“Who made the rule that just because you love me, that I have to love you?” Ye Ming looked into Ming Chong’s eyes and spoke slowly.

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Ming Chong stood there like a statue. The slap had made all the blood in his body turn to ice, freezing his entire body.

The last of the his remaining fantasy and self delusion shattered in the depth of his heart.

That’s right ah…. where was the rule that Ye Ming had to love him? It was him that fell in love helplessly with this person and couldn’t accept being betrayed and abandoned. It was him who couldn’t accept just losing him like that….

Ye Ming’s eyes were icy cold however his demeanor seemed calm. He raised his hand and buttoned up his shirt neatly. He straightened his tie and jacket and recovered his original cool and well-dressed appearance.

After that he looked at Ming Chong one more time before turning around and opening the door again without hesitation.

Ming Chong looked at Ye Ming’s back and his eyes seemed to drip blood. He wanted to stop him but he didn’t know why he couldn’t move. Ye Ming’s words were like a curse, making him paralyzed.

He had once loved this person without reservations, only hoping to obtain his love in return…..

But what if he wasn’t willing to love him?

Love was never something which was fair. Just like how he loved this person so much, all the way into his bone marrow, but this person didn’t care about him at all.

Was he supposed to just let go like this? Let that past relationship turn to ash, into a memory that can never be revived?

If he did that then would that person ever come back  to this place?

Ming Chong stared ahead fixedly. Even though he could no longer see Ye Ming’s figure, he still couldn’t move away his gaze.


Ye Ming returned home and lay down lazily on the bed.

888 had already given up on this person that wouldn’t stand if he could sit, and wouldn’t sit if he could lie down. According to humans, to be slovenly was a kind of sickness and he determined that Ye Ming’s illness was very advanced, and probably could not be treated.

[888: Today you suddenly said a lot of gibberish and Ming Chong was fooled by you.]

[Ye Ming: How is it gibberish? Love originally wasn’t fair ma~]

[888: I think you’ve forgotten something important. Back then it wasn’t as though he chased you unrequitedly. If fact you were the one who chased him and developed a romantic relationship with him. In that time you often said “I love you”. I thought that under these circumstances, love should be fair. You obviously played him. You twisted reality to suit you.]

[Ye Ming: Ke….] It seems like 888 is getting more and more sharp, what to do….?

[Ye Ming: I also had no choice but to use this method. After all I want to lower the blackening. If I keep admitting fault it’s obviously not effective. I can’t always let him feel that I owe him. We need to turn things around and make it a level playing field, that way things will be easier to do.]

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[888: Don’t you think you owe him?]

[Ye Ming laughed: …..hahahahaha.]

Ye Ming touched his lower chin. He thought that once Ming Chong had had time to cool down he would think things through. At this time he would have one of two reactions.

The first one was to let go. Since Ye Ming had already spoken things to this degree, most people would chose to retreat and not continue to cling onto old matters…. However Ye Ming felt that Ming Chong wouldn’t chose to let go. A 100% affection rate was extremely powerful, Ye Ming had already experienced that in the previous world. If Ming Chong could let go then he wouldn’t have blackened so terribly in the first place… so that only left the second possibility.

Even if he didn’t love him anymore he would still use all the underhanded methods he possessed to obtain him. Ming Chong might go off the deep end and the blackening would probably momentarily increase.

Ye Ming didn’t go to the company and began to live a carefree life. He felt as though he had obtained release in life and couldn’t help commenting to 888.

[Ye Ming: Actually it’s not at all fun to be a President. Every day it’s so tiring and there’s a bunch of disobedient employees to manage. I have to do many things to earn a little bit of money. How many Presidents are tall, rich and good looking like in Korean dramas? The majority are old and ugly with beer bellies. Honestly, being a kept man is much more satisfying. Even on the bed I don’t need to put in too much effort.]

[888: Here, come and repeat the core Socialist values after me.]

[Ye Ming: …..]

[Ye Ming: Keke. Actually I think that no matter how hard I try in this world, it’s not like I can take away even one dollar so that’s why I can’t be bothered ma~ Really I’m a very hardworking, passionate and good ambitious youth at heart!]

[888: Then this hardworking, passionate and good ambitious youth, when I tell you that Ming Chong is preparing a “little black room” for you, do you plan on putting up a fight?]

{T/N: “Little black room”, a classic yandere romance trope where the ML imprisons the MC in order to force him/her to stay with him. Seems romantic as long as you don’t think too hard about it….}

[Ye Ming’s spirits suddenly lifted: How can you fight against fate!]

888 sent him a message: Get lost.

Ye Ming rested for a few days and in the meantime took quite a few calls from Vice President Liu asking him why he didn’t come to the company. But he continued to put on a face of not caring and even said he planned to leave the city for some time. Everything could be handed over to Ming Chong’s people.

Just as Ye Ming had already bought the plane tickets and was preparing to leave, he received Ming Chong’s phone call. After a moment he picked up.

Ming Chong said: “I want to see you one more time.”

Ye Ming said coldly, “I’ve already said everything I need to say to  you last time. There’s no need to meet again.”

Ming Chong’s voice was very calm as though he had finally thought things through. He said, “You don’t need to worry. I don’t have any other intentions. I have thought carefully about everything you said and I think it’s logical. Five years have already passed, everything that happened is already in the past. I agree to your terms, we should part well.”

Ye Ming stilled. He didn’t expect to hear Ming Chong say these words. He hesitated for a moment then said, “Then why do you want to see me again for?”

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Ming Chong laughed softly. “Last time you left in a hurry and just directly left the documents. However as you know there is still some handover to do for the company. It’s better for us to meet and go everything clearly. That way in the future I don’t need to trouble you again over company matters. What do you think?”

Ming Chong’s words were logical and reasonable. And his mood seemed calm. Ye Ming didn’t have a good reason to refuse however he still didn’t really want to see him. “I already signed. Anything regarding the company you can contact Vice President Liu.”

Ming Chong sighed. He said, “He’s just the Vice President after all. He doesn’t know as much as you. I know you don’t want to see me however can’t you be a little bit more responsible? After all no matter what…. we once dated, do you need to be so heartless?”

Ming Chong’s words made Ye Ming’s heart soften slightly. He paused then said, “Okay then. I’ll come over to your hotel now.”

Ming Chong said softly. “I’m not at the hotel. I’m somewhere else. I’ll give you an address and you come over.”

Ye Ming hanged up the phone and Ming Chong really texted an address over.

This was G City’s villa suburb. At the time of construction they were very luxurious and the prices were high. However afterwards there was no much demand and so there was actually quite a lot of empty villas. The land was large and the people were sparse and there wasn’t any public transport. Other than the people who lived there not many people went there.

By the time Ye Ming arrived it was already a bit late. He followed Ming Chong’s directions and parked his car in one of the villa’s garages. This area appeared to be newly built. Although everything was very clean, however there wasn’t much sign of life.

Ming Chong was standing by the door waiting for him. From far away he showed a smile. “You’re here.”

Ye Ming nodded and looked a little bit confused as though he couldn’t understand why Ming Chong had asked him to come here. Before didn’t they always meet at the hotel? He felt something was a little bit strange.

Ming Chong saw his suspicions and smiled. “Since I’ve come back this time, I will probably return often to G City, so I bought a house. This area is very peaceful so I quite liked it.”

A complicated expression appeared in Ye Ming’s eyes. Actually before Ming Chong already had an apartment in G City. It was the one Yr Ming had bought for him… but of course if Ming Chong went there now he would only feel uncomfortable and humiliated so of course he wouldn’t go back there.

Ming Chong invited Ye Ming inside. Although this villa was newly built but it had already been carefully and thoughtfully renovated. There was a lot of furniture and everything seemed complete. There was a thick carpet on the floor and when stepping there wasn’t any noise. It was very luxurious and almost felt like a palace.

Ming Chong smiled at Ye Ming and said, “I carefully looked over the contract you left behind. I think there is still some areas that need further clarification. If possible, let’s sign everything today.”

After speaking he took out the documents on the coffee table.

Ye Ming looked and though that Ming Chong really paid a lot of attention to detail. He really was a business genius. This way all of the gray areas in the contract was clarified and would ensure there wouldn’t be any conflict or confusion in the future.

Although he felt that his actions were a little bit excessive and didn’t really place much trust in their relationship however it still made Ye Ming relieved. It looked like Ming Chong didn’t have any intention of mixing with him in the future.

This was good.

Ye Ming sighed without hesitation and smiled.  “Is there anything else?”

Ming Chong looked very business like. He asked Ye Ming a few more questions, all related to the company’s running, extremely professional. Ye Ming slowly lowered his guard and carefully responded. Since he had decided to turn over the company he didn’t hold anything back in reserve.

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After this day, they most likely wouldn’t see each other again.

After approximately an hour, Ming Chong smiled and said. “Okay… tomorrow I send people over to the company to finalize the handover. Everything else I’ll ask Vice President Liu. There shouldn’t be any more problems.”

Ye Ming nodded. “Since that’s the case, I’ll be leaving.”

Ming Chong was silent for a moment as though he was a little indecisive. There was an expression of longing that appeared in his eyes. In the end he said, “It’s quite late. Why don’t you eat dinner first before leaving.”

Ye Ming didn’t want to stay to eat with Ming Chong. They had already experienced so much misunderstanding and hurt each other so much. There was no point to prolong the awkwardness. He stood up and said. “There’s no need.”

Ming Chong didn’t try to stop him like before and actually didn’t make any actions except to sigh lightly. He said in a lonely manner, “It looks like you really don’t want to see me again.”

Ye Ming saw Ming Chong’s appearance and his heart softened. If Ming Chong continued to force or humiliate him, then he would get angry. But since Ming Chong really appeared chastened, he then felt bad for him. After all originally it wash him who wronged Ming Chong first. So he hesitated then said, “Don’t say that…..”

Ming Chong looked at him and slowly said. “Then stay and eat ba. After all we won’t see each other again after this.”

Ye Ming stood on the spot. He looked a little bit in a daze at the person in front of him. The handsome youth’s eyes full of hope and expectation was looking at him… this type of Ming Chong made him recall the him of many year ago. Back then they had been together happily.

The Ming Chong of back then had always loved and spoiled him. When he wanted something, he would also look at him in this manner and would never force him…. and definitely would never show a cold or hateful expression, or say anything to humiliate him.

Just like this.

Ye Ming hesitated then said, “Okay.”

A flash of light appeared in Ming Chong’s eyes. He smiled and stood up. “You wait here. I’ll go and cook.”

Ye Ming’s expression was complicated but he could only sit back down.

Ming Chong got up suddenly and began to cook. There was an open plan kitchen on the first floor. Ye Ming sat on the couch and could see the figure with wide shoulders, tall back and narrow waist. This image was just like from those years before.

He looked once and didn’t dare look again. He was scared that he would be moved. He couldn’t be fooled by this beautiful fantasy.

After all all these things were already in the past.

After some time Ming Chong put the dishes on the table. He had made a few simple Western style dishes. They looked delicious and stylish and even poured two glasses of red wine to accompany it.

The two people sat opposite each other on the table. It almost looked like a date.

Ye Ming’s eyes flashed with emotion.

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Ming Chong also said with some emotion, “We haven’t sat like this to eat properly for a long time.”

Ye Ming smiled and said. “Yes.”

No one knew how much he wanted to sit like this with the person he loved to eat a meal. But when the person he wanted to do this with finally came back… he already didn’t love him anymore.

He couldn’t blame Ming Chong for this. No one had made the rule that Ming Chong had to wait for him.

Ming Chong paused and then he looked at Ye Ming deeply and asked, “Now that you’ve sold the company, what’s your next step?”

Ye Ming said lightly. “I don’t have any plans. In the short term I just want to explore around. It’s not a bad idea to have a rest for a while.”

Ming Chong smiled. He raised his wine glass and said, “Although we had some misunderstandings in the past, however we were once lovers. So I’ll wish you a good journey and a joyful time.”

Ye Ming saw that Ming Chong was so generous and his mood became much better.

That’s right. This was the way things were supposed to be. Now that they’d met and talked everything over, all the love and hate was in the past. All those things they couldn’t let go of were let go of. The knots in the heart had been loosened. This couldn’t be better.

He also raised his glass, smiled and said. “Thank you.”

Ming Chong’s eyes were dark as he watched Ye Ming drink. Both of his hands were on the table and his lip twitched. “Since we can’t be lovers, we could still be friends. If things could really be like that… how good it would be….”

Ye Ming was confused. He didn’t understand his meaning. Wasn’t it just like that right now?

Ming Chong lowered his glass. His handsome face was smiling and his dark eyes slowly became unfathomably deep. He raised his thin lips and said slowly. “Afterwards I thought about it again and suddenly thought if I just let you go like this, actually I’m still not satisfied. So I suddenly changed my mind and thought it would be better to make you stay….”

Ye Ming looked at Ming Chong’s eyes and thought something wasn’t right. Suddenly he stood up! However his mind was overwhelmed by dizziness and his entire body felt like it didn’t have any energy. If he didn’t clutch the table with both hands, he would topple over to the floor!

He stared at Ming Chong and anger flowed from his eyes. He clenched his teeth and said, “What… did you put in the wine…?”

Ming Chong also looked at him with deep eyes. He rubbed the side of his mouth with his napkin. The movement was very graceful. He said faintly, “I made this meal for you myself. You should eat more.”

How could Ye Ming be in any mood to eat. His eyes burnt with fire. He didn’t think that Ming Chong would use this kind of despicable method! He turned to leave. If he didn’t leave now, who knows what other kind of crazy things Ming Chong would do!

But he didn’t have any strength in his body at all. Every step was extremely difficult. He hadn’t even reached the door before he fell down onto the ground.

Ye Ming bit his lip violently. He forced himself to get up and inched towards the door, falling against it hard. He reached out to grab the handle but the door was locked. It was a keypad lock, he couldn’t open it… his eyes were filled with desperation. Suddenly he remembered his phone was in his pocket. He took it out and prepared to call for help however when he looked he saw there wasn’t a single signal!

Right now how could Ye Ming not realize that Ming Chong had set a trap for him.

What “part well”, what “I’ve thought things through”. It was all a lie!

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