Shen Ye didn’t know how he had gotten back to the hospital in the end.

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His footsteps were a little messy, his hair wet with sweat, and his breath rushed. He had finally run to the door of the ward, but just before he pushed open the door, he suddenly stopped, a look of struggle and pain in his eyes.



Why did he rush back in such a hurry?

Was it to seek confirmation? But Ye Ming hadn’t woken up at all, he didn’t even know when he would wake up… 

And even if he did, how should he ask him about that year? What kind of answer should he expect?


Shen Ye’s hands hung down weakly, clenched into fists, making a crackling sound. His stern and cold face were now full of powerlessness and sorrow.

Finally, he gently pushed open the door and walked in.

The young man on the hospital bed was sleeping quietly, with gauze covering his head. There wasn’t much blood on his pale face, and his colourless lips were a little dry.


Shen Ye gently hugged Ye Ming’s upper body, letting him lean into his embrace, letting his gentle and affectionate eyes fall onto his face.

What were you feeling then, when you made that call to the police?

The you who had just found out the truth, when you learned that we were your enemies, you must have felt immeasurable hate, despair, and pain in your heart, you must have hated fate, hated everything… So, you couldn’t continue being with me.

In fact, you had the opportunity to kill me, to use my blood to make Shen Dayao miserable, to use my death to avenge the people who killed your relatives. To return a tooth for a tooth, and an eye for an eye. 

Ten years ago, you had the chance to kill me, ten years later, you still had the chance to kill me.

But you didn’t.

In the face of such unresolvable hatred, not only did you not kill me but instead, from beginning to end, you never even told me the truth. I know this is the last bit of kindness you had for me.

Because you love me, so you don’t really want to hurt me. 

Because you love me, so you choose to bear all of this alone.

You could obviously take your revenge, but for me, you gave up the easiest way to do so…  choosing a more difficult path.

You never wanted to kill me.

【Ding, Shen Ye’s blackening value -6, current blackening value 4】 

Shen Ye gently stroked Ye Ming’s cheek. Through this face, he seemed to see the man who had smiled gently at him ten years ago.

Almost like his older brother, caring for him, embracing him, giving him all his love, standing by his side. There was no one better than him. They would talk about love together, gentle and tender… loving each other.


I won’t hope that you still love me, I won’t ask you this question because I want to avoid making it difficult for you…… You can say that you hate me, that you would want me to wish for death, that you’re only doing this for the Shen family… You can say whatever you want, as long as you’re happy, I’ll accept it.

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But I know in my heart that you still care about me, even if I’m the son of your enemy… Even if I misunderstand and hurt you like this, I am ignorant, unreasonable, stupid and an idiot… I don’t know anything. 

But you still don’t wish to hurt me.

I don’t need you to answer this question yourself, as long as I understand, it’s fine.

The deep affection in his heart was like gurgling water, slowly warming Shen Ye’s cold heart, yet bringing about a kind of indescribable, dull pain.

Even when I’m dreaming, I imagine that you love me, that the reason you did what you did, was only because there was no other choice. 

Now that I know that this is the case, I keep thinking it would be better if you just hated me, that way you won’t be in pain, and you won’t have to bear so much alone. It’ll be fine if I just suffer by myself.

Shen Ye lowered his head and kissed Ye Ming’s lips, his voice hoarse, “Can you please wake up? I’ll never misunderstand you again… If you feel upset or unhappy, it doesn’t matter what you want to say…”

“I know, as long as you love me, anything is fine…”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

So, please, just wake up, okay? 

Vtfc Tf rajsfv lc atf tbrqlaji fnfgs vjs, kjrtlcu Tf Zlcu’r ojmf jcv klqlcu tlr ybvs klat tlr tjcvr, ajxlcu mjgf bo tlw lc fnfgs qbrrlyif kjs. Cr obg tbwf, tf tjgvis fnfg kfca yjmx.

C ofk vjsr ijafg, Vtfc Gjsjb kjr ajxfc jkjs ys atf qbilmf.

Ktlr wjaafg kjr j rfcrjalbc obg j ktlif, jii atf cfkr wfvlj kfgf mbcrajcais gfqijslcu atlr qlfmf bo cfkr jcv jii xlcvr bo rqfmeijalbc jcv gfwjgxr jgbrf. Ktf Vtfc Xgbeq tjv jirb reoofgfv j ylu tla atlr alwf. Snfgsbcf kjr ajixlcu jybea kts Vtfc Gjsjb bgvfgfv jc jrrjrrlcjalbc bc tlr jvbqafv rbc afc sfjgr jub.

This kind of wealthy family dog blood drama that gathered grudges, grievances, murder, and the stealing of one’s riches satisfied everyone’s curiosity, the level of attention remained high from the start until now. 

Yet, Shen Ye still behaved very calmly.

His life was orderly. Even when he encountered many difficulties in the company and was accused by the directors, he didn’t reveal any emotion when he returned to the hospital. Although Ye Ming couldn’t see it at all, he didn’t want him to worry, he wanted to avoid showing him this side of himself.

No matter how many ups and downs there were in the outside world, there were only two of them in this small world, quiet and peaceful like a whole other world.

Until one day, a woman came in and broke the peace. 

When Xu Yasu came to the hospital, she just so happened to see Shen Ye wiping Ye Ming’s face. In the light of dusk, his handsome face appeared to soften, his eyes were gentle, his movements more cautious than ever, as if he was handling a treasure.

Xu Yasu hadn’t seen his son treat another person so gently for a long time now.


And the person on the hospital bed had a face so similar to Han Xu that she was frozen in place for a moment.

Shen Ye wiped Ye Ming’s face. He turned his head around to see his mother standing there with a pair of apologetic eyes, he whispered, “Why did you come?” 

One of them was sitting while the other was standing. They were only a few steps apart, yet it seemed so far away.

Xu Yasu suddenly remembered her adopted son again. She had insisted on adopting her best friend’s child despite her husband’s opposition. At that time, she didn’t expect that her son would fall in love with that person and that her husband would kill the said person.

That in the end, her life was shattered because of this.

Ten years later, she thought Han Xu would have faded from her world, but he didn’t…… 

At this moment, she felt like Han Xu was back. Her son still loved him, and even wanted to send his biological father to jail for him.

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Xu Yasu walked over step by step. Her appearance was a bit tired and sullen, but her makeup and dress were still meticulous. She walked towards the hospital bed, looked at Ye Ming, turned her head and asked Shen Ye, “Who is he?”

Shen Ye pursed his lips and smiled, “A friend.”

He had already disappointed his father, he didn’t need to make his mother upset as well, so there were some things his mother didn’t need to know. Besides… he felt ashamed to regard himself as Ye Ming’s lover. If Ye Ming woke up, he was afraid that even his so-called friend would scoff. 

Xu Yasu looked into Shen Ye’s eyes. The deep love and suppressed pain in it were almost impossible to conceal. She didn’t believe Shen Ye’s words at all.

She knew what Shen Ye cared about. He was thinking about Han Xu, he had thought of Han Xu so much to the point of becoming obsessed.

Before the Shen Dayao incident, Xu Yasu was saddened by Han Xu’s betrayal, while worrying about her son’s stubbornness. He refused to come out for the sake of someone who had left. She thought her life was already plagued by enough disasters. The adopted son she had raised with love betrayed them and broke the heart of her biological son, casting a shadow over the otherwise complete and harmonious family, cracks that could not be healed appeared.

But it wasn’t until Shen Dayao had an accident that she realized that the disaster had just begun, so much so that she could no longer care about who Shen Ye was thinking about. 

Xu Yasu looked at Shen Ye with a sad look in her eyes, saying softly, “I went to see your father. He’s not in very good shape.”

Shen Ye’s hand clenched slightly, but his expression remained calm, he said, “I see, I’ll visit him.”

Xu Yasu looked at Shen Ye’s attitude, as if he didn’t care about anything, her eyes turning red, and she choked back her sobs, “He told me that you were the one who exposed him. Is it true?”

Shen Ye raised his head, he stayed silent before saying, “It’s true, I’m sorry.” 

Xu Yasu’s body shook for a while, Shen Ye quickly reached out to help her when he saw this, but he was avoided, leaving his hands frozen in mid-air for a long time. He retracted his hand and didn’t do anything again.

There was a pained look in Xu Yasu’s eyes, she pursed her lips, “I won’t say that what you did was wrong. Since he did such a thing, he would’ve had to pay the price sooner or later… But I can’t forgive you, either.”


Shen Ye stared at Xu Yasu and spit out two words, “I know.”

Xu Yasu’s eyes were sour. She thought she had come on too abruptly to her son. Coming here just made her sadder. Her husband was a murderer, but his son broke the family with his own hands for the sake of an outsider. 

She clutched her purse tightly, looking at Ye Ming and said to Shen Ye, “You have done what you have to do, just leave this person.”

“He’s not Han Xu, he can’t substitute Han Xu.” Xu Yasu paused, then glanced at Shen Ye with pity, “Besides, if Han Xu was still here, would he ever forgive you? Would he forgive the child of the person who killed him? It’s time for you to wake up.”

It doesn’t matter how much you have done for him. So, what if you gave up the entire world with him? He wouldn’t want to be with you anymore.

Shen Ye’s face finally turned pale, his hands trembling slightly. 

Xu Yasu let out a sigh of relief, she turned around, silhouette looking a little lonely as she slowly walked out.

Just like her person, appearing quietly and without a warning, neither anxious nor impatient. No matter how sad she was, she wouldn’t get mad at anyone or do anything hysterical, always as gentle as water.

But Shen Ye knew that she was really sad, otherwise, she wouldn’t have told him such a thing.

Moreover, Shen Ye had to admit that what his mother said was right. It was time for him to wake up. 

Ye Ming wasn’t the only one who couldn’t wake up  isn’t there also him? Remaining here stupidly, unable to walk away.

He was sorry to his father, to his relatives, and to his lover.

Shen Ye looked at the person on the hospital bed. His eyes slowly revealed extreme pain, yet his tone was firm and gentle, “When you wake up, I will give everything back, and then leave, okay?”

I won’t make things difficult, I won’t appear in your world ever again… 

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So, when will you wake up?

Because there was a lot of evidence, the accusation against Shen Dayao was almost certain, and the case was going very smoothly.

Gradually, more and more people knew about what happened before, and the public opinion of the Shen family became worse day by day.

Once Shen Ye left the company, he was surrounded by reporters and all kinds of sharp questions were thrown at him. 

“President Shen, did you know about your father’s behaviour?”

“President Shen, it was said that Han Xu shot and murdered you that year and then fled the crime scene. Is this true? Or was it a lie that was made up? After all, there were no other witnesses at the time.”


“President Shen, what do you think about this matter, do you have anything to say?”

“Did Han Xu really shoot you back then? Or did you frame him?” 

All kinds of malicious questions were thrown over, one by one. Everyone gloated at Shen Ye. There were even many people who speculated that maybe Han Xu didn’t kill anyone at all back then, that it was all made up by the Shen family to slander him. People always described Han Xu as an extremely pitiful victim.

The world always sympathized with the weak, especially the dead, while the Shen family had undoubtedly become the perpetrator in this matter.

In those days, people used to speculate about Han Xu with all kinds of malice, now, they speculate about him with ten times and a hundred times more of that malice.

Shen Ye looked at those people coldly and spat out two cold words, “No comment.” He neither confirmed nor denied, and after speaking, he squeezed out of the crowd with the help of bodyguards. 

The assistant sitting in front of him was sweating profusely, he finally found a time to talk to Shen Ye, “President Shen. Why didn’t you deny it? Although your father’s crime is real, Han Xu really did do something to you that year. If you say that… Others will think you’re guilty by default.”

Shen Ye closed his eyes and said lightly, “It doesn’t matter. ”

He isn’t concerned about this anymore.

The assistant really felt he was worrying more for the president than he himself was. But then he felt that love is really a goddamn wonderful thing. It’s been ten years, yet it could still make President Shen so determined. If this wasn’t true love, then true love was a lie. 

The car finally stopped at the hospital.

Fortunately, the location of the hospital Ye Ming was in was secret, and he was staying in a single ward with someone to watch him. Only when those reporters didn’t discover this place, could they end up with a quiet place.

Shen Ye walked into the ward and took off his coat when he suddenly heard a noisy sound outside, his brows couldn’t help frowning. He had already been meticulous when getting rid of the reporters just now. Is someone still chasing after him?

In that case, he might have to help Ye Ming transfer to the hospital. 

There was a faint sound of obstruction outside, Shen Ye’s eyes were heavy, he strode over to open the door, and saw Zheng Sen appear at the door!

A few days ago, Zheng Sen lost Ye Ming’s trail again and couldn’t find anything. He immediately began to suspect Shen Ye, but Shen Ye behaved very normally. Zheng Sen knew that if Shen Ye really took Ye Ming, he would definitely not tell him, so this time he did not take the initiative to see Shen Ye and alarm him, but instead secretly investigated it.

But before he could find out anything, he was shocked by the news that Shen Dayao turned out to be the murderer who had killed Han Xu ten years ago! Then more and more news was revealed, making Zheng Sen completely dumbfounded!

He began to worry more and more about Ye Ming, worried that Ye Ming would be in danger. He followed Shen Ye more closely, finally finding this place. 

Zheng Sen rushed over, recognising Ye Ming in the ward at a glance. The eyes that looked at Shen Ye were almost shooting out fire, his voice was cold, “Sure enough, it’s you again!”

The bodyguard didn’t expect Zheng Sen to rush over suddenly and was about to continue blocking him when Shen Ye suddenly said, “He’s my friend, you should head out first.”


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The bodyguards looked at each other. The two of them didn’t look like friends at all. On the contrary, they seemed to be mortal enemies, but since the boss said so, let’s just follow his order.

However, they did not dare to relax and stood outside vigilantly after closing the door. If Shen Ye called, they could come in as soon as possible to control the situation. 

Shen Ye retracted his gaze as if he wasn’t surprised by Zheng Sen’s appearance at all, saying blandly, “You’re here.”

Zheng Sen didn’t hesitate to punch Shen Ye in the face. He looked at the unconscious Ye Ming, the worries in his heart he had suppressed for countless days burst out in an instant, he shouted angrily, “He even said you won’t attack him again, but I knew you couldn’t be trusted!”

Shen Ye wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth gently. He stood still, without any intention of fighting back. He just looked at Zheng Sen and asked in a low voice, “He told you I wouldn’t attack him?”

His voice was a little low, with a slight tremble. He seemed to want to know what Ye Ming had said when he wasn’t around. Even if he only listened to a few words, he couldn’t help but care, feeling uneasy and sad. 

It turns out that you knew I wouldn’t do anything to you again, you always know everything……

Zheng Sen originally wanted to continue attacking him, already making the preparations to tear apart Shen Ye’s face, but Shen Ye’s behaviour caused his movements to stop abruptly, stunned. Not only did Shen Ye not fight back after being beaten, but instead he asked him this, it’s almost as if……

A thought suddenly appeared in Zheng Sen’s mind, and he spoke out before his mind could stop him, “You know who he is. ”

Yes, this was the only possibility that would make Shen Ye behave like this… besides… Shen Ye was Ye Ming’s lover, after all, to discover it after interacting for so long wasn’t really much of a surprise, was it? 

Shen Ye pulled up the corner of his mouth, and said, “Yes. ”

Zheng Sen’s expression froze, his eyes were uncertain, and he looked at Shen Ye solemnly, “Then you…” He was a little uncertain about Shen Ye’s attitude for a while. After all, Han Xu really tried to kill him once. If Shen Ye wanted to retaliate against Han Xu for this, it would be difficult for him to rescue him. Shen Ye’s people were all here after all, which made it very unfavourable to him.

Shen Ye saw Zheng Sen’s worries and said slowly, “Don’t worry, just like he said, I won’t do anything to him anymore.”

Zheng Sen looked at Shen Ye’s dark eyes, the despair within those eyes.…… 

Zheng Sen suddenly realized that Shen Ye still loved Ye Ming, and because of Shen Dayao’s actions, not only did he not hate him anymore, he was even feeling guilty, but… Didn’t this guilt come too late?

His father killed Han Xu. If Han Xu didn’t come back from the dead, this secret would have been buried forever, with no one knowing a thing.

And Shen Ye would always hate him……

Now that he hurt him, and found out the truth, he began regretting and hurting… But what’s the use of that! 

Zheng Sen sneered, “It’s really pretentious. Since you won’t do anything to him anymore, why would you hide his news, why wouldn’t you let him go!” With that said, he stepped forward again, grabbing Shen Ye by the collar, yet when he was about to beat him up, his gaze flashed across to the bed in the ward, his movements stopping abruptly.

Shen Ye’s expression was cold. He knew how much Zheng Sen liked Ye Ming and how much he hated him…… Therefore, he was ready to face Zheng Sen’s anger. However, Zheng Sen’s movements suddenly stopped.


He followed Zheng Sen’s gaze to the hospital bed and saw Ye Ming slowly open his eyes, his whole body freezing.

Those black eyes were now looking at them with unfamiliar eyes. 

【 Ye Ming: I can finally wake up, yingyingying, I’m getting sick from lying down.】

【 888: You can choose to die, ah. You won’t be tired if you lie down like that. If you knew that lying down is hard, then you shouldn’t have made me help you save your life in the first place. It’s straightforward to be shot in the head and then die. It’s more surprising that you lived.】

【 Ye Ming: No, no, no… Before completing the task, I will never consider death! Thank you, my dear Momoda! 】

【 888: Ha ha ha……】 

【 888: Don’t thank me, it’s nothing much, after all, there aren’t a lot of useful things in your mind.】

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