Ye Ming wanted to rest at home for a few days but considering the fact that he didn’t have a penny to his name, he got up with a sigh and went to look for something to do. At this time he really missed his experience points…. previously he used to be as wealthy as the four seas!

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As for the money given to him by Qin Yi, it could only be looked at but not touched. It was very painful torture for him.

To find a position which would was both suitable and would allow him to get paid straight away was not an easy task. Right now Ye Ming also didn’t have the energy to find a stable job and besides it shouldn’t be long until he could go back to living richly. Right now he needed to pretend to be very pitiful so he decided to find a job handing out flyers.

888 expressed strong contempt for this lackadaisical attitude.

[888: Are you so sure Qin Yi will take you back? In my opinion if you die on the streets he’ll just clap his hands and cheer.]

[Ye Ming: That’s because you don’t understand. Even if he looks fierce on the surface, if I really died he’d definitely break down. Humans are full of contradictions ah~ love and hate are inextricably entangled, one can’t exist without the other~]

[888: …..]

[Ye Ming: I can’t wait to move into my family’s Qin Yi’s mansion. I can’t wait to become a kept man!]

[888: This daydream is pretty good, but why don’t you finish handing out those flyers first?]

[Ye Ming: …..]

Ye Ming endured the hot sun and stood for an entire afternoon. When he got paid in the evening he was as tired as a dog. He stared longingly at the delicious looking restaurants he passed on the street but could only buy a five dollar plate of fried noodles at the roadside stall.

As Ye Ming ate, there was a couple on a date beside him. The young girl was holding a small dog in her arms. The two of them showed their love and also doted on the dog.

Ye Ming and the dog exchanged glances. The little dog’s fur was shiny and smooth and his large, wet eyes stared at him. As he was basking in the love being showered on him, his tongue lolled out and he smiled stupidly at Ye Ming.

[Ye Ming: I’m wrong. What “tired like a dog”… actually dogs aren’t tired at all.]

[888: ……]

Ye Ming finished his fried noodles gloomily. Just as he was preparing to stand up, his mobile phone started ringing. The screen showed a familiar number.

Ye Ming raised his eyebrow. He wasn’t at all surprised that Qin Yi knew his phone number. The thing he was surprised about was Qin Yi hadn’t changed his number in three years…. The phone continued to ring but Ye Ming didn’t show any signs of wanting to pick it up.

[888: Why don’t you pick up the phone?]

[Ye Ming: I really want to to death, actually I’ve been waiting oh so desperately for it. But I can’t let him think that I’ve been waiting for him to call so I’ll only pick up when he calls for the third time.]

[888: What if he doesn’t?]

[Ye Ming: I think he will. But if he really doesn’t then it doesn’t matter.. I’ll just call him back after a while and the effect will be the same. The result is not important, what’s importance is I show my painful struggle and dilemma ^_^.]

888 really wanted to give him a “he he”.

The ringing stopped and then after a while, it really started up again.

Ye Ming held the phone in his hands. The third time, when the ringing was just about to stop, he connected the phone with lightning speed!

Qin Yi was silent for a moment and then his cold voice came through. “You didn’t pick up my call.”

Ye Ming licked his lips and then spat out, “I didn’t hear it.”

Qin Yi laughed coldly but didn’t expose his lie. He only said, “Now that you’ve heard it, I want you to come within one hour to YunTing Hotel. I’ll be waiting for you there. Also, you better not get any ideas about running away. That would be extremely unwise.”

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After speaking he directly hung up the phone.

Ye Ming paused. He opened his phone and searched for the directions and realized he had a lot of time. So he very slowly delayed for a while then finally got a taxi to go the hotel.

By the time he arrived it was exactly one hour and ten minutes.

Ye Ming followed the room number given to him by Qin Yi and came top the hotel’s eighth floor. He adjusted his expression before knocking on the door.

He’d only knocked once when the door opened. Qin Yi wore a bathrobe and looked as though he had just finished taking a shower. His hair was still wet with water droplets, making his cold face unusually seductive. He swept his eyes over Ye Ming and said tonelessly, “Come in.”

Ye Ming lowered his eyes slightly and walked in expressionlessly. He didn’t ask Qin Yi why he’d called him here because there was only one reason. Qin Yi wanted to fuck him right now, and he owed him one million so he had no choice but to come when called.

Qin Yi looked at Ye Ming, not missing the repressed feelings showing in his eyes. His lips twisted and he said, “You’re ten minutes late.”

Ye Ming clenched his first by his side. “Traffic jam.”

Qin Yi placed his index finger on his lip and gently rubbed it. His deep eyes had a mocking expression. “The reason is not important. The important thing is you are late.”

Ye Ming stared fixedly at Qin Yi. After a moment he suddenly opened his mouth in a smile. “Then what do you want me to do?”

Qin Yi’s eyes immediately went cold. With one hand he clamped down on Ye Ming’s shoulder and pressed him forcefully against the wall! He leaned in close to his ear and said coldly, “It looks like you haven’t learnt your lesson and you don’t understand the position you’re in right now.”

Ye Ming closed his eyes. The next moment he was thrown onto the bed and his clothes were torn off!


Ye Ming fainted then woke up again. The pain from his body being torn couldn’t compare to the pain coming from his heart. His consciousness drifted as though he had returned to the past…. This was once the person who had shared his bed and pillow, the person he had loved the most. Right now he was as foreign as a person he’d never met.

That torture of being possessed in the complete absence of emotion really made him understand how Qin Yi had changed.

In these three years how much had the person he loved suffered to change him this way? He didn’t want to think about the details. He had with his own two hands… made him into this person.

These thoughts twisted him up inside, torturing his soul. Was his decisions back then really correct?

But right now, it’s too late to turn back…

Even if the pain and suffering is unbearable, he could only continue bearing it.

Qin Yi stood up. He looked at Ye Ming’s miserable appearance and unconsciously twisted his lips. He turned around and walked to the side, taking out another roll of notes. He grabbed Ye Ming by the ankle and forcibly dragged him closer, stuffing the money into him.

After that he patted him on the face and said smiling, “Take it for your hard work.”

Ye Ming’s eyelashes trembled. He opened his eyes lowly, the dark pupils were filled with pain but he didn’t say a thing as though no matter how he was treated it didn’t matter. As though he desperately loved the other person so he was willing to accept anything…

Seeing him like this Qin Yi’s paused. A feeling of distress and sorrow welled up unbidden but was quickly replaced by irritation. How could he feel sorry for this person? Back then he was precisely tricked by this innocent appearance. Right now he was clear about his true colors, so how could he be tricked by him again?!

That moment of pity reminded Qin Yi not to forget about the humiliation that this person had dealt him!

Just thinking about the number of times he had told this trickster how much he loved him… saying “love” to this kind of person was really dirtying the word!

And this person had treated him like a fool back them, pulling out his heart only to stamp on it!

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Qin Yi’s hands tightened into a fist. He thought he could control his emotions but perhaps he had overestimated himself because right now he really, really wanted to… kill him!

“Get out.” Qin Yi starred at him fixedly. He forced out each word. “Get out of my sight!”

Ye Ming looked at Qin Yi’s red eyes in a shocked manner. It was as though he did understand why the the Qin Yi who had just been humiliating him a second ago had suddenly became enraged like this. Was what had happened earlier… still not enough to momentarily pacify him?

Ye Ming lowered his eyes and climbed off the bed. But as he moved he frowned. Humiliation and pain made him momentarily not able to maintain his expression. He grabbed the clothes that were strewn on the floor and then left without looking back.

Qin Yi watched Ye Ming’s departing figure and then suddenly and violently punched the wall, leaving a bloody imprint.

He clearly wants to get his revenge against him but why was he still so affected by this person! There was no way he could still care about him! That’s right… it’s only that he hates him, that’s all.

All those once sweet memories, underneath the beautiful outer shell, they were all full of poison.

Little by little they had corroded his heart.


After that day, Qin Yi didn’t call him for a week.

[888: It looks like Qin Yi doesn’t want to see you anymore.]

[Ye Ming: It’s only because he’s ashamed after remembering what happened in the past. Give him some time, soon he’ll come back. After all he’s the kind of person that doesn’t forget emotions easily, you can tell just by him not changing his phone number for three years ^_^]

If Qin Yi  really wanted to move past what had happened in the past then he should have changed his mobile number. Because that number was the one that they had picked out together and contained many of their memories together.

According to Ye Ming’s speculation, right now Qin Yi indeed hated him a lot but perhaps even he himself hadn’t realized how hate wasn’t the only thing he felt.

Logically he would tell himself that it was impossible for him to still love Ye Ming so he would forcibly use hate to describe his actions.

Just as he predicted after a few days Qin Yi called him over again. He had changed the hotel this time and then there was  another exchange of sex for money. But this time Qin Yi didn’t lose control of his emotions, remaining completely calm throughout.

Although he wasn’t able to move into a rich mansion, Ye Ming was able to preemptively experience being a kept man. Qin Yi would call him every two or three days and give him money, the amount depended on how he felt.

After a month Ye Ming counted his money and found that he had already collected tens of thousands. Although it was still far away from a million, but it was not little. Every day he guarded his money and lived frugally and miserably, and finally he was ready to change things up a little. The timing was just about right.

This day Ye Ming finished his shift. It was raining heavily. He didn’t bring an umbrella and was drenched to the bone. After he got home he developed a fever.

[888: Your body temperature is rising. This body is still on the frail side. I told you to wait until the rain stopped before leaving!]

[Ye Ming: The fever is exactly the effect I want. After all if we keep going on like this they’ll be no progress. If I just continue to sell my body it’s not enough to lower Qin Yi’s blackening level. We need to stimulate him a different way.]

[888: Such as?]

[Ye Ming: How about let’s see what happens if I’m about to die. So don’t interfere, let me burn up.]

[888: … what are you talking about? As if I’d take care of you.]

[Ye Ming: ….]

[Ye Ming: Yes, yes you’re cool and cold and collected! Even though just then you were clearly concerned about me.]

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[888: You must have heard wrong.]

Ye Ming felt very wronged by 888. He didn’t eat any medication and went to sleep.

The next day the fever was so bad he fainted. At this time Qin Yi called him but Ye Ming really didn’t hear this time, and of course he had no idea that he had over ten missed calls on his phone.


Qin Yi placed the phone on the table. His eyes were ice cold. He thought that Ye Ming had finally become obedient but he didn’t think that in such a short span of time, he was brave enough to not pick up the phone! Did he really think he could just get rid of him like that?!

In order to not let Ye Ming run away, Qin Yi had sent people to follow and investigate him from day one. So he knew exactly where Ye Ming was living.

Qin Yi drummed his fingers along the table then picked up his jacket and walked out.

Quickly he arrived at the bottom of the apartment Ye Ming was living in. He looked up and saw the old and dilapidated three storey building. Although he had known for a while Ye Ming’s address, but now seeing it with his own eyes he frowned.

In the corridor was the smell of uncleaned rubbish. Who knew which household had thrown their dirty water onto the floor, giving out a disgusting smell.

Qin Yi’s face was like ice as he walked step by step up the stairs. When he came to Ye Ming’s door he knocked a few times. But as time passed there was no response from inside. Qin Yi’s eyes went dark and he suddenly and violently kicked the door! “Pa-dang!” There was a loud sound and then the wooden door fell open!

This apartment only had one room. The appearance was extremely shabby. Qin Yi immediately saw Ye Ming lying on the bed. He laughed coldly and strode over, grabbing him violently with his hand. “You–”

After saying one word his entire face changed. Because at the moment he had grabbed Ye Ming, he felt the abnormal heat radiating from him. And the Ye Ming who had been grabbed rolled onto the ground, there was no response whatsoever…

Qin Yi looked at his own hand and then after a few seconds he finally recovered and placed his hand on Ye Ming’s forehead.

The youth’s body was boiling hot. Even his breathing was shallow and it was clear he had fainted.

If he hadn’t come today or perhaps if he had only thought of him in a few days time…

Then what would happen?

Then this person would die in this dirty place that no one knew about. By the time he realized, even his corpse would have rotted.

When Qin Yi thought of his a terrible fear that he had never experienced before filled him. He didn’t have time to think about why he was so scared. He embraced Ye Ming and rushed him in the car to the hospital!

Because the treatment was timely so Ye Ming wasn’t in any danger of his life however he didn’t wake up either.

Qin Yi took care of everything at the hospital before sitting down by Ye Ming’s bedside. In his eyes: hate, concern, irritation and other complicated expressions all mixed together.

The youth lay on the bed. His weak body seemed to sink into the mattress.  An IV needle was attached the back of his hand and his skin was so white it appeared transparent. His veins were blue and his eyes were firmly shut as though he was in pain. He slept restlessly.

Qin Yi knew that Ye Ming hadn’t been living well. He knew that Ye Ming had been living in dirty, low-rent housing. He knew that in order to survive Ye Ming had been working outside in a hard job. He knew he was tired… but he had still deliberately tortured and humiliated him in order to see him suffer more, feel more pain.

Even like this Ye Ming could never hope to understand the despair he had felt back then.

He had even thought that if one day Ye Ming really died then it would be a death he caused himself, so he would only feel joy.

But now Ye Ming had really almost died… he had almost been tortured to death by Qin Yi… did he feel joy?

[Ding! Qin Yi’s blackening -5, the blackening value is currently  70]

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Qin Yi closed his hands so tightly he felt his bones being crushed. Why was he doing this? Was it really that he couldn’t forget about this despicable liar?

No… he wouldn’t let him go so easily… he couldn’t let him die so easily.


After he received treatment, Ye Ming’s fever quickly came down. He only had a cold so it left as quickly as it came. He woke up after not too long.

He lay on the bed and felt very hungry. He was just about to get up to look for food when he heard 888 give the notification that Qin Yi had come back again. So he dismissed the notion and lay back down, putting on an act of fragility.

Qin Yi had just finished a meeting. The whole day today he hadn’t been able to focus. Even when he was listening  to the report, his head was full of the image of Ye Ming’s pale face as he lay on the hospital bed. So as soon as the meeting finished he came immediately to the hospital.

As soon as he came through the door he saw that Ye Ming was already awake.

Ye Ming had also discovered him. A complicated expression rose into his black pupils and he didn’t say a word.

Qin Yi looked at Ye Ming, his eyes settling on his dry lips. He poured a cup of water by his bedside and helped him sit up, placing the water against his lips.

Ye Ming’s eyes trembled slightly as though he couldn’t completely control his emotions. He drank a little water and after awhile he said in a hoarse voice, “Thank you.”

Qin Yi put down the cup and exposed an indifferent smile. “There’s no need. It was just in passing. After all you still owe me one million.”

The hope in Ye Ming’s eyes faded.

“Since you’re better you should leave the hospital. I already paid all the hospital fees. Of course you’ll need to pay me back.” Qin Yi lifted Ye Ming’s chin. His eyes were icy cold. “Also… after you leave the hospital, you will live at my house. Stop doing those stupid jobs. Now your only job is to diligently take care of me.”

Ye Ming’s face changed. “I’ve done everything you asked, it’s not necessary to go to this extent!”

Qin Yi didn’t miss the flash of humiliation and unease in Ye Ming’s face and that made him want to stick to his decision more firmly. Since you are scared of being by my side, then I definitely won’t let you leave! Back then when you betrayed and abandoned me, I bet you didn’t think that one day you’d end up back in the palm of my hand?

“Who said it’s not necessary?” A mocking smile hung on Qin Yi’s lip. “What if you’re faking illness to get away from me? After all I bought and paid for you. How can I let you make a fuss every two or three day? Since you’ve already sold yourself, then you should be more agreeable.”

Ye Ming couldn’t help but protest, “I never–”

“You don’t want to?” Qin Yi lips smiled but his eyes were very cold. “What do you have to be unwilling about? Isn’t living in the Qin family home your dream? Back then wasn’t it my status that you coveted? Now that you’ve gotten what you want, aren’t you happy?”

He reached out and grasped Ye Ming’s neck. He said softly, “Don’t worry. Everything that you want… I’ll give you.”

Once I put you in the deepest part of my heart to love, but you abandoned me. Right now you’re a lowly slut so all of this is accordance with your own choices.

Qin Yi’s cold voice flowed through Ye Ming’s entire body, freezing him. Those low words full of hate made him remember all the things that he had done before.

Everything he was experiencing was just desserts. It was only what he deserved.

Fine then, as long as this makes you happy, then there’s no point in me clinging to the last shreds of my laughable dignity. Perhaps… this is the only way I can compensate you for what I have done.

As for me, to be able to stay by your side for a few more moments, I should be satisfied.

Even if it’s as miserable as this… as least I am still by your side.

Ye Ming closed his eyes and his expression was very tired. He said slowly, “Okay.”

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