Yang Qian was looking in Ye Ming’s direction vacantly. Things couldn’t be like this…

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But, there seemed to be another voice in his heart telling him that this was the truth, why was he trying to deceive himself, was it because he didn’t dare to believe it?



Yang Qian looked back at Huo Yi’s frosty countenance, at the dagger gleaming coldly in his hands. In the end, he barely avoided the dagger at the last minute as it brushed past his neck, leaving a streak of blood in its wake!

He raised his head, a surging sea of blood contained within his eyes. The deeply-rooted hatred in his heart from two years ago seemed to infinitely intensify at this moment! 

No matter what the truth was, this person was the chief culprit responsible for everything!


He was going to kill him!

Yang Qian’s immeasurable rage caused his ability to erupt violently, its overwhelming power almost blotting out the sky and covering up the earth, enveloping everything in sight, instantly blasting Huo Yi away! Huo Yi slammed heavily into a big tree and spat out a mouthful of blood!

He raised his head, and watched Yang Qian who was like the eye of the storm, a helpless look surfacing in his eyes. He really hadn’t imagined it, ah…


He was actually going to die in the hands of a person he used to think absolutely nothing of.

His two hands were completely stained with blood, and at last, the day had come for someone else to take his life.

He’d still lost to Yang Qian in the end. Just that, Yang Qian wouldn’t misunderstand Ye Ming anymore, and would probably stop make things difficult for him, ba… he’d done a lot of bad things, and had never cared about his retribution. But, he’d accidentally lost his heart to someone else just this one time.

If he couldn’t kill Yang Qian today, then the only thing he could do for Ye Ming was to say these things out loud. 

Huo Yi closed his eyes, waiting for death to arrive.

But, to his surprise, Yang Qian’s attack actually hadn’t landed yet. Huo Yi suddenly opened his eyes, and heard a rushed shout in his ear, “Huo-ge, this way!”

It turned out that his men had arrived. That subordinate was very clever and hadn’t tried to shoot at Yang Qian, because at this time, Yang Qian was utterly unstoppable. So, he’d aimed instead for Ye Ming who was lying in the distance, and fired several shots!

As expected, Yang Qian gave up on Huo Yi, and darted away to save him, his ability bursting to the extreme. It distorted the trajectory of the bullets, and he finally rushed in front of Ye Ming to shield him! 

Facing numerous shots, Yang Qian was unable to spare any of his attention. Huo Yi’s subordinate leaped over and picked up Huo Yi, then quickly disappeared into the night.

Yang Qian only had a mortal body after all, so it was impossible for him to deflect these bullets with his body, and he could only control his ability to shift the trajectory of these bullets. But, the firepower was too concentrated, so it was still difficult for him to hold on. He quickly picked up the unconscious Ye Ming, then kicked off the ground explosively! Then, he hid behind a tree!

Huo Yi’s subordinate hadn’t pinned his hopes on killing Yang Qian like this anyway. He’d only wanted to delay him to give Huo Yi the chance to escape, and fired shots as he retreated. Soon, he was gone without a trace.

Yang Qian held onto Ye Ming, his head lowered as he gazed at the person in his arms. His mood gradually calmed down. 

He didn’t even have the heart to chase after Huo Yi.

He didn’t care about anything else, his eyes only reflecting this one person, as though he was his entire world.


So… is this the real reason why you said those things back then?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

You knew that Huo Yi wanted to kill me, so you said those things, deliberately letting him drive me away, because you wanted to protect me… we were so powerless at the time, that this was the only thing you could do to protect me. 

How painful it must’ve been for you to say those things, when you were forced to bow down to Huo Yi.

And I knew nothing about it.

I’m sorry.

I should’ve come back earlier to save you… I should’ve come back to save you, ah. 

【Glcu. Tjcu Hljc’r Dijmxfclcu Njief -40. Jeggfca Dijmxfclcu Njief: 10】

Leb Tl tjv yffc vfofjafv, jcv Tjcu Hljc’r reybgvlcjafr ijslcu ibk bearlvf tjv jirb jgglnfv. Fialwjafis, atfs’v yffc nlmabglber, ktlif Leb Tl’r rlvf tjv reoofgfv tfjns mjrejialfr. Ktf ofk ktb kfgf ifoa tjv ajxfc Leb Tl klat atfw jcv gec jkjs, rb atfgf kjr cbatlcu ifoa ab yf jogjlv bo.

Yang Qian’s subordinates made their way here after following the tracks. Then, they discovered Yang Qian standing there just like an ancient stone statue, his entire body seemingly shrouded in a desolate air of sorrow, the embodiment of lifelessness.

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“Boss, you’re okay, ba?” Shi Yang was a rather obtuse person, but even he felt that something was off with Yang Qian, so he’d lowered his voice to cautiously ask. 

Yang Qian didn’t move for a long time. After a long while, he turned his head, an indescribable pain in his dim, profoundly dark eyes. He slowly said, “I’m okay.”

Shi Yang was afraid to ask too much. He stared at Yang Qian’s back as he got in the car, and scratched his head. Although the boss said he was okay, no matter how he looked at it, why didn’t he look like he was okay, ah? He turned around and asked Zhao Jin, “Hey, do you think the boss is really okay? Why do I have a feeling he’s not?”

Zhao Jin laughed, then said mildly, “Trust your instincts. Even you can see there’s something off, so it can’t be any more obvious than it already is.”

Shi Yang nodded, “So there really is something, ah.” 

He watched Yang Qian with concern. After a long time, he suddenly realized, had Zhao Jing been calling him out for being too slow just now, ah? Shi Yang’s face suddenly stiffened for a while. He was going to beat that thin bamboo pole to death!


【888: You’re up?】

【Ye Ming: I’m up, still feeling dizzy right now from Huo Yi’s strike. By the way, did he actually help shed light on my difficulties yesterday, ah? My blackening value hinges on him now.】 

【888: See for yourself.】888 didn’t bother wasting his breath, and directly played back the video for him.

Ye Ming was practically moved to tears after he finished watching it. Huo Yi had actually been this cooperative.


【Ye Ming: I misunderstood him, it turns out that he really loves me too, ah! Even in a crisis, he still didn’t forget to clear my name for me. It didn’t look like the system in control did much the past two years either. Is it because this body is too enchanting?! Is he actually a face-con? Or does he just really like the take-by-force setup?】

【888: …】He just knew it would turn out like this, so he hadn’t wanted to bother with this spicy chicken. 

【Ye Ming: Very good, now it’s finally my turn to take the stage, hahaha! O(∩_∩)O~】

Ye Ming slowly opened his eyes, and found himself lying in Yang Qian’s arms.

Yang Qian immediately noticed. In reality, he hadn’t slept all night, and had just held onto the person in his arms, greedily taking in his appearance. It had taken him a lot of time, before he had no choice but to fully accept the truth.

He’d kept thinking about what Huo Yi had said to him back then. Two years ago, Huo Yi had told him that he originally hadn’t planned on killing him, but since Ye Ming wanted him gone, he’d have to go… and then he’d sent him to his death. 

But this time, Huo Yi had told him that he’d originally planned on killing him, and it was only because of Ye Ming’s plea that he’d let him off, so he felt very regretful.

If Huo Yi had said that at the very start, he most likely would’ve still found it hard to believe, ba. He wouldn’t have believed that Huo Yi would be so kind-hearted, but… Liu Wenguang had also admitted to this before he’d died, so there was no possibility of collusion at all.

This was the truth. What more was there to be doubtful about?

He drowned himself once again in his memories from the past two years, of the days and nights he’d spent filled with hatred, the countless instances of despair and suffering… he’d hated someone he shouldn’t have hated, and had blamed someone he shouldn’t have blamed. 

Ye Ming hadn’t betrayed him ah, he hadn’t betrayed him at all. He was the person who loved him the most, exactly the same as before… you stayed here, only because you still wanted to wait for me to come back.

But, I let you down.

Yang Qian was very confused all of a sudden. He was so confused, that even his hatred had nowhere to go. Hating someone was already a very tiring thing to do. Because his love had been too deep, his hatred had gone even deeper. But now, he’d been told that he’d hated the wrong person… he’d thought that he’d taken revenge on everyone who’d hurt and betrayed him.

But, what he’d actually taken revenge on was his beloved who’d still deeply loved him. 

Yang Qian had sat like this all night, until he saw Ye Ming open his eyes.

Ye Ming had just regained consciousness, and there was still a trace of confusion in his eyes. It took a long time before he came back to his senses.

Yang Qian’s tense fingers curled slightly. He didn’t know how to face this person. He was like a furious child hell-bent on destroying the world, who’d discovered in the end that he’d shattered his most beloved treasure as well. There was helplessness, despair, and agony, but there was no way for him to turn back time.

But even worse, was that before Yang Qian had figured out how he was going to speak up, he saw the look in Ye Ming’s eyes change, fear gradually emerging in his dark eyes. His body was faintly trembling, and his lips slightly moved, as an uneasy plea left his lips, “Sorry, I’m sorry… I didn’t do it on purpose yesterday, I wasn’t trying to leave with Huo Yi, really… I wouldn’t leave with him…” 

As soon as Ye Ming woke up, he remembered how he’d run in Huo Yi’s direction in the chaos yesterday, and had been knocked unconscious and taken away by Huo Yi again. But, he had no idea what had happened after that.

He didn’t know whether Huo Yi was dead or alive, but clearly, Yang Qian had still managed to snatch him back. The last time Huo Yi had appeared, Yang Qian had tormented him in a rage. This time, he’d taken the initiative to run to Huo Yi, so Yang Qian definitely had to be even angrier, ba? There was no way he’d believe him.


There was no way he’d believe him…

Yang Qian looked at the fear in Ye Ming’s eyes, and listened to his panicked words. The sound of his voice was like a current of cold air, seeping through his pores, permeating his viscera. He recalled what had happened before. 

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Just a few days ago, Ye Ming had also begged for his forgiveness just like this. But, he hadn’t believed him, and had tormented and threatened him instead.

Why hadn’t he believed him at the time…

Yang Qian stretched out a hand, wanting to touch Ye Ming and soothe him a bit. But, before he could reach him, Ye Ming shrank away in fear, instinctively trying to avoid him. However, he seemed to quickly become aware of his own situation again, and forced himself to stop hiding. He remained huddled there, no longer moving.

Yang Qian’s hand stopped in mid-air for a long time without landing on him. 

The current Ye Ming made him feel as though he was a very terrifying criminal, reminding him of the things that he’d done. All of the harm he’d inflicted upon this person was deeply engraved in his bones, and couldn’t be erased.

Yang Qian couldn’t stay here any longer. He didn’t even know how to comfort Ye Ming. He suddenly got up and walked out.

But, he was reluctant to go too far, so he stayed outside the door. He raised a hand, covering his eyes with it. What should he do… he’d lost his most beloved person.

He’d thought that there was nothing worth saving left in this world, so he’d recklessly destroyed everything. But, in fact, it wasn’t like that, ah. The person he loved had always been waiting for him, ah… 

Yang Qian couldn’t help but recall the gaze Ye Ming had looked up at him with when he’d first come back, and walked up to Ye Ming. That gaze seemed to traverse thousands of years, brimming with wonder and affection. He’d been waiting for him… with a sliver of hope, he’d been awaiting his return.

And after he’d returned, what was it that he’d done?

Personally crushed his hopes, and sent him straight to hell.

Now, even wanting to see that gaze again just one more time was already too much to ask for. 

Yang Qian stood outside the door like this for a long time. Only when it was time to eat, did he summon up the courage to push open the door once again. Even if there was a mountain of blades or sea of fire, he still wouldn’t be able to just leave Ye Ming to fend for himself.

Ye Ming was hugging his knees and sitting at the foot of the bed, his face pale. As soon as he saw that Yang Qian had come back, he stood up in a panic. He still didn’t believe that Yang Qian would let him off so easily. After all, he was filled with such hatred over how he’d gone with Huo Yi back then.

Yang Qian’s feet felt as though they were welded to the ground. He wanted to go over, but seeing Ye Ming’s frightened appearance, he didn’t have the heart to approach him. Finally, he just said in a deep voice, “It’s time to eat.”

Ye Ming didn’t dare to disobey. He sat on the chair with his head lowered, watching as Yang Qian personally brought the food to him. 

Only, he had no appetite. Even if he tried his best, he just couldn’t eat… he knew that he was already very thin, he knew that he ought to eat, but his body just wouldn’t cooperate.

Ye Ming picked up his chopsticks and ate a few bites, a look of deep suffering in his eyes. Even though it was rare, fresh food, it still seemed as though he was going through pure torture. He chewed for a long time before swallowing.


Although he’d tried very hard, he still couldn’t finish more than a few bites.

Yang Qian himself hadn’t taken a single bite. He only watched Ye Ming, slowly clenching his fists underneath the table. He’d forced this person to such a state… was it because he felt that it was too painful to be alive, so he didn’t want to eat. 

He should’ve realized it earlier. The person he loved… how could he possibly have mercilessly abandoned him like that? He should’ve realized it earlier…

Yang Qian felt that his throat was a little tight. He slowly opened his mouth and spoke in a hoarse voice, “Don’t worry, I won’t blame you for the situation with Huo Yi. I know you didn’t do it on purpose.”

He tried to soften his tone, but… it didn’t seem to have much of a soothing effect.

Ye Ming didn’t believe him. 

Right, he’d long since lost any of his credibility. Yang Qian thought back to just how much they used to trust each other a long time ago, their two hearts beating as one… they’d only needed to exchange a single glance to know what the other person was thinking.

But, cruel reality had destroyed all of this. And just like how he wasn’t willing to believe Ye Ming in the beginning, now Ye Ming wouldn’t believe him either.

Ye Ming clutched his chopsticks tightly. He didn’t know why Yang Qian’s attitude had suddenly changed, but he still remembered how much Yang Qian hated him. He wanted him to live a life worse than death.

Yang Qian looked into Ye Ming’s eyes, only cold despair left in his heart. 

This despair was worse than the despair he’d felt two years ago, when he’d been thrown into that dark forest, dragging his broken legs behind him, waiting for the zombies to devour him.

Back then, the worst result had been nothing more than death, ba. But now, although he was alive… he’d personally ruined the person he loved the most.

This was probably what a life worse than death really was.

Yang Qian shut his eyes. There was a blanket of darkness in front of him, and he couldn’t see the tiniest ray of light. He felt very tired, and very sad, and didn’t know what he was supposed to do next. Even his enmity with Huo Yi seemed to have lost all its importance. 

But, he couldn’t actually act like a coward either, giving up with no regard for anything else.

Yang Qian watched as Ye Ming finished his meal. He didn’t compel him to do anything, and didn’t say much. He just turned around and left the room, and didn’t go back inside even when it was already nighttime.

But in fact, he hadn’t left at all, and was just outside the door.

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Ever since that day, Yang Qian rarely appeared in front of Ye Ming again. He didn’t want to see the dread and fear in Ye Ming’s eyes. For him, his every gaze was like silent condemnation, yet also like a knife, slicing him to pieces.

Making him endlessly reproach himself for not placing a bit more of his trust in Ye Ming back then.



For two entire years, he hadn’t been able to walk out from that night of despair.

The zombies hadn’t devoured him, but eventually, his hatred had. 

He’d actually believed what Huo Yi had said, and hadn’t believed in his own lover. Was there anything more ridiculous than this in the entire world?


Yang Qian could only stand where Ye Ming couldn’t see him, like a peeper hiding in the dark, watching that person in a greedy and lowly manner.

Yang Qian no longer bothered with the base anymore, just like a person who’d lost the last thing that had kept him going, and had completely lost interest in the world.

Shi Yang had come over on this day to talk with Yang Qian. “Boss, what’re you going to do about Huo Yi. He still managed to escape, what if he comes back.”


Yang Qian looked indifferent, “Then, so be it, ba.”

Huo Yi wouldn’t kill Ye Ming. Yang Qian couldn’t help but remember what Huo Yi had said to him that day again… he’d said that Ye Ming probably wished he hadn’t returned.

Right, although Huo Yi wasn’t a good person, and had also imprisoned Ye Ming and deprived him of his freedom, along with forcing him and hurting him, at least he was still a little better than him.

Maybe for Ye Ming, instead of being hurt by him, and losing hope for this world… it was probably better to preserve some hope in his heart, and just live by Huo Yi’s side like that, ba. 

That way, even if he’d died outside, he could still dream that he’d be back someday, and still love him.

Instead of what it was like now, ah…

Not even this slim hope was left.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vtl Tjcu ibbxfv ja Tjcu Hljc, jcv tlr fzqgfrrlbc revvfcis aegcfv nfgs jkxkjgv. Lf ujnf j vgs mbeut, “Dbrr, vlv sbe ufa rbwf rjcv lc sbeg fsfr.” 

Tjcu Hljc aegcfv ab ibbx ja tlw, jcv cbvvfv, “Tfr.”

He stood up after speaking, then seemed to think of something again. He said to Shi Yang, “If anything happens, go ask Zhao Jin, ba. Just listen to his arrangements.” It appeared as though he didn’t plan on being in charge at all anymore.

Ktfc, tf vlgfmais ifoa Vtl Tjcu jcv atf batfgr.

Tjcu Hljc gfaegcfv ab atf gfjg mbegasjgv bo atf nliij, atf ecafcvfv ujgvfc j vfrbijaf wfrr. C riluta ygffhf ralggfv atf ifjnfr, jr Tjcu Hljc ofia atf klcv yibk. Kb tlw, atlr klcv ofia lcmbwqjgjyis ufcaif. Tfa, ja atf wbwfca, tf rffwfv ab tfjg atf klcv ijwfcalcu. 

Yang Qian slowly went upstairs, and walked up to the door. When he reached out to push open the door, he paused for a while, before still pushing open the door and going inside in the end.

Ye Ming seemed to have just fallen asleep. His thin body was underneath a blanket, his chest faintly rising and falling.


Yang Qian walked over, and bent down. His fingers gently brushed through the hair on Ye Ming’s forehead, and finally landed on his lips.

This person embodied all his hope for living on after the apocalypse. After he’d lost this hope, he’d surrendered himself to the darkness in his heart, abandoning his conscience and humanity, choosing to become a fallen demon… but, he shouldn’t have done that to begin with. His hope had clearly still been there this entire time. 

If he’d realized it sooner, he would’ve worked hard to come back and save him. Then, when they were reunited once again, would things not have turned out this way?

Ye Ming slept very lightly. He felt a tickling sensation on his lips, as though something had brushed past. His eyelashes quivered a bit, before he opened his eyes, and saw Yang Qian standing in front of him. His eyes were as deep as the sea, his expression as cold as the mountaintops, giving off an indescribable feeling of deep grief.

But, he wasn’t in the frame of mind to think too much. He struggled to get up, and tried to kneel in front of Yang Qian, and whispered very softly, “I, I’ll help you…”

Yang Qian probably wanted him now, and that’s why he’d come over to kiss him, ba. And besides his body, he had nothing else to offer. 

Yang Qian couldn’t stand seeing Ye Ming kneel in front of him like this, the severe agony causing his hands to shake. He suddenly grabbed Ye Ming’s shoulder, and pulled him into an embrace.

After thinking about it for several days, he’d finally decided to have a good talk with Ye Ming. If things continued this way, Ye Ming would never believe him, and would remain afraid of him.

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And Yang Qian didn’t want Ye Ming to be afraid of him.

Yang Qian hugged Ye Ming’s shivering body tightly, his voice soft and low, “Don’t move.” 

Ye Ming really stopped moving, but seemed to have an even more frightened look in his eyes.

Yang Qian took a deep breath, the cold air entering his lungs seeming to freeze his body, but… this matter that had been repressed in his heart for two years, that had tormented him for two years, ought to be put to rest today. He wanted to attempt to fix things. Even if Ye Ming was unwilling to forgive him and hated him, he ought to at least know… that he himself was the person in the wrong, and not him.

That he wouldn’t hurt him again.

Yang Qian slowly began to speak, sharing the most humiliating and painful memory buried deep inside his heart, “Two years ago, the night you went to find Huo Yi, I was next door… the things that you said, I heard all of it.” 

Ye Ming was stunned for a while, then seemed to finally realize what Yang Qian meant by ‘that night’.

His face immediately turned pale, his lips trembling. So it turned out that at that time… Yang Qian had been right next door? He’d heard what he’d said to Huo Yi. No wonder…

No wonder Yang Qian hated him so much.

Yang Qian watched as Ye Ming’s expression instantly shifted to one of unparalleled horror, his heart bitter. If this had been before, he probably would’ve misunderstood Ye Ming and thought that he was afraid because he was feeling guilty inside, ba… but it wasn’t like that. He was just purely afraid of someone who didn’t trust him, who’d hurt him. 

That was all.

Yang Qian’s voice was hoarse with pain, but no matter how difficult it was, he still wanted to finish what he had to say today, “But, I know that you didn’t mean it. You knew that Huo Yi wanted to kill me, so you deliberately said those things… you were trying to save me.”


Ye Ming’s entire body had stiffened, and he was looking at Yang Qian in disbelief. He seemed to not recognize the person in front of him right now.

Yang Qian saw the shock, confusion, and disbelief that suddenly emerged in Ye Ming’s eyes. Even if Ye Ming blamed him, scolded him, or hit him, it didn’t matter. As long as Ye Ming could stop being so afraid of him, and could stop suffering so much, it’d be good enough. 

He’d misunderstood him, so the person who ought to be punished was him.

Yang Qian tried his best to sound sincere, “It’s my fault, I misunderstood you… I’ve always still loved you.”

Ye Ming was staring at Yang Qian in a daze.

Yang Qian looked into his eyes without blinking. After he finished these words, he was on edge as he waited nervously. He thought that Ye Ming would probably also have things he’d want to say. After all, they’d finally resolved this misunderstanding. 

Even if Ye Ming refused to forgive him… it was only natural. He wasn’t expecting to be forgiven.

But in the next second, Yang Qian saw the light in Ye Ming’s eyes dissipate, his gaze returning to its usual bleakness, as though his words couldn’t set off the tiniest ripple in his heart.

Ye Ming really had been surprised by why Yang Qian was suddenly saying such things. Could he have actually thought things through?

But, when he heard Yang Qian say that he loved him, he immediately realized that this was nothing more than another game of revenge. This person no longer loved him. If he really could believe him, then he would’ve believed him long ago. Why would he have waited until now? 

Yang Qian didn’t miss a single one of the expressions on Ye Ming’s face. When he saw Ye Ming’s eyes darken again, even containing its usual fear as he looked at him, his heart instantly sank.

Then, he heard Ye Ming say, “I, I understand… I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

It was no different from any time in the past.

No matter how much he hurt him or criticized him, he’d never refute anything, no longer resisted, and would just constantly repeat that he was sorry. 

But, the person who should be sorry is obviously me, ah.

He’d thought that this misunderstanding was extremely important, and as long as it was resolved, he’d be able to change their current situation, because this misunderstanding had turned his world upside-down… but, for Ye Ming, this misunderstanding probably wasn’t as important.

He only knew one thing. He didn’t love him, and didn’t believe him anymore.

He didn’t believe him, because he didn’t love him. 

It was already far too late to fix anything.

Only he’d been naive enough to believe that this truth was very important, yet hadn’t realized that it was simply too late… just like scaling a mountain and wading across rivers, enduring hardships while making several detours, before finally finding a panacea at the top of the mountain, and retrieving it with hope and elation, only to find upon turning back, that the person you wanted to save at all costs was already dead.


Dead, because you’d gone the wrong way.

There was probably no despair greater than this. 

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