Shen Ye drove back to his home, but when he parked the car, he didn’t walk out.

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Recalling back to when Zheng Sen came to find him today, it was as if a fuse once again ignited the anger in his heart. He felt that he was not very calm at this moment, but he could no longer control himself.



Shen Ye sat in the car for almost 15 minutes before finally getting out of the car and returning to the villa.

It was very quiet, leaving only one maid in charge, a reliable someone that Shen Ye had found. Other than that, there was no one else. 

He threw his coat on the sofa, and went upstairs, going into the room.


A man was lying on the bed, his hands handcuffed behind his back, bruises scattered over his body. He was still asleep with his eyes closed, eyelashes casting a faint shadow on his eyes, his face pale. His short and messy hair fell before his head, his lips broken and chapped.

Shen Ye stood at the entrance, studying this man. These days, he would conquer this man non-stop, torturing him. But instead of getting smaller, the hole in his heart was getting bigger and bigger, the pain increasing day by day. He didn’t feel satisfied no matter what he did.

After a long time, he finally walked over, gently pulling Ye Ming into his embrace. He ran his fingers through his hair, stroking it gently.


To be honest, I don’t know what I should do with you.

I want to kill you, but I can’t bear to watch you die. I understand why you would lie, but I can’t help but hate you for it. Yet I can’t stand to watch you leave. Even if it’s just torture for the both of us, I want you to stay by my side with no way to let go.

So for now, let’s just keep staying together like this…

Before I can bear to let you go, let’s just keep it like this. 

Shen Ye held Ye Ming in his embrace. The place that once held the bullet in his chest felt so empty, torturing him for ten whole years… At this moment, he was finally filled with the warmth in his arms. Even if he had to endure the pain, like drinking poison to quench his thirst, at the very least he was sure that he was alive.

Ye Ming opened his eyes in a daze. As he felt a cool kiss landed on his lips, the focus of his pupils slowly aligned, and he saw Shen Ye’s emotionless face right in front of him.

He couldn’t move, he didn’t have the strength to, his whole body seemed to be in pain.

He knew that Shen Ye wouldn’t let him go, that he wouldn’t give him any more chances to, yet his hatred would fade away once again for no apparent reason. 

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But that wasn’t the thing that made him feel hopeless. What made him despair the most was that he had a way to leave this place, but he would have to hurt the person he loved the most again.

As long as he told him everything, even if Shen Ye didn’t believe him for now, he would definitely investigate. He would never do this to him again. When he knows everything, he will blame himself for the pain and let him go.

But the truth is too cruel. He wanted to conceal everything from back then, making Shen Ye believe that he had betrayed him, causing him to hate Ye Ming. He tried to take Shen Dayao and that secret to the grave, but he failed… Now, ten years later, does he want Shen Ye to know everything and fall into the vortex of pain?

Does he really want to do something even more cruel to him? 

For him to reincarnate again and get revenge, is he destined to make the people he loves suffer over and over? Is there… Is there no other way…

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

If this was the meaning of rebirth, then it would be better if he had not been reborn again in the first place.


Vtfc Tf ugjyyfv tlr mtlc jcv obgmfv Tf Zlcu ab ojmf tlw, gfnfjilcu j mbiv rwlif, “Xefrr ktb P rjk abvjs?”

Tf Zlcu mibrfv tlr fsfr. 

C ibbx bo glvlmeif oijrtfv lc Vtfc Tf’r fsfr, tf ktlrqfgfv, “Pa’r Itfcu Vfc. Lf’r qjclmxlcu yfmjerf tf mjc’a olcv sbe, rb tf mjwf bnfg ab jrx wf. Dea vbc’a tbqf atja tf mjc rjnf sbe, cb bcf mjc.”

Ye Ming remained silent. His expression was indifferent as if he had nothing to say to him.

The anger Shen Ye tried so hard to suppress began to rise again. Heh… Now that you’ve revealed your true colours, you’re not even willing to pretend anymore? Do you dislike me so much? I’ve troubled you back then, having to pretend to love me…

Then, when we were having sexual intercourse, was it disgusting? 



What a pity, I can treat you however I want now.

Shen Ye sneered, pressing Ye Ming onto the bed from behind. He whispered into his ear, “What is there to pretend? Is it not you who shout so loudly every night?” 

A look of embarrassment finally flashed past Ye Ming’s face, but even so, he pressed his lips together without saying a word.

Shen Ye’s eyes turned dark, biting Ye Ming on the back of his neck.

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It was yet another sleepless night. Every time it began like this, there was nothing he could do, but try his hardest to endure. But in the end, it was only after he had lost his dignity and determination will it stop. The only thing he held onto was to not say anything……

Maybe one day, Shen Ye will know anyway, or maybe he will never know about it in this life, but no matter what happens, he doesn’t want to be the one who reveals the truth. 

In fact, now that he thought about it, wasn’t he just lying to himself and everyone around him?

Shen Ye saw that Ye Ming had fainted then proceed to get up to go to the bathroom. Cold water dripped down from the top of his head and his face was frosty.

When he came out, he received a message on his phone, it was his assistant.

‘We found Liu Pingde. ‘ 

There was a cold glint in Shen Ye’s eyes. Although he despised Ye Ming, he didn’t have many pleasant feelings towards the person who had killed Ye Ming either. Moreover, he was always suspicious, why did Ye Ming die right after doing something to him? It was too much of a coincidence… Unless someone was already aware of Ye Ming’s schemes, so they just killed him off?

But who would do that? Shen Ye thought of his father almost immediately. He always knew that his father didn’t like Ye Ming, refusing to accept their feelings, but… Did he see through Ye Ming’s plans for taking over the company, holding ill intent towards him? What does his father know?


Moreover, Liu Pingde once worked for the Shen Group, there was a high chance of him being instructed by his father.

But if his father had ordered it, why did he have to deceive him and pretend not to know the news of Ye Ming’s death? He clearly could have just told him everything. 

No… Perhaps it’s not his father at all. Perhaps it’s another vendetta or for a reason he didn’t know.

But he’ll figure it out.

Shen Ye typed out a message and sent it, ‘Bring him back. I’ll interrogate him myself. ‘

When Ye Ming woke up the next day, he found himself still in Shen Ye’s embrace. There was a hint of pain on his face, but he remained silent, turning his head away coldly. 

Shen Ye was long used to Ye Ming’s attitude. He chuckled, burying his head in the crook of his neck, “Ge, you’ve never treated me like this before. Are you sure you don’t want to give me a morning kiss?”

Ye Ming felt his heart sting.

The corners of Shen Ye’s mouth twitched. So everyone else was right, you have a wild and wolfish heart of a hypocrite. Everything about you is a lie. I was the only one who thought that you were sincerely good to me, unlike everyone else who could see everything clearly.

He patted Ye Ming’s face with a cold smile on his lips, “It’s fine if you don’t want to, I won’t bother you about it. I’ll come back at night to satisfy you.” 

He let go of Ye Ming and left afterwards.

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A day passed quickly.

Shen Ye didn’t go home after work today, instead, he was waiting for something. Finally, the phone call he had been waiting for came, and the assistant told Shen Ye that they have already brought the person back.

Shen Ye stood up quickly. 

He drove to the address given by his assistant and found a remote farmhouse with a cellar in it. The surroundings were quiet and it was sparsely populated.

In the cellar, there was a middle-aged man tied to a chair. His eyes were covered with black cloth, his face was full of panic.

Shen Ye made a beeline for him and took off the blind.

The man looked haggard and frightened. It was the Liu Pingde who had been away for ten years. He had stayed abroad for many years but never had he ever expected that he would get knocked out and taken away all of a sudden. He was scared out of his mind, asking questions non-stop along the way. But the person who kidnapped him refused to say a word, let alone ask for any ransom or blackmail him. If they didn’t want money, then they wanted his life. Liu Pingde was frightened, and it was hard for him to have waited until now. 

But what surprised him most was the man standing in front of him at this moment. This man… Although he hadn’t seen him for ten years, how could he not remember that this was President Shen’s son, Shen Ye!

“Young Master Shen, why… why is it you?” Liu Pingde looked at him with fear in his eyes, blabbering as he forced himself to smile, “This… is there a misunderstanding?”


Shen Ye curved his eyes slightly. He hadn’t heard anyone call him that for a long time. This person’s expression made him look as if he were familiar with him, but he didn’t have much of an impression of him at all.

“This will be easy since you recognise me. Don’t be nervous. I requested you to come back just to ask you something. Besides, I’m not the only one looking for you right now, if you can tell me what you know truthfully, not only will I not hurt you, I’ll even protect you.” Shen Ye smiled. 

Liu Pingde was even more confused. He has been behaving himself in recent years, what trouble did he make? The only problem was killing Han Xu back then. But Han Xu didn’t have any relatives, and no one had come forward for him. This matter had been settled by Shen Dayao ages ago.

“Me? Did I do something? Why would people be looking for me?” Liu Pingde stammered, confused and flustered.

Shen Ye said blandly, “Someone found out that you killed Han Xu ten years ago and now people are looking for you.”

Liu Pingde’s face changed completely. Before he left, Shen Dayao had repeatedly ordered him not to let Shen Ye know about this matter. He didn’t expect that, after ten years, Shen Ye still found out! It really is because of this matter! 

He was silent for a long time before saying, “I didn’t kill Han Xu, where did Young Master Shen hear about this?”

Shen Ye’s eyes darkened. He hooked up the corners of his mouth, his smile seemed a tiny bit regretful, “Since you’re so uncooperative, then I have no choice.”

Liu Pingde laughed dryly, “These are baseless accusations. How could I kill Han Xu… This crime I don’t dare accept.”

Shen Ye pressed his hand on his shoulder, bending down and saying with a deep voice, “Who ordered you? You’re just a security guard. Where did you get the money to settle abroad? Tell me and I won’t trouble you, okay?” 

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Liu Pingde was in a panic, but he still didn’t dare to admit it, shaking his head desperately, “That’s the money I made from trading stocks.”

Shen Ye sneered, letting go of Liu Pingde.

Liu Pingde felt the pressure suppressing him disappear, letting out a breath of relief. But before he had any time to rejoice, he saw Shen Ye suddenly grab his head, a sharp cold glint of light flashed in his right eye! The dagger in Shen Ye’s hand was only a millimetre away from his eyes!

At this moment, an incomparable feeling of fear enveloped him. He didn’t even dare to tremble, his whole body stiff, even his breathing had stagnated. 

Shen Ye’s eyes seemed to smile, his handsome face remained elegant as a nobleman’s, looking nothing like he was about to kill someone. He said, “I don’t want to do this, I don’t like doing this when we could talk reasonably. But it isn’t like that… You don’t seem to realize what situation you’re in, I’m not here to listen to your made-up stories.”

Liu Pingde stared into Shen Ye’s eyes, finally realising something. This man was no longer the bright and cheerful young man from before, but a decisive man, who, if required, would be as cruel as his father. But Shen Dayao was already old, and he was still in his prime.

If he couldn’t give a satisfactory answer today, even Shen Dayao couldn’t save him. What’s worse… Shen Dayao didn’t even know that he was here at the moment. His life and death were completely in the hands of this man.

“Young… Young Master Shen … I…” Liu Pingde’s lips trembled, his face revealing an intense struggle. 

Shen Ye smiled slightly, “You better think clearly before you open your mouth. Because I don’t have the time nor patience to listen to your lies. You won’t be able to bear the consequences.”

“I’ll say it, I’ll say it…” Liu Pingde seemed to have finally made up his mind, no matter what happens today, he needs to escape! He forced out a flattering smile, instinctively hiding his head. That cold glint made him shiver all over, his voice was trembling, “I was the one who killed him, but I did it for your Shen family… It was President Shen who ordered me to do this, I’m one of you…”


Shen Ye’s eyes turned icy. The dark emotions he was holding in enveloped his heart. So… it really was my father’s orders. Not only did he order people to kill Ye Ming, but he also hid it from him for ten years!

Why did my father do this? Unless he found out about Ye Ming’s scheme? Was he afraid that I wouldn’t be able to accept it? 

Shen Ye’s lips pursed slightly… Although he had a guess in his heart, he couldn’t say it out loud, instead, he continued to interrogate him calmly, “Why did he make you do that?”

He wanted to hear the answer from his mouth.

Liu Pingde faltered again when he heard that question.

But he looked at Shen Ye’s aloof face, those ruthless dark eyes, gritting his teeth and finally spit it out, “Because President Shen was worried that Han Xu would seek revenge from him, that he would take it out on you and hurt you, so he decided to strike first and get rid of him!” 

The air in the room froze for a moment.

This was an answer Shen Ye had never dreamt of guessing, sweeping away everything and overturning all his guesses in an instant. What was hidden behind it was perhaps the truth he would never be able to accept. Anxiety and fear dominated his body before his consciousness had the chance to do anything.

Shen Ye’s eyes turned ferocious in the blink of an eye, emphasising every word with a hoarse voice, “What. did. you. say?”

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