Ye Ming held onto the door frame, staring at the scene inside the room.

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What was going on… why was Yang Qian here, why was Xu Xiaoyue so angry, was Yang Qian still unwilling to let him off, then? Was he going to do something to Xiaoyue?

At this moment, the urge to protect his little sister overcame his fear, and he rushed in front of Xu Xiaoyue to guard her behind him. He clutched her hand tightly, then looked straight at Yang Qian, his lips quivering a bit, “What are you doing here?” 

Yang Qian stood there without moving. Ye Ming’s sudden appearance hadn’t even given him any time to react, and now he had no choice but to face his worst case scenario.


But what made him even more upset was Ye Ming’s gaze that was filled with fear and dread, yet seemingly also the determination to fight him to the death at any moment… so, he still believed that he wanted to hurt them.

The suffering and self-deprecation hidden in the depths of Yang Qian’s eyes intertwined with each other, and he was silent for a long time, before he spoke in a hoarse voice, “Just a coincidence.”

There was unparalleled fury in Xu Xiaoyue’s gaze, her face flushed as she said to Ye Ming, “It’s not a coincidence! Those things, those things…” Humiliation and anger swept over her face, “were all given to me by Director Liu on Yang Qian’s orders.”


She bowed her head, and choked out to Ye Ming, “I’m sorry, ge, I shouldn’t have taken those things. I won’t do it anymore in the future. I didn’t know… If I’d known, I would’ve never accepted them.”

She could accept anything from anyone else, but, as for Yang Qian’s things, absolutely not!

Ye Ming was slightly startled. He looked down at the food scattered across the ground, then glanced at the apologetic look on Xu Xiaoyue’s face, a look of dawning comprehension gradually emerging in his eyes. It turned out that Yang Qian hadn’t come over to threaten his little sister, he’d come over to deliver some things, but… why did he have to use such a roundabout method to give them food under such a guise?

Ye Ming couldn’t understand this. He’d only wanted to draw a clear line between him and Yang Qian, but how long had it even been… before Yang Qian had reappeared in his life once again. Had he actually never intended on letting him go, had he really just been lying to him and making fun of him before, then? 

“You, what exactly is it that you’re trying to do?” Ye Ming’s voice slightly shook, a sense of helpless indignation in his dark eyes.

Yang Qian’s entire body felt cold, and he slightly clenched his fists.

He knew that his actions wouldn’t be appreciated. And it was precisely because he didn’t want Ye Ming to overthink things, that he’d used such a method to silently take care of him. But once the thing he’d been carefully concealing was suddenly exposed like this… once he was finally confronted with such a scene, the reality was more painful than he’d imagined it’d be.

Xu Xiaoyue hated him, and would rather die than take his things. Ye Ming wouldn’t appreciate them either, and would only worry about his ulterior motives. 

This used to be the person he loved the most, and the little sister of the person he loved the most. They used to trust him very much, and rely on him… but all of that was gone now. It was exactly because of how much they’d trusted him before, that once they hated him, the hate was that much greater, and the less they could forgive him.

As for this point, hadn’t he also profoundly experienced it for himself?

Now, it was his turn to have a taste of what it was like to be unable to explain himself.

The depths of Yang Qian’s pitch-black eyes were suffused with deep suffering. The discomfort was so great, that he could hardly speak or even breathe, and couldn’t make a sound. 

He’d really just wanted to help them a little, afraid they were living under poor conditions. After all, he finally had the ability to take care of them… but all this in front of him made him feel that everything he possessed had become meaningless.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He’d wanted power so he could protect the person that he loved. Without anyone to protect, what was the point of having all this power?


Tjcu Hljc kjr rlifca obg j ibcu alwf, yfobgf tf rqbxf eq lc j rilutais veii, tbjgrf nblmf, “Rbatlcu wemt. Po sbe vbc’a kjca atfw, atfc P kbc’a mbwf yjmx jujlc.”

“Qf vbc’a cffv atfw! Ccv kf vbc’a kjca ab rff sbe fnfg jujlc!” We Wljbsef rjlv vfmlrlnfis. Vtf tjvc’a qfgrbcjiis fzqfglfcmfv atf atlcur Tf Zlcu tjv, rb mbcnfgrfis, rtf tjv atf jlg bo j cfkybgc mjio atja kjr ecjogjlv bo j alufg. Tjcu Hljc kjrc’a rb afgglyif lc tfg fsfr, jcv kjr pera j qfgrbc ktb rtf’v xcbkc obg wjcs sfjgr. Qtja rtf ofia wbgf bo kjr vlruera jcv ibjatlcu! 

The director was scared out of her wits. She’d received a lot of benefits from Yang Qian in return for properly taking care of this matter. Now that things had become this way, what was she supposed to do if Yang Qian’s fury turned on her?

She reached over and yanked on Xu Xiaoyue’s hand, revealing an awkward smile, “Xiaoyue ah, are you misunderstanding something about Mr. Yang? He’s doing this purely out of the kindness of his heart, ah. In this world today, who else would give away their things like this? Don’t be too impulsive, calm down a bit first.”

Normally, Xu Xiaoyue would always treat this director with great respect, but now, seeing her ingratiate herself with a fawning look on her face, she suddenly felt incredibly disgusted. It was this person who’d partnered up with Yang Qian to deceive her!

Xu Xiaoyue sneered, “Director Liu, I see you’re unaware of our situation, so it’d be best if you don’t casually intervene, so as to not implicate yourself. Yang Qian isn’t some kind of good person.” 

Director Liu had a bitter look on her face. It was exactly because she knew that Yang Qian wasn’t a good-natured person, that she didn’t dare to go against him, ah! This Xu Xiaoyue was usually a person who understood how to take note of the current situation, why was she being so stubborn now? What if you actually p*ssed Yang Qian off like this, could you even get anything good out of it?

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People ought to understand when to stop before going too far.

What Director Liu was worried about was precisely what Ye Ming was also worried about. Although he very much resented Yang Qian for continuing to interfere with his life, and also had the courage to fight him to the death, he was even more terrified of Xu Xiaoyue angering Yang Qian, afraid of not being able to protect Xiaoyue… at that time, the peaceful life the two siblings had finally acquired, would be destroyed once again.

He no longer wanted to experience that kind of despair ever again. 

Since this was the case, it was better to take a step back and endure what he could.

Ye Ming squeezed Xu Xiaoyue’s hand, and whispered, “Don’t say anymore.”

Xu Xiaoyue didn’t take too kindly to Director Liu, but was rather obedient in front of her big brother. Although she was still very angry, she didn’t say anything else.

Ye Ming looked up at Yang Qian, and tried to keep calm, his voice quavering as he said, “You, you don’t need to send anything over in the future. We don’t need them. We’ll be leaving first…” 

Yang Qian watched this entire scene, the corners of his lips slightly jerking upwards, revealing a self-deprecating smile, like he was watching a ridiculous farce.

And he was the main character of this farce, a being that everyone was scrambling to get rid of.

Are you really that scared of me?

“Halt.” Yang Qian suddenly spoke up, his voice slightly cold. 

Ye Ming’s actions of turning around abruptly stopped, a look of despair appearing in his eyes, sure enough… did Yang Qian still refuse to let him off?

Yang Qian looked into his eyes. Then, he began to walk over step by step, until he was in front of Ye Ming, then lowered his head to gaze at Ye Ming’s face.


He looked at the panic in Ye Ming’s eyes. Ye Ming had never considered the fact that he might not have wanted to hurt him at all, and had really just wanted to help him… there was no way he’d considered this at all. In his eyes, not only was he no longer a trustworthy person, but was a vicious and ruthless one, completely inhumane, who could only bring pain and suffering to others.

So he’d never get close to him ever again… 

But, since you hate me this much, why won’t you scold me, why won’t you just directly drive me away, but are making concessions so carefully instead… right now, you won’t even show your true emotions to me anymore…

I’ll never again be able to see the unrestrained, playful laughter in your eyes.

The despair and powerlessness flowed all throughout Yang Qian, and there was nothing he could do about it.

If my presence can only bring you pain, then I won’t show up in front of you ever again. I’ll be more careful and try harder to restrain myself… and disappear from your world. 

【Ding. Yang Qian’s Blackening Value -2. Current Blackening Value: 4】

Yang Qian just looked at him nostalgically like this for a while, then gave a self-deprecating laugh after a long time, “The one who should be leaving is me.”

This is where you guys belong. I’m the one who should leave.

After this, Yang Qian turned around and left, and didn’t look back again, his movements clean and neat. 

Ye Ming watched Yang Qian’s back as he left in stunned silence, and didn’t seem to be able to react.

Xu Xiaoyue was also a little surprised. She’d been ready to go through a life-and-death struggle with Yang Qian. Who knew that Yang Qian would just leave like this, without even doing anything excessive. Although his back was still straight, his pace steady… there was a kind of defeated weariness to it.

How could that be possible? She’d gotten the wrong impression, ba?

Xu Xiaoyue came back to her senses, giving a cold look to the other person still left in the room, and said, “Director Liu, I’d better go back to working in the front, ba. I can’t afford to be here in your company.” After she finished, she pulled Ye Ming away, and left. 

Ye Ming was dragged away by Xu Xiaoyue, appearing a bit absent-minded. Yang Qian had been treated that way by Xu Xiaoyue, but had left just like that in the end… could he really have just been trying to give them a hand? But why would he want to do such a thing… did he actually believe him then, and was trying to make up for everything out of regret?

If so, then that’d really be much too ridiculous. He didn’t need him to make up for anything at all. He only wanted to stay far away from him.

Xu Xiaoyue looked at Ye Ming’s restless appearance, feeling very guilty in her heart. She said with red eyes, “Sorry… I didn’t know those things were given by Yang Qian. I’m sorry…”

Ye Ming looked at his little sister, the look in his eyes softening, “It’s okay, I know you didn’t do it on purpose.” 

Xu Xiaoyue hugged Ye Ming, “Even without him, we can definitely still live a good life!”

Ye Ming nodded, “En.”

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After that brief episode, Yang Qian really didn’t send anything over again. The two siblings returned to their frugal life once again, eating meat once a week. Ye Ming appeared airy and breezy on the surface, exceedingly content, when in reality, he was like this on the inside: 

【Ye Ming: Ahhhhh, I want to eat meat, ah. I can’t stand this coarse food anymore ahhh, everything’s so tasteless and dull. I shouldn’t have complained about my life before… dying.jpg】

【888: You’re the one who just had to make an appointment at that time to go expose him. Was this not your objective, then?】

【Ye Ming: I had no choice, ah QAQ, if I hadn’t exposed him, then should I have just let things drag on like this? Compared to messing around in a post-apocalyptic world, I’d rather just finish my task earlier…】

【888: But now that you’ve exposed him, you won’t be able to eliminate much of his blackening value. He’ll only be that much more unwilling to appear in front of you.】 

【Ye Ming: In times like these, I can only rely on my assistants… I hope they can work a bit harder!】

【888: He he.】

Some things couldn’t be rushed, so he could only wait. Ye Ming monitored Yang Qian’s movements through 888 every day, to better understand his situation.

Although Yang Qian didn’t appear in front of him again, he still often got his people to inquire for some news about him. In the end, he still hadn’t been able to completely rest assured. 

Perhaps because of the frustration in his heart, he went out more and more frequently to hunt for zombies and search for supplies, and became more and more reckless, becoming injured several times, almost losing his life.

Yang Qian’s reckless behavior was noticed by his subordinates. Some of them were comrades-in-arms who’d fought together with him, and couldn’t bear to see him like this. Among them, the biggest man, Shi Yang, was the least able to maintain his composure. He’d met Yang Qian the earliest, and knew much more about him. He really couldn’t stand by and just watch any longer.

Ye Ming thought that someone would come and pay him a visit soon. Although he really wanted to finish his task earlier, this kind of thing really couldn’t be rushed, so he could only go with the flow.

Although working in the cleanup crew was relatively safe, it was still dirty and tiring. Ye Ming suffered at work every day. He felt that his life really wasn’t easy. 

【Ye Ming moaned and groaned: To be honest, manpower is quite expensive nowadays. Even if I just went to a construction site and moved some bricks around, I wouldn’t be making just this little bit of money.】

【888: No problem, in the next world we’ll be returning to a modern world. It’s the last one. There’s still an opportunity for you to realize your dreams of moving bricks around.】

【Ye Ming: …】

【Ye Ming: Wu, I’m just kidding, that’s not my dream! Speaking of, I’m already dead in that world, ba. It’s not a xianxia world where I can die and come back to life again. What are you guys planning to do about that?】 

【888: Find you a new body.】

【Ye Ming: Wooow, as expected of the omnipotent main system. Even that’s possible, ma!】


【888: The capability of the main system is beyond your imagination.】

【Ye Ming: This, I believe, just that it’s a bit too black-hearted. Look at this system store. Who even does business like this? Every single thing is so expensive, who can even afford to buy them, hmph!】 

【888: He he, don’t let poverty limit your imagination.】

【Ye Ming: …】

【Ye Ming: Don’t say anything more, I’ll go move my bricks now /(ToT)/~~】

Although 888 spoke like he disdained Ye Ming for being poor, he was actually clear in his heart that everything in the system store really was very expensive. It was omnipotent and all-encompassing, using extreme temptation to make all of the hosts work desperately, no matter the cost. 

Once deceased humans were enticed by the Lord God, there was no turning back for them after stepping foot into these transmigration worlds. Countless souls had fallen here, the pile of corpses and the destruction of one world after another providing a steady stream of experience points for the Lord God… But Ye Ming was different from them, so there was no need for him to know about these things. In Ye Ming’s case, this really was nothing more than a game.

But for 888, Ye Ming would probably be the only host who’d be able to part with him alive. As for his previous hosts, their final outcomes hadn’t been all that different in the end, no matter how long they’d lived, or how much stronger they’d been.

On his journey becoming the highest level system step by step, accompanied by the passing of host after host, he’d become indifferent to it all towards the end. To him, those hosts had been nothing more than passerby.

888 didn’t understand why the Lord God wanted to make an exception for Ye Ming, allowing a living human being to enter these transmigration worlds, giving him the right to come and go freely, even having him personally escort him around. He somewhat couldn’t understand the Lord God at present. 

Therefore, it was because Ye Ming didn’t understand the true cruelty at work here, that he could act with such wanton disregard… but, there was nothing bad about that.

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Ye Ming looked at the zombie corpses on the ground, a brooding look in his eyes. With gloves on, he hauled one up, just about to drag it over to the car, when all of a sudden, 888 warned him that Shi Yang had come over. He immediately pretended to be distracted, and fell to the ground, right next to a mud pit where there was half a zombie that was still alive! It opened its mouth, about to bite him!

Ye Ming’s face was pale as he scrambled to avoid it, when a massive, mountain-like figure suddenly landed with a boom beside him, making the ground shake for a while. The zombie’s skull was directly smashed to a pulp!



As soon as Ye Ming looked up, he saw Shi Yang’s face. He knew that this was Yang Qian’s confidant, and in his panic, even forgot to thank him.

Shi Yang looked at Ye Ming with a frown. Such a useless brat could actually make the boss want to throw away his life just like that. He was the impatient type, so he’d come here because he really couldn’t watch on any longer. 

Like carrying a baby chick, Shi Yang directly picked Ye Ming up, and strode away.


The leader of the cleanup crew was very angry at first. Who’d come to make trouble while they were still working? Who’d allowed them to leave early? But, as soon as he realized that the newcomer was Shi Yang, he immediately shut his mouth. This was a very powerful ability-user with a violent temper, and also Boss Yang’s confidant. This wasn’t a person he could offend. Best to pretend he hadn’t seen anything.

Ye Ming was in a complete panic. This situation couldn’t help but remind him of that day when Huo Yi had fled and Yang Qian had come back.

It had also been this large man who’d barged into the room, chained him up, then dragged him over to Yang Qian like a slave.


He’d never forget his despair at the time. He’d gone from hell to heaven, then straight back from heaven to hell.

Ye Ming struggled to say, “You, let me go, what are you trying to do?”

Shi Yang gave him an impatient look, and said, “Shut up!”

Ye Ming’s eyes were filled with boundless grief and indignation. Did Yang Qian still refuse to let him go, then? Had he guessed wrong before, then? But, Shi Yang didn’t notice his expressions at all, carrying Ye Ming as he looked around left and right. 

He had some stuff to say to Ye Ming, but it’d be inconvenient if others overheard them, so he still needed to find a place where no one was in the vicinity. Suddenly, Shi Yang’s eyes lit up. He saw a nearby wooden tool shed, strode over, then flung Ye Ming inside before slamming the door shut behind them.

Ye Ming staggered for a moment before he caught his footing. He looked up at the massive man in front of him, his face turning pale as he bit his lips uneasily, then said warily, “Why are you looking for me? Yang Qian already let me go!”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vtl Tjcu ibbxfv ja Tf Zlcu’r fzqgfrrlbc, jcv revvfcis ofia fzagfwfis gfrfcaoei jcv juuglfnfv bc atf ybrr’r yftjio.

Ktlr qfgrbc… tjv cb lvfj pera tbk mgefi atf bearlvf kbgiv kjr. Lf’v jikjsr yffc kjs abb rtfiafgfv, jcv fnfc joafg atf jqbmjisqrf, tjv ralii gfwjlcfv rtfiafgfv. 

Vtl Tjcu ijafg tfjgv ktja Leb Tl tjv rjlv atja vjs, jcv xcfk ktja Tf Zlcu tjv vbcf obg Tjcu Hljc. Lf tjvc’a jmaejiis yfagjsfv tlw. Dea fnfc lo Tf Zlcu tjv rjlv atbrf atlcur obg Tjcu Hljc’r rjxf yjmx atfc… vlv tf fnfc xcbk ktja atf ybrr tjv ubcf atgbeut, vlv tf jmaejiis atlcx atja tf kjr atf wbra qlaloei qfgrbc lc atlr kbgiv? Glv tf kjca atf ybrr ab ub vlf yfmjerf bo tlw obg j rfmbcv alwf?

Shi Yang wasn’t especially good at expressing himself. He fretted for a while, before he finally said to Ye Ming, “Do you know what happened to the boss back then when he was driven out by Huo Yi?”

For a moment, Ye Ming was stunned, apparently not expecting that Shi Yang had actually come to find him all of a sudden just to ask him this question. He shook his head to indicate that he didn’t know.

Shi Yang frowned, “So you have no idea what Huo Yi did to him, then?” 

“What are you trying to say?” Ye Ming looked at him warily.

“I heard that you guys used to be a couple. You blame the boss for not trusting you. I know that some of the boss’s actions were wrong… but, I still think that there are some things you ought to know.” Shi Yang paused, then said, “Back then, Huo Yi ordered Liu Wenguang to break the boss’s legs, drag him into the woods outside, then attract some zombies over before leaving. Huo Yi hadn’t intended on letting him live at all. If the boss hadn’t awakened his abilities at the very last moment, he would’ve died that night, and he would’ve never been able to come back.”


Ye Ming’s expression finally changed, “What did you say?”

Shi Yang said, “Like this, Huo Yi fulfilled the promise he made to you to drive him out, didn’t he? Just that, he still wanted to kill him. When I met the boss, he was hidden under a pile of zombies. Our group almost didn’t find him, and nearly incinerated him along with those zombies.” 

“Although he awakened his ability and killed those zombies that night, his legs were broken, and he was out in the wilderness by himself, so he could only eat some wild grass, dirt, and raw animal meat… he was worried about potentially being attacked by zombies while he was asleep, so he’d covered himself from head to toe with zombie blood, and slept in the pile of zombie corpses, to prevent himself from being discovered by any zombies that were passing by. He lived outside by himself like this for more than a month before our group came across him by accident. We all thought it was a miracle that he could even survive.”

Ye Ming’s body swayed for a moment. He didn’t know, he didn’t know about any of these things at all…

He’d thought that Yang Qian had just been chased away. He hadn’t known that he’d gone through so many terrible things. No wonder he hated him so much.

“We brought him back, but everyone thought that he’d definitely be disabled. Later, the boss ended up healing himself with his ability, but it took a very long time. During that period of time… we saw that he seemed to have lost interest in everything, and was lifeless. It wasn’t until his legs recovered that he regained his spirits, because he said he would come back for revenge.” Shi Yang scratched his head and said, “Of course, the target of his revenge was Huo Yi. Huo Yi once raided our base and killed many of our people, so when we heard that he wanted to take revenge on Huo Yi, everyone was willing to follow him.” 

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“I know you blame him for not treating you well, and not trusting you. But actually, I don’t think he was really ever able to let go of you, so he couldn’t completely harden his heart.” Shi Yang was a little embarrassed as he said this, and his face seemed to be a bit red. He really wasn’t good at persuading others, so he added somewhat impatiently, “If he really didn’t care about you, he would’ve just directly killed you and gotten it over with. In this day and age, if not for true love, then who’d still do those kinds of things with you. Plus, your living conditions were never too shabby, right? Think about Liu Wenguang. The boss didn’t even bother keeping him around for a single night, and directly fed him to the zombies.”

When Ye Ming heard Liu Wenguang’s name, he recalled the scene back then, and turned pale with fright.

Seeing this, Shi Yang really wanted to slap his hand over his mouth. He felt like Ye Ming was really just being difficult. Wasn’t it just killing a person, ma. After the apocalypse, if you didn’t kill zombies, then you’d be killed by zombies. He’d seen more than his fair share of people dying before his very eyes. Only Ye Ming, who’d been inside the base this entire time and hadn’t lived through any dangers, could be in the mood to care about trivial things like love, as though love was everything.

But he didn’t dare to say these things to Ye Ming. He was here today to speak out on the boss’s behalf! 

“Ai, Liu Wenguang isn’t a good person, he deserved to die. Do you know how that pit came to be? He’s the one who got people to dig out that pit. Back then, when this base was still in Huo Yi’s hands, he liked to throw people in there. There were countless people who died by his hand.” Shi Yang frowned, and said, “You could say that the boss was just using his own method against him, so it shouldn’t be considered too much, ba?”

Ye Ming was silent for a long time. He pursed his lips, then finally raised his head, and said, “So, what is it that you want me to do?”

After struggling for a while, Shi Yang finally said cautiously, “Then, why don’t you go back to see the boss? He… he actually misses you quite a bit, but he’s just too embarrassed to say anything. You know what kind of person he is. He didn’t want me to tell the others about what he’d gone through back then, ai… I couldn’t resist telling you, but even if I get beaten up, it’s whatever.”

Shi Yang felt that the current Yang Qian was just as lifeless as he’d been when he first met him. 

“You’re good friends with him, ba? That’s why you care so much about him.” Ye Ming looked straight at him, as the panic, fear, and uneasiness on his face slowly faded away, revealing a gentle smile.

Shi Yang grinned, “Yes, ah.”

A complex look of pain flashed through Ye Ming’s eyes.

He hadn’t known about the pain Yang Qian had experienced, the hardships he’d suffered, nor had he been able to stay by his side when he’d needed him most to take care of him or protect him… he hadn’t accomplished a single thing, but fortunately, Yang Qian had still been able to meet these friends of his. 

Every cloud had a silver lining, ba.

Now, he understood why Yang Qian hated him so much, and that he really believed him now and was regretting it. Before, he’d probably really been trying to make up for things. But unfortunately, he no longer needed him to do so.


How wonderful would it have been if only this day could’ve come sooner… as for his current self, he’d long since lost the strength to deal with these kinds of things anymore.

Yang Qian couldn’t forget about his wounds of the past, but likewise, it wasn’t as though he could simply forget about the harm done to him. Even if their misunderstanding had been resolved, there was no way for them to erase the scars left behind on their hearts. 

“Actually, I don’t blame him,” Ye Ming suddenly said.

Shi Yang was pleasantly surprised. He knew that the damage done by the misunderstanding between the boss and Ye Ming was very serious. He’d originally thought that it’d be difficult to convince Ye Ming. Who knew that Ye Ming would say that he didn’t blame him so easily. If he’d known, then he would’ve come here much earlier!

He rubbed his hands happily, and said, “Then, let’s go back now, ba!”

A helpless smile appeared on Ye Ming’s lips. He shook his head slowly. 

Shi Yang was taken aback. He didn’t understand what Ye Ming meant by this. Didn’t he say that he didn’t blame him anymore? Then, why was he refusing to go back?

Ye Ming laughed a bit. He indeed didn’t blame Yang Qian. There was no need to place blame on anyone else in this world, when this was nothing more than a cruel twist of fate. When Yang Qian had needed him most, he hadn’t been by his side, and had abandoned him. From that day on, no matter what he’d gone through, he had no right to blame Yang Qian for any of it… because, even if he’d sacrificed himself, he’d done it of his own volition, and had never asked Yang Qian for his opinion on the matter.

No matter the reason, abandoning him was abandoning him. And now, Yang Qian no longer needed him anymore.

And it was impossible for him to go back, as well. 

In this world, not all lovers could get married in the end. There were far more lovers who were separated through misunderstandings, through various twists and turns, and could never find their way back to their past selves ever again.

Ye Ming said slowly, “You may have misunderstood something. Yang Qian doesn’t actually need me, and I… it’ll be useless even if I do go back, so I’m sorry, but I can’t go back with you.”

And I don’t want to go back with you.

Like this, we’ve resolved our misunderstanding… so it’s good enough for each of us to separately live out our own lives. 

As soon as Yang Qian returned to the base, he heard that Shi Yang had secretly gone to find Ye Ming without telling him. He’d been worried that his subordinates might not understand the situation, and would act on their own and make trouble for Ye Ming. He rushed over immediately, and found this cabin after inquiring about their whereabouts.

Then, he just so happened to hear what Ye Ming had just said.

This sentence instantly made Yang Qian’s blood run cold, and his movements paused. At this moment… he no longer even had the courage to push open the door. They were merely separated by one door, but it seemed to separate them into two completely different worlds.

You have no idea how much I need you. 

You have no idea.

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