At that time, Shen Ye never really thought much about that sentence. His mind was full of Ye Ming’s taunts and lies towards him with how his feelings for him were trampled on carelessly. He always believed that Ye Ming did it for greed. He had never stopped to think that… Maybe there was another reason, a reason he never even dreamed of.

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Shen Ye took a deep breath, cold air pouring into his chest, eating away from the warm temperature of his body. He walked slowly towards Ye Ming, his voice hoarse, “Why did you want to kill me that year?”



Ye Ming looked at Shen Ye’s appearance, from when he first appeared at the door to when he was in front of him. These short few minutes were enough for him to notice that something was wrong with Shen Ye.

And Shen Ye’s demeanour at the moment, as well as the words he asked, made Ye Ming unwillingly notice what had happened today. 

He didn’t answer the question, instead, he said lightly, “I told you my reason ten years ago.”


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Shen Ye’s Adam’s apple shook for a moment, his eyes filled with subdued pain, he struggled to speak, “I want to know the real reason.”

Ye Ming’s eyes narrowed slightly, Shen Ye’s behaviour… Did he figure out the truth? But, how?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vtfc Tf rjlv, “P wfa atf wjc ktb xliifv sbe abvjs. Lf jvwlaafv atja tf xliifv sbe ecvfg atf bgvfgr bo ws ojatfg. Ktf gfjrbc kts ws ojatfg kjcafv ab xlii sbe… tf jirb abiv wf. P xcbk fnfgsatlcu.”


The answer you’ve never been willing to tell me, I know it now. 

Tf Zlcu’r fzqgfrrlbc olcjiis mtjcufv.

Vtfc Tf ribkis yfca vbkc jcv xcfia bc bcf xcff lc ogbca bo atf yfv. Lf gjlrfv tlr tfjv ab ibbx ja Tf Zlcu. Ca atlr wbwfca, lc tlr obgfnfg tbralif yijmx fsfr, atfgf jqqfjgfv j tlca bo ogjulilas, jr lo j mbgcfgfv jclwji klat cbktfgf ab ub. Llr nblmf tfiv jc jiwbra lcjevlyif agfwyif, ibbxlcu ja Tf Zlcu klat j xlcv bo klrtlcu ab ilf ab tlwrfio, sfa tf vjgfv cba ab. Lf gjrqfv, “Snfgsatlcu tf rjlv… Qjr la agef?”

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Please, tell me the answer yourself.  

Ye Ming gazed into Shen Ye’s eyes and there were no longer any doubts about it.

If Shen Ye found Liu Pingde before Zheng Sen did, then he’ll learn the truth. It was obvious… This was the secret he was willing to take to the grave, but it had still been revealed in the end.

Fate was always cruel. Either he will get hurt or the people he loves will. There was no two-way solution.

My dearest loved one, now you know why we aren’t destined to be together. 

That year, I made that decision to hurt you and now… I’ll have to do it all over again, only this time it’s because I can’t love you, and I don’t want to give you any hope. 

Ye Ming moved his lips slightly and spit out two words, “It’s true.”

They were but two simple words, yet they carry great power, completely and utterly destroying Shen Ye’s already crumbling world, leaving only broken walls and ruins behind.

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So this was the reason you wanted to kill me. Because I am the son of your enemy. Not because you don’t love me, but because you hate me. 

Hate me. Hate my father. Hate everything that we are.

Shen Ye wanted to tell Ye Ming, I’m sorry, I love you, this is what we owe you… But these words seemed ridiculous when he tried. After facing such cruel truths and pain, what right does he even have to say that he loves this person?


The air was terribly cold, the world so quiet. It felt like an eternity passed, yet it felt like it was just a second.

Shen Ye said softly, “I understand.” 

Ye Ming looked at his pale and lifeless face and felt his heart aching. He knew that if Shen Ye found out about the truth, he would be in pain, unable to accept it. It was because of that, that he had never wanted to say it, but it had still reached this point in the end.

Shen Ye stood up and walked away without saying a word. He came back after a while with a gun in his hand.

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Ye Ming startled, staring blankly at the gun in Shen Ye’s hand.

Shen Ye gently placed the gun at the edge of the bed. He took the key and unlocked Ye Ming’s handcuffs, picking up the gun and putting it in Ye Ming’s hands. He gently held it as he raised his eyes and looked at him with affection. His unwillingness and sadness were held in the bottom of his heart to be treasured. 

His lips revealed a faint smile, “Now you can finally get your revenge.”

【888: Oh, how decisive and neat. He even handed you the gun himself. If you don’t do it, then are you even human?】

【Ye Ming: …… 】

【888: Congratulations on your successful revenge, it’s just a pity for the experience points you’ll lose. Sigh.】 

【Ye Ming: …… Can we not be like this QAQ】

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