Ye Ming opened his eyes to find that he had returned to the system space. He sat cross-legged on the ground, stroked his chin, and, as if he hadn’t had enough fun, he asked, “Did my final jump have a sort of grand, majestic aesthetic?”

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A video of a pig falling into water began playing on all four walls of the system space in a loop. Its audio was ear-piercing, and it was like a brainwashing virus. 

Ye Ming was speechless.

888’s cold voice rang out, “Would you like to go to the next world?”



Ye Ming asked, “Could you turn off the video first?”

At last, the video on the walls went away, and Ye Ming let out a breath. His family’s system had to be infected with a virus! How had it changed this quickly? Disgraceful! Absolutely disgraceful! 

[Ding, transmission completed.]


Ye Ming kneaded his forehead and accepted the memories in his mind. He said excitedly, “It’s finally time for me to be a father!”

[Ye Ming: To be honest, I don’t really like ancient worlds. Not only is everyone so conservative, I also have to kneel every time I see someone. If it’s not the emperor, then it’s my old man. All day long, I was living as if I were a little grandson. It was so boring, I couldn’t even use the internet; it’s not a lifestyle fit for human beings. Weeping bitterly.jpg]

[888: Didn’t I play games with you?]


[Ye Ming: Thank you for still loving me QAQ]

All of a sudden, 888 had a suspicion that this spicy chicken had tormented Li Zechen like that because he wasn’t living his ideal life and was sick of kneeling…

The body Ye Ming was using in this world was named Chen Zhao. Speaking of, Chen Zhao was also a pitiable person.

Chen Zhao’s parents died early. Since he was little, he’d lived with his aunt’s family. His aunt’s family didn’t exactly treat him very well, but neither did they mistreat him. They provided him food and clothing and sent him to school, all the way up until Chen Zhao reached adulthood and started university. Then the money his parents had left behind was used up, and they never managed him again. 

Fortunately, Chen Zhao was a hardworking one. He got through university while working part-time and graduated from medical school with outstanding grades. He had a childhood sweetheart, Yan Yue, and the two were deeply affectionate toward each other. Yan Yue didn’t look down on the fact that Chen Zhao was a poor student, and after graduation, the two of them obtained their marriage certificate and became a sweet little husband and wife pair.

Very quickly, Yan Yue became pregnant. Chen Zhan was even more overjoyed, and every day, he looked forward to his child’s birth. His wife and child were his everything.

But good things never last long, and a tragedy suddenly occurred.

One time, when Yan Yue went out to buy something at night, she was hit by a car on the way back. At the time, she was already six months pregnant. One corpse, two lives. Just like that, they were gone. 

This tragedy utterly destroyed Chen Zhao. He’d overcome so many difficulties to finally obtain his current life: he had a job, a wife, and soon they’d have their own child. No matter how difficult and challenging things got, he was still filled with hope for their future lives. He wanted to give his beloved wife and son a wonderful future.

But in the course of one night, only darkness and despair would remain in his world.

The perpetrator was the chauffeur of the impressive, well-known local entrepreneur, Jiang Sheng. A police investigation confirmed that it was an accident. Furthermore, at the time, Yan Yue had crossed the street on a red light, and the perpetrator had a good attitude, so the incident could just be settled with monetary compensation.

What Jiang Sheng lacked least was money. The chauffeur was an old man who had been with him for many years, so he generously helped the chauffeur pay the compensation. But to Chen Zhao, a dead person could not come back to life, and thus, money was meaningless. 

Reality was simply cruel like that. No matter how much suffering he was in, he could not bring back the lover he had lost. Chen Zhao stored away the five million and didn’t touch a single cent of it, then personally arranged his wife’s funeral. He could only push his hatred to the bottom of his heart.

Originally, it seemed that the incident would end there. But later, Chen Zhao found out that things actually were not so simple.


That night, it had been dark and rainy, but there were still passersby who witnessed the accident, and they secretly told Chen Zhao that Yan Yue hadn’t crossed on a red light. Furthermore, the perpetrator actually wasn’t the chauffeur but Jiang Sheng himself, and it seemed that he had been drinking.

Chen Zhao immediately requested to look over footage of that night, but the police said that the videos had been damaged, which made Chen Zhao’s suspicions grow even more. 

He vowed to make clear what had really happened and began devising every possible means to investigate everything. And ultimately, all of the leads pointed toward Jiang Sheng. That day, Jiang Sheng had been discussing business with another party and had been drinking alcohol, and then personally drove home. It was him that had caused the accident due to driving drunk.

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But Jiang Sheng was good at looking out for himself, and was very capable. He destroyed the video evidence and had the chauffeur take the blame in place of himself, then easily settled this matter with money. This affair gradually became apparent, but Chen Zhao was unable to obtain any substantial evidence.

His friends all urged him to just let it go; without evidence, he wouldn’t be able to overcome Jiang Sheng. He should just take the money, find another wife, and live comfortably.

But how could Chen Zhao be willing to do that? 

He had originally thought it was only an accident. Even if he didn’t like it, he could only be resigned to his misfortune. But this outcome was in fact one he could not accept! Why could the real murderer get away with it, while his own wife and child had died for nothing? Could five million buy two human lives? Was there any justice left in this world to speak of?

Extremely angry, Chen Zhao went to find Jiang Sheng to take it up with him, but he was only disrespected and humiliated. Jiang Sheng personally admitted that it was him, but so what? Wasn’t his endless squabbling just for the sake of getting more money?

The way Jiang Sheng looked at him…it was as if he were a greedy, insatiable, lowly ant.

Jiang Sheng’s aloofness deeply agitated Chen Zhao. Did this person think that money could buy everything? He didn’t want money at all; if you killed someone, then you ought to pay with your life! 

Finally, there was a day that he grabbed a knife and went to kill Jiang Sheng, intending to take him down alongside himself. But as a result, he hadn’t even been able to touch the hem of Jiang Sheng’s jacket before he was sent to the public security bureau. Because of this incident, he lost the job at the hospital that he had so painstakingly obtained.

In that span of time, Chen Zhao’s heart was filled solely with hatred toward Jiang Sheng and despair toward this world.

He became depressed and even self-harmed. He couldn’t think of any way to get revenge against Jiang Sheng—he couldn’t kill him, didn’t even have the ability to take him down with himself, didn’t even have a way to get close to him. That despicable murderer used money to humiliate him, to take away his everything, yet just as before, he was able to smoothly go about high society, well-respected and revered.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

In contrast, Chen Zhao was ridiculed and pitied. 

Dea tf vlvc’a tjnf jcs batfg kjs…

Fcali bcf vjs, Jtfc Itjb kfca ab atf tbrqlaji ab ajxf mjgf bo atf qgbmfvegfr obg tlr vfqjgaegf ogbw tlr pby. Cr tf kjr tbivlcu qjmxfv ybzfr, uibbws jr j ragjs vbu, tf qjrrfv ys atf qfvljaglmr klcu jcv rjk rbwfbcf mbwqifafis ecfzqfmafv.

He had seen that woman before on TV, so he recognized her with a single glance. At that time, that grand and graceful woman had stood by Jiang Sheng’s side so eye-catchingly—she was Jiang Sheng’s wife.

Today, she had taken her child to the hospital to see a doctor. 

Chen Zhao gazed at the warm, harmonious picture painted by the woman and child, and thought of Jiang Sheng’s perfect family that had been shown on TV. Then, he thought of his own wife, lying in a pool of blood…and of their unborn child.

At last, the demons in his heart broke through.


Thus, he committed the most despicable act of his life. When Mrs. Jiang stepped out, he thought of a way to send away the nurse and secretly spirited that child away.

If you want to destroy my family, then I’ll let you get a taste of the pain of a father and son’s separation! 

Why is it only me that should suffer this kind of pain?

Chen Zhao originally was a gentle and kindhearted person and usually wouldn’t so much as speak ill of someone behind their back, but at that moment, he was consumed by hatred. As if he were a demon that had crawled out of hell, he snatched away his enemy’s child in order to get revenge against the person he would never be able to reach.

Chen Zhao took the child and hurriedly left that city.

During that time, his heart was painfully torn. On one hand, he was immersed in the high of vengeance; on the other hand, he was tormented by his guilty conscience. He was unable to take revenge directly on the culprit and could only use an innocent child to make that person suffer. He despised this version of himself, but he also wasn’t willing to let Jiang Sheng go, so he could only come up with the excuse that he was using the son to pay off the father’s debts. 

He had also once wanted to treat the child well, but every time he thought of Jiang Sheng’s child, he couldn’t help but see in him the shadow of Jiang Sheng, and then would be unable to stop himself from venting his hatred onto the child.

During that time, he shut his door and didn’t leave his house, imprisoning himself and that child within a tiny room. Truthfully, he was already on the brink of a mental breakdown.

By the time Ye Ming transmigrated, five years had already passed.

At that time, Ye Ming had found himself in a filthy, smelly, low-rent home. It was small and messy and only housed himself and that child. 

The child was already five years old, but couldn’t speak well, couldn’t read, and didn’t have a name. He was skinny, small, and dirty, and he would look at Ye Ming timidly, fearfully, like an abused little puppy.

Even if Ye Ming was ruthless, this still made his heart ache endlessly. What kind of sin had been borne here? But just as he reached out his hand, the child fearfully flinched back; it turned out that when Chen Zhao had his fits of madness, he’d hit him.

In this twisted way, they’d lived together for five years.

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Then, Ye Ming found out that this child was precisely his target. This would make things a bit difficult. 

Ye Ming wasn’t able to do something so depraved as to act upon this five-year-old child.

Ye Ming hesitated for a long time and finally figured that familial love and dependence should also be able to raise the current favorability value. Affection shouldn’t only mean romantic love. Thus, he decided to try it out. It was best if it succeeded, but if it didn’t, he’d just return him to the Jiang family and consider his task failed.

Thus, without ever even having had a girlfriend before, Ye Ming began to earnestly research how to raise a child.

Every day, he studied all sorts of parenting handbooks and worked even harder than he did when preparing for exams in school. He personally taught the child to read and talk, cooked for him, bathed him, and read him fairy tales before bed. He also named him Chen Ci. 

He didn’t expect it to be so fruitful. Chen Ci probably suffered too much when he was little, so when Ye Ming suddenly treated him well, his affection value rose extremely rapidly. It was just that he still was a little bit afraid of him. He didn’t understand anything, and like a little wolf cub, he could only confusedly rely on his instincts to cautiously distinguish between good and bad.

Gradually, through Ye Ming’s tireless efforts, little Chen Ci finally returned to normal. He no longer feared him, but rather began to rely on him, as if he were his entire world.


When Ye Ming felt that he had more or less recovered, he sent him to school, allowing him to interact with other people. Chen Ci called Ye Ming Dad; Ye Ming didn’t object, and suddenly felt that raising a son was also quite fulfilling. When he saw that Chen Ci had grown fair and plump, that his grades looked good, and that he also brought home awards, his sense of fulfillment was full to bursting.

He raised him like this for eleven years, and the once weak little child grew to be a spirited and energetic young man. 

At a young age, Chen Ci would rush to do the household chores. He was utterly, unbearably considerate. Compared to those other bear children nowadays, his son didn’t cause people to worry much, which invoked the jealousy of a great number of people.

Ye Ming previously didn’t know he had any talent in raising kids. Although in the beginning, it was all for affection points, in the face of this type of well-behaved child, who was charming and evoked people’s sympathy, how could he possibly not grow fond of him?

Actually, speaking of sympathy, Li Zechen of the last world was also quite pitiable. But in the end, they hadn’t interacted very much, and Li Zechen had always depended on himself. There was also an immense disparity between their statuses, so their feelings weren’t as deep. But in this world, he’d personally raised Chen Ci.

Even if he were playing a child-rearing game, he’d still have some affection for him. But since this was a love strategy game, there would always be a day when it’d come to an end. 

There was no banquet in the world that didn’t ultimately disperse.

On the day of Chen Ci’s sixteenth birthday, Ye Ming happily ordered a cake to celebrate, and right away, his affection value became full. He said, Dad, let’s be together for a lifetime, okay?

But Ye Ming knew that he would be leaving soon.

He stroked the child’s head and left, never returning. 

Before he left, Ye Ming anonymously called the Jiang family and told them Chen Ci’s location, asking them to take their child back home. Then, he left this world.

[Ye Ming: I didn’t think that I would be able to return to this world.]

[888: He’s blackened.]

[Ye Ming: His blackening couldn’t be more normal. I painstakingly raised him and then abandoned him. More importantly, after he returned to the Jiang family, Jiang Sheng absolutely wouldn’t have told him the truth in order to regain the son that he had lost. He definitely would’ve done his best to discredit me.] 

[888: That’s right. Jiang Sheng told him his chauffeur hit Chen Zhao’s wife, but Chen Zhao wasn’t satisfied with the five million dollar compensation, and after finding out the chauffeur was his person, he wouldn’t stop harassing him, greedily seeking more money. After Jiang Sheng refused him, he harbored malice toward him. Then, after he was unable to harm Jiang Sheng, Chen Zhao kidnapped his son in order to blackmail him, demanding he pay a fifty million dollar ransom. He paid the ransom, but Chen Zhao still wouldn’t return his child. Instead, he wickedly took both child and money and ran away. With great difficulty, Jiang Sheng finally found him again. Jiang Sheng’s methods are very high-level, and he covered his tracks well. Furthermore, so many years have passed since the incident occurred that it could even be said that his story is airtight.]

[Ye Ming: Then he must definitely hate me to death QAQ]

[888: What? It’s rare to see you like this.]

[Ye Ming: But it’s okay, I’ll reform my obedient son well!] 

[888: …]

After Chen Ci returned to the Jiang family, he changed his surname to Jiang. However, he refused to take the name Jiang Sheng had given to him, insisting on using his original name, so he was now called Jiang Ci.


Jiang Sheng and his wife were extremely good to this child that they had lost and then regained. They put their hearts and souls into making up for the sixteen years they had missed. Jiang Ci himself was very respectable and capable. He graduated from university early and joined the Jiang conglomerate. He was currently Jiang Sheng’s right hand man, as well as the Jiang family’s legitimate heir.

Meanwhile, after Chen Zhao left that city, he went to a different city far away. The system took over the body and ran into Chen Zhao’s senior back from school, Li Xu’an. Under Li Xu’an’s care, Chen Zhao entered the Li family hospital to work, getting by for a mediocre eight years. 

Li Xu’an was a closeted gay man and was pressured by his family into marrying a woman. They had a child, Li Siyang, but when Li Siyang was two, he and his wife agreed to divorce, each moving on to pursue their own happiness.

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Now, Li Siyang was already twelve, but Li Xu’an was still single, never having met the right person.

Chen Zhao and Li Xu’an grew very close, and he also had a good relationship with Li Siyang. Li Xu’an had always acted as a gentle and considerate older brother, but in Ye Ming’s opinion, this Li Xu’an probably liked Chen Zhao. It was just that he’d never confessed.

Ye Ming tsk-ed, set aside Li Xu’an’s affair, and began to wholeheartedly mull over how to eliminate Jiang Ci’s blackening value. 

[Ye Ming: But the Jiang family is too far away from here; it’ll be a problem if I want to accidentally meet them. Is it possible that I can only return to pay respects to my wife?] This way, he’d have an excuse to return to their former city, and it could be considered to be creating an opportunity for a chance encounter.

[888: You don’t need to go to all that trouble. Your opportunity is already right under your nose.]

[Ye Ming: ?]

[888: Jiang Ci came here to negotiate business as the Jiang family’s representative. The day before yesterday, he accidentally got into a car crash and is now staying at this hospital.] 

[Ye Ming: (⊙o⊙) What a coincidence!]

He was currently a doctor at this hospital; it’ll be really easy to create a chance encounter! Good son, I’m coming!

Ye Ming looked over the data of the hospital’s residents, and then waited until Christmas Day to tell Doctor Liu, who was on duty, to go on a date with his girlfriend. Ye Ming’s lonesome self didn’t have anything going on anyway, so he could take over the shift. Doctor Liu was extremely moved and promised that he would invite Ye Ming out to eat sometime. Then he happily went out on his date.


Jiang Ci didn’t expect that such an accident would occur. He had come to this city in place of his father to discuss a business partnership, and everything had been going pretty smoothly. But one night, on the way back to his hotel, it had rained, and it was hard to see clearly. In order to avoid hitting a woman and her child, he suddenly jerked the steering wheel, and his car crashed into a pole on the side of the street.

Fortunately, the woman and child were both fine, and he himself wasn’t badly injured. It was just that his lower leg had suffered a slight fracture, so he had to remain in the hospital for some time.

Jiang Ci’s bodyguard and chauffeur heavily blamed themselves. It was all because of their negligence that the young master had gotten into an accident. Consequently, they followed Jiang Ci even more attentively.

This Young Master Jiang had also had a very difficult life. It was said that he was stolen away just after he was born and was only found again sixteen years later. As a result, President Jiang treasured this son very much and did everything he could to make it up to him. He regarded his son as even more precious than the apple of his eye. 

Fortunately, Young Master Jiang was capable and had his own opinions. Otherwise, this sort of instant prosperity might have spoiled him rotten.

Jiang Ci didn’t actually mean to blame anybody. It was his own absentmindedness and carelessness that caused the car accident; no one else was at fault. What was more, his hospitalization didn’t get in the way of his affairs. He had basically finished up with arranging the business partnership, anyway, and all that was left could be settled while he was in the hospital.


On this day, Jiang Ci finished his work and closed his computer. He closed his eyes to rest for a little bit, and his mind wandered a bit as he listened to the noises coming from outside.

After he was finished dealing with matters here, he would return home. But to get home from here, he would have to pass through C City. 

He hadn’t stepped a single foot into that city for an entire two years. There resided his most beautiful and most painful memories. As long as he recalled them, he would be resubmerged in the desperation of being left alone and abandoned.

Even if he now had a beautiful family, a father and mother who loved him…even if he had everything that ordinary people wouldn’t be able to obtain for all their lives, he was still a bit unable to relieve this pain, which seemed to persist like a chronic illness.

There was no way to forget everything that that person gave to him.

In fact, in the beginning, Jiang Ci didn’t want to believe he had been abandoned like this…he thought Ye Ming would return after stepping out for a bit. He never thought that when they parted ways that time, they would be parting forever. 

He waited at home until late into the night, but no matter how long he waited, Ye Ming still didn’t return. Thus, he frantically went out to look for him, afraid that he’d gotten into an accident. He didn’t at all consider the possibility that he’d been abandoned. Ye Ming was so good to him; how could he possibly not want him? Didn’t they just say they would stay together for the rest of their lives?

But no matter how hard Jiang Ci searched, he couldn’t find him. It was as if Ye Ming had disappeared from this world into thin air. A few days later, some people came over and brought him to his biological father. After his identity was confimed, he became the young master of the Jiang family.

His biological parents were very good to him. They held him, crying, but in his heart, he was only blank and indifferent. He didn’t know them. His father was clearly someone else. Why did he suddenly not want him anymore? Why did these two strangers suddenly have to appear and claim to be his parents?

He only wanted him. 

Jiang Ci didn’t want to stay in the Jiang family and repeatedly tried to run away from the Jiang family and return back to C City. He always wondered, just in case Ye Ming returned, what would he do if he couldn’t find Jiang Ci?

So he had to wait for him at home.

Jiang Sheng expressed that he was extremely disappointed in him. One day, he finally told him the entire truth. It turned out that not only was that person not his father, he was even a despicable liar, a kidnapping criminal.

He had kidnapped him in order to extort money. 

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Jiang Ci didn’t want to accept this fact. The truth cruelly destroyed everything he knew and subverted his life. Was his most beloved person just a kidnapper in reality?! He didn’t believe it; he was clearly such a good person!

It wasn’t until Jiang Sheng presented him with of the evidence that he finally had no choice but to accept it.

Jiang Sheng had Chen Zhao’s job records, records of his compensation, proof of Cheng Zhao’s arrest for attempted injury with a knife, as well as records of himself reporting to the police to search for his child and the missing persons announcements throughout the years…Everything seemed reasonable and indisputable.

Jiang Ci looked at the slightly yellowed photos on the files. This was precisely the person that he called Dad. He wouldn’t recognize the wrong person. 

It turned out that the person he loved was a despicable liar that had snatched him away from his biological parents’ side.

A person who would even take advantage of his dead wife for the sake of money.


Jiang Ci had no choice but to acknowledge this cruel truth. At that moment, he suddenly recalled those memories that he had almost forgotten, that had been gathering dust for a long time. When he was very little, Chen Zhao did not treat him well. He would hurt him and glare at him viciously.

At that time, Jiang Ci hadn’t understood why…Now he did. 

Jiang Ci didn’t know why Chen Zhao treated him well afterwards. Maybe he finally discovered his conscience. But so what? It couldn’t make up for any of the wrongs he’d committed or the damage he’d done to him.

Moreover, did someone like that even have a conscience?

No, maybe this was just another way to intentionally hurt him, or maybe it was a heartless game.

First, make him care for him and trust in him, then abandon him… 

Only, the act was too realistic, and it went on for too long, making him believe it to be true.

That person seemed to have two sides to him. One side would tenderly smile at him, the other side exposed a cold expression. It was just that Jiang Ci had been exposed to the tender side for so long that he’d forgotten the cold side. And in the end, he got hurt all over.

But despite all of that, Jiang Ci still couldn’t forget him.

The memories of those ten-plus years were engraved into the depths of his soul. 

He kept the house that they used to live in. Every half year, he’d return to visit it, to check if there were any traces of a person who had returned. He wanted to personally get an answer, but no one ever returned.

Two years ago, he gave up on going to that city.

If only hatred remained in his heart, some obsessions should be given up.


Ye Ming looked at the medical record in his hands. This was Doctor Liu’s patient, who was hospitalized because of a car accident. He should go and conduct a routine checkup.

He looked up at the room number and gently knocked at the door. A bodyguard in a black suit quickly opened the door, examining him closely before letting him in, closing the door and guarding the doorway immediately after.

From his attitude, Ye Ming feared that this might be some family’s important young master.

Ye Ming turned around and walked in, flipping through the medical record in his hand while lifting his head. But in the split second that he saw the person on the bed, all of his words got stuck in his throat, and he was unable to speak even a single word. 

Even though it had been eight years and the youth of the past had matured into a young man, he could still recognize him with one glance.

The young man on the hospital bed looked at him squarely. His appearance was handsome and outstanding, his countenance sharp, his pointed chin slightly raised. Eight years had passed, and the silhouette of his face was now clearer and colder. His gaze was so piercing it didn’t seem as if he were a young person. It was as if, in those eyes, there had accumulated all the most complex darknesses of this world, and they seemed to want to suck people in like a vortex, sinking them into an endless abyss.


Ye Ming felt his two hands trembling, and his entire body stiffened…Suddenly, he turned his head, averted his gaze in a panic, then turned around and headed out.

Just then, he heard an icy voice coming from behind him. It was as if it had come from hell. 

“Don’t move.”

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