Li ZeChen looked at Ye Ming’s shocked speechless expression. His eyes were filled with love and he repeated himself solemnly. “Wen Qing, zhen wants you to be zhen’s Empress.”

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Wen Qing was Ye Ming’s personal name. It was something only intimate friends could use. Actually before Li ZeChen become the Emperor, he had always called him this way in private. The two of them had always had a good relationship. It was only after Li ZeChen confessed and was rejected that the two people gradually began to become distant.

At this time Li ZeChen was looking at him tenderly. The love overflowing in hsi eyes could not be supressed, just looking at them made one so hot that would melt.

Ye Ming was momentarily panicked. Every scene from the past flashed before his eyes. Li ZeChen in his youth, the Li ZeChen after he had grown up, and also… the current Li ZeChen. He had never expected that Li ZeChen had this kind of absurd feelings towards him.

The great Emperor of a nation wanted to marry a man and make him Empress! Didn’t he know that would evoke the entire imperial court’s resistance and would make the entire would laugh at him? It was completely ridiculous!

Ye Ming’s heart was in chaos. Originally he thought Li ZeChen only had a momentary impulse, and wanted to take him into the harem to be a male pet. He never expected that Li ZeChen wanted to make an enemy of the entire world so as to make him Empress. It was clear that his person’s feelings for him was genuine. From Li ZeChen’s perspective he clearly had no intention of insulting him.

But to Ye Ming- this didn’t make any difference.

No matter what title Li ZeChen wanted to give him, he wasn’t willing to enter the harem. As a man how could he stand to enter the inner palace and spend his days playing harem intrigue with a bunch of women?

Getting married and having children. Forging a successful and meritorious career as well as bringing glory to his house. These were the things he should be doing.

Ye Ming’s expression was clear and cutting. He said in a righteous tone of voice, “I beg the Emperor not to speak such ridiculous words agaim. How can this minister be your Empress? It’s impossible!”

Li ZeChen knew that it was unlikely Ye Ming would agree. This reply was within his expectations. He looked into Ye Ming’s face which was full of righetousness. Clearly he was so young but this manner of steadfastness and dedication was no less than an old minister. It really made one’s head hurt.

He didn’t want to force Ye Ming. That’s why he had always suppressed himself and didn’t see him for a half a year. But now things had come to a head. He couldn’t continue to be soft hearted otherwise this person… would belong to someone else.

After considering this, Li ZeChen’s heart finally became calm.

From the moment he had decided to kidnap Ye Ming into the palace, he was determined to win and would never again give Ye Ming the opportunity to escape from him!

Li ZeChen lowered his eyes and asked, “Why is it impossible?”

Ye Ming said strenuously, world by word, “This minister is a man, how can he enter the harem and become the Empress? Isn’t his Majesty afraid of being ridiculed by all the people in the world? Also, this minister already has an arranged marriage.”

“Zhen doesn’t care about how the world sees me, however…” Li ZeChen’s thin lips raised upwards, a smile that didn’t reach his eys. He said, “It seems like you still can’t let go of your fiancee? Actually this matter is very easy to resolve. How can zhen let you be put in a tough place.”

Ye Ming was startled. He completley could not understand Li ZeChen’s way of thinking. But since he had just been given a lesson, he no longer dared to think that Li ZeChen would be willing to let him go. He frowned and said, “Your Majesty….”

Li ZeChen’s said casually, “Zhen can also marry Zuo YiFang so she can enter the harem to be your companion. But don’t worry, zhen won’t touch her. She will just be your companion. That way you can see her every day. Isn’t this the best of both worlds?”

Ye Ming listened to Li ZeChen’s casual words and looked into his bottomless dark pupils. A chill ran though his entire body.

How was this not putting him in a touch place? This was clearly blackmail! Li ZeChen was warning him that if he didn’t let of Zuo YiFang, then he would bring Zuo YiFang into the palace to be a living widow. That would be ruining her entire life!

Ye Ming’s lips were white. The person in front of him was as terrifying as a stranger. Just a single word from him could determine an entire person’s life. How could this person be the same youth from the past that although was a little cold, had always been very generous?

No matter what, he couldn’t allow Zuo YiFang to come to harm!

Ye Ming struggled and tried to kneel down but he was stopped by Li ZeChen and was pushed onto the bed instead. Li ZeChen’s dark eyes stared into his. His words were gentle but at the same time carried a deep force of an Emperor’s majesty and could not be denied, “In the future you don’t need to make this kind of address.” {T/N: He’s referring to the kneeling.}

Ye Ming’s movements froze and he dared not struggle again.

Of course he could chose to continue kneeling but judging by Li ZeChen’s attitude, if he continued to disobey him, who knew what kind of outrageous thing he would do. If something happened to him that didn’t matter, but he couldn’t drag down Zuo YiFang to suffer with him.

Both of Ye Ming’s fists clenched and he lowered his eyes. He bit his lip and said, “Zuo YiFang is not suitable to enter the harem. This minister also doesn’t need her companionship. I beg his Majesty to reconsider…”

Li ZeChen raised his eyebrow slightly. He said in a meaningful way, “Isn’t it you that can’t let go of her? Zhen is willing to break the rules and marry her for you, unless you don’t wish to see her every day?”

Ye Ming’s eyes were full of sorrow. Li ZeChen was in effect forcing him to personally say he was giving Zuo YiFang up. But if he didn’t then Li ZeChen definitely would not let her off!

He closed his eyes and after a long time spoke in a trembling voice as he made a painful decision. He said slowly, “I beg his Majesty to to retract his decision. This minister… can let her go. This minister… is willing to stay….”

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Li ZeChen looked at Ye Ming’s red eyes and anguished expression and felt jealousy pierce through his heart.

You really like her this much… for her, you are willing to stay here. Why is it that you can’t like me this way?

Li ZeChen’s fingertips lightly touched Ye Ming’s eyelashes. Chaotic feelings tumbled around inside his heart. From this moment on, you can’t think of any other person. You can only be mine. He pushed Ye Ming onto the bed and lowered his head to lightly kiss his eyes. His hands pulled open Ye Ming’s clothes and gently licked his neck.

Ye Ming felt Li ZeChen’s aggressive kiss. The strong scent and sensation of a man overcame him. Instinctively he couldn’t help but shudder and want to get away. But when thinking about Li ZeChen’s words from just before, the threat wasn’t just to him but to the people he loved, including his family.

The anger of an Emperor wasn’t something a single person could bear alone.

Thinking of all the possibilities, Ye Ming could only suppress his desire to escape. He tightly closed his eyes and allowed Li ZeChen to kiss him.

Li ZeChen stared at the person underneath his body. The man’s pale face was flushed with embarrassment. Clearly he had only just kissed him but Li ZeChen felt like it wasn’t enough. Ye Ming’s thin clothes were loosened and pulled aside and exposed his clavicle. His skin was smooth and delicate, and his dark hair was spread out around him…

Li ZeChen’s eyes went dark as desire overwhelmed him. He wanted to violently possess him right away!

But he took a deep breath and controlled himself.

After some time, Li ZeChen released Ye Ming’s wrist and stood up.

Ye Ming had originally thought that he could not escape a tragedy today and had already made mental preparations. But unexpectedly Li ZeChen only kissed him and the released him without doing anything else. This made him widen his eyes with surprise.

Li ZeChen smiled faintly. “Zhen anticipates our marriage night greatly.”

If you come into the palace to accompany me then of course I need to announce it to the world and marry you with great fanfare, so that all the people of the world know that you are my Empress. So of course I can’t take you so casually.

Ye Ming saw that Li ZeChen had made up his mind to make him the Empress and his heart couldn’t help sinking further.

They had known each other for such a long time, however he really couldn’t understand this person Li ZeChen. This person had always hidden things deep in his heart. His methods were ruthless and once he had made up his mind about something, no one could sway him. He would be willing to sacrifice anything to accomplish his goals. It would be extremely difficult to make Li ZeChen change his mind.

Ye Ming’s heart was filled with anxiety. However he also definitely couldn’t be Li ZeChen’s Empress!

Not to mention his unwillingness, but if his father and mother found out, they would probably kill this unfilial and humiliating son!

Ye Ming’s eye were red. His hands were tightly clenched. “Your Majesty… this minister… really can’t….”

A smile turned up the corners of Li ZeChen’s mouth but his tone of voice was dangerous. “What are you worried about Wen Qing?  If it’s about your engagement, rest assured that zhen will help you resolve it and definitely will not let the Zuo family lose face. Zhen will also personally go to the Qi family to bestow upon them the bride price, and righteously take you into the harem. You only need to wait patiently to become zhen’s Empress.”

“No-” Ye Ming’s pupils dilated. If Li ZeChen really went to the Qi family to give a bride price, it would definitely make his father so angry he would die. His extreme state of fear actually made him calm down slightly and he said, “This minister… this minister only thinks things are too rushed. I want to take things slowly.”

That’s good! If he couldn’t change Li ZeChen’s mind then no matter what today he had to at least stabilize Li ZeChen and not let him make any outrageous moves.

Ye Ming looked at Li ZeChen. His voice no longer became so reluctant. Instead he said in a pleading and embarrassed tone, “I beg the Emperor… to give this minister a little bit more time…”

Li ZeChen looked into Ye Ming’s eyes. How could he not see that Ye Ming was still unwilling. He only had no choice but to beg him in this manner, the only reason was to drag out the time. But even though he clearly understood this person’s heart, he was still willing to be fooled and lied to by him. He couldn’t bear to force Ye Ming into a corner.

Since you are willing to beg zhen, then zhen of course will accede to your request.

[Ding! Li ZeChen’s blackening -10, the current blackening value is 85.]

Li ZeChen tipped up Ye Ming’s chin and lovingly kissed him. He said in an indulging manner, “All right.”

Ye Ming heard this reply and his entire body went soft. His words before had wound up his body tightly in panic and expended all his energy. If Li ZeChen hadn’t agreed, then he could only smash his head against the wall to kill himself in order to prevent him from going through with his decision.

Li ZeChen reluctantly let go. He said with a sigh, “Rest well Wen Qing. If you need anything you only need to give an order. You can treat this place like your own home.”

After speaking he finally left. Today the first thing he did after leaving morning court was to come and see Ye Ming. Right now there was still a lot of things he needed to do.

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Ye Ming watched Li ZeChen leave and then hurried out of the door.

This was an extremely large Palace full of pavilions, bridges and lakes. However the people serving in the Palace weren’t numerous and it had an empty feeling. Ye Ming followed the main path forward and wanted to try and leave, but at the gate he was stopped by two tall and large guardsmen.

They said respectfully, “Young master, please go back.”

Ye Ming said with a cold face, “I want to go out.”

The guards’ manner was respectful. “The Emperor has given the order that we cannot allow you to leave here.”

This answer was not unexpected to Ye Ming. Of course judging by Li ZeChen’s personality and methods, he definitely could not let him escape so easily. The scene in front of his eyes made him extremely worried. It was as though this huge Palace had been personally constructed for him. But no matter how gilded and luxurious it was, he still didn’t want to stay because it was only a cage to trap him in.

Ye Ming walked around looking everywhere and finally had no choice but to return disenhearted to his room.

[Ye Ming: Heh. I finally entered the Imperial Palace! Even though the Qi family is a wealthy and illustrious clan, however compared to the Imperial Palace it’s nothing. This is what you really call a place of royalty. Now I’m someone who has lived in the Imperial Palace!”

[888: You just disappeared like this but it doesn’t seem like you’re concerned that other people might get worried at all, he he.]

[Ye Ming: Li ZeChen’s methods are always very reliable. He’s good at plotting far head. Since he was brave enough to kidnap someone, then he definitely can take care of things well. I don’t need to worry about it at all hehe.]

[888: …..]

[Ye Ming: The only thing that I didn’t expect was that he would really be able to control his desires and actually wants to wait until getting married before getting physical. People from the ancient days are really different! Impressed, impressed.]

[888: ……]


By the time Li ZeChen came back it was already night time. When he saw Ye Ming, a gentle and tender expression appeared in his eyes. He said in a deep voice, “Wen Qing, did you wait a long time? Come and sit here.

Ye Ming looked at him with a complicated gaze. He really didn’t want to get close to Li ZeChen, he couldn’t help thinking about the moment when Li ZeChen kissed him and felt uncomfortable all over. But he was also scared to disobey his order. So he could only sit by his side, his entire body frozen.

It didn’t take long for the palace maids to begin arriving, bearing dishes of food.

Ye Ming looked at the table which was piled with seafood and other type of delicacies but he didn’t have the slightest bit of appetite. The food went down with difficulty and he only ate a few mouthfuls before he put down his chopsticks.

Li ZeChen noticed this and frowned. But he quickly dispelled it and said to Ye Ming, “Is it not to your taste?”

Ye Ming smiled with difficulty. “It is.”

Li ZeChen sighed. He said, “You’ve eaten too little. If it’s not to your taste, then does that mean you’re still angry with zhen?”

Ye Ming said, “This minister wouldn’t dare.”

This time he said “wouldn’t dare”, not “isn’t true”.

Li ZeChen smiled faintly. This person ah… he appeared obedient and respectful on the surface, but underneath he was still so naively stubborn. In his heart he is clearly dissatisfied with me, only he doesn’t dare to speak that’s all.

However Li ZeChen couldn’t get angry. Instead he felt guilty. He really missed the olden days…. back then Ye Ming wouldn’t behave so humbly and so distantly from him. He would always show his true feelings and emotions and behave in a lively manner.

In the end it was him that had made Ye Ming angry.

The darkness in Li ZeChen’s eyes passed with a flash. He returned to his usual elegant appearance. He picked up some food in his chopstick and placed it in Ye Ming’s bowl and said in a gentle voice, “Then you should eat more ba.”

Ye Ming didn’t pick up his chopsticks. He had already been trapped in the Imperial Palace for one day and one night. Tomorrow was the day he was supposed to get married but he was still trapped inside the Palace. How could he have any appetite?

He just disappeared like this. He couldn’t imagine how his parents must be panicking. And what would his cousin do? The person she was supposed to marry disappeared, other people might think that he was running away from the marriage. To a highborn lady like her, wouldn’t that be a huge injury to her pride and self-respect?

Just thinking about it made Ye Ming feel like he couldn’t sit still. He was filled with anxiety.

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Li ZeChen immediately saw what Ye Ming was worried about. He smiled faintly, “Wen Qing are you worried about your family? Don’t worry, no one will know that you have disappeared.”

Ye Ming’s face changed. “What do you mean?”

Li ZeChen picked up some more food and held it up to Ye Ming’s mouth. He smiled and said, Ëat and zhen will tell you.”

This type of intimate action really made Ye Ming embarrassed. But he eventually opened his mouth and ate the food that Li ZeChen fed to him.

Li ZeChen saw that Ye Ming was obediently eating and a bright smile appeared on his face. He continued to feed Ye Ming like this, until Ye Ming really couldn’t eat any more. Then he stopped, tilted his head and lightly kissed the fluid left behind on Ye Ming’s lips. He gave out a low laugh, “… it’s just as delicious as you.”

Ye Ming’s face immediately became red. Could this person not let go of even a single opportunity to take advantage of him?!

He finished the meal with difficulty then Ye Ming immediately asked again, “What happened with my family?”

Li ZeChen looked outside the window and slowly smiled. “Right now it’s still early in the night. Later on I’ll take you out to have a look and then you’ll understand.”

Ye Ming was startled. Was Li ZeChen intending on taking him home to have a look?

Li ZeChen looked deeply at Ye Ming. He said in a tender voice, “Wen Qing, can you read for zhen? Zhen hasn’t heard you reading for a long time and really misses it.”

Ye Ming didn’t understand what Li ZeChen was thinking however he definitely didn’t want to anger Li ZeChen, terrified that he would change his mind about taking him home so he could only say in a humble manner, “This minister will obey.”

Li ZeChen got up and went to a nearby bookshelf and took out a book. The cover was blank and the contents couldn’t be discerned. His fingers were long and he ran it along the pages of the book before giving it to Ye Ming. “Read this one ba.”

Ye Ming opened it and looked. Inside the calligraphy was powerful and beautiful, like dragons flying and phoenixes dancing. With one glance he could see it was something Li ZeChen had personally written. Probably when he was bored he had written it, it looked as though it had been written at a whim.

Ye Ming was preparing to open his mouth to read but when he saw the contents, his expression changed and became awkward.

Li ZeChen saw it. On his face his expression didn’t change at all. Instead he said in a gentle voice, “Why don’t you read?”

Ye Ming pressed his lips together. His ears were pink and he didn’t dare look at Li ZeChen. He could only open his mouth to begin to read, “What is the point of wondering about emotions, directly vowing to be together in life and death. To the south heavens and northern earth, flying together….”{T/N: Er… there is more but I completely don’t know what it is trying to say. It’s like poetry in archaic language. My guess is… it’s a love poem?}

Li ZeChen sat there and stared at the delicate youth sitting in front of him. The youth’s head was bowed and exposed a beautiful side profile. His dark hair fell down his back and his pink lips opened and closed. That voice which was like clear water flowing over stones fell into his ears, and it was as though he had returned to the past…

At that time he always stood far away in a forgotten corner, staring at the bright and delicate youth who stood beside the Crown Prince. The youth read with a serious demeanor, and completely didn’t know how many gazes he was attracting…,.

It wasn’t just his, or Li ZeYuan’s. Even the Third Princess’ heart was filled with thoughts.

At that time he could only stare at him greedily but couldn’t get close. Only the high and mighty Crown Prince could stand beside him righteously.

But right now everything was different…. right now he only he only belonged to him. He would only read for him. This beautiful sight was something only he could see.

Li ZeChen noticed that Ye Ming’s ears were red. He felt that he was probably embarrassed. This person who was normally dignified and modest, although he now knew Li ZeChen’s feelings, the fact that he couldn’t accept it was normal.

However… I can’t let you go.

“Live and die together, growing old together with children…” {T/N: Yes I approximated it, but something like this.} Ye Ming’s face became more and more red, and his voice was unsteady. “In order to obtain one person’s heart, I vow to stay together never leaving until the hair grows white…”

He never thought that with his cool and cold demeanor, Li ZeChen could write this kind of emotional poetry. This image was something he could hardly imagine. What kind of feeling was Li ZeChen feeling at the time of writing it, and who was he thinking of? Could it be himself (YM)….?

When Ye Ming thought about this, his feelings were chaotic. He felt that his face became more boiling hot, and he didn’t know whether he should be angry or embarrassed. With supreme effort, he managed the last sentence: “…. in humans there will always be desperate love, it cannot be tempered by moons or wind…” {T/N: Yes I’m approximating again…}

He hurried to close the book and didn’t dare look at it again.

Li ZeChen laughed lowly. He saw Ye Ming’s red face and his heart went soft. Right now do you understand one thousandth of my feelings towards you?

Although he was deliberately trying to tease Ye Ming, but he was also scared of making him angry. He restrained the teasing words which rose his mouth, and said in a serious manner, “It’s getting late. Zhen will take you to your home to take a look.”

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Ye Ming heard that he could go home and sighed with relief. It seems like Li ZeChen was still as good as his word.

Li ZeChen stood up and walked to Ye Ming. He lowered his head and said, “But unfortunately you will have to endure a little.” Once his words fell, before Ye Ming could react, he pressed his acupoints. Ye Ming couldn’t speak and his entire body fell forward.

Li ZeChen reached out and caught him in his arms. Then they left the Palace.

Outside it was deep night and everything was quiet. There was only the voice of the night watchmen calling the time. Li ZeChen changed to black clothing and carefully held Ye Ming. He directly went over the wall of the Qi Manor, just like a thief.

The whole journey Ye Ming had been held tightly by Li ZeChen. Li ZeChen’s actions made him feel very uneasy. What did he intend to do by bringing him home in this sneaky manner? Obviously he was scared of anyone finding them.

What kind of situation was his family in?

It didn’t take long for Ye Ming to arrive near his courtyard. From inside the heard the sound of low voices speaking. Li ZeChen held Ye Ming and hid in the branches of a tree.

Although it was deep night, but there was still people coming and going from his quarters. Their manner was serious and grave. Madame Qi’s broken voice came from inside, “My son still hasn’t woken up…?”

Ye Ming’s oldest maidservant Zi Huan said, “The young master still hasn’t woken. Madame you should go back and rest. If you cry so much you’ll damage your body. The young master has always been filial, if he sees you like this he will undoubtedly be sad.”

But Madame Qi still couldn’t stop crying. What curse had befallen them? Why would a healthy child suddenly fall unconscious and not be able to wake up? Even the Imperial doctors couldn’t do anything, and could only say he had been cursed and only the Heavens could decide his fate….

The Prime Minister Qi had also not rested. He was very unhappy. His eldest son suddenly encountered such misfortune, and even the marriage with the Zuo family had been pushed back. His heart was filled with anxiety, but he still had to comfort his family and wife.

He said, “They will take care of him well. If he wakes up, they will tell us immediately.”

He pacified Madame Qi to go back to rest and so the group of people finally left.

Ye Ming was sitting in the tree, quietly watching the entire proceedings. His heart was chaotic and his brain felt befuddled and he had goosebumps…. What was this? Didn’t he disappear? Who as the person who was lying there sick and unconscious?

Li ZeChen waited until Prime Minister Qi had felt, then he held Ye Ming and jumped down and walked into the courtyard.

Inside the room there was only Ye Ming’s eldest maid Zi Huan guarding. When Zi Huan saw Li ZeChen appear holding Ye Ming, not only did she not look the slightest bit surprised but instead knelt down and said in a humble and respectful voice, “Your subordinate greets his Majesty.”

Ye Ming was shocked. His closest maid was working for Li ZeChen! How many spies did Li ZeChen have in the Qi household? Just thinking about the fact that every day his every single movement had been observed by Li ZeChen made his body tremble. This person was too frightening!

Li ZeChen took Ye Ming and walked to the side of the bed.

When Ye Ming saw clearly the scene on the bed, his pupils dilated and his face went paper white. The person on the bed actually looked exactly the same as him! It was another him, currently sleeping on his bed, taking his place and his position.

Li ZeChen said expressionlessly, “You can get up now.”

As soon as Li ZeChen spoke, the other “Qi MingYan” {T/N: YM’s formal name, his personal name is Wen Qing} on the bed immediately opened his eyes. He looked expressionlessly at Ye Ming and then got off the bed to kneel to Li ZeChen. “Your subordinate greets his Majesty.”

Ye Ming was completely speechless. He looked with both fear and anger at Li ZeChen. With his eyes he questioned him: what is going on!

Li ZeChen smiled faintly and said gently, “Look, you don’t need to worry at all that your disappearance has affected anything. Because you have always been at home, it’s only that you were temporarily sick.”

What do you mean not worry?! Ye Ming’s entire face was white as a ghost.

Li ZeChen lowered his head and lovingly kissed him. He said slowly, “As long as you agree to marry zhen, then zhen will arrange for “you” to wake up, okay?”

Ye Ming’s eyes were filled with anger. This person had promised to give him more time to consider but now he was turning around to force him?! If he didn’t agree to Li ZeChen’s request, then he would never be able to wake up and make his entire family sick with worry for him.

But Li ZeChen’s next sentence made Ye Ming realize that what he had just said was not even the most frightening thing.

Li ZeChen looked deeply at Ye Ming. His black eyes contained a wordless and deep emotional pressure that made one feel completely enveloped and unable to withstand, “You will agree to zhen’s request right? If you don’t agree, zhen will have no choice but to arrange for you to ‘die from illness’.”

This way, in this word will be no more Qi MingYan and so you can only stay by my side.

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