Ye Ming looked at Yang Qian silently. After a long time, he asked, “Is everything really okay?”

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Yang Qian couldn’t help but smile. This smile was gentle and peaceful, and he said, “Everything’s really okay.”

Ye Ming nodded, pursed his lips, then said, “Then, I’ll take my leave.” 

Yang Qian nodded with a smile. He didn’t persuade him to stay, and didn’t seem to feel reluctant at all. He just tranquilly watched Ye Ming turn around, as he sat there quietly.


Ye Ming walked to the door step by step, and just when he was about to push the door open and go out, he suddenly turned back, and went around the table to stand in front of Yang Qian! His movements were very quick, and Yang Qian didn’t have any time to react. Putting it a different way, in his current state, even if he’d known, he would’ve only been able to sit there and watch as Ye Ming came back anyway. His expression suddenly changed.

Ye Ming lowered his gaze, his eyes falling on Yang Qian’s hand that was covering his stomach, blood seeping out between his fingers.

The rims of Ye Ming’s eyes slowly reddened. If you were really doing okay, then why wouldn’t you be willing to stand up even just to send me out. Are you unwilling? Or can you not stand up at all? Can that still be considered okay?


If I hadn’t found out, you would’ve never said anything then, is that right?

And from start to finish, I would’ve never known what kind of injury you even had, just like… that time, when I was kept completely in the dark.

“Is this what you call okay?” Ye Ming was choking up a little, and his fists were tightly clenched. He seemed to be slightly trembling.

Yang Qian was silent for a long time, before he finally said slowly, “I did get a bit injured, but it’s not serious, don’t…” 

Ye Ming cut off Yang Qian’s words, his voice suddenly rising in pitch, “Don’t worry? How can I not worry! How can I…” As he said this, tears flowed silently down his face.

How can I not be worried about you… you don’t know how sad I was when I learned about all of those things, and how much I despised my own incompetence. I even regretted it, thinking that I might as well have died with you back then. It probably would’ve been better than how things are right now, ba… I thought that I’d helped you, but I actually pushed you right into hell.

Making everything become the way things are right now.

Besides the fact that we can’t go back to how things used to be, wasn’t the reason I couldn’t come back just because I was thinking of escaping, because I didn’t know how to face you? 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Seeing Ye Ming’s tearful face, Yang Qian became a little absent-minded. So… you still worry this much about me, and still care this much about me?

It turns out you still care about me ah…

Tjcu Hljc ribkis rwlifv, jr tf ibbxfv ja Tf Zlcu jcv rjlv, “Ktfc, mjc sbe ulnf wf j teu?”

Tf Zlcu kjr bglulcjiis fzagfwfis jcugs jcv rjv. Qtfc tf tfjgv atlr, tf jiwbra ijeutfv bea bo jcufg, “Obbx ja atlr rlaejalbc, tbk jgf sbe ralii lc atf wbbv ab rjs atlcur ilxf atlr. Leggs eq jcv ub yjmx ab gfra. Qtb abiv sbe ab qea bc j ygjnf ojmf jcv obgmf sbegrfio ab ufa eq!” 

Yang Qian’s profound gaze was persistently trained on Ye Ming, a smile on his lips, “If you hug me for a bit, I’ll get better quicker.”

“Nonsense.” Ye Ming’s face was completely red.


“Really.” Yang Qian’s expression appeared to be very serious.

Ye Ming struggled inwardly for a while, then finally leaned over slowly, reaching out to wrap his arms around Yang Qian. However, the moment he approached, Yang Qian raised his arms and hugged him back… he gently held onto the person in his arms. At this moment, his heart was at peace, and satisfied beyond measure. 

Today, he’d received things he’d thought he’d never be able to obtain again in this lifetime: Ye Ming’s concern and Ye Ming’s embrace.

Even if they could never go back to the way things used to be, it no longer mattered.

【Ding. Yang Qian’s Blackening Value -1. Current Blackening Value: 1】

“So, you see, I’m really doing okay…” Yang Qian chuckled softly next to Ye Ming’s ear. His gentle and magnetic voice seemed to pierce through everything, landing on the other person’s heart, weakening the haze in this world, taking away the darkness, and letting people know that… 

No matter how dark and desperate things were, there was still a kind of warmth left in this world that left people feeling sentimental.

Ye Ming bit his lip, awkwardly looking away before saying, “I’ll bring you back to get some rest.”

Yang Qian didn’t object. He let Ye Ming support him back to his bed. Ye Ming saw how weak he looked, and got up, then went out to tell Zhao Jin, “Why’d you still let him get up when he’s this injured, his wounds have reopened. Go and tell the doctor to come over and take another look at him.”

Zhao Jin’s eyebrow twitched a bit. It wasn’t like he’d forced Yang Qian to get up. It was the boss himself who’d insisted on acting strong in front of the person that he liked. It wasn’t something he could stop at all, ma. However, what he didn’t expect, was that this kid wasn’t only able to act submissively, giving people the impression that he could easily be bullied. Unexpectedly, he even dared to order him about. His courage wasn’t small, ma. 

Zhao Jin shook his head, a helpless look on his face as he left to call for the doctor.

The doctor arrived not long after. He helped reapply some medicine on Yang Qian, and cautiously urged him, “It’d be best not to move about. Now that conditions are rather crude, there aren’t many surgeries we can perform, and there’s a lack of necessary medical equipment. You really need to focus on recuperating, otherwise I also won’t be able to do anything about it.”

Yang Qian nodded, “I understand.”

After finishing up his business, the doctor left. Ye Ming had just been standing at the side this entire time. He took out a towel and helped wipe Yang Qian’s face for him. He whispered, “Rest well.” 

Yang Qian smiled, and went straight to sleep without saying much else.

Ye Ming pulled up a chair, and sat at the side to watch Yang Qian. If Yang Qian woke up in pain in the middle of the night, Ye Ming could help wipe his face, and pour him a glass of water. Although he couldn’t do much, and couldn’t do anything to relieve his pain, at least he’d know that there was still someone taking care of him.

He looked at Yang Qian, and sighed.

【Ye Ming: There’s only one last blackening point left.】 

【888: En.】

【Ye Ming: Speaking of, I’m about to leave this world again. I can finally be rid of those disgusting zombies. I’m actually a little excited…】


【888: He he.】

【Ye Ming: There’s only one thing I regret.】 

【888: What?】

【Ye Ming: I’m already about to leave, but I haven’t even awakened an ability or anything. I feel like I came to this world for nothing, hmph!】

【888: …】 Did this spicy chicken have no other thoughts?

【888: I think it’s very normal. Unconcerned.jpg】 

【Ye Ming: Could it be, you detected that I don’t have the natural gifts to awaken an ability?! /(ToT)/~~】

【888: No. Anyone in this world has the possibility of awakening an ability, except for you. Because with your disposition, resolve, and awareness of things, it’s very normal that you can’t awaken an ability. After all, you’re just playing a game, and there’s no sense of crisis at all, so what ability did you think you’d be awakening. A crisis doesn’t necessarily cause someone to awaken an ability, but without a crisis, an ability definitely can’t be awakened.】

【Ye Ming: …】

【Ye Ming said weakly: Aren’t there still awakening potions for sale in the system store, ma?】 

【888: That’s something only pay-to-win players get to enjoy. Are you a pay-to-win player?】

【Ye Ming: QAQ】A single arrow pierced his heart.

【888: The system store contains genuine goods at a fair price, is equally honest with both the old and young, always fair and just. It can even change the fate of unlucky pay-to-win players, but do you have the money?】

【Ye Ming: Don’t say anything more… shields chest.】 


After spending all night long enduring his baptism of poverty, Ye Ming felt that his entire body was exuding the fragrance of soil after the rain. He was simply just poor without affectation. His pale face and morose expression really evoked a sense of pity in others!

When Yang Qian woke up the next morning, he found that Ye Ming was curled up in a chair and had fallen asleep. There was a distressed look in Yang Qian’s eyes. He wanted to move Ye Ming, but he had no strength. In the end, he could only reach out and gently prod him awake.

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Ye Ming opened his eyes disorientedly, then saw that it was already bright outside. He’d originally planned on just coming over to take a look, then leaving, but had ended up staying all night. Xiaoyue must be worried to death. He dropped his gaze, and said, “I have to go.” 

Yang Qian didn’t seem to be surprised. He only said, “Okay.”

Ye Ming looked at him again, but didn’t say anything in the end. The reason why he’d wanted to wait until Yang Qian had woken up was because he hadn’t wanted to leave without saying goodbye… however, he still had to leave, after all. His little sister was still waiting for him at home.


That place was where his home was.

When Ye Ming left Yang Qian’s villa, he went back and found Xu Xiaoyue sitting in the living room. She’d neither gone to work nor eaten breakfast. When she saw Ye Ming return, her eyes lit up, and it seemed as though her entire night’s worth of exhaustion had been swept away. 

Although she’d softened her heart and let her big brother go back to take a look, she still couldn’t completely be at ease in the end. Fearing an accident, she hadn’t slept all night.

Ye Ming walked over and patted Xu Xiaoyue’s head. “Sorry, I came back late. Did you not rest last night? How about you don’t go to work today, and stay at home to rest?”

Xu Xiaoyue shook her head, “I’m fine, I just got up not too long ago.”

Ye Ming didn’t seem to really believe her, “Really?” 

Xu Xiaoyue nodded, “En, I’m relieved to see you’re back, ge. I’m going to work now.”

Ye Ming hesitated for a moment, but didn’t stop her in the end. After all, things weren’t the way it had been before. No one had the right to be willful. He washed his face a little, cleaned up a bit, and also left to go work in the cleanup crew. He could relax now that he knew Yang Qian was doing fine. Life still had to go on.

After a period of time, Yang Qian’s injury had gotten much better, so he started going out again. Naturally, those rumors collapsed on themselves, and everyone was greatly relieved.

The days went by very peacefully, and nothing really happened again.

Under Zhao Jin’s arrangements, many new facilities were constructed, a hydropower plant was built, and a good amount of land was cultivated. More and more people sought shelter here at this base.



Yang Qian established a strict system to prohibit the indiscriminate killing of innocent people and wanton looting, so public order was properly maintained inside the base. For many ordinary people, there was no place better.

They didn’t have to worry about not having enough food, didn’t have to worry about surprise dangers, and for most people… 

There was finally a place for them to thrive.


Although Ye Ming didn’t return to Yang Qian’s side, he’d still visit him occasionally. Even if they ran into each other on the streets, they could still greet each other amicably, just like ordinary friends.

Time passed by quickly, and the Lunar New Year celebration had arrived in the blink of an eye.

On this important day, the people in the base gathered together and participated in the rare festivities, even drinking alcohol. At night, they stayed at home with the only remaining relatives they had left to welcome the New Year.


Xu Xiaoyue had personally made a pot of dumplings, and sprinkled some scallions over them, before serving them up. Although it was a very simple fare, it was steaming hot, looked very appetizing, and gave them an incredibly warm feeling.

Ye Ming watched as Xu Xiaoyue started busying herself again, and hurried over to help her. Then, he said with a smile, “Let’s eat first, ba. There’s just the two of us. It makes no difference if we clean up a little bit later.”

Xu Xiaoyue’s movement paused, and her gaze dimmed.

Ye Ming seemed to have also realized what he’d just said, as his expression became somewhat dispirited. In the past, during the New Year, they’d always had their large family together, with his parents, relatives, and friends… and also Yang Qian’s family, because they lived in the same neighborhood, so they’d usually gather together even for the New Year. 

But in just a few short years, everyone had dispersed, and those fond memories felt as though they were from a past life. There were relatives who’d died and those who’d been scattered elsewhere, and now only they were left… there was also Yang Qian, but he also wasn’t by their side.

Xu Xiaoyue wiped her eyes, then said with a smile, “Ge, luckily you’re still here.” Otherwise, she probably, truly wouldn’t have been able to hold on.

Ye Ming lowered his head, and chuckled. His laughter was very soft, imbued with infinite loneliness.

Ye Ming sat at the dining table and ate the dumplings together with Xu Xiaoyue. Because there was a lack of entertainment, they could only sit together after dinner and chat for a while… 

But, for some reason, he was a little distracted, as thoughts of Yang Qian crossed his mind once again. Yang Qian was also inside this base right now. With so many comrades together with him, he shouldn’t be lonely, ba?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Was he thinking about him too?

Aera jr tf kjr vkfiilcu bc atlr, atfgf kjr j revvfc xcbmx bc atflg vbbg. Qjr la j cflutybg?

Tf Zlcu uba eq ab ub bqfc atf vbbg, atfc rjk Tjcu Hljc rajcvlcu ja atf vbbg, mjggslcu rbwf obbv klat tlw. Llr fzqgfrrlbc kjr j ilaaif ecfjrs jcv gfraifrr. 

Tjcu Hljc tjv tfrlajafv obg j ibcu alwf yfobgf mbwlcu tfgf. Lf ralii tjvc’a obgubaafc tbk olfgmfis We Wljbsef tjv rkbgc ja tlw ijra alwf, jcv tbk rtf’v atgbkc tlr atlcur bcab atf ugbecv. Ktfs qgbyjyis vlvc’a kjca tlw ab jqqfjg lc ogbca bo atfw jcv vlraegy atflg ilnfr… wjsyf tlw mbwlcu bnfg tfgf kjr pera jrxlcu ab yf tewliljafv, jcv qfgtjqr tf wluta cba fnfc yf jyif ab fcafg atf vbbg, yea gluta cbk… Tf Zlcu kjr atf bcis qfgrbc tf kjcafv ab rff.

For him, he wasn’t family, but was more than family.


He was his only concern.

Xu Xiaoyue also saw Yang Qian. The look in her eyes was a little complicated. She stared at him in silence for a long while, before she finally told Ye Ming, “Gege, since he’s already here, then let him in.” 

Yang Qian didn’t think that Xu Xiaoyue would be willing to allow him in. A look of surprise appeared on his face, before he immediately walked in, carrying his things with him.

Xu Xiaoyue grimaced a bit, then muttered, “It’s only because it’s the New Year, so it’s inauspicious to drive someone away.” She seemed to be making excuses for herself.

Ye Ming gave a helpless smile, then poured a cup of tea for Yang Qian.

Yang Qian sat there in silence. Although there were only the three of them here at this moment, and the entire house was quiet, there was still a rare sense of contentment inside his heart, and a hint of a smile appeared at the corners of his lips… at least all of them were still alive, so they still had hope. 

Being able to live to see this day meant he hadn’t crawled out from that pile of corpses back then in vain. This was… the real reason for him coming back alive ba.

Ye Ming looked outside the window. Because they needed to keep quiet at night, even though it was the New Year, it was still peaceful outside. He revealed a slightly nostalgic look, then said with a smile, “In the past, firecrackers would’ve long been set off by this time. Even after a few years of this… I’m still a bit unused to it…”

Just when he’d really gotten into his act, 888 interrupted him out of the blue.

【888: No problem. You’ll be able to see the fireworks soon.】 

【Ye Ming: No way, ba?】

【888: Huo Yi has seized this opportunity to make a comeback. This time, he’s put all his eggs in one basket. He’s going to destroy this base.】

【Ye Ming: That’s way too crazy! Speaking of, how exactly is he planning on destroying this base, his manpower right now is nothing to be afraid of ba.】

【888: Don’t worry, you’ll find out soon enough.】 

【Ye Ming: …】 888 was actually capable of leaving someone in suspense now, how scary.

Right when Ye Ming was making his guesses on how exactly Huo Yi would turn things around, a thunderous bang suddenly came from the direction of the front gates to the base. A flare lit up, tearing through the night sky in an instant, followed by multiple popping sounds occurring in succession!

The look on Yang Qian’s face abruptly changed!

Today, because it was the New Year, everyone was at home, so the patrols were slightly more lax. It was inevitable that some people might slack off, but what was up with this situation?! 

“Xiaofei, you and Xiaoyue quickly hide yourselves. If the situation doesn’t seem right, leave here from the back! Go find Shi Yang and them! Let them protect you.” Yang Qian instructed them decisively, then got up and hurried out without any hesitation!

Xu Xiaoyue stared outside, those gorgeous fireworks and sounds like immense rays of light splitting the boundless night, so dazzling and awe-inspiring. But, at this moment… what this light brought to them wasn’t hope, but despair.


Everyone rushed out one after another, staring blankly at the scene in front of them with looks of horror on their faces. This… what was going on, ah!

The sturdy front gate had been blasted open by a rocket launcher. Bombs had been tossed in, and the scattered guards had been caught by surprise, before they’d been killed in the blast. Huo Yi was riding a black motorcycle as he charged in with a roar! 

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His men followed him in, as his engine emitted bursts of noisy rumbling sounds, and just behind them… was an overwhelming tide of zombies!

It was unknown how many zombies they’d attracted. There was an innumerable amount with no end in sight, and just like an ocean… those zombies staggered over. They saw the lights, heard the sounds, and could smell the scent of food, groaning with hunger as they hobbled forward desperately, surging into the base through the front gates that were now wide-open!

Within moments, the base was filled with blood-curdling screams, and utter chaos ensued.

Those who ran slowly were overwhelmed by the flood of zombies. After a while, only bones would be left of them. More and more people fled back to their homes, and shut their doors tightly, but there were too many zombies. They broke through the doors and squeezed through the windows, and shrieks arose one after another, just like Purgatory. 

Their base that’d been as peaceful as heaven just a moment ago, awaiting the arrival of the New Year, filled with hope… fell straight down to hell in a mere instant.

Only terror and despair remained.

Ye Ming looked at everything happening in front of him, his face pale, and his lips trembling. No… why had this happened, was there really no safe place left for them in this world?

Was hope destined to shatter? 

Xu Xiaoyue was also in agony. Among those she’d watched get eaten alive by zombies in the street were people she knew, like a very kind neighbor, and an elderly couple. They’d run too slowly and had been directly inundated by the zombies… until there were no sounds left anymore.

Those living people who’d still been talking and laughing yesterday, the people she knew… had died just like that. The solid and reliable base that she’d thought could give her a stable life had been destroyed so easily just like this.

In this world, trying to live was very difficult, but wanting to destroy everything… was just this simple.

“Let’s run!” Xu Xiaoyue pulled Ye Ming along with her and ran off. This house would soon be overtaken by zombies. At that time, even if they stayed inside their home, they’d be sure to die. They ought to listen to what Yang Qian had said, and leave this place quickly! This base had already ceased to exist! 

Ye Ming and Xu Xiaoyue dashed through the streets. He was a man, so, of course, he couldn’t always hide behind his younger sister’s protection. With a machete in his hands, he hacked zombies to death with each swing, as the two of them fled with great difficulty!

But, more and more zombies kept appearing. There were several times when the two of them had almost been captured. Just when they’d finally managed to bypass an alley, several other zombies surged out in front of them. The siblings had expressions of despair on their faces.

Xu Xiaoyue was in despair, thinking they wouldn’t be able to make it past them. Ye Ming was in despair, thinking he wouldn’t be able to complete his mission.

【Ye Ming: F*ck me ahhh, were those the fireworks you were talking about? What a great surprise!】 

【888: Is that so?】

【Ye Ming: Ge, I haven’t cleared away the last blackening point yet! Plus, my baby sister is still right beside me. It wouldn’t be too great for me to just go die like this, ba? How about you give me an ability to use?】


【888 was silent for a moment: Okay ba, I’ll consider it. Let me see if there’s anything cheaper.】

【Ye Ming: …look at this situation, what do you mean cheaper, I’m about to die ahhh!】 

Just when Ye Ming was incessantly panicking, a miracle happened!

When Xu Xiaoyue saw that the zombies were closing in on them, her vision abruptly adopted a red tint, as wind gusted around her body, and her hands suddenly burst into flames! The fierce flame extended along her body, burning the approaching zombies to ashes!

【Ye Ming: …】

【888: Yi, Xu Xiaoyue awakened her ability. Sure enough, a crisis is the best way to prompt human beings into awakening their abilities. It looks like I can save my money now.】 

【Ye Ming: Jealous…】

【Ye Ming: How cool is that ah, this ability looks awesome at first sight…】

【888: It’s okay, don’t be sad or jealous. You have to learn how to achieve peace of mind. Although you’re very useless and always need protection, while you’re basically a spicy chicken with a cheap mouth to boot, without a single redeeming feature from head to toe, you’re still the real winner at life because you have a husband and little sister who spoil you, ah.】

【Ye Ming: …】 

Xu Xiaoyue was also in a daze. She looked at the flames on her hands, and immediately revealed a look of ecstasy!

She still couldn’t control her own ability very well, but with an ability, she had a greater chance of escaping with her brother. She said to Ye Ming, “Let’s leave quickly, this place will soon be occupied by the zombies!”

But this time, Ye Ming suddenly stopped in place, then firmly told Xu Xiaoyue, “I want to go find Yang Qian.”

What a joke, who’d be running away now at a time like this. With such a good opportunity, it was time to get rid of the last blackening point and make his exit! 

He didn’t like this malicious world full of discrimination, heng!

Yang Qian ordered his men to escort as many people away as possible. He killed zombies all along the way to clear up the streets, leaving the places he passed by full of zombie corpses! Finally, he came before Huo Yi, a cold killing intent emanating from his eyes, while he seemed to be speaking through gritted teeth, “It’s you.”



Huo Yi raised an eyebrow and smiled, “It’s me.”

After he escaped the last time, he realized that he couldn’t win against Yang Qian, especially when almost all of his subordinates had been killed or wounded. With only a few people left, it was absolutely impossible for him to reclaim his territory! Since he couldn’t get it back, then he might as well destroy it, ba! No one could snatch anything out of his hands! 

“But, the one who’ll die today is you,” Huo Yi chuckled, turned his head to the side, and said, “Zuo He, help me kill him. Half of the things in this base will belong to you.”


A man walked out from the shadows. It was exactly the ability-user who’d tried to snach resources from Yang Qian the last time, and plotted against him. He smiled at Yang Qian, and said, “You’re very powerful, but today we have two people, while you’re by yourself.”

You’re the only one who’ll die today!

In an instant, both of these formidable ability-users brought out their trump cards, putting their all into launching attacks at Yang Qian!


The space around Yang Qian seemed to be distorting, and the rays of light from the clashing of their abilities illuminated the heavens and earth!

Many of the fleeing people couldn’t help but look back in that direction, but they couldn’t see anything too clearly. They could only vaguely see one man fighting with two others. That person… had to be Yang Qia, ba. He was obstructing the enemy for them, one versus two, trying to buy some time for them.


This gloomy night was destined to be dark and terrible… 

Many people had been quietly submerged and swallowed, not even leaving bones behind, while fewer people had managed to make their way out through a passage in the back under the protection of ability-users.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ye Ming and Xu Xiaoyue went against the current. Xu Xiaoyue’s ability was very powerful. No zombies could get close to them, but even so, they still had a rough time.

Coafg rbwf qfglbv bo alwf, atf yjaaif eq jtfjv rffwfv ab tjnf olcjiis fcvfv. Dea, ktja kjr kbggslcu kjr atf tjialcu bo rbecvr ogbw jii atgff qfbqif ja atf rjwf alwf. Rb bcf mbeiv fnfc afii ktb atf nlmabgr jcv njcdelrtfv kfgf.

Tjcu Hljc tjv ojiifc ab atf ugbecv. Lf’v xliifv Ieb Lf, qlfgmlcu atgbeut bcf bo Ieb Lf’r fsfr klat j yijvf bo klcv. Llr mbgqrf ofii ab atf ugbecv, jcv kjr delmxis qbecmfv bc ys hbwylfr, atfc vfnbegfv. Zfjcktlif, Leb Tl’r tjcv jcv ifu tjv yffc mtbqqfv boo, tlr yibbv vglqqlcu bcab atf ugbecv. Lf kjamtfv jr Tjcu Hljc kjixfv bnfg, jcv rqja bea j wbeatoei bo yibbv, yfobgf rjslcu ylaafgis, “Ciwbra. Aera j yla wbgf, jcv P kbeiv’nf xliifv sbe.” 

Yang Qian said slowly, “Yes, almost.”

Yang Qian finished Huo Yi with a single blow. There was a look of unparalleled grief in his eyes. So what if he’d killed this person? None of this could be fixed. The base had already been destroyed.

The home he wanted to give Ye Ming was gone. And Ye Ming and Xu Xiaoyue had no abilities, so things were probably very dangerous for them right now…

Yang Qian coughed up a mouthful of blood. His entire body was covered in injuries, and his strength had been exhausted. He couldn’t summon even a sliver of his ability anymore. He turned around, wanting to leave this place to go find Ye Ming… but, there were too many zombies. 

Yang Qian ran desperately. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. A zombie had chased after him from behind, and bit hard at his shoulder, tearing off a chunk of bloody flesh. Yang Qian unsheathed the knife at his leg, and killed the zombie with a single slash. At this moment, he saw a gate in front of him.

This was the villa he’d been living in, with a thick iron gate. Right now, the iron gate had been left wide open, while the people inside had already fled, leaving the place completely deserted.


Yang Qian abruptly rushed in, and locked the gate from the inside, blocking out the zombies. When the zombies wandering inside the villa heard the sounds and moved towards him, Yang Qian cleared them out one by one. Finally, he made it to the living room and closed the door, before weakly sinking to the ground.

There were many wounds on his body, but the most fatal one was the injury to his shoulder, where he’d been bitten by a zombie. 

He just sat alone like this on the ground, leaning against the wall, before shutting his eyes wearily. He couldn’t walk anymore. He was going to die, and wouldn’t be able to go find Ye Ming again.

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But, Shi Yang and them would probably try their best to protect them…

As long as they escaped from here, there’d still be hope.

Yang Qian could feel that his body was gradually turning cold. After being bitten by a zombie, most people wouldn’t be able to hold on for more than a few hours before changing, but because he was an ability-user, he’d be able to last longer, likely one or two days at most. 

But, no matter how long it took, the result would be no different in the end. No one could escape this d*mning outcome. He’d also become the same as those zombies outside, losing his rationality, craving flesh and blood.

The locked iron gate made this place seem very quiet for once, but also made it seem especially desolate. The outside should’ve been surrounded by zombies. There were no more living people here. Soon… he’d no longer be a living person either.

Yang Qian didn’t know how long he’d been sitting there. He struggled to stand up, then went up to a nearby drawer, and took out a gun.

He didn’t want to stay here alone, and become one of the living dead roaming around in the dark, with no one knowing of his existence, no one knowing his identity, forever wandering here alone, until the day came for a stranger to get rid of him.. at least before then, he could still end his life with his own hands. 

Slowly, Yang Qian loaded a bullet, then gently stroked the cold, black barrel of the gun.

This time, there would be no more miracles.

Not anymore.

Looking at the gun in his hand, Yang Qian smiled a little absent-mindedly, before raising it to his temple. But right at the moment he was about to pull the trigger, he suddenly seemed to be able to hear someone calling him from the outside. 

That voice was anxious, panicked, and familiar…

It was Ye Ming’s voice.

“Are you in there? Are you there? Yang Qian?” Ye Ming yelled, and pounded on the iron door. He’d followed a trail of blood and made his way here, but perhaps Yang Qian wasn’t here, and had fled to another spot. In this kind of chaos, it really was too difficult to find someone.

Xu Xiaoyue burned up the zombies nearby, then said restlessly, “Ge, we should just go, ba! Maybe Yang Qian has already escaped, and we’ll be able to meet up with him outside. Doing this isn’t the solution.” 

Ye Ming said worriedly, “No, if he were doing okay, then he definitely would’ve come to find me!”

When he said this, his incomparably bright eyes glowed with determination in the dark night. He firmly believed that if Yang Qian were doing okay, then he absolutely would’ve come to find him! If he hadn’t come looking for him yet, then something must’ve gone wrong…


The rims of Ye Ming’s eyes turned red, and he continued to shout, “Are you in there?”

But the villa appeared to be deserted, and there were no sounds. 

Ye Ming finally revealed a disappointed look, and turned around to go search elsewhere, when he heard Xu Xiaoyue call out, “Ge, look!”

When he looked back, he saw a man walk out of the house, looking at him from a distance through the iron gate. When he met his gaze, It felt as though an entire lifetime had passed by.

A look of wild joy appeared in Ye Ming’s eyes. He and Xu Xiaoyue flipped over the iron gate! Then, they rushed over to Yang Qian! Alarmed, he asked, “What happened to you, why’s there so much blood on your body!”

Yang Qian looked at Ye Ming, a little distracted. Blood trailed down his hand that was holding onto the gun, dripping onto the ground, but he couldn’t feel any of the pain in his body… seeing Ye Ming’s panicked and worried appearance, he suddenly let out a gentle smile, but also seemed a bit regretful and sad. 

He was very happy that he could still see Ye Ming appear in front of him before his death. In this lonely and forsaken night… the person he loved seemed to have descended from the sky, appearing in front of him like a dream… he hadn’t given up on him.

But he was also filled with regret. He’d prefer to die alone in a place no one knew about, rather than let Ye Ming watch as he died with his own eyes. He was even more unwilling to let Ye Ming encounter any dangers because of him.

Ye Ming shouldn’t have come.

Ye Ming examined Yang Qian very carefully, then pulled him inside the house. He swiftly found the first aid kit, helping Yang Qian clean out his wounds while complaining, “Don’t you know how to treat your wounds and stop the bleeding first? You’ll die if you bleed out like this!” 

Yang Qian let Ye Ming do as he liked, sitting there with a smile, before he sighed softly, “There’s no need, it’s unnecessary.”

“What’re you saying—” what kind of nonsense— Ye Ming’s gaze had fallen on Yang Qian’s shoulder, and the remaining half of his sentence was stuck in his throat, and he was unable to continue.

The wound he’d cleaned up revealed its shape, and Xu Xiaoyue let out a scream, “He was bitten!”

Ye Ming blinked, and a single tear fell down uncontrollably without him even realizing it. He stared at the wound blankly, then looked at Yang Qian, his gaze appearing a little lost, mixed with some despair. 

Yang Qian said, “So I said, there’s no need…” His voice was very soft, and there seemed to be a touch of helplessness.

He’d lost a lot of blood, and exhausted all of his strength. No matter how powerful an ability-user he was, to the world, he was merely an ant in the end. This day probably would’ve come sooner or later… it was just a pity that he’d no longer be able to protect Ye Ming, and wouldn’t be able to give him the world that he wanted.

He hadn’t accomplished any of the things he’d promised him yet, but already had to leave first ahead of him.

“I’m sorry,” Yang Qian said. 

Ye Ming gradually raised his head, then looked at him with red eyes, and said, “What’re you sorry for?”

Yang Qian said slowly, “I won’t be able to accompany you anymore.”

【Ye Ming: Now, things are really getting out of hand. Ge, if you don’t step in, Yang Qian will die. He can’t die, ba? He’s the protagonist!】

【888: There’s no rule that the protagonist can’t die.】



【Ye Ming: But I haven’t finished eliminating his blackening value yet!】

【888: That shouldn’t be too difficult, ba. Hurry up and tell him that you love him before he dies, and that should be enough.】 

【Ye Ming: …】


【Ye Ming: How could you be so cruel and heartless, this isn’t like you!】

【888: I’m just providing you with a suggestion so that you can eliminate his blackening value. What does that have to do with me being cruel and heartless?】

【Ye Ming: Ke, how about this ba, why don’t you give me one of the cheapest awakening potions? If I use it, I can save Yang Qian with a 100% guarantee that the blackening value will be completely eliminated. Then I can die heroically, killing two birds with one stone.】


【888: The cheapest one is still 1000 experience points.】

【Ye Ming: Just that one is enough! I need it very much ahhh. This is a foolproof method, what if the method you mentioned doesn’t work? I’m so close, so you absolutely won’t make a loss on this investment!】

【888: That’s fine, I’ll charge you three times the amount as a handling fee. You should already be used to it ba.】

【Ye Ming: …】 

【888: Do you want it or not? If not, then forget it.】

【Ye Ming: Yes, yes, yes!】

As soon as Ye Ming finished speaking, he felt a cold current flow through his body. He shivered, immediately sensing that he now had an ability!

【Ye Ming: I also have an ability now. Now I can die with no regrets, and rest in peace!】 

【888: …】F*ck, why did he have a feeling that this was the spicy chicken’s true purpose, to experience the refreshing feeling of having an ability?

Ye Ming gripped Yang Qian’s hand tightly, his eyes filled with tears of excitement. Although it was the cheapest, one-time, a-life-in-exchange-for-a-life ability awakening potion, it was still an ability ma!

The places where his skin was in contact with Yang Qian slowly lit up with a soft, white light.

Yang Qian had already readied himself for his impending death. When he suddenly saw the light in Ye Ming’s hands, a look of disbelief appeared on his face. Ye Ming had also awakened his ability! He was incredibly pleased and happy. He’d been worried that Ye Ming would have a difficult time in this world as an ordinary human being. But, if Ye Ming also had an ability, then things would be different. Now that this pair of siblings had the ability to protect themselves, then even if he died, he could still be at ease. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The corners of Yang Qian’s lips lifted. Just when he wanted to ask Ye Ming what his ability was, a strange feeling that swept through his body soon caused his smile to freeze on his face, as he looked down at himself in shock.

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Ktf lcpeglfr bc tlr ybvs kfgf gjqlvis tfjilcu. Snfc atf ylaf kbecv bc tlr rtbeivfg kjr yfmbwlcu rtjiibkfg, vlrjqqfjglcu ilaaif ys ilaaif… ecali olcjiis, bcis rwbbat rxlc kjr ifoa.


Ds mbcagjra, lcpegs joafg lcpegs jqqfjgfv bc Tf Zlcu’r ecyifwlrtfv ybvs. Mlcjiis, fnfc atf ofgbmlber ylaf kbecv tjv jirb jqqfjgfv bc tlr rtbeivfg, tlr yibbv rffqlcu atgbeut tlr mibatfr… vsflcu tlw gfv.

“No…” Yang Qian let out a mournful cry, his eyes blood-shot. “Stop it!” 

But, he couldn’t move at all. The constant, mysterious flow of power from Ye Ming’s hands was preventing him from budging in the slightest, and he could only watch as Ye Ming transferred all of his injuries onto his own body!

Xu Xiaoyue had also noticed, and shoved Ye Ming aside, furiously shouting, “Ge, what’re you doing?”

But, it was too late. Ye Ming’s entire body was covered with blood. Her slight shove had caused him to topple to the ground. He coughed up a mouthful of blood, then gave her an apologetic smile, “Sorry…”

Xu Xiaoyue howled with anger. She wanted to hit Ye Ming, but Ye Ming’s current appearance made her unable to lift a single finger. She could only cry nonstop, “Who allowed you to do something like this, you bastard! How could you do this, how could you! How could you leave me alone like this… wa…” 

She cried until she was completely out of breath.

Yang Qian slowly stood up. He could feel that all of the injuries on his body had healed, while the terrible injuries from before had appeared on Ye Ming’s body, on the body of the person he loved the most…

At the very last moment, a miracle had still occurred. But he’d rather the miracle not have happened at all.

He’d rather it not have happened… 

Yang Qian gently held Ye Ming in his arms, his eyes filled with grief and despair, while his hands were trembling. Never before had he wished as ardently as he was now, that he’d be the one to die instead.

Ye Ming’s mouth was filled with blood. He forced a smile, then said, “I think, if you live… you’ll be more useful than me, I… ke ke, always drag you down, and ignore your wishes… and make decisions on my own. Sorry…”

“I don’t blame you,” Yang Qian’s voice was shaking. The rims of his eyes tingled and radiated heat, as though something hot was brewing.

Ye Ming smiled, and shook his head, “I know… but, I also wanted to protect you for once. I can finally… also protect you, just this one time.” 

“You have to live well…”

“And Xiaoyue, you guys, both of you have to live well…”

Ye Ming said this and slowly closed his eyes, his breathing becoming weaker, until it completely disappeared.

Yang Qian held him, and lowered his head to kiss him on the lips, tears silently falling down. I know… I know just how much you wanted to protect me. Just like back then, you’ve always been doing your best to protect me. 

You’re not weak or cowardly. You possess courage far greater than the rest of us…

It’s always been you, who’s been protecting me.


My beloved.

【Ding. Yang Qian’s Blackening Value -1. Current Blackening Value: 0】 


One year later, there was a vibrant, small town in the northern mountains.

This small town was nestled in the mountains. Because of its steep paths, and limited accessibility, setting up a few simple obstacles could block off a majority of the zombies. The average person wouldn’t be able to find this place at all. It was quiet and peaceful, just like an otherworldly paradise.

After Yang Qian and Xu Xiaoyue escaped from the base, they met up with the rest of the survivors. They protected the ordinary human beings, migrating all the way here, before finally finding this new location where they could stay, settling down here. 

The ability-users were still responsible for going out to search for supplies and replenish their resources, while the ordinary human beings farmed and raised livestock. They were basically self-sufficient here.

Xu Xiaoyue’s ability was extremely powerful, and was regarded with reverence by the mass populace. She’d taken over for Yang Qian and was managing the place, and had already become a highly-respected leader. Yang Qian was no longer in charge, and was only responsible for leading teams to hunt zombies and search for supplies outside, but didn’t bother with anything else.

Even though he stayed on the base, he almost never communicated with anyone else. He lived alone in a corner, in a spot at the very edge of the base, and had built a lonely, small cabin there.

Yang Qian never invited anyone else to his home. He was withdrawn and aloof, keeping others at a distance. Xu Xiaoyue also seemed to dislike him very much. She was always very pleasant to everyone else, but only ever had a poor attitude when it came to him. 

Despite this, she always made a trip to Yang Qian’s house at least once a week. She was also the only person who could enter Yang Qian’s home. But each time, she’d only stay for a little while before leaving again.

No one knew why their relationship was so strange. They seemed to have a really bad relationship, but they always maintained an intriguing balance, like they were depending on each other.

On this day, Yang Qian had just returned from going outside. He was carrying a fresh slab of meat and could hardly wait to get home. Everyone was already used to Yang Qian being like this. No one tried to talk to him, and no one tried to strike up a conversation with him.

When Yang Qian got home, he brought the bloody piece of raw meat to the kitchen, and carefully cut it into pieces. However, he didn’t heat it up or fry it, but directly plated it just like this, before opening his bedroom door, carrying it in with him as he entered. 

An abrupt clattering sound came from his bedroom. A person suddenly charged out. There was a chain tied around his waist, and a mask on his face, while he was clothed in some old, but clean, faded clothes. He was struggling to pounce on Yang Qian, but didn’t speak, only groaning ahhh. His skin was tinged with gray, while his eyes were clouded over.

It turned out he was a zombie!

Seeing his impatience, Yang Qian couldn’t help but chuckle. He put the plate in front of him, untied his mask, then took a step back, before saying with a smile, “Eat ba, you must be starving, ba.”

But, the zombie wasn’t too interested in the meat, and was more interested in eating Yang Qian. He waved his arms around, trying to grab him, but couldn’t reach him no matter what. In the end, the bloody chunks of meat in front of him finally managed to attract his attention. He grabbed at them, directly stuffing them inside his mouth, smearing blood all over his hands and face. 

Yang Qian let out a helpless sigh, “I’ve already cut it for you, plus no one will snatch any from you, but you still won’t take your time when you’re eating…”

Seeing that the zombie had finished eating his meat, while his arms had begun scrabbling for him again, Yang Qian’s expression became even more helpless. He seemed to be somewhat reluctant, but still went over to tie up his hands, and put his mask back on for him, before ignoring his struggling to hold him in his arms.


The zombie could sense that there was a human being, and frantically struggled to bite him, wanting to devour him!

Unfortunately, because he had a mask on, he couldn’t bite him no matter what he tried, and a fierce gleam seemed to flash in his murky eyes. 

Yang Qian had long gotten used to this, and continued to hug him just like that.

His movements were very gentle, because he was afraid of touching the rotting skin on the zombie. He’d put in a lot of effort, trying to avoid damaging him in any way, like he was preserving a fragile treasure…

“Xiaofei, it’s not that I’m not willing… I’m just afraid that after you eat me, no one will accompany you in the future.” Yang Qian gave him a gentle smile, then said softly, “Xiaoyue is still here… I still have to take care of her on your behalf.”

“Don’t fuss, why do you always have so much energy, what am I supposed to do with you…” Yang Qian had a pampering expression on his face. 

Just then, the outside door was pushed open, and there were the sounds of someone walking in.

But Yang Qian showed no signs of surprise, and didn’t even lift his head or look back. The only person who’d come here was Xu Xiaoyue.

When Xu Xiaoyue walked in, she saw Yang Qian holding her brother, not disgusted by his unpleasant, rotting appearance at all. There was a tender, affectionate expression on his face, as though he was still facing his beloved.

She’d seen scenes like this for over a year, but each time, still felt the same suffocating sadness. She’d endured for a long, long time, but seemed to have reached a breaking point today, after restraining herself countless times. She said angrily, “Haven’t you had enough, ah! My brother is already dead. He’s not my brother, he’s just a zombie!” 

Yang Qian turned to look at her, a somewhat grave expression on his face, “Don’t say that. He just can’t speak anymore, but he can still move and eat. How can you say that he’s dead?”

Xu Xiaoyue’s chest felt stifled, and her eyes heated up. She gave Yang Qian a cold glance. “Do whatever you want, ba!”

Saying this, she turned and left, tears rolling down her face once again.

How could she not also want her big brother to still be alive? But, there was no way for her to deceive herself anymore. And you? How is it that you can interact with him day and night, yet can still lie to yourself? 

Yang Qian didn’t mind that Xu Xiaoyue had left. He turned back, and said, “Xiaofei, don’t be angry. She just hasn’t thought things through yet. But, it doesn’t matter, I’m still here with you…”

He carefully helped him tidy up his clothes and hair, before laying down on the bed with him, embracing each other like lovers. He looked up at the starry sky outside the window, smiling and whispering softly, “Say, do you think the world will get better one day?”

“A few days ago, we brought in a few refugees. They said that the provisional government formed by a federation of human survivors outside is studying ways to kill the virus. Maybe someday, the zombies will all disappear, and this world will go back to how it used to be.”

“It may not be long before you’ll be able to see it…” 

Darkness continues on, while dawn may never arrive.

No matter how long it takes, I’ll stay by your side, until you can see that day with your very own eyes.

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