Jiang Ci said, “Sorry, I came late.”

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Li Xu’an smiled a little and said, “It’s not a problem. The dishes haven’t been served yet. Does Young Master Jiang have any dietary restrictions?” 

Jiang Ci shook his head. “No.” He turned his head. He seemed to only now notice Ye Ming next to him. His eyebrows rose, and he said with some surprise, “Doctor Chen is also here?”

Ye Ming was pale. He gave him a very forced smile.



“This is Chen Zhao, my good friend,” Li Xu’an introduced him to Jiang Ci. He noticed Ye Ming’s strange expression and furrowed his brows. Concerned, he asked, “What’s wrong? Are you not feeling well?”

Ye Ming looked panicked. He shook his head, then nodded. With his head lowered, he said, “Maybe my cold…isn’t completely gone.” 

Li Xu’an felt that something was very off. Ye Ming had obviously been fine just now. How come his expression suddenly became so unsightly? Was it really because of his cold?


Jiang Ci turned to his side and said meaningfully to Ye Ming, “Doctor Chen caught a cold? Then you must rest well. The body is quite important.”

Ye Ming’s expression twisted even more. A look of shame and resentment appeared in his eyes, because he suddenly felt a hand on top of his leg. The scorching heat felt like it could burn his skin through his pants, and it made him recall those terrifying nightmares…Jiang Ci’s gaze made his scalp turn numb.

Ye Ming ground his teeth hard. His teeth creaked. After a while, he said, “Thank you for your concern. I’m fine.”


Jiang Ci said softly, “That’s good then. Speaking of, I still need to thank Doctor Chen for your care back when I was staying at the hospital. You must have a drink with me in a bit.”

Li Xu’an looked pensively between the two people. He had the niggling feeling that Ye Ming’s reaction seemed to have something to do with Jiang Ci, but…they were clearly people of two different worlds. Plus, Ye Ming had never told him that he knew Jiang Ci. Li Xu’an truly couldn’t make a mental connection between them. Could this just be his misperception?

Li Xu’an was unable to make up his mind for a while. He said, “I apologize, my child is here today, so we aren’t drinking. Young Master Jiang doesn’t mind, do you?”

Jiang Ci turned to look at Li Xu’an. He smiled and said, “I was thoughtless. I don’t mind. Oh, right, this is your son…he’s a very cute child.” 

Li Siyang glanced at Jiang Ci. Children were very perceptive. He could faintly sense Jiang Ci’s hostility toward him, so he didn’t bother feigning civility, and he just barely refrained from rolling his eyes.

Li Xu’an looked at him unhappily. “Call him Uncle Jiang.”

Li Siyang said, “He’s not that much older than me. Why are you making me call him Uncle? I figure at most he can only be my older brother.”

Li Xu’an: “…” 

The corners of Jiang Ci’s mouth rose upward. He said, “You can call me older brother too. It’s fine by me. Director Li doesn’t need to mind.”

But Li Xu’an felt that this wasn’t very appropriate. This way, Jiang Ci was placed a generation below him for no reason. It wasn’t fitting to act arrogant in front of Jiang Ci; it was better to be of the same generation and regard each other as friends. He said, “Children aren’t very sensible. Please forgive me, Young Master Jiang.”

He turned and glared at Li Siyang. He insisted, “Call him Uncle.”

Li Siyang stuck out his tongue and rolled his eyes. “Fine, then he’s Uncle. Then, Dad, you and Uncle Jiang talk together. Can Uncle Chen and I sit together? Can we~” 

Li Xu’an felt a slight headache, and he didn’t even have much time to worry about why Ye Ming was being strange just now. Had this stinking brat taken the wrong medicine today? Why was he pulling shenanigan after shenanigan? Although he was usually hard to manage, he was still very sensible in front of outsiders. But today he was excessively unruly.

When Ye Ming heard this, his eyes brightened. He really didn’t want to sit next to Jiang Ci.


Jiang Ci coldly glanced at Ye Ming and forcefully pinched his leg, then smiled and stood up. He volunteered, “If the child wants to switch, then let’s switch. Director Li, don’t be angry. It’ll be fine once he grows up a bit.”

He was implying that Li Siyang was immature. 

Li Xu’an sighed. He stood and let Li Siyang come out and switch seats with Jiang Ci. He said guiltily, “Apologies. When there’s an opportunity next time, I’ll invite Young Master Jiang by myself.”

Jiang Ci smiled. “It’s really fine.”

Li Siyang sat heavily onto Jiang Ci’s previous seat. He shot Jiang Ci a smug glance. So what if I call you Uncle? The seat next to Uncle Chen is mine! You still lost to me!

Yet Jiang Ci didn’t even glance at him. His expression said he was above arguing with children. Li Siyang found that his taunting didn’t elicit any response, and he stopped stirring up trouble, embarrassed. 

Ye Ming sighed in relief. The pressure of Jiang Ci sitting next to him put too much stress on him, but Li Siyang made him feel much more at ease.

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Soon, their food was served. Ye Ming truly didn’t have much appetite and didn’t eat a lot, and because he didn’t dare look at Jiang Ci, he directed all his attention to Li Siyang from beginning to end. One moment, he helped him get more food, another moment, he helped him pour water.

He even ignored Li Xu’an as well.

Li Xu’an felt that Ye Ming was a bit off today. Was it because there was an unfamiliar person here, so he wasn’t used to it? He felt a bit regretful that he’d agreed to Jiang Ci’s request. He watched Ye Ming and Li Siyang. The two of them were in their own little world, completely devoid of any intention to talk to them, and he wasn’t going to force it either. He turned and started chatting with Jiang Ci. 

Jiang Ci seemed to be engrossed in talking with Li Xu’an, but the whole time, his peripheral vision was fixed on Ye Ming. The anger that was suppressed in his chest grew greater and greater, but he wore a flawless smile on his face the entire time.

He knew fighting with a stinking brat over someone’s affection was very ridiculous, but he just couldn’t control his inner jealousy.

Jealousy that Li Siyang could freely say what Jiang Ci wanted to say, do what Jiang Ci wanted to do, and use his young age to enjoy Ye Ming’s care and affection. Meanwhile, these were all things that he couldn’t have.

He also imagined sitting next to that person in the same way, sticking to him, acting spoiled with him, seeking his attention…but he couldn’t. 

He couldn’t and wouldn’t pathetically beg for the pity of a heartless person who abandoned him.

The meal lasted in this manner, with everyone immersed in their own thoughts. Ye Ming’s heart was stuck in his throat the whole time, from his fear that Jiang Ci would suddenly say something he shouldn’t, but luckily, Jiang Ci didn’t do that. He acted like he truly didn’t know him well.

Ye Ming began to have his doubts. At first, he’d thought Jiang Ci had come because of him, but could this thought be a bit too self-absorbed? Why would Jiang Ci go out of his way to do this for him? He could treat him however he wanted anyway, and Ye Ming couldn’t resist, either. This probably wasn’t necessary, was it?

Maybe Jiang Ci really did just come to eat with Li Xu’an. They were people of the same world. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tf Zlcu ribkis qea jrlvf atbrf aegyeifca atbeutar jcv mbcmfcagjafv bc xffqlcu Ol Vlsjcu mbwqjcs. Ol Vlsjcu jaf ecali tf kjr oeii jcv ifa bea j yfimt. Lf qjaafv tlr rabwjmt, ibbxlcu eaafgis rjalrolfv. Qtfc atfs ifoa, tf tfiv Tf Zlcu’r tjcv jcv rjlv, uglcclcu, “Ofa’r ub ab atf atfwf qjgx~ Fcmif Jtfc, sbe qgbwlrfv ab ub klat wf~”

Ah~ A cool kid like him definitely didn’t like theme parks, but he had to help his dad create opportunities!


Li Xu’an took the opportunity to smile and say to Jiang Ci, “We still have things to do. We won’t be accompanying Young Master Jiang anymore today. Let’s get together again if there’s a chance in the future.” His meaning was that he intended to part ways with Jiang Ci.

Jiang Ci looked at Ye Ming and Li Siyang. Suddenly, the corners of his lips lifted upward. He said, “Let’s discuss future occasions in the future. I don’t have anything to do today, and I really like your son. It’s rare that we have the opportunity to get together; let’s go together.” 

Li Xu’an’s smile finally stiffened for a second. Luckily, he had always been a person with subtlety, and he quickly returned to normal.

At this point, he had no choice but to concede that his earlier suspicion probably wasn’t wrong. Jiang Ci had come today for a purpose. A normal person would tactfully leave at this point, but he insisted on staying with them. Truly inappropriate.

But Li Xu’an also couldn’t tell what the problem was.

Li Xu’an thought and thought. He and the Jiang family didn’t have dealings with each other often, and their two families were located so far apart. There wasn’t anything to make Jiang Ci deliberately act maliciously toward him. As for liking Li Siyang—that was obviously just Jiang Ci’s excuse. 

Thus, only Ye Ming was left…He recalled Ye Ming’s panicked change in countenance when Jiang Ci had arrived previously. Li Xu’an’s eyes darkened.

Could there really be something between Jiang Ci and Ye Ming? And Jiang Ci was aiming at him? But his junior schoolmate’s family circumstances were ordinary, and he was low-profile. How could he possibly have gotten involved with Jiang Ci?

Li Xu’an couldn’t figure it out. But since Jiang Ci had said this much, it was difficult for him to firmly refuse. He could only decline, saying, “How could I inconvenience you like that?”

Jiang Ci said, “It’s fine.” 

Thus, Li Xu’an couldn’t say anything more.

Ye Ming had originally thought they could get rid of Jiang Ci. Who would’ve expected that after the meal, Jiang Ci still wanted to stay with them? Plus, Li Xu’an was obviously beginning to be suspicious. He paled a little. He could feel his emotions fluctuating up and down.

The four people, each preoccupied with their own thoughts, went to the amusement park together.

Li Siyang was very upset that Jiang Ci came with them. He felt his perfectly good weekend had been ruined just like that. The entire way there, his little face was cold, and he didn’t spare Li Xu’an a single good expression. It made Ye Ming very embarrassed, and he figured it would be better to lead the child up front and walk ahead, and he quietly coaxed him. 

Jiang Ci and Li Xu’an weren’t in a rush, and they trailed behind.

Li Xu’an looked at Jiang Ci intently. He suddenly asked, “Young Master Jiang seems to care very much about Chen Zhao. Last time, you specially mentioned him to me and said he did things very earnestly and conscientiously. It looks like your impression of him is quite good.”

Jiang Ci turned his head and smiled slightly. “Yes, he’s a very good person. I have a very deep impression of him.”

Li Xu’an nodded. “So it’s like this.” More and more, he had the feeling that Jiang Ci had come today because of Ye Ming. Later, after Jiang Ci left, he’d have to ask Ye Ming what this was all about. 

This Young Master Jiang wasn’t so simple. He was worried Ye Ming would suffer.

Jiang Ci asked, seeming very casual, “But I didn’t expect Director Li and Doctor Chen were so close; do you guys know each other very well? Do you normally go out together like this often?”


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Li Xu’an calmly said, “Yes.”

Jiang Ci seemed a bit surprised. He asked again, “Then do you like him?” 

The smile on Li Xu’an’s face dimmed a bit. Jiang Ci’s question was going a bit overboard. This didn’t seem like something a smart person like him would do.

He originally didn’t have to answer, but looking into Jiang Ci’s eyes, he finally felt unwilling to accept defeat. It probably came from the instinctive hostility of men who were competing over a partner. Li Xu’an met Jiang Ci’s eyes and said, “I really like him, and I’ve been pursuing him all along.”

The corners of Jiang Ci’s quirked upward. In the depths of his eyes was an ice-cold gleam. He smiled insincerely. “But it looks like he doesn’t know.”

Li Xu’an didn’t reply. Instead, he said, “What is Young Master Jiang so concerned about these matters for?” 

Jiang Ci lightly said, “Nothing much, just casually asking.”

Li Xu’an did not at all think Jiang Ci was just casually asking. There had to be something he didn’t know. This kind of latent disadvantage made Li Xu’an feel very unhappy. He had probably been careless this time; it looked like he needed to investigate the particulars of Ye Ming and Jiang Ci’s recent interactions. Then he might be able to figure out just what ideas Jiang Ci was harboring.

Just as he was deep in thought, his phone suddenly rang. He saw that Ye Ming was calling, and his eyes turned gentle. “Hello? What’s up?”

Ye Ming said over the phone, “We’re over at the ferris wheel. Are you guys coming over?” 

Li Xu’an said, “No, Young Master Jiang and I have some things to discuss. You guys go ahead and play.”

In the moment Li Xu’an fished out his phone, Jiang Ci could see the lit-up screen: it was a picture of Ye Ming sleeping. With one glance, Jiang Ci could even tell when it was taken. It was that day he’d gone out to look for Ye Ming and saw Li Xu’an secretly kissing Ye Ming.

Little by little, Jiang Ci’s hands clenched into fists. His expression was pulled taut. He waited for Li Xu’an to hang up, then slowly said, “Why isn’t Director Li going over? Could it be that you don’t want me to come along, so you aren’t going?”

Li Xu’an’s eyes were somewhat cold, and he was no longer gentle and courteous as he had been before. He exposed his imposing manner and indifferently said, “Young Master Jiang might as well speak straightforwardly. There’s no need to beat around the bush like this.” 

The depths of Jiang Ci’s eyes were an expanse of pitch-black, and the smile on his lips disappeared.


After finishing the call and hearing that Li Xu’an wasn’t coming over, Ye Ming revealed a relieved expression. Jiang Ci probably shouldn’t be coming either. Thus, he concentrated on playing with Li Siyang. The two of them played all over the park joyfully.

[888: …You’re actually very engrossed in playing?] 

[Ye Ming: (⊙v⊙) Yes! What’s up?]

[888: …] Laozi wants to ask you what’s up! Your ticking bomb is right over there, having a confrontation with Li Xu’an! Could you please put some effort into this?


[Ye Ming: At our age, we’re normally too embarrassed to come play at theme parks. At a time like this, kids are essential goods. Adults can do all the things they’re too embarrassed to do under the guise of accompanying kids to play, heehee~]

[888: Did you graduate from kindergarten?] 

[Ye Ming: …]

[Ye Ming: Big brother, I know you’re worried about Jiang Ci’s matter. Don’t worry, my family’s Xiao Ci is a good child. If he really wanted to expose me, then he would’ve exposed me a long time ago. At most, he’s just asserting his dominance over his love rival.]

[Ye Ming: Ai, what can you do if the child loves to eat vinegar too much? Of course, you have to let him eat enough of it at once, until he throws up. Then he won’t want to eat it anymore ^_^]

[888: …] 

[Ye Ming: Let him scuffle a bit first. This way, I can find an opportunity to disrupt our current relationship. Continuing on like this isn’t good either, haha~]

[888: …] mmp, who cares about you.

Ye Ming cheerily played together with Li Siyang for half a day. Only then did they slowly go back to look for Li Xu’an.

Li Xu’an and Jiang Ci sat together harmoniously in the coffee shop at the entrance of the theme park, as if there wasn’t any of their earlier animosity at all. Li Xu’an smiled at Ye Ming and said, “You’ve worked hard. Siyang didn’t trouble you, did he?” 

Ye Ming smiled warmly. “No, he was very good.”

Proud, Li Siyang puffed out his little chest. Ye Ming’s eyes contained a helplessly doting smile, and he stroked his head.

Jiang Ci, however, felt that this scene was terribly offensive to the eye. He suddenly stood up and said, “Then I won’t disturb you guys anymore. I’ll be leaving first.”

Li Xu’an didn’t even bother with courtesy. He insipidly said, “Young Master Jiang, take care.” 

Ye Ming watched Jiang Ci leave, and his expression became relaxed. Li Xu’an noticed, but he didn’t ask. Instead, he first dropped Li Siyang off at home and had him go up by himself first. Then he drove Ye Ming home.

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They reached the ground floor of Ye Ming’s apartment. Before Ye Ming got out of the car, Li Xu’an suddenly looked at him and slowly asked, “When did you and Jiang Ci meet?”

Ye Ming was taken off guard. Did Jiang Ci say something to Li Xu’an? A bit nervously, he said, “Recently…What’s wrong?”

Li Xu’an looked at him intensely. He always had the feeling that Ye Ming was hiding something from him. “Then does he act or behave insolently toward you normally? I always feel like he’s taken a fancy to you.” 

Ye Ming immediately paled. He once again recalled those terrible memories and said piteously, “No.”

Li Xu’an suddenly grasped Ye Ming’s hand. He looked intently into his eyes and said with deep feeling, “Are you having any difficulties? Is he making things hard for you? I hope you can tell me, you know that? Instead of always treating me like an outsider.”


Ye Ming looked into Li Xu’an’s eyes. Suddenly he turned his head away and said through gritted teeth, “No. I’m leaving now.” After saying that, he immediately got up and out of the car.

Li Xu’an felt empty air in his hand. His eyes flashed with hurt and disappointment. He had already said it again and again, but Ye Ming still wouldn’t tell him anything. Was he that untrustworthy? 

He suddenly really wanted to directly make his feelings known, but looking at Ye Ming’s appearance, he was afraid of scaring him and causing him to push him even further away.

Li Xu’an sighed deeply. He quietly said toward Ye Ming’s back, “I won’t force you, but I hope that if you need help, the first thing you’ll do is think of me. Can you promise me this?”

Ye Ming looked back at Li Xu’an’s calm, handsome face. He was pulled into those steady, deep, gentle eyes. He suddenly wanted to cry. What did he do to deserve meeting someone who cared so much about him?

He couldn’t repay him with anything. This entire time, he’d been helping him one-sidedly. 

But this time was different from before. He really couldn’t burden Li Xu’an again.

In the end, Ye Ming didn’t say anything more. He turned around and went upstairs.

Li Xu’an stared at Ye Ming’s back as he resolutely departed. His expression was determined. Even if you won’t say it, I’ll still figure it out.


Ye Ming walked out of the elevator. Just as he opened his door, he saw Jiang Ci sitting in his living room. Unexpectedly, he didn’t feel the slightest bit surprised.

Jiang Ci ‘s elbows rested on his knees. His fingers were intertwined beneath his chin, and his eyes were lowered. He seemed to be closing his eyes for a rest. It was a bit dim in the living room, and shadows fell onto the side of his face, making him seem ever more grave. Ye Ming didn’t know how long he’d been sitting there like this.

When he heard movement, he slowly raised his head. His gaze, sharp and dangerous, fell onto Ye Ming’s face.

Ye Ming’s heart missed a beat. He recalled those terrible memories of before, and had the urge to flee this battlefield, but his legs didn’t have the strength. He stood there, unable to budge. 

Jiang Ci narrowed his eyes slightly. The image of Li Xu’an and his son standing next to Ye Ming flashed before his eyes.

If he hadn’t come to this city, if he hadn’t unexpectedly been hospitalized, if he hadn’t run into him…Ye Ming would probably be with Li Xu’an, and they would be together, like a joyful family of three. And as for himself…he was merely something he didn’t want.

If you didn’t want me at all, why didn’t you not want me from the start? Why didn’t you discard me from the start…rather than wait until I couldn’t forget you or leave you, then finally say you didn’t want me?

Isn’t that a bit too cruel? 

As long as he was reminded that there wasn’t room for himself in this person’s future, his jealousy and resentment began to grow avidly. He absolutely couldn’t tolerate it!

[Ding, Jiang Ci’s blackening value +10, current blackening value 70]


Jiang Ci’s thin lips quirked up. He said, “Come here.”

Ye Ming clenched his fists. He slowly walked over. Once he got close, Jiang Ci pulled him into his arms. What would happen after, he could already predict. Pained, he closed his eyes. He just wanted to empty his thoughts and quickly get this dreadful process over with. 

Yet Jiang Ci didn’t touch him. Instead, he asked, “You didn’t tell me you wanted to go out with Li Xu’an.”

Ye Ming pressed his lips together. He sounded rigid. “I already told you I was going to go out with someone this weekend. I didn’t think it mattered who.”

Jiang Ci extended his index finger and lightly pressed down on Ye Ming’s lips. His gaze darkened. He softly said, “It’s very important. You know that he likes you, don’t you?”

Ye Ming was momentarily dazed, and then anger filled his eyes. He said, “Don’t speak nonsense. We’re just ordinary friends.” 

Jiang Ci looked at him with an insincere smile. “You really don’t know?”

Ye Ming’s chest went up and down. He felt that Jiang Ci was being utterly unreasonable! Did he think that just because he himself did this kind of thing, everyone else would also have those filthy intentions, just like him? He would use these kinds of words to tarnish him and Li Xu’an’s relationship.

Ye Ming stared at him fixedly. Word by word, he said, “He doesn’t like me.”

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Jiang Ci looked into Ye Ming’s eyes. After a long while, he suddenly burst into delighted laughter. His eyes softened some, as it rarely did. “So it’s actually just his wishful thinking.” 

Ye Ming simply couldn’t understand what he was talking about.

Jiang Ci lowered his head and bit his ear. He let out a low laugh. “But you unknowingly seduced him, and you also went to meet him behind my back, so I’m still very angry. I don’t like him kissing you, I don’t like him looking at you covetously, I don’t like him trying to chase you…You can only be mine alone. Right…I also really don’t like that stinking brat. He actually fought me over you.”

Ye Ming was completely confused. He couldn’t comprehend a single thing that Jiang Ci was saying today. It was obviously just a purely platonic relationship, but when it reached Jiang Ci’s mouth, it seemed so obscene.

How could Li Xu’an possibly kiss him? 

And saying these things, could he be feeling jealous? How was that possible?

Jiang Ci’s mouth slowly moved downward, falling onto Ye Ming’s neck, gentle and affectionate.

Ye Ming felt Jiang Ci’s hair brushing against his chin. It tickled. The kiss actually wasn’t uncomfortable; on the contrary, it felt very nice. But in his heart, there was only disgust…pain, dread.

This kind of relationship constantly reminded him of the sins he was bearing. 

And this kind of Jiang Ci made him feel frightened.

Jiang Ci kissed Ye Ming, then suddenly reached into Ye Ming’s clothes and pulled out his phone. Before Ye Ming could react, he easily scrolled to Li Xu’an’s contact.


Ye Ming said nervously, “What are you trying to do?”

Jiang Ci pressed down his waist and softly said against his ear, “Don’t worry. I won’t tell him about you. I just want him to know not to pursue you anymore.” 

Despite his gentle tone, his eyes were completely frosty.

Ye Ming suddenly realized what he wanted to do. He began struggling desperately. His eyes filled with alarm, and his white lips trembled. “Don’t do this! Haven’t I been listening to you? You can’t do this!”

Jiang Ci’s voice sounded mocking. “Why not? I’ve already said—I don’t want him to pursue you.”

I’ll make him understand just who you belong to! 

Jiang Ci lifted the corners of his lips. Under Ye Ming’s pleading, despairing gaze, he straightforwardly pressed the call button.


Li Xu’an drove home. Just as he pulled into his garage, his phone suddenly started ringing. When he saw that it was Ye Ming calling, a pleasantly surprised look flitted through his eyes. Had Ye Ming finally come around and wanted to tell him what was going on with himself?

Li Xu’an picked up the phone at lighting speed, but no sound emerged for a long time. It was silent. 

Li Xu’an’s expression turned doubtful. Had Ye Ming called by accident? He decided to wait a bit, unwilling to hang up straight away. Gradually, there seemed to be soft rustling noises. This sound…

Li Xu’an’s expression shifted. It couldn’t be…?

Immediately, Li Xu’an said, anxiously and loudly, “Hello? Chen Zhao, is that you? Why aren’t you saying anything?”

He kept talking, but no one responded. Instead, it quieted for just a moment, and then the noises resumed. It seemed as if someone had been subdued. 

Li Xu’an tightly gripped the phone and stared intently at the screen.

Gradually, the sound of stifled sobs and gasps could be heard. It was particularly clear and ear-piercing in the quiet night…Even if this voice was somewhat different than normal, tainted with sensuality, and sounded moving in a way he’d never heard it be before…

He could still recognize it at once.

Li Xu’an’s expression became extremely unsightly! His eyes became determined, and he immediately stepped on the gas pedal, rushing out! 

The author has something to say: Xiao Ye: It looks like next chapter will be another dramatic showdown. Ai, there’s a dramatic showdown every day. Do I get an allowance?

888: Aren’t you really enjoying it? What allowance do you still want?


Xiao Ye: You can’t not pay me for working overtime just because I really love my work. This is the same principle ah QAQ

888: … 

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