Yang Qian’s face was turned to the side, and the place that’d been scratched by Ye Ming’s fingernails stung with a prickling pain.

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During this period of time, Ye Ming had always been very submissive… he’d never imagined that Ye Ming would dare to make a move against him, so he hadn’t been able to avoid it in time. However, what really made Yang Qian furious was not this slap, but what Ye Ming had said.

This was the first time since he’d come back that he’d heard Ye Ming personally say Huo Yi’s name himself. And what Ye Ming wanted to say, was merely that there was no difference between him and Huo Yi. 

So, this was the only thing that Ye Ming wanted to say to him?


【Ding. Yang Qian’s Blackening Value +10. Current Blackening Value: 80】

The darkness in Yang Qian’s eyes surged like storm clouds, flooding with a gleam of boundless hatred and bloodthirst within.

He pressed Ye Ming against the ground, wrapping his hands around his neck, while his voice seemed to be forced through clenched teeth, “You, say that one more time.”


Ye Ming was throttled until he could hardly breathe, but there was no longer the slightest bit of timidness or fear on his face. On the contrary, he looked at Yang Qian derisively, smirked, then repeated clearly, “I said that there was no difference between you and Huo Yi. You’re exactly the same.”

Exactly as ruthless and indifferent, cruel and selfish.

You hate him to this extent, yet still managed to let yourself turn into someone who’s exactly the same as the person you hate. Don’t you think that’s pitiful? 

The veins on Yang Qian’s forehead pulsated, while his gaze condensed like ice. He said sternly, “Shut up!” 

Ye Ming looked at him with contempt, and uttered word after word, “Don’t you always compare yourself with Huo Yi? If you really want to hear it, then I might as well tell you. You’re about the same as him… strictly speaking, you’re not even as good as Huo Yi. At least he’s a person who can handle his affairs in a clear, clean-cut manner. Since you hate me this much, why won’t you just kill me? Or can you not bring yourself to do it?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“You think I’m so… cheap… ke ke, yet still sleep with me… don’t you think that’s disgusting…”

Tf Zlcu ofia atja Tjcu Hljc’r tjcvr kfgf ragjcuilcu tlr cfmx klat wbgf jcv wbgf ragfcuat. Qlat fnfgs kbgv tf rjlv, tf tjv ab fztjera jii bo tlr ragfcuat. Lf atbeuta atja tf kjr qgbyjyis jybea ab vlf, yea atfgf kjr cbatlcu yjv jybea la.

Lf rtbeiv’nf vlfv ibcu jub. Ufgtjqr bc atf vjs ktfc Tjcu Hljc tjv gfaegcfv, tf rtbeiv’nf pera vlfv lcrafjv bo vfmflnlcu tlwrfio, gfwjlclcu kfjx jcv lggfrbieaf, tfrlajca jcv lcvfmlrlnf, qjatfalmjiis ibculcu obg rbwfatlcu atja cb ibcufg fzlrafv, rb atja tf kjr ifoa klatbea fnfc j agjmf bo atf obcv wfwbglfr lc tlr tfjga. 

This hopeless world, he’d already had enough of it.

Yang Qian’s hands tightened little by little, his eyes completely red. It was as though he was possessed, and his body was no longer under his own control, but driven by hatred instead.

Intolerable, unforgivable, he was going to kill him! That way, this person would no longer be able to betray him, leave him, or say these d*mned things!

Yang Qian was so furious, it seemed as though his eyes were about to pop out of his head as he stared hard at the person beneath him. 

Ye Ming’s face was totally red. Finally, the hands that were gripping Yang Qian’s wrists feebly fell down by his sides. His pupils dilated, and his heartbeats began to slow…

This person wasn’t moving anymore, and was quiet at last. Those words wouldn’t come out of his mouth anymore.


Yang Qian watched Ye Ming somewhat absent-mindedly. Then suddenly, as though he’d seen something terrible, he abruptly released his hands and took a step back, his entire body covered in cold sweat. He looked down at his own hands in a daze. What had he done? Had he just tried to kill him?

He’d actually tried to kill Ye Ming… 

No, this was impossible.

Ye Ming had thought that he was going to die. Just when his consciousness was about to dissipate, air suddenly rushed into his lungs again. He coughed violently and opened his eyes disorientedly. Why… why was it that things had already gotten to this point, yet he still refused to kill him.

Yang Qian held on to Ye Ming, his eyes red as he looked at him, his voice sounding as though it was forced through clenched teeth, “Trying to die?”

Don’t even… don’t even think about dying just like this! 

I haven’t even died yet, so how can I let you just die like this in front of me. Even if there’s no more hope left in this world, and only pain is left, I still want you to stay together with me.

Yang Qian picked up Ye Ming and stood up, ready to go back inside. When he turned his head, he discovered that his subordinate was still lifting up that child, who had already been frightened silly. When he saw him coming over, he trembled with fear.

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Yang Qian’s expression sank, his thin lips pressed together tightly. He spat out a few words, “Drive him out.”

But he didn’t say much else. 

After that, he directly went back inside with Ye Ming in his arms.

Ye Ming’s arms hung down weakly, his chest heaving violently. After he recovered a bit of strength, he struggled and attempted to get out from Yang Qian’s arms.

Since his submissiveness had no meaning at all, since it was impossible to change this person, since they couldn’t go back to the past anymore…

Then why should he bother with being so accommodating? Or did he actually enjoy living so pathetically? 

Yang Qian coldly snorted and directly put Ye Ming down on the bed, locked his chains to the bedpost, then went out. Not long after, he came back in again with food. He pinched Ye Ming’s chin and said coldly, “The things I give to you are for you to eat, and not for you to bring to others.”

Ye Ming sneered, and said hoarsely, “But… ke, I don’t want to eat your things.”

Yang Qian’s gaze chilled, “Oh? If you’re not willing to eat my things, are you willing to eat whatever Huo Yi gives you then?”

A pained look surfaced in Ye Ming’s eyes, but he still smiled and said, “Yes ah, I am willing to eat what he gives me… and not willing to eat what you give me, what can you do about it?” 

Yang Qian abruptly raised his hand, his eyes full of cold hatred. But, after a long time… it still hadn’t landed on him, and was clenched so hard it was making cracking sounds instead. He articulated word after word, “Are you trying to force me to kill you? Then I’ll have to disappoint you. The things I give to you, you have to eat them even if you don’t want to.”

He got up and went out, then came back again quite a while later. He’d already changed the food into liquid food that was easier to eat.


Yang Qian gave Ye Ming a cold look, and said slowly, “Are you going to eat by yourself, or do you need me to help you?”

Ye Ming turned his head and shut his eyes, as though the person in front of him didn’t exist at all. 

Yang Qian’s gaze darkened. He scoffed and didn’t say anything else, but directly walked over and pinched Ye Ming’s chin, then forcefully fed him using his own mouth.

Ye Ming fought desperately, not cooperating at all. Even though he knew his strength was insignificant in front of Yang Qian, he persisted until the very end, showing his determination to resist.

Yang Qian felt that Ye Ming was too restless, so he tied his hands behind his back to prevent Ye Ming from randomly moving around anymore.

He held on to the person in his arms tightly, completely ignoring Ye Ming’s resistance, and fed him the food a little at a time. Ye Ming’s face had been pinched until there was a crimson indentation. 

Because he’d kept on struggling, Ye Ming choked and tears rolled down his face. He smiled with tears in his eyes as he said to Yang Qian, “You’re really boring… you just hate me this much, then…”

Hate me to the point you won’t even let me die.

Ye Ming was smiling and crying, but the look in his eyes was incomparably apathetic. So what? This was the world after the apocalypse ah… living on was difficult, but dying was such an easy thing to accomplish.

He struggled the entire time until he rapidly breathed out a few times, then finally shut his eyes as he passed out. 

Yang Qian put down the bowl in his hands, then looked at the man in his arms.

The Ye Ming who’d fainted seemed much quieter. He wouldn’t look at him with such a disappointed and contemptuous gaze, and wouldn’t say those words filled with thorns. He seemed to be as submissive and obedient as he was in the beginning again.

He’d really lost a lot of weight these days. His wrists were slimmer than before, and there wasn’t much flesh on his shoulder. He was basically all bones, and holding him wasn’t actually all that comfortable, but Yang Qian was still reluctant to let go.

He stretched out his finger, and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Ye Ming’s eyes. 

Ye Ming’s face and neck still had red marks left on them, appearing pitiable and wretched.

Seeing Ye Ming like this, Yang Qian suddenly felt somewhat at a loss. It looked like Ye Ming might really be very miserable, and didn’t want to hold on anymore. Before, he’d clearly still been able to live next to Huo Yi for two years. In order to survive, he could endure so much, could sell himself and give up his dignity. Such a person… should probably have a strong will to live ba?

But despite all of this, he now had no desire to live on anymore.

He wasn’t putting on a show, nor pretending, and had truly wanted him to kill him. 

Yang Qian should’ve been happy. He’d successfully gotten revenge on Ye Ming. Look ah, how much pain he was in. Someone like him deserved to suffer from a pain worse than death. He’d come back from hell just to get revenge on him.

But was he really happy now?

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Maybe he wasn’t happy, but was actually in greater suffering and depression.

He hated him, yet he also wanted him to live on. 

He didn’t want him to die.

【Ding. Yang Qian’s Blackening Value -10. Current Blackening Value: 70】

【Ye Ming: Sh*t… close call, I feel like I was almost strangled to death for real.】



【888: En, almost.】

【Ye Ming: Good thing Yang Qian came to his senses QAQ】 

【888: So when you were stimulating him with your words, did you not think that you might really be strangled to death?】


【Ye Ming: …】

【Ye Ming: If I don’t do this, how am I supposed to show him that I’m a man of integrity? How am I supposed to make him feel sorry for me?】

【888: How regretful, he shouldn’t have slipped up like that.】


【Ye Ming: …】

For the sake of showing Yang Qian that this time, he really wasn’t playing around anymore, he was a man of integrity, Ye Ming very resolutely courted death!

Although Yang Qian was able to force-feed him, he still wasn’t able to eat that much after all, and medical equipment was lacking after the apocalypse, while medicine was scarce. Ye Ming’s already emaciated body quickly deteriorated and became even weaker.

After the doctor examined him, he told Yang Qian that although there was nothing wrong for the time being, if he continued on like this, and refused to cooperate with properly eating and taking his medicine, Ye Ming would still be in danger of dying. 

Since he was worried that Ye Ming might harm himself, when Yang Qian was away, he could only lock Ye Ming to the bed.

During this period of time, Yang Qian’s subordinates all found that their boss’s temper had become more and more volatile, and the way he killed zombies had also become more and more vicious, as though he had an endless amount of anger to vent. If his powers hadn’t been so powerful, with this kind of fighting style, an ordinary person would’ve died eight-hundred times over already.

Ye Ming had to lay about on the bed aimlessly while his life was hanging by a thread. When he was bored, he could only chat with 888. 888 had almost been bothered to death by him.

【Ye Ming: Aiya, it’s another fine day again. I wonder how those two children of mine are doing. Yang Qian didn’t make any trouble for them, ba?】 

【888 impatiently said: No, he only drove them out.】

【Ye Ming: Ying ying ying, but without me, they’ll still be starving ah, my ill-fated children ah!】

【888: Shut up.】Talking like they’re your sons!

【Ye Ming: I’m so bored ah… although I’m not hungry, every time I have a meal, it’s like fighting a battle. I’m really tired ah, my mouth is sore ah, I almost can’t hold on anymore 5555】 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

【888: You can stop holding on.】

【Tf Zlcu: Lbk mbeiv P vb remt j atlcu! Coafg jii, P’w agslcu ab vlf klat jii ws tfjga!】


【888: …】Lf ofia atja tf’v ilxfis gfnfgrf tlr vjaj jcv vlf j rafq jtfjv bo tlw olgra.

Tf Zlcu vewqfv tlr uglfnjcmfr bc 888, ktlif jirb fcujulcu lc j gbecv bo aeu-bo-kjg klat Tjcu Hljc bc atf rlvf, rlwqis gfoerlcu ab fja tlr wfji qgbqfgis. 

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After his unremitting efforts, he finally managed to successfully ruin his body.

Ye Ming fell sick. Although it was just a common cold and fever, he wasn’t getting any better, and also had no appetite. Once, Yang Qian force-fed him, and just after Ye Ming had swallowed, he immediately threw it all up again. In the end, he fell unconscious with a high fever.

Ye Ming didn’t feel much, but the doctor was anxious to death. His illness wasn’t some kind of terminal illness, but the crux of the matter, was that this patient didn’t want to live on anymore. He’d already been on a hunger strike for a very long time. If things continued on like this, even if he didn’t die this time, he’d still die sooner or later.

Doctors were most afraid of taking care of these kinds of people who were eager to die. Not having any desire to live was the most terrifying thing. 

In just a few days, Ye Ming had lost a lot of weight again.

Yang Qian felt very powerless. It wasn’t like he couldn’t feel Ye Ming’s determination to die. For him, living like this was also a kind of torture. He was worried that as soon as he didn’t pay attention, or was distracted, Ye Ming would really die.

Could he accept Ye Ming dying? No, this was the only thing he was sure of. No matter how much he hated this person, he still didn’t want him to die.

This day, Yang Qian walked inside the room, and looked at Ye Ming who was lying on the bed. 

Ye Ming’s cheeks were slightly sunken in, which actually made his eyes seem even darker and bigger, brighter and more radiant, like he was going to win at last. When he saw Yang Qian he revealed a faint smile of relief, and spoke in a weak voice, “You’re… ke ke, back.”

Ignoring the relationship between them, and what had happened during this period of time, it was as though they were just ordinary lovers seeing each other.

Yang Qian pressed his lips together tightly, and stared at Ye Ming.

He was finally very powerful now, but was he destined to not be able to possess even one person? He was unwilling to accept this. 

Yang Qian suddenly turned around and walked back outside, then punched the wall.


After a few more days, Ye Ming felt that he was close to starving to death.

【Ye Ming: This is terrible, I’ve gone too far. My assistant hasn’t arrived yet, how much longer can I hold on for ah?!】 

【888: If you continue your hunger strike, I’m sure you won’t be able hold on for much longer.】

【Ye Ming: Where’s Huo Yi? Where is he? QAQ why hasn’t he come to take revenge on Yang Qian yet, I refuse to believe he’s the kind of person who’ll just run off!】


【888: Of course he wants revenge, but doesn’t he need some time to prepare?】

【Ye Ming: Then, when will he be able to come, ma?】 

【888: I don’t think he’ll be coming anytime soon, you can’t count on him.】

【Ye Ming: No way, ba… the script shouldn’t go like this. Am I really going to die on a hunger strike? This is unscientific, no protagonist has ever successfully died from a hunger strike before!】

【888: He he he he, who said you were the protagonist?】

【Ye Ming: …】 

888 cheerfully chuckled for a long time, his laughter covering Ye Ming’s entire body with goosebumps. Finally, he languidly started speaking again.

【888: Although Huo Yi can’t come for the time being, congratulations to you, your new assistant has come online, and you guys will be able to see each other soon.】

【Ye Ming: ???】

【888: Xu Xiaoyue is still alive, and she’s already fled to this base.】 

【Ye Ming’s voice suddenly became louder: What! My little sister’s still alive?!】

【888: Not your little sister, she’s Xu Xiaofei’s younger sister.】

【Ye Ming: Then doesn’t that make her my little sister? 5555 so touched, my younger sister is actually still alive, plus she’s also come here, did she come here just to rescue me? As expected of my good younger sister, I’ll definitely protect her and cherish her! And allow her to experience an elder brother’s consideration and love! With a younger sister, I’ll also have the motivation to live now! V】

【888: …】He kind of regretted telling Ye Ming about this now. He should’ve let this spicy chicken worry for a few more days. 

Now that Ye Ming had learned that his good younger sister had come, he was suddenly revived with full HP, and was filled with fighting spirit as he continued his back and forth with Yang Qian. He didn’t eat more than a few mouthfuls each day, and soon, was practically on his final breath.

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On this day, Yang Qian was at home feeding Ye Ming again, but Ye Ming threw it all up. Although his body was very weak, there was happiness in his eyes. No matter how painful it was, his expression remained bright and dazzling.

Yang Qian couldn’t help but think about Ye Ming in the past. Ye Ming used to be exactly like this before. He’d loved this man deeply, but later, everything had changed beyond recognition.

Yang Qian took a deep breath, like doing this could relieve some of the pain in his chest. So you just want to get away from me this much, then… but, I don’t believe there’s really not a single thing left that you care about. 

Yang Qian lowered his head and kissed Ye Ming’s lips, moistening his cracked skin. He said in a low voice, “Do you want to go outside and have a look?”

Ye Ming had a smile on his lips, appearing to not care either way.


So, Yang Qian helped Ye Ming get dressed, then picked him up. The person in his arms had gotten a lot lighter again, as though he could be easily blown away by a gust of wind. Yang Qian’s gaze was gloomy, and his expression had condensed, but he didn’t say anything, and just drove off with Ye Ming.

Before long, the car stopped in front of a bustling and noisy street that looked completely chaotic, and there seemed to be people shouting and hawking their wares. 

Yang Qian walked in with Ye Ming in his arms.

Ye Ming only took one look, then frowned, before closing his eyes in disgust.

This was the slave market on the base. It had already existed long before he and Yang Qian had arrived that year, and had been opened with Huo Yi’s permission. Under his leadership, the strong had always had many privileges, and being permitted to own slaves had been one of them.

Those who had lost someone they could rely on, or those who had been sold by their relatives, men, women, and children were all brought here to be sold. Some were forced, while others were there voluntarily… yes, there were those who were there voluntarily. For the sake of survival, some people would rather be sold as slaves. 

But for most of them, they really had no other choice.

At the time, he already hadn’t liked this place at all, and had always avoided it and never came near it, because he was unable to change the current situation, and didn’t want to see such sad and helpless things… only, he hadn’t expected that Yang Qian would bring him over here now. What was Yang Qian trying to do? Was he just trying to disgust him?

Yang Qian didn’t have any intention of saying much to Ye Ming either. He brought Ye Ming to a relatively larger shop, then went directly to the second floor. Immediately, someone came over and respectfully welcomed him in, then brought him to his room.

Yang Qian held Ye Ming in his arms, his movements gentle, and he smiled faintly, “You’re not going to take a look? Generally, only higher-quality slaves can be brought here for sale. If you see some that you like, I can buy them and bring them back to keep you company, okay? ” 

Ye Ming felt that this person had really changed beyond recognition, and could even say these kinds of words out loud, making him feel disgusted and mournful. He sneered, “Up to you, but as for company, no need… I can’t live for much longer, so you can save them for yourself, ba.”

Yang Qian smiled and shook his head, “Don’t jump to conclusions, en?”

Ye Ming appeared as though he wasn’t willing to even take a look, as he shut his eyes again, and remained unaffected no matter how noisy it got outside.

Yang Qian didn’t mind, and just calmly looked downstairs. 

Because Ye Ming’s body was frail, Yang Qian just held on to him like this. He didn’t know how much time had passed, but just when he was feeling drowsy, he suddenly heard a familiar female voice coming from below that suddenly shook him awake, and he abruptly opened his eyes.

He instinctively looked in the direction of that voice, and saw a woman being dragged out in chains. His pupils constricted, and his lips slightly trembled in disbelief.

Yang Qian held onto Ye Ming, his finger gently brushing past his neck, his warm breaths landing on his ear, and seemed to be very considerate as he explained, “I also never imagined that Xiaoyue would still be alive. According to the person who handed her in, she fled with her boyfriend all the way here, but her boyfriend was trash, and it was already very difficult for him to even earn his own rations on the base, so he brought her over and sold her.”

“Strictly speaking, her boyfriend doesn’t have the right to sell her, but after the apocalypse, who would care if he had the right to or not? He can get a sum of money, while there’s the addition of another beautiful slave here, that’s all.” 

Ye Ming’s face had turned pale from rage. This was his younger sister, ah! And maybe also the only family he had left.

When the apocalypse had arrived, they’d been in different cities, and had been separated just like that.


He’d never imagined that she would still be alive, and hadn’t thought that there’d be a day when they’d be able to see each other again. This originally could’ve been such a happy occasion, if only they weren’t meeting under such circumstances.

Yang Qian looked downstairs with pity, and said softly, “It seems there are quite a few people who are interested in her. But, I’m afraid those people probably won’t treat her very well.” 

Ye Ming’s hands were clutching onto Yang Qian’s arm tightly, a look of sorrow and despair emerging in his eyes. Of course he knew what kind of people they were. Those ability-users and ordinary people out there didn’t have the kind of resources and power Huo Yi had, and would never treat their slaves well… moreover, those who were willing to purchase slaves were all the malicious and evil types. It was said that there was an ability-user who purchased and brought back slaves every month, because the previous ones had all been tortured to death by him, and were even eaten like meat after they died.

No matter how difficult it got, Ye Ming also had to admit that whether he was under Huo Yi or Yang Qian, he was already considered a slave who was living a pretty good life, better than even some of the ordinary people, besides not having any freedom.

But was happy living like this? No… but the fate of those other slaves who were bought and sold were a hundred times more miserable than his.

If his younger sister fell into the hands of those people, she’d lose her mind. She’d die. 

Yang Qian looked into Ye Ming’s eyes, his tone gentle and soft, but his gaze cold as he slowly revealed a smile, “Do you want to help her?”

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