlcmf atfs’v jigfjvs mbcolgwfv atflg gfijalbcrtlq, tf ralii tjv ibar bo alwf ab ifa Tf Zlcu ribkis ufa erfv ab tlw jcv jmmfqa tlw. Ktfgf kjr cb cffv ab teggs.

Ye Ming saw Lu Xiuwen had left. He went for a shower and laid flat on the bed.

[Ye Ming: Ahh…We finally came to this stage. We confirmed our relationship and it won’t be a long wait for a nightlife. I think Uncle Lu will not hold back for long.] 

[888: Don’t you have other things in your head?]

[Ye Ming: I’m trying hard to deplete the blackening value. Uncle Lu has held back for two lifetimes. How can the blackening value be depleted if he doesn’t take me? Feeling wronged.jpg]


The next day, Ye Ming went downstairs for breakfast. Everything seemed to be the same as before and Lu Xiuwen was waiting for him for breakfast as usual. 

Because of yesterday’s events, Ye Ming felt uneasy when he saw Lu Xiuwen. He was blushing. Gosh…he agreed to be Uncle Lu’s lover yesterday. Was it a dream? Up until now, he still couldn’t believe that it was all real.

Because he had been up thinking about it all night, dark circles appeared underneath his eyes.

Lu Xiuwen saw it and sighed. He knew that Ye Ming was still hesitating. But this child was naive, innocent, and indecisive. If he were to let him continue to hesitate, he might still be hesitating until the next life. Sometimes, it was better for him to help him make decisions.

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Lu Xiuwen finished his breakfast first. He wiped the corner of his mouth slowly and smiled as he watched Ye Ming eating. He looked the same as before, but there was something different about the way Lu Xiuwen looked at him. It seemed that he no longer restrained the feeling that he had concealed deeply previously, and even Ye Ming, who was imperceptive,also sensed the warmth from Lu Xiuwen’s gaze. 

Ye Ming felt even more uneasy. He put down his chopsticks after he was done with breakfast and was about to leave. Lu Xiuwen suddenly said, “Wait.”

Ye Ming quickly stopped and turned his head to look at Lu Xiuwen in confusion.

Lu Xiuwen went in front of Ye Ming and lowered his head, lightly kissing Ye Ming on the lips. He gazed at him deeply and lifted the corner of his lips. “I’ll send you to school.”

Ye Ming immediately opened his eyes wide. This…does he need to do this? He stammered, “No, there’s no need for that. You have already arranged for a driver to send me…” 

Lu Xiuwen stared at him deeply. “That’s different. I wanted to send you off personally.”

Ye Ming attempted to resist. “But Uncle, you must be very busy. Won’t it delay your work?”


Lu Xiuwen quirked a faint smile. “My work can accommodate small errands like this. I still can make time to send you off to school. If I really am too busy and can’t make it there myself, I will call you.”

Ye Ming: “…” He felt as if he had suddenly turned into a kindergarten student. 

Lu Xiuwen caressed Ye Ming’s cheek with his thumb and smiled. “You are my lover, isn’t it my duty to pick you?”

Ye Ming: “…”

Ye Ming was no match for Lu Xiuwen. With that, Lu Xiuwen held his hand and led him into the car, blushing and dazed. The driver, Uncle Li sat in front with an expressionless face as if he had already expected this. It was Ye Ming who was very uncomfortable, dreading that others might regard his relationship with Lu Xiuwen strangely.

When they reached school, Lu Xiuwen tenderly urged Ye Ming to take care before letting him off. 

Ye Ming stood on the spot looking at the car that left with complex emotion.

[Ye Ming: This is the issue with being in a relationship with an older man: he’ll suddenly treat you like a son.]

[888: I must correct you on this point. Ordinary human males are not that caring when it comes to raising sons. Most of them let their sons explore the world by themselves, especially for a dominating president such as him. They don’t pick up and send off their sons who were already twenty years old. Even mothers don’t do that.]

[Ye Ming:…] 

[Ye Ming: So, Bro, what are you trying to express?]

[888: He’s raising you like a daughter. There is a slight possibility of that.]

[Ye Ming:…Are you doubting my manliness?]

[888: Ye Three Minutes] 

[Ye Ming:…]

No. Can this world get even better? Damn it!

Ye Ming was badly defeated by 888. For the entire day, he was unable to lift his spirits. He felt that his male dignity was severely humiliated. He decided to put in a lot of effort to work out his body!

Although Zhang Hongzhi was not in the same department as Ye Ming, as a good friend, he would think of ways to get in touch with Ye Ming. For example, inviting Ye Ming for lunch everyday and even reserving a seat for him. 

He noticed that Ye Ming was a little confused. His eyes lit up and he asked, “Master Gu, is there any progress between you and that person?”

Ye Ming blushed. After a long while, he muttered, “Yeah, a little.”


Zhang Hongzhi put on a gossipy expression. His eyes brightened as he asked, “Did he confess to you? Have you accepted?”

Ye Ming nodded, which was considered as giving him an answer. 

Zhang Hongzhi was very excited. He laughed heartily, “Haha, see! I told you he liked you! He confessed, right? And you also accepted him, right? Congratulations! So when are you going to introduce your boyfriend to us?”

Deep in Ye Ming’s heart, he was thinking, how could he bring Lu Xiuwen to meet his friends? If others knew that he and Lu Xiuwen were in that kind of relationship, he could not imagine how many more rumors he would have to face. He lowered his eyes and said, “We’ll see.”

Zhang Hongzhi knew that Ye Ming would not agree to it. But still, he played his role well. “What are you embarrassed about? You have met my boyfriend before. Now when it’s your turn to bring yours, you are not willing to. It’s unfair.”

Ye Ming blushed and he was unable to say anything. He was embarrassed. 

Zhang Hongzhi knew when to stop. After asking those questions, he changed the subject and talked about some interesting things that happened in school. A day passed by very quickly.

By the time school ended, Lu Xiuwen’s car was already parked outside.

The moment Ye Ming got into the car, he saw Lu Xiuwen sitting in the backseat. He looked at him with tenderness and smiled. “Let’s eat out tonight.”

Ye Ming had no objections and nodded his head obediently. 

Lu Xiuwen instructed Uncle Li to start the journey. He already made a reservation with the restaurant in advance. It was a very romantic and high class restaurant.

Lu Xiuwen pulled out the chair for Ye Ming. Ye Ming was utterly embarrassed by Lu Xiuwen’s careful actions. Uncle Lu…was really treating him like a lover. But he really wasn’t used to it!

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But it was not nice to not be cooperative. Ye Ming walked over and sat down. Lu Xiuwen helped him to put the chair in position before sitting across from him.

The restaurant’s soft light cast its rays on Lu Xiuwen’s face, complementing his handsome features, making him look even more mature. His extraordinary charm made Ye Ming’s heart beat faster. He wondered when he would be as mature as Uncle Lu and not be like a child who always needed Uncle Lu to take care of him. 

Lu Xiuwen had already pre-ordered the dishes. He smiled at Ye Ming. “I’ve ordered the dishes that you like. You can see if there’s anything else you wanted to add.”

Ye Ming took a glance and said, “No need.”

After spending so many years living together, Uncle Lu knew his tastes well. He knew exactly what he did and didn’t eat. He never ordered anything that didn’t suit his tastes.

In fact, it seemed that he was very attentive. Otherwise, even if they always lived together, he would not have paid any attention to these fine details. 

Ye Ming had often dined out with Lu Xiuwen before. But back then, he was treating Lu Xiuwen as a guardian. This was the first time that they came out as a couple. He felt embarrassed and uneasy as he still couldn’t really accept such a change in their relationship status. But Lu Xiuwen’s goal was to let Ye Ming slowly accept these changes. Before, he had always refrained from getting close to Ye Ming, dreading that he might notice his affection toward him. But now, there was no need for him to conceal it anymore. He could take care of him like his lover, which made Lu Xiuwen very satisfied.

After dinner, Lu Xiuwen took out a box and smiled at Ye Ming. “This gift is for you.”


Ye Ming felt hopeless. It was already enough to have dinner together, why did he need to buy him a gift? He opened it up and found that it was a watch that looked expensive. He lifted his gaze to Lu Xiuwen and said, “Uncle, there’s really no need for this. You’ve already bought me many things…”

Previously when he received Lu Xiuwen’s gifts, he only treated it as a gesture from a guardian. But now, Lu Xiuwen was still buying things for him. He felt embarrassed about it. The reason that he agreed to be Uncle Lu’s lover was not because of his gifts. 

Lu Xiuwen curved his lips as he smiled, “Take it. It’s a token of my appreciation.”

Ye Ming blushed and sighed as he took it. He knew that Uncle Lu was not short of money and he really bought it with sincerity. But he had bought him so many presents that he was about to run out of space to put them. He was really troubled by it.

On the way home that night, Ye Ming could feel the breath of the man beside him when they sat in the car. He anxiously sat upright and still.

Lu Xiuwen suddenly pulled Ye Ming into his arm and reached out his hand to gently tuck Ye Ming’s hair behind his ear. His deep eyes were filled with tender warmth under the night sky. “Are you blushing?” 

Ye Ming was so nervous that he was unable to utter a single word. He then saw Lu Xiuwen slowly lean toward him and plant a kiss on his lips in slow motion. Lu Xiuwen kept his eyes open and met with Ye Ming’s stare. The feeling was deep like an ocean that could drown a person.

At that instant, Ye Ming felt that it was possible that Lu Xiuwen really loved him.

He thought about the years that they had spent together and also recalled how Lu Xiuwen had shown care toward him in every possible way.

He was definitely not Lu Xiuwen’s child and had no blood connection with him. But he had treated him so well, and furthermore he hadn’t been in a relationship with anyone all these years. 

And the kindness that Lu Xiuwen had shown him was previously regarded as the kindness from a guardian in his eyes. But all this had become Lu Xiuwen’s love toward him. He was uncertain when Lu Xiuwen started to have feelings for him. But it must have been a long, long time ago.

Ye Ming was touched and embarrassed. It had driven away some of the complex and contradictory emotions that he initially had. Since he did not dislike getting intimate with Uncle Lu, that clearly showed that he also liked him, right? To him, the hardest part was to change these feelings and change their relationship. But…he was willing to give it a try.

Because he also loved this person. 

And he didn’t want to betray Lu Xiuwen’s love toward him.

Lu Xiuwen sensed Ye Ming becoming submissive. The kiss was even more gentle and exquisite.



Not long later, they arrived home. Ye Ming was panting from Lu Xiuwen’s kiss. His cheeks were red and he was so embarrassed that he wanted to bury his head into the ground. Just now…Uncle Li was in front; he must have seen it.

Arrgh! This is really embarrassing…I actually did this sort of thing with Uncle in front of others. 

Lu Xiuwen let out a soft laugh when he saw the shy Ye Ming. Actually, if it wasn’t because he was afraid that Ye Ming would get shy just now, he could have done more instead of refraining from doing anything more than kissing him. Ye Ming was pure, reserved, and shy. He needed to go slow with him.


There was no one else at home. Lu Xiuwen immediately pressed Ye Ming against the wall and placed his hands beside him. He lowered his head once again to kiss him.

Ye Ming’s face was burning. They…they had only just confirmed their relationship not too long ago, right? But Uncle Lu was…even if they were in a relationship, wasn’t this going a bit too fast? He could hardly bear the passion.

Although that was what he had in mind, he was docile. Furthermore, it was Lu Xiuwen and he couldn’t bring himself to refuse him. In the end, both of them kissed from the wall to the sofa.


Lu Xiuwen pressed against Ye Ming and did everything except for the last stage. He then lowered his head and helped him release again. He looked at the shy youth under his body who looked like a cooked shrimp. He was unable to control his increasing lust and he said in a low hoarse voice, “Let’s go to my room, okay?”

Ye Ming was a little afraid when he heard his words. He…he accidentally saw Lu Xiuwen’s size just now. When he thought about them doing that, he was frightened. He immediately shook his head. “I, I wanted to get some rest! I…still have classes tomorrow!”

Lu Xiuwen’s eyes darkened but in the end, he did not force him. He said gently, “Okay, let me hug you for a while more.”

Ye Ming heard Lu Xiuwen and he immediately let out a sigh of relief. But he felt guilty, so he let Lu Xiuwen hug him. 

Indeed, Lu Xiuwen did not do anything else and eventually let Ye Ming return to his bedroom.

Ever since they confirmed their relationship, Lu Xiuwen insisted on picking up and dropping off Ye Ming at school every day. Even if he really had some urgent meetings, no matter how busy he was, he would send a message to Ye Ming to inform him that he was unable to come and asked him to eat his meal and go home early.

If Lu Xiuwen’s care for Ye Ming previously was over the moon, it was twofold now. Moreover, he could now do things that he couldn’t personally do before.

He could now hug and kiss Ye Ming, could feed him with his own hand and could hug him whenever he wanted to… 

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Besides not going all the way to the end, they were just like other intimate lovers. Ye Ming was slowly growing less reserved than he was in the beginning. Under Lu Xiuwen’s strategy, he gradually got used to being close with Lu Xiuwen and he enjoyed the love from Lu Xiuwen.

A month had passed. One evening during dinner, Lu Xiuwen once again suggested to Ye Ming, “Xiao Ran, I want you to sleep in my bedroom. Okay?”

Ye Ming’s face froze. He could accept anything else, but he was a little scared of that. Thus he was unable to make up his mind. If he really let Lu Xiuwen do that, would he end up in a dire state? He kept thinking that the suffering might outweigh the happiness. He didn’t really dare to try it.

Ye Ming forced a laugh, “I think we’re fine as we are right now…there’s no need for me to move…” 

Lu Xiuwen gazed at him deeply, “We are lovers. Why do we keep sleeping in separate rooms? We should be sleeping together.”

Ye Ming didn’t dare to look into Lu Xiuwen’s eyes. He bit his lips and showed a wavering and restless expression.


After a long while, Lu Xiuwen sighed and didn’t mention it again.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tf Zlcu gfaegcfv ab tlr yfvgbbw jcv rajgafv ab yjcu tlr tfjv bc atf yfv lc qjlc. 

[Ye Ming: I wanted to move over! Yingyingying…I wanted to move over. I don’t want to watch over an empty bedroom anymore! QAQ]


[Ye Ming: Moreover, Uncle is so long and big!]

Klwf qjrrfv ys vjs ys vjs. Pc atf yilcx bo jc fsf, jcbatfg wbcat tjv qjrrfv. Aera jr Tf Zlcu kjr jybea ab ulnf eq bc atlr ribk afwqb bo yflcu afjrfv fnfgsvjs yea yflcu ecjyif ab fja atf yfra dejilas raeoo lc ogbca bo tlr fsfr, tlr rfio mbcagbi kjr bc atf nfguf bo mgewyilcu jcv tf kjr qgfqjgfv ab olcv j relajyif bqqbgaeclas ab ifa Fcmif Oe vb la jii atf kjs. Lf wjvf j regqglrlcu vlrmbnfgs atja Fcmif Oe jirb mbeivc’a yfjg la jcs ibcufg jcv tf kjr jybea ab ajxf jmalbc! 

[Ye Ming: This is great! It’s better to let Uncle Lu take the initiative on this sort of thing. Persistence indeed leads to victory! Crying tears of joy.]

[888: Oh, congratulations to you. Indifferent.jpg]

Zhang Hongzhi was indeed someone who worked for the money, and he was Lu Xiuwen’s capable assistant. He always showed up during critical times. One could say that he was responsible, diligent, and impressive!

Today, the both of them dined outside together. Zhang Hongzhi sneakily asked Ye Ming, “Young Master Gu, how are things progressing with you and him?” 

Ye Ming blushed and said, “As usual.”

Zhang Hongzhi asked, “What do you mean by that?”

Ye Ming thought about it and said, “We eat together everyday and go shopping occasionally…well, we’re just like normal couples.”

Zhang Hongzhi obviously has no interest in this sort of thing. He asked with curiosity, “Hmm, how is his…thing?” 

Ye Ming’s face turned even redder. How could he share something so private with others? Furthermore, they haven’t even done it! He turned his head away in silence.

Zhang Hongzhi put his arm around his shoulder and asked, “So how is it? Is the duration long? Is he impressive? How’s his technique? Is it pleasurable?”

Ye Ming slapped his hand off. “Don’t talk nonsense!”

Zhang Hongzhi was startled. He immediately looked at him in disbelief. “Don’t tell me that you guys haven’t done it yet?” 

Ye Ming worean embarrassed expression, as if someone had just seen through him. He didn’t utter a word.

Zhang Hongzhi stared at him for a long time in silence. He suddenly spit out a few words, “Young Master Gu, you really are more pure and innocent then I thought.”


Ye Ming was a little unwilling to be judged as pure and innocent by another man. He said, “We just confirmed our relationship not too long ago. Isn’t it normal that we haven’t had sex yet?”

Zhang Hongzhi shook his head, “I’ve heard from you previously about how you get along with him and I could tell that he was definitely in love with you. But isn’t it abnormal for him to hold himself back so that he doesn’t do it all the way every time? Aren’t you afraid that he might get ill from it?” 

Ye Ming felt a little ashamed. He didn’t utter a word and after a long time, he said weakly, “I, I just…”

Zhang Hongzhi sighed and patted Ye Ming’s shoulder. “I finally see the issue. You are still lacking experience. We are men, it is perfectly normal to make love since you are in love with each other. Let’s go. I’ll bring you out to see the world.”

Zhang Hongzhi pulled Ye Ming outside. Ye Ming said uneasily, “Where are we going?”

Zhang Hongzhi let out a mischievous laugh. “You’ll know when we get there.” 

Half an hour later, Ye Ming and Zhang Hongzhi sat in a noisy gay bar. He felt unease and he didn’t dare to look around him.

Zhang Hongzhi bumped Ye Ming’s shoulder and smiled. “You’ve never been here, right? We’re all gay here. Whether or not you know someone,, as long as you have your eye on that person, it’s very normal to have sex. You’re already in a relationship but you are still like a child who’s not letting go. I suddenly feel sorry for your partner.”

He continued talking while he beckoned the waiter over to serve some wine. He asked Ye Ming, “You drinking?”

Ye Ming practically never drank before. He shook his head and said, “I don’t like wine.” 

Zhang Hongzhi was speechless. He did not force Ye Ming and drank by himself.

Ye Ming saw that the place was full of men. Some of them even kissed in public and this made him very embarrassed and he felt like going home. Suddenly, he saw a few guys walking toward them and sitting in front of them, gazing at them with perverted stares. “Let’s drink together?”

Ye Ming shook his head. He didn’t want to drink with strangers that he didn’t know. Moreover, he could tell from a glance that they were not decent people.

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Zhang Hongzhi widened his eyes and said, “Thanks but no.” 

Usually, people would leave if they were unable to strike up a conversation with someone. But today, these people seemed to have ill-intentions. One of them even gazed at Ye Ming with a presumptuous look and said, “Little boy, let’s have a drink. Since you’re already here, why not let loose and have fun?”

Ye Ming looked at the men and compared himself and Zhang Hongzhi to them. Indeed, they were no match for those men. He stood up and said, “I’m going home.”

Zhang Hongzhi also stood up. But at this instant, one of the men suddenly walked over to their side and put a hand on Zhang Hongzhi’s shoulder to make him sit down. He said to Ye Ming sinisterly, “Have a few drinks before you go. Otherwise, wouldn’t it show that you are not giving face to us?”

Ye Ming knew that they had encountered trouble. 

Zhang Hongzhi’s expression was hideous. He searched around his pocket and his expression froze. He turned around and told Ye Ming, “Call President Lu to come pick you up. I forgot to bring my phone.”

Ye Ming panicked. He listened to Zhang Hongzhi’s instruction and quickly dialed Lu Xiuwen’s number.


But before Lu Xiuwen picked up the phone, his phone was snatched away by the man across him. The man said, “Don’t tell me you are calling your family member? Students nowadays are really delicate.”

Ye Ming really panicked. He shouted, “Give me back my phone!” 

The man smiled and teased, “Why don’t we do it this way, I’ll give you back your phone if you drink this glass of wine?”

Ye Ming was unwilling to drink. Thus he remained still.

Zhang Hongzhi quickly said, “My friend here doesn’t really know how to drink. I’ll drink on his behalf.”

The man didn’t seem reluctant. He sneered, “Alright. But if you drink on his behalf, then you will need to take two glasses.” 

Zhang Hongzhi immediately said, “No problem.” He was good at holding his drink. He gulped down two glasses of baijiu without a change in his expression!

Ye Ming was a little worried. Zhang Hongzhi shook his head at him, signaling him that he had no problem with his drinking capacity. But they shouldn’t push it in order to avoid losses.

And just like this, Zhang Hongzhi drank on behalf of Ye Ming. In the blink of an eye, he nearly drank two bottles. Even Zhang Hongzhi also felt he couldn’t take it anymore. His face was red and he threw up eventually.

Ye Ming was very worried. He fetched a glass of water for Zhang Hongzhi as he asked, “Are you alright?” 

Zhang Hongzhi let out a long breath and managed to smile. “I’m alright…”

The man sitting across them smiled and said to Ye Ming, “Why? Do you still want him to drink on your behalf?”

Seeing Zhang Hongzhi in such a state, Ye Ming didn’t dare to let him help him drink. But Lu Xiuwen was not here yet. He was very anxious and eventually said, “No need. I will drink it myself.”

He frowned as he picked up the glass. He drank it all in a gulp and coughed for a while. 

Ye Ming’s drinking capacity was really bad. Although these cocktails tasted okay, they were actually quite strong. It didn’t take long before Ye Ming started to feel a little drunk. His cheeks were red, his sight was blurry, and his eyes couldn’t focus.

The man sitting across from them saw that the both of them were almost drunk. He smiled as he fetched Ye Ming another glass of wine.

Ye Ming felt that he was about to hit his limit. But Zhang Hongzhi was also unable to drink anymore. In fact he drank more than him and had thrown up a few times. Zhang Hongzhi looked at Ye Ming in apology and said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t expect that…”

After a long time, the both of them were still trapped. These people intended to get them drunk? Ye Ming was in despair. His hands were trembling as he held the wine glass and he even spilled some of the wine. Just when he was about to force himself to drink another glass, the wine glass in his hand was suddenly taken away. 

Ye Ming lifted his head and saw Lu Xiuwen’s lofty figure standing there. His stark facial figures were much colder and solemn underneath the dim light. He said in a deep voice, “Stop drinking.”

Ye Ming hadn’t expected that Lu Xiuwen would suddenly show up. He instantly felt he had someone to rely on. As long as Lu Xiuwen was around, there was nothing for him to be afraid of. He choked on his voice, “Uncle.”


Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Ming’s sorry state and coldly swept his eyes over the few men, “Are you getting your *sses out of here?”

The few men could bully youngsters like Ye Ming and Zhang Hongzhi. But as soon as they saw Lu Xiuwen, they were stunned and immediately fled after their eyes met. They didn’t want to get into trouble. 

Ye Ming quickly dashed into Lu Xiuwen’s arms. His eyes were red. “Uncle…”

Lu Xiuwen stared at him with reproach and helplessness, “Who let you come to this place?”

Ye Ming pressed his lips together, not uttering a single word. He looked like someone who had done something wrong.

Lu Xiuwen could not bear to blame him. He instructed the security guard to send Zhang Hongzhi, who was already drunk, home and carried Ye Ming in his arms as he left this place. 

Ye Ming was in Lu Xiuwen’s arms. He was really drunk and in a daze. Even when they were already home, he still felt frightened and held on tight to Lu Xiuwen, not wanting to let go.

Lu Xiuwen lowered his head to gaze at Ye Ming with his dark eyes. He halted his footsteps and suddenly turned around and carried Ye Ming into his own bedroom. He placed him on the bed and unbuttoned his collar to expose the silver necklace on his fair neck. The sky blue gemstone pendant sparkled. It complemented the slightly reddened skin that was so inviting…

Ye Ming did not even know where he was now. All he knew was that he was safe beside Uncle Lu. He hugged his arms firmly, not waiting to let go.

Lu Xiuwen bent down and fixed his gaze on Ye Ming’s face. Those beautiful black eyes were hazy from being intoxicated and they gazed at him with reliance and affection. Ye Ming’s rosy lips faintly parted. “Don’t go…” 

Lu Xiuwen stared at him fixedly and carassed Ye Ming’s face gently with his finger. After a while, a deep voice flowed from his throat. “I won’t go away.”

He lowered his head and kissed Ye Ming’s lips.

His sweet scent mixed with the fragrance of the wine. It was even more fascinating than usual. Lu Xiuwen’s eyes darkened as he finally stopped holding himself back. He used one hand to press on Ye Ming’s shoulder while he used the other to pull open his shirt and planted a kiss on his neck.

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