Shen Ye stood there motionless, staring at the side of that figure in front of him without looking away.

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That face with an 80% similarity to Han Xu’s slowly overlapped with his at this moment. The blurry figure that’d been gathering dust in a corner of his mind somewhere for ten years seemed to emerge from a distant memory, manifesting into reality bit by bit, appearing in his world once again.



Shen Ye’s fingertips bit into the palms of his hands, trembling slightly.

So, this was why they looked so similar to each other. It turned out… they were the same exact person from beginning to end. But, how was this possible?! 

Shen Ye had carefully investigated Tao Xu in the beginning. Tao Xu was a completely different person with a clean and simple background, his own parents, and his own life. It was impossible for him to be Han Xu. But, now he was saying that he was Han Xu, and had even come to the grave of Han Xu’s parents.


If he wasn’t Han Xu, how could he know Han Xu’s name or even know about this place? Not only were they a decade apart in age, but they also had no connection to each other at all. Unless he was Han Xu himself, there was no possible other explanation.

At this time, Shen Ye suddenly remembered that when he’d been looking into Tao Xu, he’d found that Tao Xu had been in a very loving relationship with Zhou Jiaping, but had suddenly asked to break up with him. There’d also been slight changes in his personality somewhat different from what he’d investigated… so, had Han Xu already been inside this body from then on?

And why had Han Xu turned into another person? Now that he was inside another body, what about his own body? Could he… already be dead? And if he’d died, then when exactly had he died?


Something like dying and resurrecting inside another body…

Was it actually possible?

At this moment, the shock and countless questions running through Shen Ye’s mind left him with no room for thoughts about hatred or revenge. He just wanted to find out the reason for all of this, because the actual truth was too preposterous and difficult to accept, but… this incredibly absurd conclusion was the truth of the matter.

Han Xu’s soul was inside the body of this person in front of him. 

Shen Ye dearly wished to charge over right now to question him and puncture his lies, his fists clenched very tightly. But, he didn’t walk over in the end. Instead, he slowly turned around, his eyes cold to the bone.

Since you want to hide your identity, I’ll let you hide your identity and I’ll continue playing this game with you.

But this time, I won’t fall for your tricks anymore!


Ye Ming was kneeling in front of the tombstone with a faintly sad expression on his face.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

【Ye Ming: Ge, was my performance perfect? How did Shen Ye react?】

【888: Qlat ugfja rtbmx.】

【Ye Ming: He didn’t step out even after such a shock. His ability to temper himself is quite impressive. Generally speaking, when someone encounters an enemy like this, they’ll run up without another word and commence a fight to the death. He found out, but actually didn’t expose me, wanting to play a role-playing game with me instead. Sure enough, it’s true love ah!】 

【888: …】

【Tf Zlcu:  Obnf~ lr remt j wjgnfiber atlcu~】


【888: …rb, ktja’r atf qijc cbk?】

【Tf Zlcu: Zjlcajlc atf rajaer deb jcv olcv j mtjcmf ab ifa tlw vlrmbnfg atf ageat obg tlwrfio ‌Y(∩_∩)Y~】 

【888: …】 Qts vlv tf offi rb wfcajiis fztjerafv???

Tf Zlcu ofia ilxf tf’v rajsfv atfgf ibcu fcbeut, rb tf uba eq jcv ifoa atf mfwfafgs. Ktfc, tf kfca ab rmtbbi jcv rajsfv atfgf obg j ktlif ab vfji klat rbwf wjaafgr yfobgf gfaegclcu tbwf.

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When he got back home, he found that Shen Ye had already returned first and was sitting on the sofa waiting for him.

The light in the living room wasn’t turned on. It was almost dusk, so the room was dimly lit. Shen Ye’s elbows were resting against his knees and his fingers were clasped together, while he was giving Ye Ming an indecipherable look. The corners of his mouth were slightly curled up into a shallow arc, and he said, “You’re back.” 

Ye Ming stood there. For some reason, he felt that Shen Ye seemed a little different today, but he couldn’t pinpoint what exactly was different.

Shen Ye looked at Ye Ming. After he’d left the cemetery, he’d stayed inside his home, waiting for Ye Ming to return.

And Ye Ming really came back. Perhaps he’d never even thought about leaving, or maybe his return was just another part of his scheme… using psychological tactics to approach him once again. From their very first meeting, he’d been carrying out a plot to attract his attention. His so-called concern over Zhou Jiaping was fake, as well as him succumbing to his threats.

With Ye Ming’s conniving methods, how could he have actually dropped a bunch of plates in front of him so clumsily. With Ye Ming’s cold-blooded ruthlessness, how could he’ve actually cared about Zhou Jiaping. Had that chance encounter really even been a chance encounter? 

No, it was all part of his premeditated plan to approach him, because he knew that he wouldn’t be able to forget about him.

This time, what do you hope to gain from staying by my side?

Shen Ye let out an extremely soft chuckle that seemed to come from his chest. He concealed the painful, self-deprecating hatred in his eyes, and said indifferently, “Are you finished with your business at school?”

Ye Ming frowned slightly, and nodded, “I’m done.” 

He wanted to leave the room after responding. The atmosphere in this space was too oppressive, like the period before rainfall on a mountain, like the looming depression before a storm.

However, Shen Ye abruptly stood up. With a seemingly nonchalant smile on his lips, he strode over and approached Ye Ming, blocking his way.

Ye Ming could only stop in place and take a step back.

Shen Ye lowered his head, reaching out to caress Ye Ming’s face, his actions very light. He seemed to be tracing the shape of the face of the person in front of him like he was trying to confirm something. A variety of complex emotions rippled across the depths of his eyes. But, in a flash, they stilled, his gaze becoming a deep pool where nothing could be seen. 

He actually had countless things he wanted to ask Ye Ming. But, he knew that Ye Ming wouldn’t give him those answers.

If Ye Ming were willing to answer his questions, he wouldn’t have deceived him once again. Whether it was in the past or right now, he was always lying to him, and had never told him a single word of the truth.


What a natural-born liar.

But, no matter what, don’t think you’ll be able to escape from me this time! 

Ye Ming met Shen Ye’s bottomless gaze, a vague premonition arising in his heart that seemed to be warning him to leave quickly, to run away quickly, to not get any closer to this person, because it was very dangerous…

Just when Ye Ming was feeling so suffocated that he could hardly breathe, Shen Ye suddenly let go of him and chuckled, “You should go and rest ba.”

Ye Ming breathed a sigh of relief, turning around to scurry back to his room. For the very first time, he felt an urge to escape.


The next day, Ye Ming woke up and found that Shen Ye was still at home and had made breakfast. He couldn’t help but reveal a look of surprise.

Last time, Shen Ye had done this because he’d hurt him. What was the reason this time? Didn’t he place very little importance on him?

Shen Ye looked at Ye Ming, the corners of his mouth quirking up coldly. He gave him a meaningful look, and said in a low voice, “Let’s eat ba.”

Although Ye Ming had a myriad of doubts in his mind, he didn’t ask, and sat there silently to eat. 

Shen Ye only took a few bites. His gaze remained on Ye Ming, taking in Ye Ming’s dining habits, the foods he liked to eat, and other similar details he’d occasionally reveal unintentionally. All of this… felt like a repeat of yesterday. Shen Ye finally understood why he’d felt that this person was familiar in every way. It was because they’d known each other for so many years. Yet, he’d actually failed to recognize him from the start.

Shen Ye didn’t sleep all night yesterday. He’d stayed in the room next door, lying there wide awake, knowing that he was only a few meters away from him. The person he’d hated with every fiber of his being for ten years was just right there.

He’d hated this one person for so long. Now that he’d suddenly returned, he was worried about the outcome. If this person disappeared once again, how would he ever rid himself of this hatred?

After Ye Ming finished his breakfast, he put down his bowl, and said, “I’m done eating.” 

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“Let’s go, ba.” Shen Ye picked up his coat on the chair, and strode out, going downstairs first.

Ye Ming hesitated for a moment. Sure enough, he hadn’t been imagining things yesterday ba. He could feel that Shen Ye really was acting a little differently. Could his actions yesterday have been discovered by Shen Ye? Ye Ming thought this, but then quickly tossed out that idea. If Shen Ye had really discovered his true identity, how could he remain completely unmoved?

It was impossible. If he knew about his identity, he wouldn’t be behaving like this… after all, he hated him that much.

Ye Ming shook his head, then followed him to his car. During this time, he’d almost always commuted to and from work with Shen Ye. He was probably the only person who’d ever made President Shen do such a menial job like being a chauffeur. 

When they arrived at the underground parking lot, Ye Ming prepared to get off and leave first since he’d always gone up separately from Shen Ye. But, this time Shen Ye suddenly pressed down Ye Ming’s hand, his stern face moving closer to him with the corners of the lips slightly raised as he uttered in a low voice, “Wait for me.”

Ye Ming’s expression slightly shifted. Wouldn’t this be too ostentatious? Although everyone knew that he was being kept by Shen Ye, Shen Ye had never acted intimate with him in front of other people in such a high-profile manner. He never treated him any differently from other employees. Why was he suddenly doing this today?


Shen Ye seemed to notice Ye Ming’s doubts, giving him a profound look as he chuckled meaningfully, “Since you’re willing to follow me, then I won’t treat you too shabbily. I’ve already said this to you before.”

Shen Ye grabbed Ye Ming by the wrist, not allowing him to break free. 

Ye Ming was led forward by Shen Ye, and directly dragged into the elevator. A trace of anxiety finally appeared on his face, and he said, “I’m already together with you, so let go!”

Shen Ye looked back at him. Seeing the embarrassment in Ye Ming’s eyes, he exposed a mocking smile. Your acting skills are still as good as ever. You even have me almost fooled into believing that… you’re actually very worried about this.

He suddenly tugged Ye Ming closer, stretching out an arm to prop it next to his neck, imprisoning him in his arms, as he chuckled into his ear, “I’ve let go. Is this okay then?”

Although he’d let go of him, his face had moved even closer to his, the tip of his nose almost touching Ye Ming’s ear, his warm breath tickling his skin. 

Ye Ming’s face turned pale, and he furrowed his brow. The elevator was about to arrive, but he didn’t want to be seen with Shen Ye like this!

The elevator kept on going up, then dinged as it came to a stop. Ye Ming’s heart beat faster and faster, while his nose was filled with Shen Ye’s scent. He liked this person so much, but couldn’t be together with him… Shen Ye watched Ye Ming’s eyes, and laughed softly. A few seconds before the elevator door opened up, he moved away and stood by the side, leaving no emotions visible on his stern face.

The people coming in saw that Shen Ye was there, and immediately greeted him respectfully, “President Shen.”

Shen Ye nodded, giving them a faint smile in return. 

Ye Ming let out a sigh of relief, his heart settling down once again. He quickly got off the elevator first and went to his own office. Ever since the time Shen Ye had gotten drunk and treated him like he was Han Xu, he felt that his attitude towards him had become a little different. Yesterday, it’d become even more obvious.

His relationship with Shen Ye seemed to be gradually spiraling out of control.

The day went no differently from usual, passing by in the blink of an eye.

When Ye Ming thought about how he’d have to go back with Shen Ye this evening, a dreary look appeared in his eyes. He couldn’t let things go on like this. He hadn’t taken his revenge yet, but was always stuck by Shen Ye’s side.



Just when Ye Ming was struggling with indecision, a colleague next to him suddenly stood up and greeted, “President Shen, you’ve come.”

Ye Ming was startled and suddenly raised his head. 

Shen Ye had actually come directly to Ye Ming’s office. He strode up to Ye Ming, and smiled as he said, “I’m attending a banquet this evening. You and I should go together ba.”


He said this in front of everyone without hiding it in the slightest. His tone was natural and relaxed, but everyone was extremely shocked. Shen Ye had never brought a female or male companion with him to a banquet before. At most, he’d bring his assistant… however, no one actually believed that Ye Ming would be going as Shen Ye’s assistant. That would be much too ridiculous!

If not as an assistant, then as a male companion?

Ye Ming’s gaze slightly sank. He ignored the judgemental looks of surprise around him, and walked over directly to respond, “Okay.”


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It wasn’t until they got back to his car where no one else was around that Ye Ming turned his head to look at Shen Ye with a solemn gaze, and finally said, “President Shen, what is all of this?” He’d decided to come out and directly ask about Shen Ye’s abnormal behavior.

Wasn’t this kind of treatment a bit over the top for a mere substitute?

Shen Ye turned his head slightly, staring down at Ye Ming’s face as the corners of his lips quirked up, “I’m treating you a bit better. Don’t you like it?”

Ye Ming sneered, “Why are you treating me better?” 

The glint of humor in Shen Ye’s eyes seemed to become denser. He slowly opened his mouth and murmured, “As for the reason, don’t you already know it?”

Ye Ming was startled, and suddenly remembered the incident with the photo last time. A sad, helpless look appeared in his eyes, and he made a snide remark, “You’re doing it for that person? You’re going to treat me well just because I look like him?”

Shen Ye approached him, and grabbed his chin, kissing his lips with a frosty look in his eyes, “Yes, because you’re so similar to him, I’m willing to spoil you… but, you won’t leave me and betray me like he did, will you?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ye Ming met Shen Ye’s gaze. For a moment, he felt as though Shen Ye had already seen through him. But, when he took a closer look, he couldn’t glean a thing. His heartbeat was a little fast. Because he was nervous, his hair stood on end, while his body was stiff. 

Lf abbx j vffq ygfjat jcv gjlrfv jc fsfygbk, “Ugfrlvfca Vtfc lr yflcu glvlmeiber gluta cbk. Tbe’gf agfjalcu wf ilxf P’w rbwfbcf firf jcv obgmlcu wf ab rajs ys sbeg rlvf, yea sbe ralii kjca wf ab cba ifjnf sbe?”

Vtfc Tf mtemxifv, ugjvejiis fzfgalcu j yla wbgf obgmf bc Tf Zlcu’r mtlc. Lf rjlv, “Tfr, yfmjerf sbe tjnf cb batfg mtblmf.”

A furious look appeared in Ye Ming’s eyes.

Shen Ye, however, appeared to be in a good mood. He loosened his grip, and pulled the seat belt over to help Ye Ming buckle up. His expression seemed to soften a bit as he said, “What’s so bad about following me?” 

Ye Ming turned his head to the side, as if he didn’t want to see Shen Ye at all.

Shen Ye laughed, and turned the key to start the car. The car soon sped away.



The evening charity dinner was held in a five-star hotel. Many celebrities and those among the upper echelons of society were in attendance, and there was no shortage of stars. When Shen Ye entered the hall, many people greeted him politely. 

When Ye Ming arrived at this event, he also saw a lot of familiar faces, but… there was no one who’d recognize him. Most of them were just general acquaintances, with the occasional person he’d had a good relationship with. No one would go against the Shen family now for the sake of someone “on the run” who’d actually been dead for ten years.

Friendships were fickle things. Han Xu, who’d attempted to murder Shen Ye before disappearing ten years ago… had long since faded from their memories. It wasn’t even something worth chatting about after a meal over some tea anymore.

The one who still remembered him was actually Shen Ye, who used to love him the most, but now hated him the most.

Ye Ming felt a little downcast. He walked to a corner of the balcony, frowning as he contemplated how he could approach Shen Dayao, or… how he could uncover some evidence of Shen Dayao murdering him back then. 

While Ye Ming was zoned out, a gentle, low voice suddenly sounded next to him, “Need a drink?”

Ye Ming turned his head, and saw a mature, handsome face. His expression froze for a moment.

He didn’t expect to meet Zheng Sen here.

Zheng Sen was also looking at Ye Ming. In the moonlight, the young man’s face looked even more like Han Xu’s… 

In fact, right when Ye Ming and Shen Ye had first come in, he’d noticed him. No one knew what a huge shock that had been for him. This was the first time Shen Ye had ever brought someone along to such an occasion, and it was someone so similar to Han Xu, to boot.

Perhaps most people no longer remembered what Han Xu looked like anymore. They only faintly remembered that an ungrateful adopted son of the Shen family had tried to murder Shen Ye and fled when it resulted in failure. But, Zheng Sen would never forget. He’d never forgotten what Han Xu had looked like, and that single look at Ye Ming had left him greatly shaken.

And he was also one of the very few people who knew about Han Xu and Shen Ye’s actual relationship.

At the time, Han Xu and Shen Ye’s relationship had been kept very secretive and was never made public. But, Zheng Sen had harbored a crush on Han Xu for several years, and was also one of Han Xu’s classmates and good friends. So, when he abruptly confessed to Han Xu, Han Xu had rejected him and candidly revealed that he was in love with Shen Ye. 

Zheng Sen had been rejected while simultaneously learning that Shen Ye was the person that Han Xu liked, but he would never forget the gentle look that had been in Han Xu’s eyes when he’d mentioned Shen Ye. He was truly in love with the man who was supposed to be his younger brother.

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Zheng Sen had been reluctant to accept this at first. But eventually, he gave up. If Han Xu really loved Shen Ye, then he hoped that he could achieve everything he wanted. He was willing to just be his friend.

But, how had things become like this afterwards…?

Han Xu’s love was real, while Han Xu’s betrayal was also real. But, most likely, no one would ever find out the reason for all of this, because Han Xu would probably never come back. 

“What’s your name?” Zheng Sen smiled at Ye Ming and asked.

There was a complicated look in Ye Ming’s eyes. The moment Zheng Sen had appeared just now, an idea he shouldn’t have had popped up in his head. He’d thought… if it was Zheng Sen, maybe he’d be willing to help him.


However, he’d already rejected Zheng Sen’s confession back then. Could he just take advantage of him like that after being reborn ten years later?

Ye Ming avoided Zheng Sen’s gaze somewhat awkwardly. He kept his eyes on the ground, slightly pursing his thin lips, before he said, “My name is Tao Xu.” 

Zheng Sen’s gaze darkened, and he slightly tightened his grip on his glass. So similar… he suddenly understood why Shen Ye wanted to keep such a person by his side. They really were too alike, so similar he could be mistaken for the actual person himself.

Even he couldn’t help but want to know more about him even though he knew very well that this person in front of him wasn’t Han Xu.

Zheng Sen usually didn’t like to stick his nose where it didn’t belong, but since he’d seen Ye Ming’s face today, he couldn’t bear to see him stay with Shen Ye without knowing a single thing. This was too unfair for Ye Ming, and wasn’t a good thing for him.

If he got too close to the present-day Shen Ye, he was bound to get hurt. Shen Ye was the one person who hated Han Xu the most in this world. His love and his hatred were like a double-edged sword. 

Zheng Sen’s gaze was gentle and filled with pity. He sighed and said, “How long have you and President Shen known each other?”

Ye Ming didn’t know why Zheng Sen was asking him this, but being with Zheng Sen inexplicably made him feel more relaxed, and he wasn’t as guarded. He said softly, “About two months.”

Zheng Sen nodded and fell silent. If he said what he wanted to out of the blue, it’d be rather inappropriate, but he couldn’t watch Ye Ming go on like this from the sidelines without lifting a finger. He stared at Ye Ming’s profile, and for just a moment, he seemed to see Han Xu appear in front of him…

Zheng Sen lowered his head and stared at the side of Ye Ming’s face. After a pause, he said, “Then what’s the relationship between you and President Shen?” 

Ye Ming’s face stiffened for a moment. A look of embarrassment and pain flashed through his eyes, but he was unwilling to say much more, “I have something else to do. Apologies, but I’ll be taking my leave first.”

Zheng Sen noticed the helplessness and grief in Ye Ming’s eyes. Seeing him keep mum about it, he suddenly realized that maybe Ye Ming wasn’t with Shen Ye voluntarily at all. Right… how could Shen Ye treat someone so similar to Han Xu well?

Maybe… this person had been harmed and coerced into this.

Zheng Sen suddenly reached out and grabbed Ye Ming’s wrist, looking at him with a sincere gaze as he said, “I don’t have any bad intentions. You… If you encounter any difficulties, maybe you can come and talk to me about it.” 

Ye Ming turned to look at Zheng Sen, and chuckled at himself. He suddenly couldn’t control himself. He really wanted to confide in someone. There were too many secrets buried in his heart, and too much pain, almost too much for him to bear.

But… was Zheng Sen actually the right person? Or was he just feeling vulnerable and selfishly wanted to find someone to rely on? He couldn’t accept Zheng Sen’s help and drag him into this whirlpool of hatred.

Ye Ming slowly calmed himself down, returning to a state of indifference. He said, “Thank you for your kindness, but I’m not having any difficulties.”

Zheng Sen met Ye Ming’s profound and seemingly indifferent gaze, and found that he couldn’t pull himself away. Even his gaze was just like Han Xu’s. 

Ye Ming frowned slightly as he forcefully shook off Zheng Sen, just about to leave!

Zheng Sen watched as Ye Ming turned around, and felt as though he was watching Han Xu leave, his overwhelming sorrow and powerlessness almost swallowing him whole… Zheng Sen suddenly took two steps forward, and grabbed onto Ye Ming’s shoulder, pressing him against a wall in the corner. He stared into his eyes.


Zheng Sen’s face was a bit too close to his. Ye Ming looked at his face. Seeing this familiar and handsome face, his eyes began to sting a little.

He couldn’t stay here any longer. He couldn’t. 

Zheng Sen couldn’t hide his shock. Why was it that he was obviously a different person, yet could still give him this kind of feeling… he felt that he was indeed overstepping his bounds. It was normal for Ye Ming to misunderstand him. He probably appeared like someone who was even worse than Shen Ye.

While he was hesitating, he suddenly heard an extremely cold voice come from behind him.

“President Zheng, you’d best let go of my person.”

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