Yang Qian had actually come back this afternoon. This time on his trip outside to search for supplies, he’d encountered a few accidents. Although these accidents had been disguised to look like real “accidents”, Yang Qian keenly realized that Huo Yi might have done something for the purpose of delaying him.

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Huo Yi, of course, would be dissatisfied with being driven away just like that. This base was the result of his many years of painstaking effort, and with that petty and small-minded disposition of his, he definitely wouldn’t let up until one of them died. During this period of time, Yang Qian hadn’t let down his guard in the slightest… so, after Yang Qian had come back ahead of time, he hadn’t shown his face, but had secretly hidden himself, just waiting to see if Huo Yi would make any moves.



Huo Yi had come back as expected, but the first thing he’d done when he came back actually hadn’t been to seize the opportunity to create chaos and reclaim the base, but rather to steal Ye Ming away, which made Yang Qian both surprised and furious!

Yang Qian’s eyes were full of bone-deep hatred. He stared at Huo Yi. It seems you actually care a lot about Ye Ming, ma. Not only did you keep him by your side for two years, but now, even after you’ve become a homeless cur, you’re actually still thinking of taking him away. 

This person is mine. When did it become your turn to make a move on him!


Yang Qian’s ability erupted throughout his body. A violent wind blew past the weeds and trees in the garden. His ability was related to space-control, and not only could the space be compressed to crush the heads of zombies, but it could also control the wind and form a sharp blade!

Huo Yi looked at Yang Qian with a cold expression, not underestimating him in the slightest. This man was already no longer that ordinary human being who could be tossed about by just anyone, but was a powerful ability-user! Just last time, he already hadn’t been able to get anything good out of him, so he threw Ye Ming into Liu Wenguang’s arms, and said in a cold voice, “You bring him away first, I’ll stop Yang Qian!”

Liu Wenguang caught Ye Ming, his expression endlessly worried! He’d long said to not worry about Ye Ming. Ye Ming was Yang Qian’s reverse scale. Attacking Yang Qian now would only disrupt their plans, and the losses would outweigh the gains!


After Huo Yi finished saying this, in the blink of an eye, he and Yang Qian had already begun to fight each other!

Both of them were extremely powerful ability-users. The effects of their battle were immense, practically causing the earth to tremble and mountains to shake. When Yang Qian’s other subordinates heard the sounds, they all rushed over one after another.

When Huo Yi saw that Liu Wenguang hadn’t left yet, he said sternly, “Why haven’t you left yet?”

While he was talking, a moment of carelessness caused him to be hit by a punch from Yang Qian, and he was sent flying back! Huo Yi wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and sneered, “I didn’t expect that you’d have a bit of skill, but you were still thrown out like a dog by me back then!” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yang Qian’s eyes were entirely red, as the painful memories of the past flooded his mind once again, and his moves became much more aggressive!

Ole Qfcuejcu’r tfjga xfqa rlcxlcu ibkfg jcv ibkfg. Pc j yla, Tjcu Hljc’r wfc kbeiv jii jgglnf. Po tf ifoa, kbeiv Leb Tl gfjiis yf jyif ab ufa jkjs ys tlwrfio? Aera Tjcu Hljc jibcf kjr jigfjvs vloolmeia fcbeut ab mbqf klat. Vfflcu Leb Tl ufa mjeuta eq lc vjcufg yfmjerf bo Tf Zlcu, Ole Qfcuejcu rageuuifv obg j wbwfca, yfobgf tf olcjiis mjwf ab j vfmlrlbc.

In his heart, a hundred Ye Mings was still nowhere as important as Huo Yi! He couldn’t look on as Huo Yi took on such a risk for Ye Ming’s sake!

Liu Wenguang grabbed Ye Ming by the neck, and suddenly shouted to Yang Qian, “Stop! Otherwise, I’ll kill him!” 

Yang Qian’s eyes were frigid, and his malicious and bloodthirsty gaze fell upon him! Sure enough, he stopped his actions.

Huo Yi had also turned pale with fright, and shouted harshly at Liu Wenguang, “What’re you doing?”

Liu Wenguang looked fixedly at Huo Yi as he said, “Huo-ge, don’t think I won’t dare to do it, I really will do it.”

Huo Yi’s expression also changed. 

Liu Wenguang said, “I’ve already found him displeasing to the eye for a long time, and it didn’t matter before who you were willing to raise, but if you’re still going to act impulsively because of him, then it’s really not worth it. All of us xiongdi are counting on you. You care about this person, but I sure don’t!”

Liu Wenguang saw that Huo Yi was still not moving, while the others had already surrounded them. His eyes were fierce, and he yelled sharply, “Let’s go, ah!”


Huo Yi pressed his lips together tightly, “Let’s go together!” He was also a decisive person. Now wasn’t the time for arguing. Since Yang Qian cared about Ye Ming so much, then it wasn’t impossible for them to take Ye Ming away as they escaped.

The most important thing was that if he didn’t leave, Liu Wenguang would absolutely never leave as well! 

Liu Wenguang kept his hold on Ye Ming’s neck, one hand grasping his waist, as he quickly retreated to where Huo Yi was.

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Huo Yi turned around and left. With a wave of his hands, a raging fire burned the two people standing in front of him to death, and he rushed towards the outside! Liu Wenguang followed Huo Yi closely behind, and soon they made it to the edge of the base.

Liu Wenguang watched as Huo Yi went out first. Suddenly, he turned around while holding onto Ye Ming, and fled in a different direction!

Since Yang Qian cared about Ye Ming this much, it was impossible for him to allow them to take Ye Ming away. If they took Ye Ming, they wouldn’t be able to get rid of Yang Qian. The chance of escape would be less than one percent. Liu Wenguang only wanted to create an opportunity for Huo Yi to escape. He’d take Ye Ming and run away separately, so Yang Qian would definitely choose to chase after him instead! 

Huo Yi had rushed far away, before he suddenly discovered that Liu Wenguang hadn’t followed him. His expression shifted multiple times. D*mn it! Liu Wenguang was his xiongdi who’d been with him for several years. Even before the apocalypse had arrived, they’d already had a strong bond of friendship. They were of the same mind, so how could he not understand Liu Wenguang’s plan? This was to help him by leading the enemies away, allowing him to escape alone.

If he went back now, it would only waste his efforts. Huo Yi clutched his arm where blood was dripping down, his gaze endlessly insidious, but he still turned around and left in the end.

This time, he was in the wrong. Because of his willfulness, he’d put his own xiongdi in danger!

Liu Wenguang brought Ye Ming along as he fled to another location. Ye Ming was only an ordinary human. Being carried by Liu Wenguang as he darted around like this only made it difficult for him to breathe. When he was still by Huo Yi’s side back then, he’d already felt that Liu Wenguang disliked him very much. Falling into Liu Wenguang’s hands now was already the most terrible outcome. 

It wasn’t that he was afraid of death, he was merely worried about his little sister…

Yang Qian didn’t care at all about Huo Yi who’d escaped. He was single-mindedly focused on getting Ye Ming back, and was in close pursuit after Liu Wenguang!

Although Liu Wenguang was also considered fairly powerful, after running for so long, there was still no sign of him losing Yang Qian anytime soon, and his expression became more and more anxious! He turned around and said to Yang Qian in a cold voice, “Stop, if you keep on chasing after me, then I’ll kill him!”

However, Yang Qian had changed from his previous expression, and looked on unfeelingly, as his icy gaze fell upon Liu Wenguang, “Then kill him, ah!” 

Liu Wenguang’s expression condensed. He looked at Yang Qian’s fierce and cold gaze. Even though he was a mass murderer who’d killed people like flies, he could still feel a chill traveling up from the soles of his feet. He realized that Yang Qian would never let him go.

At the beginning, Huo Yi had been the one who’d given the order, but he’d been the executor. Their deep enmity had already become impossible to resolve since long ago.

Liu Wenguang took a deep breath, his eyes cold, “It appears that you really don’t care about him anymore.”

Ye Ming had heard Yang Qian’s words, his gaze dimming. Yang Qian was finally willing to let him die. This was something to be happy about, but… why wasn’t he happy on the inside. 

Yang Qian’s lips curved into a smile, “I care about him very much, but what I really can’t tolerate is something like letting you run away with him. He’s just a person who betrayed me anyway, so if he dies, then he dies, ba.”

Liu Wenguang looked into Yang Qian’s eyes, and realized that he was probably not joking around…


After a while.

“Okay, ah, watch me as I kill him.” Liu Wenguang gave Yang Qian a cold laugh, then lowered his head and said into Ye Ming’s ear with a smile, “You see, this is because your old friend wants me to kill you, so don’t blame me even after you die!” After that, his fingers tightly clutched Ye Ming’s neck, about to forcefully break it! 

Even if he died, he also wanted to drag Ye Ming down with him!

But to Liu Wenguang’s surprise, even after he exerted some force, there wasn’t the familiar sound of bone breaking. He lowered his head in astonishment, and saw that his hand was freezing little by little, and had turned white.

And at the same time, Yang Qian had moved right in front of him in an instant! He grabbed Ye Ming with one hand, while the other grasped his frozen arm, then ripped his arm off with a kada!

Liu Wenguang dropped to the ground. He slowly turned his gaze, then saw a woman following behind Yang Qian. Cold air lingered around the woman’s hands, and she was currently staring right at him. 

Yang Qian took Ye Ming into his own arms. He’d just said those words on purpose to draw Liu Wenguang’s attention away, giving his subordinate a chance to freeze his hands. If they hadn’t done this, Liu Wenguang definitely wouldn’t have let Ye Ming go.

Before Liu Wenguang could get back up after falling to the ground, Yang Qian stepped on his chest with his foot. The stomp directly broke his ribs, and he coughed up some blood, then revealed a smile of ridicule, “Hahahaha, and here I’d thought that you really didn’t care about his life anymore!”

Yang Qian stared at his face. Although two years had already passed by, these people who’d snatched Ye Ming away and then injured him before, he hadn’t forgotten a single one of them.

At that time, it was exactly this person, who’d driven him away at Huo Yi’s command, broken both of his legs, thrown him into that dark forest, and honked his horn to attract the zombies over. He’d been in such despair at the time, and would always remember the contemptuous and cold-blooded gaze of this person when he was leaving. 

He… so what, I’m still alive, and now it’s you guys’s turn to pay the price.

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Yang Qian let out a cold chuckle, “Bring him back.”

His subordinate immediately came over and tied Liu Wenguang up tightly, and brought him back to the base.

Yang Qian took Ye Ming back to the villa, then violently flung him on top of the bed. He was watching him with a gloomy, indiscernible gaze, and there was no expression on his grim face.

Ye Ming had gone through so many mishaps in such a short period of time, hovering on the edge of life and death, so he appeared dazed, his face completely drained of blood.



Yang Qian looked fixedly at Ye Ming, and suddenly let out a chuckle. He walked over and caressed Ye Ming’s cheek, his tone seemingly very gentle, “Frightened?”

Ye Ming was slightly startled. Yang Qian had never talked to him in such a gentle tone before. Wasn’t he angry? He didn’t dare to believe that Yang Qian would actually be this kind, and whispered nervously, “I’m, I’m fine…” 

Yang Qian laughed softly, his tone light, “That’s true, I don’t suppose that Huo Yi would’ve killed you anyway. I didn’t expect that he’d actually care this much about you. The first thing he did when he came back was to come here and see you… I heard that he treated you pretty well over the past two years, looks like it’s true.”


Although Yang Qian’s tone was very tranquil, Ye Ming suddenly realized that he was angry.

And extremely angry, at that.

Ye Ming actually had a good understanding of Yang Qian, just that the current Yang Qian had changed so much that he felt unfamiliar. But at this very moment, he was extremely certain that Yang Qian was angry. And when Yang Qian became angry, he’d torment him.


Ye Ming shivered slightly, his voice trembling as he said, “I…”

Yang Qian lifted Ye Ming’s chin, gazing into his eyes as he asked with a smile, “Do you have a crush on him?”

Ye Ming’s pupils constricted slightly because of fear.

Seeing Ye Ming’s frightened expression, the hatred and dissatisfaction in Yang Qian’s heart grew stronger and stronger, almost drowning him. You’re scared now, you know exactly what I’m angry about. 

Yang Qian still remembered that when he’d first taken over this base, he’d used bloody means to suppress and control everything, making Huo Yi’s past subordinates submit to him. But what he’d cared about the most, had still been Ye Ming’s situation over the past two years. He couldn’t wait to learn about everything that had happened to him…

The results had made him both happy and indignant.

The happy thing was that Ye Ming was still alive. Although he hated this person to such a degree, he was even more afraid of losing him. He’d been afraid that he’d been tortured to death somewhere, and he wouldn’t even have the chance to see him ever again.

But Ye Ming had actually been alive and well. And so he felt dissatisfied in his heart, unable to stop his jealousy and hatred. 

Ye Ming hadn’t resisted against Huo Yi, hadn’t escaped from Huo Yi, and had just obediently stayed by Huo Yi’s side like he didn’t care about anything at all, living comfortably under Huo Yi’s wing.

At that moment, Yang Qian no longer had any false hope left in his heart. If Ye Ming had really cared about him, and hadn’t really wanted to yield to Huo Yi, then how could he have remained so aloof for two years? He’d already thoroughly given up on him, had thoroughly sold himself, and had been enjoying all the things he’d gained after abandoning his conscience and dignity.

Not only had he betrayed him, and also forgotten about him, he’d even developed a crush on someone else.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Nothing could breed more resentment than this. 

【Glcu. Tjcu Hljc’r Dijmxfclcu Njief +30. Jeggfca Dijmxfclcu Njief: 80】

Yang Qian stared at Ye Ming, a deep, dark hatred in his black eyes, as a smile hung on his lips, “You’ve been waiting for Huo Yi to come save you all this time. You prefer staying by his side, right ba.”


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Tf Zlcu rtbbx tlr tfjv vfrqfgjafis, tlr ojmf aegclcu qjif ogbw ofjg, “Rb, P vlvc’a kjca ab ifjnf klat tlw, P kbeivc’a ifjnf!”

Tjcu Hljc cbvvfv rilutais, “Pa rffwr atja sbe ralii gfwfwyfg sbeg ilaaif rlrafg lr tfgf.” 

Tf Zlcu’r ilqr wbnfv j yla, tlr ujhf rbggbkoei, “Rb, fnfc klatbea Wljbsef, P ralii kbeivc’a ub klat tlw…” Lf’v cfnfg ilxfv Leb Tl yfobgf.

Yang Qian, however, didn’t believe it at all. He looked at him with a spurious smile, “You’ve learned to be smart, and know what you should and shouldn’t say.”

Only, I’m especially unhappy today, and don’t feel like letting you get what you want.

Yang Qian pressed him down on the bed. Ye Ming had never felt that Yang Qian was as frightening as he was now, more frightening than ever before. He wanted to run away from this place, but he couldn’t escape. This world was so big, but he had nowhere to escape to. 


Yang Qian didn’t seem to know what moderation was at all. No matter how much Ye Ming begged him, he wouldn’t let him off.

Ye Ming fainted and woke up again. At first, he’d still forced himself to endure it. By the time it was over, he felt as though he might be about to die. But no matter what, he couldn’t actually die, because this person wouldn’t allow him to die.

Why… he’d already given up, was there still a need to treat him like this? You just want to see me live a life worse than death, don’t you. 

Yang Qian tugged Ye Ming’s hair, and dragged his face in front of him, a cruel smile on his cold face, “Is Huo Yi much gentler than me? Do you miss him right now?”

Ye Ming slowly shook his head, his eyes full of tears, his vision blurry. He could hardly make a sound, and looked scared.

With a sneer, Yang Qian covered Ye Ming with his clothes, then picked him up, and walked outside.

Ye Ming was lying in Yang Qian’s arms, looking as though he was on the verge of dying. 

【Ye Ming: Aiyo, my old arms and legs were almost disabled… Qian Qian was really too naughty today la, did he transform his grief and indignation into power. Shy.jpg】

【888: …】

【888: Under normal circumstances, as the one performing the physical labor, Yang Qian should be the one who’s more tired. Aren’t you embarrassed to be making a fuss all day when you just lie there without moving. Are you even a man?】

【Ye Ming’s tone suddenly deepened: He, whether I’m a man or not, do you want to give it a try, ah.】 

【Ye Ming: System, you’re playing with fire.】

【888 laughed hehehe: I think you’re playing with your life.】


【Ye Ming: 5555, somebody was only kidding la. Haven’t you already seen whether someone is a man or not, what’re you still asking somebody for ma, QAQ】

【888: Being mouthy is a type of illness, failure to cure it may result in death.】 

【Ye Ming: …】

Yang Qian brought Ye Ming to the basement of the villa, which was an interrogation room.

Liu Wenguang was tied up here. His severed arm had already stopped bleeding, but there was even more fresh blood on his body. It was obvious that while Yang Qian had been taking care of Ye Ming, he’d been here suffering through interrogation under torture, and the blood had dyed his clothes red.

He heard the sound of the door opening, looked up, and saw Yang Qian walking in. A twisted smile slowly appeared on his face, and he opened his mouth that was full of blood, “Don’t waste your efforts, ke ke… I won’t say anything.” 

Yang Qian didn’t seem to care very much. He gave a faint smile, “That’s fine, even if you don’t say anything, I’m sure Huo Yi will be delivering himself to our doorstep, and next time, he won’t be as lucky.”

Liu Wenguang snorted, watching Yang Qian with a sinister look, as he jeered, “Who knows which person it’ll be that dies at the other’s hands in the end.”

Yang Qian hardly cared. The corners of his lips curled up, “You’re truly loyal to Huo Yi. It’s a pity… since you don’t want to talk, then go die now ba.”

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Liu Wenguang knew very clearly in his heart that regardless of whether he said anything or not, he wouldn’t be able to walk out of this alive anyway. On the contrary, he acted carefree, and laughed uproariously. 

Yang Qian looked at his arrogant appearance, his eyes turning colder.

Yang Qian’s subordinates tossed Liu Wenguang into a car. Then, Yang Qian held Ye Ming as they sat in the front, and he ordered his men to drive out.

Ye Ming powerlessly leaned into Yang Qian’s embrace, because he was afraid to move. As the car slowly drove out of the base, Ye Ming didn’t even dare to ask why he needed to come along as well.

But gradually, Ye Ming could hear the sounds coming from a distance, and his expression shifted. That could only be the sound of many zombies gathered together, wheezing like there was like a leak in their throats. There were zombies over there, ah! And several, at that! 

But Yang Qian’s car continued to drive straight in the direction of the zombies. Before long, they arrived in front of a huge dirt pit where countless zombies were walking back and forth stiffly. Once they heard the sounds of the car, they were suddenly agitated, and flocked towards the side where Yang Qian was, reaching out their hands in an attempt to seize the people on it to devour them!

Fortunately, the pit was very deep, so those zombies couldn’t climb up at all, and could only keep crowding around the edges.

It was apparent that someone had deliberately dug this out, trapping these zombies here for some unknown purpose.

But Liu Wenguang knew exactly where this was, and looked at Yang Qian with hatred, as a hint of fear finally appeared on his face. 

Yang Qian turned his head and looked at him, revealing a spurious smile on his face as he said, “This was constructed by Huo Yi. It’s said that he likes to throw disobedient people in here alive. Look, is there anyone here that you threw in before?”

Liu Wenguang gave a cold laugh, “My only regret is that I didn’t directly throw you in here back then!”


Yang Qian heard these words, seriously considered them for a while, then nodded as he said lightly, “You’re very correct. If you’d directly thrown me in here back then, I probably wouldn’t have had a chance to escape from death, then. Speaking of, I must thank you for that, even.”

“A pity…” The corners of Yang Qian’s lips lifted, his gaze ruthless, and his voice low, “I didn’t die, so now it’s your turn.” 

Liu Wenguang looked at the countless zombies in the dirt pit trying to reach out for him, a trace of fear flashing through his eyes. He wasn’t afraid of death, but no one wanted to be eaten alive by these zombies. He once threw many people in here, but now that he was the one facing this scene, he suddenly understood that kind of despair.

Yang Qian’s voice was callous and cruel as he commanded, “Chop off his legs and throw him in.”

His subordinates immediately pressed Liu Wenguang against the ground, directly picking up an axe and chopping off his legs! Liu Wenguang rolled on the ground as he let out mournful shrieks, blood gushing forth like a torrent.

Yang Qian lowered his head slightly to look down at him, his gaze cold, but his tone relaxed with a hint of laughter, as he said word by word, “What you gave to me back then, I’m returning to you in double. Don’t worry, Huo Yi can’t escape either.” 

As his voice fell, Liu Wenguang was thrown into the pit!

Countless zombies swarmed over like sharks catching the scent of blood! Their mouths gaped open as they pounced on him to bite off chunks of his flesh! There were too many zombies, and the ones behind couldn’t make it there, making ahh sounds, wanting to eat meat too, ah!

Ye Ming watched this cruel scene, and listened to Yang Qian’s cold words, trembling all over.

Once Yang Qian finally tired of that game of tormenting him, would he do the same to him then? 

The agony of his flesh being torn off bit by bit made Liu Wenguang desperate and crazed. He was about to die, he was about to be swallowed down into the stomachs of these disgusting and filthy zombies, and turned into a pile of rotten meat.

After the apocalypse, many people died every single day, and he knew that the day would also come when he’d die, but dying in this way filled him with hatred and resentment!

Clearly at the time, he’d wanted to kill Yang Qian, but because he’d left him a fighting chance, it’d given him the opportunity to come back and take revenge on them!

Liu Wenguang was being torn apart by the zombies, and looked at Yang Qian on the ridge from afar, his eyes full of hatred as he roared desperately, “You’ll also die, you’ll die sooner or later! If Huo Yi hadn’t listened to Xu Xiaofei and driven you away, I would’ve killed you a long time ago!” 

“I was going to throw you in here, and watch you die with my own eyes! D*mn it ahhh, this isn’t fair, I should’ve just directly killed you! I should’ve just killed you along with Xu Xiaofei! Ah… ahh… ”

Yang Qian’s retreating footsteps abruptly paused, and he looked back at Liu Wenguang, and slowly said, “What do you mean?”

What exactly was, he was originally planning on directly killing him?

So when he did that, was he not planning on killing him then? Ridiculous! 

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