You left me all alone in that cold house, so stingy you didn’t even want to spare me a single goodbye. You made me face that boundless fear, worry, loneliness, and sorrow all by myself. Yet you? 

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You lived your life with a clear conscience. You even have a new person willing to accompany you.




Jiang Ci grit his teeth hard. Hatred and pain tangled together in his eyes. Why was it only me that can’t walk away?

Why is it so unfair…? 

I will make you regret what you’ve done!


His hand that was holding the crutches clenched audibly. It took all of his strength to bring under control the urge to rush inside. He turned around and slowly made his way back to his room.

Li Xu’an lightly kissed Ye Ming. He was afraid of being found out by Ye Ming, so he endured and endured and finally sat back down. Then he used his phone to secretly take a picture of Ye Ming. Satisfied, he set it as his phone’s wallpaper.

At first, Ye Ming was pretending to sleep, worried that it would be awkward if he stayed awake, but he actually ended up dozing off as soon as he closed his eyes.


When he woke up, it was already over an hour later.

Ye Ming drowsily opened his eyes. He turned his head, and when he saw Li Xu’an still sitting next to him, he suddenly woke up all the way. He said, embarrassed, “You were here this whole time.”

Li Xu’an smiled. “Yes.”

Ye Ming quickly said, “I’m not tired anymore; you go home first. If it’s too late, Siyang will worry.” 

Li Xu’an lifted his hand and glanced at his watch. Although he didn’t want to leave, he didn’t really have any excuse to continue to stay, so he stood up and said, “Okay, then I’ll be leaving first. If there’s time, let’s go somewhere together. Siyang’s always talking about you.”

Ye Ming thought of Li Siyang, and his gaze turned tender and warm. “Okay.”

He watched Li Xu’an leave, then looked at the clock on the table. It was already past eleven o’clock; he normally went to see Jiang Ci at around nine. He didn’t know if Jiang Ci would think too much because he wasn’t on time today.

Ye Ming was worried about Jiang Ci’s matter, so he got up and immediately walked to the door of his hospital room, but when he was about to knock, he hesitated again. 

It was already so late. Could Jiang Ci already be asleep? He probably shouldn’t disturb him. He could just explain tomorrow…Right as Ye Ming was hesitating, the door suddenly opened from the inside.

York bowed his head and shot Ye Ming a glance. He said coldly, “Go on in.”

Ye Ming walked in a bit apprehensively and saw Jiang Ci sitting on the hospital bed. He didn’t look like he had the slightest intention of going to sleep and looked at him gloomily. He thought for a bit, then opened his mouth and said, “I apologize, I had some things to do tonight, so I was late.”

Jiang Ci looked straight at him, and the corners of his mouth hooked upward. “What things?” 

Ye Ming said, “A friend came to visit me and didn’t leave for a while.”

Jiang Ci’s expression was ice-cold. A friend, huh…Then do you know that your friend has those sorts of thoughts about you? Or maybe you do know, and you’re just pretending that you don’t, just to use him in order to obtain everything you have now.


Jiang Ci said, “Come here.”

Ye Ming had lived with Jiang Ci for many years, and he could vaguely sense that his mood wasn’t quite right. But the current Jiang Ci was much harder to predict than the Jiang Ci of the past, always giving people an enigmatic, unfathomable feeling. Even he couldn’t tell Jiang Ci’s true state of mind and could only walk over. 

Jiang Ci saw Ye Ming come to a stop three steps away from him and then said, “Closer.”

Ye Ming took another two steps closer and stood in front of Jiang Ci’s bed.

Jiang Ci slightly raised his head and looked at this man. Although he was no longer young, this face was just as handsome and good-looking as before. It wasn’t very different from the face in his memories. His features were defined, his dark brown eyes looked very gentle, and when he smiled, it made it hard for people to look away; it left a rich aftertaste, like a finely aged wine.

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A face like this—there must be a lot of people who like it, so you were able to make Li Xu’an fall for you. 

Jiang Ci’s expression darkened some more. He said, “Come closer.”

Ye Ming stared blankly. He was already so close. How could he come any closer?

He hesitated for a moment, then took one more step, right up to the hospital bed. But as soon as he got there, his collar was grabbed by Jiang Ci, and he was suddenly pulled downward! He quickly grabbed the sides of the bed in order to avoid falling headlong onto Jiang Ci’s body. But now he was stuck bending over, with his nose nearly touching Jiang Ci’s face.

This kind of position made him feel extremely uncomfortable, but Jiang Ci was holding him very forcefully, not allowing him to escape. 

Ye Ming opened his mouth with difficulty, parting his lips just barely. “What are you doing?”

Jiang Ci’s line of sight fell onto Ye Ming’s lips. The face that he’d yearned for day and night was right in front of his eyes, so close he could clearly see even the tiny creases of his lips, each defined eyelash, and his reflection in those clear eyes. He could feel the hot breath of his exhale…

He once again recalled the scene of Li Xu’an kissing Ye Ming.

That scene had been lingering in his mind this whole time, to the point that he was unable to fall asleep, even until this hour… 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Jiang Ci had always been single, simply because no one could make his heart flutter. He didn’t think he was gay, but just now, in the moment he saw that scene, it wasn’t disgust or shock that bubbled in his heart but incomparable envy and jealousy.

Afjibers atja rbwfbcf firf mbeiv ufa rb mibrf ab atlr qfgrbc. Lf tjafv atja tf mbeivc’a ajxf tlr qijmf.

Aljcu Jl’r tfjv kjr revvfcis oibbvfv klat jc lcvfrmglyjyif eguf. Lf jirb kjcafv ab ajraf atfrf ilqr jcv rff lo atfs ajrafv jr ubbv jr atfs ibbxfv. Crlvf ogbw atlr, tf tjv cb batfg atbeutar.

This urge was bizarre and nonsensical. But before he could bring himself to his senses, he had already raised his head and kissed him. 

At this moment, the air in this hospital room seemed to freeze.

Ye Ming was afraid to believe it. His eyes widened. He felt a slight coldness pressing against his lips, and he stared at Jiang Ci’s handsome features that were so close to him.


He…actually kissed him?

This was the person he’d treated as a son and raised! Did he even know what he was doing? 

Ye Ming’s eyes suddenly revealed an extremely angry look. He was so indignant his body was shaking slightly. Without thinking, he raised his hand to slap him!

But Jiang Ci suddenly shot his hand out and grabbed his wrist.

Jiang Ci’s eyes revealed an incomparably piercing, cold look. He squeezed Ye Ming’s wrist tightly. Only when he saw Ye Ming’s pained expression did he slowly smile. “You want to hit me?”

His tone while saying this sentence was dangerous and ice-cold. 

Ye Ming felt like his bone was going to break from being squeezed so hard. It hurt so much his face was white, but he didn’t pay any attention to the pain in his wrist. What he cared about was Jiang Ci’s action just now—he had actually kissed him!

Ye Ming was so angry he trembled all over. He said sharply, “Let me go!”

Jiang Ci saw that Ye Ming was finally no longer calm. For a moment, he was dazed. Immediately after, a feeling of elation rose in his heart! It turns out that someone like you also has things they’re afraid of and disgusted by. Being kissed by me is this hard to accept for you?

Jiang Ci’s tone was mocking. “You’re angry? Why?” 

Ye Ming was endlessly pained. Even if they had separated, Jiang Ci was still his son in his heart this whole time. He said, “You shouldn’t have done that. I’m your—”

He originally wanted to say “father,” but that word got stuck in his throat. He was suddenly unable to say it.

He wasn’t.

Jiang Ci smiled gently, as if Ye Ming were a little clown futilely trying to stir up trouble. He said softly, “Why don’t you continue talking?” 

Ye Ming tightly pressed his lips together.

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But Jiang Ci wasn’t satisfied. On his lips hung a vicious smile. He unhurriedly said, “You aren’t my father at all. You don’t even have any relation to me. You’re just a kidnapper, that’s all. Did you think you have the right to criticize me?”

Ye Ming’s eyes revealed an endlessly pained look. He couldn’t refute Jiang Ci’s words at all.

Jiang Ci said, “So there’s nothing to be alarmed about if I kiss you. What is there to be angry about?” He looked at Ye Ming’s extremely humiliated, speechless, and pained expression and was suddenly very pleased. 

Why do you get to live happily? Why does a wrongdoer like you always act like nothing’s a big deal? It really makes a person angry…

Whether you don’t like men, or you just don’t like me treating you like this, it doesn’t matter. My goal is just to make you suffer anyway, to make you sink down with me.


I’ll hold your hand tightly, make you stay by my side, make you experience my desperation and powerlessness. Only this way will it be fair.

[Ding, Jiang Ci’s blackening value -10, current blackening value 80] 

[Ye Ming: …]

[888: Was that very unexpected?]

[Ye Ming: Oh…after experiencing those previous couple worlds, it’s actually not that unexpected. I just knew raising the affection value fully couldn’t be that easy…]

[888: Hehehe, you seem to have accepted it without feeling burdened at all.] 

[Ye Ming: I can’t do anything about it either. This is all for the sake of eliminating his blackening value. Wronged.jpg]

888 didn’t want to talk to this spicy chicken. He shouldn’t have held any expectations for his integrity.

Ye Ming’s chest violently heaved up and down. A look of disappointment and sadness flashed in his eyes.

What Jiang Ci said wasn’t wrong. He wasn’t his son. Ye Ming didn’t have any right to criticize him. But you can retaliate against me; you just shouldn’t use this kind of method. 

Ye Ming forcefully shook off Jiang Ci’s hand and shot him a glance, then turned around and walked out without hesitation.

Standing in a daze, York watched Ye Ming leave. What had he witnessed just now? Had he experienced a hallucination? Or was he dreaming?

The young master kissed the person who’d kidnapped him?

Wasn’t that the person who raised him? The young master actually liked him? 

But…The look York directed at Jiang Ci was very strange. Even if he liked him, it shouldn’t be this kind of like…

Is it possible that the young master is really a weirdo?!!!

Wuwuwu, so it’s true that kids who go through childhood traumas are easily psychologically distorted…York felt that he’d discovered an enormous, shocking secret!

Jiang Ci raised his eyes and looked at York. His eyes were cold. He slowly said, “You understand what you should and shouldn’t concern yourself with, correct?” 

York shuddered once and immediately nodded.

He had been too shocked just now and almost forgot that this Young Master Jiang wasn’t an easy person to talk to. If he made him angry, he wouldn’t have a good end. Anyway, he was his boss who paid his wages. What did whatever he wanted to do to other people have anything to do with himself? Plus, that kind of kidnapper wasn’t someone to feel sympathy for.


Yep, if Jiang Ci was weird, then he was weird.

Jiang Ci closed his eyes and said, “You can leave. I want to rest now.” 

York respectfully turned off the light and left, then stood watch by the door.

It was dark in the room. Jiang Ci opened his eyes again. He reached out a hand and touched his lips. Just now, it had only been a light touch, but in that moment, it’d given him a shock he’d never felt before. Even now, it still remained in his heart.

It hadn’t been disgusting, and it hadn’t been loathsome…That person’s lips were so soft and sweet, and they made him reluctant to part.

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It made him crave even more. 

Why would he have such thoughts?

Before, he’d thought Ye Ming was his father. He had relied on him so, trusted him so, loved him so, and only wanted to stay by his side and be together for the rest of their lives…When they met each other again, he was no longer his father. He was just a despicable person who’d abandoned him, or his enemy. He wasn’t at all worthy of being his father.

But he still wanted him.

He would use a different method to have him. 


Ye Ming returned to his office. The entire way there, he was ridiculed by 888 for being an old cow that ate tender grass. Toward this, he expressed immense discontent.

[Ye Ming: How am I an old cow that eats tender grass?]

[888: You don’t count as an old cow?] 

[Ye Ming: I’m forever eighteen!]

[888: Hehe.]

[Ye Ming: Plus, no matter how you put it, I can’t be considered an old cow eating tender grass. At most, this is considered a young cow eating old grass, isn’t it? I’m being forced!]

[888: …] 

In order for Ye Ming to express his resentment toward Jiang Ci, on the second day, he didn’t go see him. The relationship between them shouldn’t become like this.

But after two days, Ye Ming still went in the end.


Because when he opened his drawer, he saw a stack of photos. There were photos of him at work, of him eating, of him with Li Xu’an and Li Siyang, of him with his coworkers…even photos of him going home at night.

Jiang Ci sat calmly on his bed. When he saw Ye Ming coming, he smiled insipidly. 

Ye Ming angrily threw the photos onto his bed, saying, “What do you mean by this? You investigated me!”

Jiang Ci looked at him mockingly. “Yes. After all, you’re not worthy of being trusted.”

Ye Ming was so angry his chest heaved violently. Self-blame and anger battled in his heart in a complex struggle. He said, “What do you want to do?”

Jiang Ci lifted the corners of his lips. “I just want you to know your place and be a bit more obedient. If you’re disobedient, everyone will know what you’ve done and what kind of person you are. You wouldn’t want everything you have now to be destroyed if that happens, would you? If those people who were deceived by you and trusted you knew, how disappointed would they be…” 

Ye Ming’s fists clenched tightly.

Jiang Ci continued, “Also, this is what you owe me. Shouldn’t you make it up to me?”

Ye Ming was momentarily dazed. His lips pulled into a bitter smile. I once destroyed your everything, so now you want to destroy mine.

It’s just a pity that I just can’t agree to this request. 

Ye Ming slowly spoke, “I’m afraid that I can’t make up for much. However you want to get revenge against me, I’ll comply with you.”

He turned around and was about to leave.

The bodyguard stood guard at the door. Ye Ming knew he wouldn’t be able to, yet he still reached his hand out to open the door. As a result, he was suddenly pushed back many steps! The bodyguard had received Jiang Ci’s direction and directly pulled off Ye Ming’s coat, tied his hands behind his back, and pushed him to Jiang Ci’s side.

Ye Ming hadn’t had the chance to budge when he was immediately pressed down by Jiang Ci and was made unable to move an inch. He finally looked panicked. “What do you want to do?” 

Jiang Ci’s fingertips gently stroked his cheek. He smiled slightly. “Didn’t you just say that I can get revenge against you however I want? I’ve already decided how.”

You aren’t even afraid of being exposed, yet you’re afraid of being intimate with me.

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That makes me actually want to treat you this way even more.

Because I finally know how to make you suffer instead of always looking as if you don’t mind how you’re treated. 

Besides, how could I let you have a chance to run away from me again? Jiang Ci ripped open Ye Ming’s shirt with one hand, the buttons popping off. He lowered his head and bit his neck.

Ye Ming couldn’t believe Jiang Ci would do such a thing. Angrily, he began struggling and yelled, “Stop!”


Jiang Ci lightly licked his Adam’s apple and raised his head. In his black eyes was an expanse of darkness. He said, smiling, “So loud, do you want to draw people in here to see your current appearance? Indeed…directly seeing your shameless appearance would make it easier to understand than if I told them about you.”

Ye Ming’s expression twisted immediately. He didn’t mind Jiang Ci reporting him, but he definitely wasn’t able to tolerate other people seeing him like this. His personality was conservative and shy. How could he possibly bear that humiliation? Embarrassed, he finally lowered his voice. “You, don’t do this, oh…” 

Before he could finish speaking, his lips were covered up by Jiang Ci. This kiss was different from the previous one. It was recklessly forceful and plundering, and it nearly suffocated him.

Ye Ming’s hands were tied up. He felt like he was going to die, but Jiang Ci’s hand securely held his waist, and he was tightly pressed against his body. The former youth had already become a powerful man who possessed an immense strength he was unable to fight against.

Jiang Ci tightly held this person, forcefully kissed him, and caged his body with his own, making him unable to escape from his side.

He pillaged the taste of this person. He craved it all; he was addicted to it all. 

At first, he had only done this to humiliate him. But once he started, he discovered that he actually felt desire and passion! He couldn’t control himself. He wanted to take complete possession of this person!

This was the first time he had felt such an unimaginable thirst!

Terrible thoughts arose in his heart, one by one. Demons that he’d never had before slowly awoke within him.

Since you aren’t my father and you don’t deserve to be my father, then why can’t I possess you as a man? Just like the way Li Xu’an is to you. 

Jiang Ci bit Ye Ming’s lips. Where their lips and teeth were entangled emerged the taste of blood.

Whenever he thought of the possibility of this person being with someone else, this person only thinking of someone else, infinite jealousy welled up in his heart.

You shouldn’t have tossed me aside. You should never think about tossing me aside again.

You will regret not wanting me! 

Ye Ming whimpered from the kiss. There was unbearable shame and pain in his eyes, and he was completely enveloped by Jiang Ci’s domineering taste. He had loved him as his own child…

I know that you hate me, but I never thought it would turn into this…

Just then, the sound of a knock came from the door.

Ye Ming was still stuck in Jiang Ci’s embrace. His body suddenly stiffened. 

Jiang Ci smiled insincerely at him. He bit his ear. “How inconvenient. I didn’t think someone would really come. How should I introduce you? Doctor Chen? Actually climbing into a patient’s bed during work hours, it’s really too shameless.”

Ye Ming’s lips were bitten open and stained with blood. His entire face was pale. He shook his head, quietly begging, “Don’t do this, I…I’ll listen to you, okay?”


Although he was immensely indignant, at this moment, all he could think was that he couldn’t let anyone discover this scene. He just wanted to temporarily appease Jiang Ci instead of causing a disturbance that might get out of hand.

If he was seen like this, then he couldn’t hide everything anymore. They’d all know what kind of awful things he’d done…If it were just that, then it’d be fine, but he couldn’t let other people mistakenly think he and Jiang Ci had an abnormal relationship. 

He couldn’t let people see this unbearable side of himself.

Jiang Ci’s fingertips rubbed against Ye Ming’s lips. He smiled slightly, raised his voice, and said, “Who is it?”

A deep, magnetic voice drifted inside. “It’s me, Li Xu’an.”

Ye Ming’s face immediately turned completely white. 

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