Ye Ming pushed Lu Xiuwen away and stared at An Xiaoqi in embarrassment.

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An Xiaoqi also stared at Ye Ming awkwardly. Come to think of it, she liked Ye Ming before and even thought about dating him. However, things had unexpectedly changed so quickly. Ye Ming’s identity was exposed and she also heard some rumors that made her retreat. The dinner date never happened. She was beautiful and very quickly met a new boyfriend. Thus, the feelings for Ye Ming were being put aside. 

However, it had never come across An Xiaoqi’s mind that she would bump into Ye Ming kissing another man.

The moment Ye Ming pushed Lu Xiuwen away, Lu Xiuwen had already sensed the problem. He turned around and also saw the couple beside them. The girl was the classmate that Ye Ming had a brief relationship with in the previous life. She was also the only girlfriend that Ye Ming had…No wonder Ye Ming was so nervous.



It seemed that he still cared a lot about her?

Lu Xiuwen squinted slightly. 

Ye Ming never expected that his friend would see him kissing with Lu Xiuwen. He was so nervous that for a moment, he didn’t know what to say. But he figured out that An Xiaoqi was not aware of Lu Xiuwen’s identity. At most, she would think that he was gay…Nowadays, being gay was a very common thing.


Sure enough, An Xiaoqi did not think too much but said first in a natural and unrestrained manner, “Gu Ran, what a coincidence.”

Ye Ming opened his mouth. His voice was a little unnatural. “Yeah, what a coincidence…”

An Xiaoqi could see that Ye Ming was embarrassed. Moreover, they were not even that familiar with each other. She nodded and said, “I still have some matters to attend to, so I’ll take my leave.” She pulled her boyfriend and left as soon as she finished speaking.


Ye Ming let out a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Ye Ming was uneasy, Lu Xiuwen did not do anything to him and drove home. When they arrived home, Lu Xiuwen drew Ye Ming into his arms and whispered into his ear, “Was that your classmate just now?”

Ye Ming nodded but he was still distracted, worried that his classmates would find out about this.

Lu Xiuwen saw Ye Ming looking distracted. He tightened his arms around him and asked in a deep voice, “Are you worried that others will find out or…are you worried that she knows?” 

Ye Ming sensed that Lu Xiuwen had tightened his arms around him and frowned uncomfortably, “It just never came across my mind that others would see us.”

It made no difference if it was An Xiaoqi who saw it. He had feelings for An Xiaoqi previously, but now, even when he saw her going out with someone else, he had absolutely no feeling nor regrets…But when he thought about losing Lu Xiuwen, his heart would hurt like hell. This made him well aware of his own feelings.

Lu Xiuwen was the one he truly liked.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ye Ming thought for a while and eventually told Lu Xiuwen, “I guess there will be one more rumor about me at school.” 

Lf ifa bea j ylaafg rwlif jr tf rqbxf. Lf kjr jigfjvs atf mfcafg bo jaafcalbc, jcv cbk, klat jc jvvlalbcji ujs ijyfi, tf mbeiv jigfjvs lwjulcfv tbk wemt lwqjma atja kbeiv yglcu. Ktlr kjr ktja tf kjr rmjgfv jcv mbcmfgcfv jybea. Lf kjrc’a mfgajlc atja Cc Wljbdl kbeiv tfiq tlw xffq atlr j rfmgfa.

Lu Xiuwen stared into Ye Ming’s eyes. He was convinced now that Ye Ming didn’t have any feelings for An Xiaoqi. His expression gradually became gentle. “I guess she won’t spread this around.”

Ye Ming was in silence momentarily. He said, “Actually, it isn’t a big deal.”

Although he had always been worried that others might find out about his relationship with Lu Xiuwen, he knew that this was his own thinking. Lu Xiuwen did not mind letting others know about their relationship at all. If he couldn’t get through this challenge, could it be that he really intended to keep his relationship with Lu Xiuwen hidden forever? 

Lu Xiuwen had done so much for him while he couldn’t even do a single thing for him. He even hesitated over such a trivial matter of confessing his love affair. This made him feel that his love was weak and cheap.

Ye Ming suddenly turned around and gave Lu Xiuwen a soft peck on the lips. His eyes slowly became calm and bright. He said slowly, “I’m not afraid of letting others know I liked you.” .


Lu Xiuwen stared into Ye Ming’s eyes, a little taken aback. His heart went soft.

He knew how shy and indecisive this child was. But when he faced such a choice…he chose to confess his feelings, taking up the responsibility bravely, no longer afraid. 

He really loved him.

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[Ding. Lu Xiuwen blackening value -5. Current blackening value 30]

Lu Xiuwen rubbed his thumb gently across Ye Ming’s face. His eyes flashed with affection and delighted laughter escaped from deep inside his throat. “I understand.”

Perhaps Lu Xiuwen was in a really good mood yesterday, so he put in extra effort. Ye Ming was unable to wake up on time the next morning, and he felt that he was missing school more and more often. 

It was no big deal running into An Xiaoqi accidentally. Although it was not part of the plan, it had depleted five of Lu Xiuwen’s blackening value, and Ye Ming was quite satisfied. As for whether there would be more gossip about him at school, Ye Ming was not bothered by it at all.

When Ye Ming returned to school, Zhang Hongzhi came looking for him as usual. Because they had been hanging out frequently, the entire school knew that they were good brothers.

Zhang Hongzhi was good looking. He had a good family background and was charming. Somebody actually coupled him with Ye Ming, but Zhang Hongzhi was very against it, as he was afraid that Lu Xiuwen would learn about it. He couldn’t afford to provoke Lu Xiuwen. But fortunately, Lu Xiuwen didn’t mind at all, which made Zhang Hongzhi a little relieved.

Today, as they were having a meal together, Zhang Hongzhi said, “Master Gu, your birthday is just around the corner. The few of us will be celebrating with you. Do you have any place that you want to go?” 

Ye Ming paused and said, “Uncle has already made arrangements for me.”

After hearing that, Zhang Hongzhi’s face fell and let out a dry laugh, “Since President Lu had already made arrangements, then we won’t be nosy.”

Ye Ming saw Zhang Hongzhi’s disappointment and realized that he was asking out of the kindness of his heart. Wouldn’t it be too hurtful to reject him in such a manner? In the end, he made a decision and said, “You guys can come along too. I don’t have other friends. Having more people will make it more lively.”

Zhang Hongzhi was a little surprised. He couldn’t hide the surprise in his tone. “Is it…convenient for us to come along?” 

Ye Ming pursed his lips and said, “There’s nothing inconvenient about it. We’re all friends.”

Zhang Mingzhi, “…”

He was not really used to Ye Ming suddenly becoming so open-minded. He thought that this kid would be playing hide and seek, worried that others would know. But now, he had made up his mind to let them know about his relationship with Lu Xiuwen?

Zhang Hongzhi panicked. He quickly called Lu Xiuwen afterward to ask if he and the others were allowed to attend the birthday party. Otherwise, they would find an excuse to not attend. 

Zhang Hongzhi was overjoyed when Lu Xiuwen said that they were allowed to attend as Ye Ming’s friends and told them to make themself comfortable.

Zhang Hongzhi was so excited. As expected, he made the right choice to curry favour with Ye Ming. Even his father was not qualified yet to go to the Lu Residence; meanwhile, he was the first to go. He hung up the phone excitedly and went to prepare the gifts. His gift mustn’t be too shabby.


Of course Ye Ming learned about this from 888. He clicked his tongue as he thought in his heart that this kid was indeed a dutiful kisser upper.

[888: Why are you doing this? Are you planning to openly declare to them that you’re gay?] 

[Ye Ming: Yeah, I’ve made a big decision, right! Didn’t I mention before that I wanted to let Uncle Lu feel my love for him?…He loves me so openly. If I kept hesitating, how am I going to express my love for him? Loving someone is not merely about being passive, of course I need to express my feelings too!]

[Ye Ming: The birthday party is a good opportunity. Hehe~]

[888: Hehe.]

Ye Ming got a little excited when he thought about his upcoming birthday. This was a good opportunity to bring their relationship closer! 

Sure enough, An Xiaoqi was not a big mouthed person. A few days passed and there was no new gossip around the school. This showed that An Xiaoqi did not say anything. Otherwise, with Ye Ming’s current popularity, the whole school would have known by now.

But this could be because she didn’t know Lu Xiuwen’s identity. Otherwise, she might not be so calm about it.

A few more days passed, and Lu Xiuwen was waiting at the school gate for Ye Ming to get off school. When he saw Ye Ming getting in the car, he smiled and asked, “Where’re your classmates?”

Ye Ming said, “They said they’ll be going over themselves.” 

Lu Xiuwen nodded and stared at Ye Ming tenderly.

Actually, he was the happiest person when Ye Ming wanted to invite his classmates home. How could he not allow Zhang Hongzhi and the others to come over? This clearly showed that Ye Ming finally wanted to face their relationship and was no longer afraid to let others know about it.

This kid was braver than he had imagined. This was a very, very important step. Initially, Lu Xiuwen thought he would have to wait for a long time. He never would have thought that Ye Ming was even better than what he had expected.

When Ye Ming arrived home, he noticed that while he was away for a day, the house’s decoration had been completely redone. It was filled with a birthday atmosphere. Not long later, Zhang Hongzhi and the others arrived. They were all people who he usually hung out with. Everyone brought a gift, and they were obviously deferential and reserved at the Lu Residence. 

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Lu Xiuwen gave a lot of face to Ye Ming. Even though they were children of a younger generation that he wouldn’t even pay attention to normally, he personally greeted them with an amicable attitude. This made Zhang Hongzhi and the others feel overwhelmed by such treatment.

Zhang Hongzhi took a look around the manor and house that was decorated with fine details. He smiled at Ye Ming and said, “President Lu really put a lot of effort for you. To be honest, my dad doesn’t even care about my birthday. At most he only gives me money. Other than that, he doesn’t do anything else.”

Ye Ming felt very content in his heart. He sensed Lu Xiuwen’s efforts for him but at the same time, he pitied Zhang Hongzhi. He consoled him, “Perhaps Uncle was too busy.”

Zhang Hongzhi sneered. No matter how busy his father was, it was unlikely for him to not have time to put in this little effort. In the end, it all came down to whether or not he cared to. He didn’t even know if his father had any mistresses or not. As long as he didn’t show them in front of him and his mother, he didn’t even want to care about it. 

Just as the two of them were chatting happily, Lu Xiuwen came over after he finished his busy tasks and gave Ye Ming a soft peck on the forehead. He smiled and said, “Remember to go over there to cut the cake later.”

Ye Ming nodded shyly and said, “Okay.”


Zhang Hongzhi, who stood beside them, couldn’t take his eyes off them. This didn’t seem like pretending. Although he already knew beforehand about Lu Xiuwen’s intention toward Ye Ming, this was the first time he saw Lu Xiuwen kissing Ye Ming like this. To be honest, it was a little shocking.

Ye Ming’s face was already scarlet red, but he still pretended to be calm. “Didn’t you always want me to bring my boyfriend to meet you? Here he is.” 

Zhang Hongzhi had already come back to his senses, but he still continued to pretend to be shocked. “You and President Lu?”

Ye Ming nodded his head slowly. “Yes.”

He stared at Zhang Hongzhi’s eyes. Although he was already mentally prepared, he was still unwilling to let others look down on their relationship. He was very worried that Zhang Hongzhi and the others would despise him and put on an unaccepting expression.

However, such a situation did not happen. Zhang Hongzhi did not show any despicable expression. Instead, he said with emotion, “I really didn’t expect this. But…actually it wasn’t completely unexpected. After all, President Lu had always treated you so well…” 

This was not what he was thinking at all. However, he had made it sound pleasant. His mission today was to let Ye Ming come out of the closet with a clear conscience and without any pressure. How could he make him feel uncomfortable?

After Ye Ming heard Zhang Hongzhi talking about it in such a relaxed manner, he felt more at ease. He was not that anxious anymore.



The others were also surprised, but they congratulated them and they all said that President Lu treated him well and that they could tell that he really loved him. They all looked envious.

This birthday had passed by neither too fast nor too slow. Zhang Hongzhi and the others cooperated perfectly. Regardless if it was their speech or actions, they had made Ye Ming feel at ease. It seemed as if the reveal of his relationship with Lu Xiuwen was not a big deal at all. Everyone had no issue accepting it. 

They were all having a lot of fun, and not long afterward, they served the cake.


The cake was a very luxurious cake with more than ten layers. Ye Ming placed the candles on by himself. He closed his eyes, made a wish and blew out the candles. Everyone was making a lot of noise, making the party very lively.

After everyone left, Lu Xiuwen asked Ye Ming to sit down on the sofa and brought over a black velvet box shortly. He smiled as he said, “Here’s your present.”

Ye Ming glanced helplessly at Lu Xiuwen, who had prepared a gift for him again. “Uncle, you’re always like this.”


Lu Xiuwen looked at him with a profound gaze. “I hope you will use this tonight.”

Ye Ming hesitated before he took the gift. He blushed the moment he opened it. After spending a period of time with Lu Xiuwen every day, he was no longer as pure and innocent as he was in the beginning. He knew that Uncle Lu was not acting decent today.

Inside the box was not the stuff that he usually gifted, but instead, it was a black silk blindfold and a few toys.

Lu Xiuwen lifted the corners of his lips. “I hope you will like it.” 

Ye Ming was very embarrassed and felt like fleeing. However, he was really unwilling to let Uncle Lu down. Then, he could just give it a try…eventually, he nodded reluctantly.

Lu Xiuwen smiled. He stood up and took the blindfold out of the box and gently put it on Ye Ming. He then took off Ye Ming’s clothing one by one, as tenderly as if he was treating a treasure.

Ye Ming saw nothing but darkness. He was a little panicked. Suddenly, he felt Lu Xiuwen pressing his hands above the top of his head. He then leaned over him and planted a gentle yet slightly cold kiss on his lips.

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“You are a gift from God…” Lu Xiuwen whispered gently. 

That was a crazy and absurd night. They kept doing it until dawn. Eventually, Ye Ming felt like he would die.

In the end, both of them hugged each other tightly.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Oe Wlekfc teuufv Tf Zlcu jcv rjlv, “P ibnf sbe.”

Tf Zcu tfjgv Oe Wlekfc’r joofmalbcjaf kbgvr jcv gfmjiifv tlr ibnf jcv fcvifrr afcvfgcfrr jcv mjgf. Lf rjlv fjmt kbgv rfglberis, “P ibnf sbe abb.” 

Tf Zlcu rajgfv ja Oe Wlekfc’r fsfr. Llr mifjg yijmx fsfr kfgf oliifv klat joofmalbc. Lf rjlv wsrafglberis, “Fcmif, mibrf sbeg fsfr.”

Lu Xiuwen obediently shut his eyes. He then felt Ye Ming whispering into his ear, “I made a wish yesterday that we will be together forever.” That slightly hoarse voice was like a wind that blew into his heart.


Lu Xiuwen trembled as a strong wave of affection washed over him. He pulled Ye Ming into his arms and opened his eyes to gaze at the person in front him that he was deeply in love with. He kissed his lips hard.

We will be together, forever. 

Finally, you are completely mine. Your body and soul belong to me.

[DIng, Lu Xiuwen’s blackening value -10. Current blackening value 20]

After they declared their love to each other and announced their relationship, Ye Ming and Lu Xiuwen’s relationship got closer. They were very much in love with each other. Zhang Hongzhi was getting a little jealous, saying that they were scattering dog food to them everyday.

But Ye Ming was not as relaxed as he appeared to be. Because Lu Xiuwen’s blackening value had not gone down and was stuck at 20. 

[Ye Ming: Sigh…]

[888: What are you sighing for.]

[Ye Ming: The blackening value is not coming down. QAQ]

[888: Haha, aren’t you guys very sweet?] 

[Ye Ming: That’s all on the surface, only the surface. Sigh.jpg]

[Ye Ming: Any relationship built on top of deceptions, concealment, and control is not true love. Uncle’s strategies came in sets and were very effective. But the more it’s like this, the more he’s uncertain about my love for him deep inside his heart. He feels that I am very silly and naive. Even if it wasn’t him, I would be easily fooled by someone else too.]

[Ye Ming: Regardless if it was Song Qin from the previous life or him in this life, their actions proved that I’m very easy to fool and I’m not steadfast in my standpoint.]

[888: This is indeed how you behave.] 

[Ye Ming: So, if one day, someone comes by to deceive me or some villain tries to take advantage of me, will he think that I will be deceived?]

[888: According to your character, it is highly possible. So you’re saying that this is the reason why Lu Xiuwen does not believe in your love?]

[Ye Ming: Well, it’s not that. He believes my love for him. But he doesn’t believe that my love for him is able to withstand being put to the test. Because in Uncle’s eyes, I’m afraid, I’m just a fool ^_^]

[Ye Ming: A love that was easily obtained by using tricks should be very easy to destroy, shouldn’t it? In the previous life, he treated me so well, yet I betrayed and left him. He devoted himself to me, but it was nothing compared to others who used tricks. So this time, he also did this to me…and he got me. But how can I prove that I won’t be like this in this life? If things continue on like this, it would only show that my love is foolish and I’m unable to wipe away those words said in the previous life.] 

[888: It seems like you’re not planning to continue playing this game obediently.]

[Ye Ming: Although I am not willing to part with our happy life now, it’s time to expose Uncle’s lies. Without destruction, there can be no construction. True love needs to be able to withstand trials and hardships! This is known as darkness comes before dawn!] (T/N: Darkness comes before dawn means things can only get better.)


888 emotions did not undulate. He only sensed that his host was about to act devilish again. And to his surprise, he had a feeling that this was how it was supposed to be.

Although Ye Ming was unwilling to part with the gentle and considerate Uncle Lu, being a fool would not diminish the blackening value. 

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Lu Xiuwen had planted Zhang Hongzhi beside him to control everything around him.

This was a very useful pawn that Lu Xiuwen placed beside Ye Ming. But Ye Ming felt that if you were unable to manage a chess piece well, it would turn around and bite you back. When he needed to take advantage of Zhang Hongzhi, Zhang Hongzhi would also be a very useful chess piece.

While Lu Xiuwen and Zhang Hongzhi were watching him, he was also watching Zhang Hongzhi.

Ye Ming was not in a hurry. He knew Zhang Hongzhi’s operating pattern well. One day, when they came back after eating out, Zhang Hongzhi said when they are about to part, “Young Master Gu, I’ll go home first. My dad asked me to go home early today.” 

Ye Ming smiled and said, “Alright. See you tomorrow.”

He curled the corner of his lips and cracked a smile as he watched Zhang Hongzhi’s car left.

Of course, Zhang Hongzhi was not going home to see his father. He was summoned by Lu Xiuwen to meet him at his office.

Ye Ming did not go back to the Lu Residence as he had said he would. His mind was filled with all sorts of melodramatic accidental encounters. He also turned around and went to Lu Xiuwen’s office excitedly. 

He had pretty much never gone to Lu Xiuwen’s office before as he was not interested in what was going on with the company. Today was considered giving a surprise to Lu Xiuwen!

Ye Ming arrived at a very coincidental time. Because with 888’s guidance, he saw Zhang Hongzhi going into the company’s entrance. He was standing across the street, watching.

[Ye Ming: I should be feeling very shocked, suspicious, and surprised. After all, my friend who had just parted with me told me that he was going home but went to Lu Xiuwen’s office instead. And most importantly, he always acted as if he had absolutely no connection to Lu Xiuwen at all.]

[888: You don’t have to tell me this. Really. I’m not interested.] 

[Ye Ming: But I’m very excited! I’ve already thought about how I’m going to act. It’ll be as exciting as a wife who wanted to give her husband a surprise and suddenly discovered that the husband is having an affair.]

[888: Lu Xiuwen is not having an affair.]

[Ye Ming: I’m just giving an example!]

[888: Still, it isn’t the same.] 

[Ye Ming: You’re so boring QAQ]

[888: Scram!]


Ye Ming pondered for a while and figured that Zhang Hongzhi was already in his office by now. He took out his phone and called Zhang Hongzhi.

Zhang Hongzhi had indeed just arrived upstairs. He stood across Lu Xiuwen with respect. 

Lu Xiuwen cared a lot about Ye Ming’s life. Sometimes, things might not be clearly reported over the phone so he would meet with him personally once in a while to understand Ye Ming’s situation. And because he had received Lu Xiuwen’s notification, Zhang Hongzhi lied to Ye Ming. saying that he was going home, but instead he turned around to come here.

Lu Xiuwen sat on the sofa with a calm expression. He asked slowly, “How is Gu Ran’s condition at school recently?”

Zhang Hongzhi lowered his head and said, “He’s doing quite well. Nothing unexpected has happened.”

Lu Xiuwen asked again. “Gu Ran…what do you think about his feelings for me?” 

Zhang Hongzhi smiled, “He always talks about you. I can tell that he’s really in love with you and trusts you completely. You can rest assured that nothing will happen.”

Lu Xiuwen nodded slightly.

At this moment, Zhang Hongzhi’s mobile phone suddenly rang. He took it out and saw that it was from Ye Ming. He immediately told Lu Xiuwen, “It’s from Young Master Gu.”

Lu Xiuwen nodded, indicating that he could answer it. 

Zhang Hongzhi answered the phone immediately and said, “Young Master Gu, you’re looking for me?”

On the other end of the line, Ye Ming’s voice seemed a little different from usual. He was silent for a while before asking, “I just wanted to ask if you’re already home?”

Zhang Hongzhi smiled and answered in a natural tone, “I’ve just arrived home. Why?”

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