Ye Ming stared at the man in a daze, falling into the black eyes as deep as the ocean as if his entire mind was sucked in, yet he seemed to be captured by some kind of unspeakable sorrow. He couldn’t look away for a while.

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Shen Ye also stared at Ye Ming.



These days, he told himself tirelessly repeatedly… don’t think about Ye Ming anymore.

The two of you are over. There’s no way you’ll get back together. He doesn’t even remember you anymore, he can forget his worries and live a happy life. The only thing you can do is to bless him… As long as I know he is still living well, I’ll be satisfied. 

At least you and I are still in the same world. At least you’re still alive.


I dare not expect any more.

Shen Ye thought about it this way. He shut himself up at home, afraid that he could not control himself and did something unnecessary. Although he had already made a decision in his heart, it was as if he was emptying his soul.

After a long time, he finally left the house, coming here unknowingly.


This was where Ye Ming used to enjoy going. Shen Ye sat there, looking at the empty seat opposite of him, fantasizing about when they used to be together. He didn’t expect Ye Ming to appear in front of him, but Ye Ming still appeared.

In his memory, Ye Ming had always looked at him gently and smiled at him.

At this moment, the person Ye Ming would gaze at wasn’t him anymore, but another man. That man took his place and sat opposite Ye Ming. They smiled and talked in a warm and harmonious atmosphere. He even kissed him before he left.


It was all so peaceful, which was almost exactly what he had envisioned in his heart. Ye Ming has other people who love him, and he is living happily. 

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But when he saw it with his own eyes, it was as if the bloody wound in his heart was opened again and sprinkled with salt.

All over again, he was no longer the person he loved, but an insignificant passer-by. He wasn’t even qualified to be hated.

Shen Ye let out a soft sigh of relief. Even so, it seemed to have pulled the wound in his chest. This encounter was just an accident. It was time for him to leave. Just a glance should be more than enough.

However, as soon as he turned around, he heard an icy voice behind him, “Isn’t this Mr Shen? Did you come here for dinner too?” 

Shen Ye’s footsteps stopped. His jaw clenched tight as he slowly turned around.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Zheng Sen originally hadn’t noticed Shen Ye. He was already satisfied from secretly kissing Ye Ming just now, but he didn’t think that Ye Ming would suddenly space out, staring blankly in another direction. Ye Ming’s focused eyes made Zheng Sen subconsciously look back. When he saw Shen Ye, his eyes suddenly became cold.

Even if you remember nothing, even if you’re by my side now, is Shen Ye still so important in your heart? He could just take away your attention at the snap of a finger. At this moment, Zheng Sen’s heart was full of jealousy.

Lf kjrc’a jr rfioifrr jcv ufcfgber jr tf tjr rtbkc tlwrfio. Pc atf ojmf bo ibnf, tf jirb tjv atf fwbalbcr jcv vfrlgfr bo bgvlcjgs qfbqif, jcv tf kbeiv jirb yf fcnlber jcv pfjiber. 

Vtfc Tf olzfvis rajgfv ja atf akb bo atfw, rfflcu atgbeut atf mbivcfrr bo Itfcu Vfc’r fsfr. Lf qeiifv atf mbgcfgr bo tlr wbeat lc rfio-wbmxfgs. Ciatbeut fnfgs ygfjat rffwfv ab yegc tlr atgbja, tlr nblmf kjr ibk jcv mjiw, “Tfjt, ktja j mblcmlvfcmf.”

Zheng Sen sneered, wanting to say something, but Ye Ming suddenly pulled his sleeve, pursed his lips and said, “I want to go back.”


Zheng Sen turned his head back to Ye Ming. His eyes suddenly softened and said, “Okay, let’s go back then.”

It was as if he was possessed just now. Why bother with Shen Ye? No matter what Shen Ye did wrong before or what relationship he had with Ye Ming, Ye Ming doesn’t remember him now. He was the one who could protect Ye Ming and accompany him now. 

Ye Ming lowered his eyes, turned, and walked out first. He also didn’t know why he wanted to say those words. It was probably the seemingly endless sadness in Shen Ye’s eyes that touched him. Although nothing was shown on the man’s face, he knew… that he was in pain and sadness, and he didn’t want him to be in any more pain and sadness.

For a moment, he wanted to step forward and ask him why he looked at him with such sad eyes, but he knew that now wasn’t a good time to ask that.

When Ye Ming came home, he was still a little absent-minded.

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Zheng Sen noticed it. To tell the truth, he regretted agreeing to let Ye Ming go there for dinner. He didn’t expect to meet Shen Ye there. 

Seeing that Ye Ming looked a little tired, he hesitated for a moment and didn’t say anything more. He just said, “It’s been a tiring day today. Go and rest early.”

Ye Ming nodded and smiled, “You too.”

After saying that, he went back to his room and closed the door.

Zheng Sen looked at the closed door, his eyes darkened, and he finally left. 

Ye Ming lay on his bed and sighed.

【 888: What are you sighing about? Didn’t you run into each other as you wanted?】

【 Ye Ming: The purpose of the encounter is only to test. The test result is not satisfactory. My good little brother gave up more thoroughly than I thought. This is a bit difficult………】

【 888: Oh, did you overdo it? Congrats congrats.】 

【 Ye Ming: ……】

【 Ye Ming: Ke, it’s actually not that difficult to do. Where there’s a will, there is a way O(∩_∩)O~】

【 888: Haha. 】

【 Ye Ming: I will let him know that even if he loses his memory, he’s still special to me. No one can stop our fate! 】 

【 888: ……】

Ye Ming has always been optimistic and open-minded. Although Shen Ye has completely lost his heart now, that was under the condition that he doesn’t give him any hope. With Shen Ye’s favourability for him, as long as there is a glimmer of hope and opportunity, could he really continue to be so indifferent?


Men were like flying kites. You can pull the cable when they fly too far away, and they’ll still come back obediently.

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The next day Ye Ming woke up, Zheng Sen had already got up first and made him breakfast as usual. He said with a smile, “I thought you would still be asleep.” 

Ye Ming smiled sheepishly, “No.”

Zheng Sen came over and was about to pull Ye Ming’s wrist, but Ye Ming quietly dodged. Instead, he went to the side and sat down, smiling, “I’m really sorry for troubling you like this all the time.”

Zheng Sen’s eyes darkened. Yesterday, he finally summoned up the courage to kiss Ye Ming. Although he was interrupted by Shen Ye at that time and Ye Ming said nothing afterwards, Ye Ming began avoiding himself today. This was not a good sign.

The breakfast was a little quiet. Both of them had their thoughts and didn’t break the hard to come by tranquillity. 

Not long after, Ye Ming put down his chopsticks, hesitated for a moment, and said, “I have something I want to discuss with you. ”

Zheng Sen’s heart sank slightly, but there was still a smile on his face. His voice was as gentle as ever, “What’s the matter?”

Ye Ming said, “I want to move out.”

Zheng Sen’s hand clenched, unable to maintain the smile on his face. After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice, “Why? Are you not used to living here?” 

Ye Ming felt extremely guilty about Zheng Sen’s lost expression as if his proposal had broken the man’s heart, but this was his decision after careful consideration. Actually, when he went to Zheng Sen that night, he had originally wanted to talk about this matter. Who would have thought that Zheng Sen would confess first so that he didn’t get to say what he wanted to say? Then he didn’t mention it again because it would look like he was rejecting Zheng Sen.

But he thought about it all night, Zheng Sen’s face constantly appearing in front of him, as well as the gentle kiss… and the lingering face of the strange man.

Could he really just accept Zheng Sen like this? It probably wasn’t possible. This roundabout and the muddle-headed way weren’t good for either of them.

Ye Ming appeared apologetic in his eyes, but still firmly said, “No, it’s good here, but I don’t think I can always rely on you. I should still learn to live on my own.” 

Zheng Sen smiled bitterly, losing his previous calm, “Is it? Or is it because I made you uncomfortable from that kiss yesterday?”

Ye Ming was taken aback, hurriedly saying, “That’s not it.”

Zheng Sen stared fixedly at him, “I apologize for my abrupt behaviour yesterday, and I won’t force you to give me an answer. You don’t have to feel a psychological burden living here at all.”

Ye Ming was finally silent. 

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Zheng Sen pursed his lips. He suddenly wanted to ask if it was because of Shen Ye, but he felt that if he asked like this, he would look childish and ridiculous, so he didn’t.

Everything was clearly fine yesterday. He was full of hope for their future, but today, he returned to reality in an instant.


Could it be that they just weren’t fated to be together?

Ye Ming’s expression was solemn. It seemed that he finally made up his mind and spoke again, “I’m really sorry. I temporarily cannot accept your feelings for the time being. I thank you very much, but…” 

Zheng Sen suddenly interrupted him, with a trace of decadence in his eyes and a helpless smile, “I understand.”

Ye Ming averted his eyes awkwardly.

Zheng Sen walked up to him, leaned over to look at him seriously, “I will promise you, but please promise me that we’re still friends, okay?” I’ve been waiting for you for over ten years. I can wait again.

Ye Ming was taken aback for a moment. He thought Zheng Sen would leave angrily, not expecting that even if he was rejected like this, he would still say something like this. How could he be treated like this? 

He smiled, “Of course, we’re still friends.”

With this, Ye Ming moved out of Zheng Sen’s house.

Zheng Sen found a single apartment for him. It wasn’t enormous, but the environment was pretty good. It was more than enough to live alone. When he left, he repeatedly told Ye Ming that he must find him if there was anything, and don’t try to be brave.

After Ye Ming reluctantly agreed several times, Zheng Sen finally left. 

【 Ye Ming: It’s not easy. I’ve finally moved out. Now I have to begin my second step!】

【 888: ……】

【 Ye Ming: My good little brother, big brother’s coming to love you ~>_<】

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