Jiang Ci paled. He looked in shock at Ye Ming’s frantic eyes…His arm was drenched in blood from being bitten, but he didn’t seem to feel it at all.

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Recently, aside from Ye Ming being somewhat quieter than usual, there hadn’t been any other abnormal warning signs. On the contrary, he had been extremely obedient. Why would he suddenly be like this? 

At this moment, he practically couldn’t think. This big, unexpected change had turned his mind completely blank. A chill spread throughout his body, and his entire body stiffened. The only thing he could remember was that he couldn’t let go of this person.

After a long time, Jiang Ci finally shifted his gaze. He lowered his eyes, looking at Ye Ming. He rasped, “Calm down a bit.”



But Ye Ming continued to stare at him hatefully. He couldn’t extricate himself from Jiang Ci’s hold. His eyes were icy and filled with loathing. “You murderer—You killed my son! Give him back to me!”

Jiang Ci looked into those eyes. At that moment, he suddenly asked himself what he had been doing this whole time…He hadn’t hesitated to use any foul means to get revenge against this person and hurt this person. Now this person had finally gone crazy. 

He didn’t remember him anymore. Apart from hatred, he didn’t remember anything anymore.


Was he satisfied with himself yet?

Jiang Ci held Ye Ming tightly. He suddenly felt very at a loss, very helpless, very scared. He didn’t know it would turn out this way.

He had always thought he was enjoying the thrill of revenge. He wanted to make this person understand his pain, so he had kept tormenting him, hurting him, and trapping him at his side without any regard for the consequences.


But right when he truly couldn’t undo the harm he’d done anymore, he regretted it.

He knew these thoughts were too ridiculous and artificial, and even hypocritical and repulsive, but…There was no doubt about it; when he saw Ye Ming like this, he regretted it. It was like he’d finally reached a certain breaking point, and everything had capsized all at once.

This wasn’t what he wanted.

[Ding, Jiang Ci’s blackening value -20, current blackening value 40] 

Jiang Ci’s arms felt like they weighed a thousand catties. He pressed Ye Ming against his chest. He said slowly and with difficulty, “I’m your son. I didn’t die…”

I’m begging you to wake up, okay…?

I swear I won’t hurt you ever again.

But Ye Ming wouldn’t listen at all. He said sharply, “You’re not! My son would never treat me like that! He’s a good child…You’re not him!” 

Jiang Ci felt a slight burning at the rims of his eyes. He knew now wasn’t a good time, and he shouldn’t be asking this kind of question either, but he still couldn’t help but ask, “Then do you like him…? Do you really think he’s good?”

Then why didn’t you want him back then?

Glaring, Ye Ming said, “My son is the best! You’re not him!”

Jiang Ci smiled. This smile was a little bleak. 

So it turned out that when you go mad, you’ll think I’m good, and you’ll like me…Are these actually your true feelings, or are they just self-deceptive lies?

But…I want to take it to be true.


Little by little, Jiang Ci let go of him. He said, “I won’t hurt you anymore.”

Ye Ming was finally freed from Jiang Ci’s hold. Without even thinking about it, he shied far away, pressing his back against the wall. He stared at him fiercely, like a desperate wild animal that had been backed into a corner and was baring its fangs and watching its enemy closely. 

Jiang Ci raised his hands, expressing that he wasn’t going to do anything, and slowly walked out the door.

Ye Ming watched as Jiang Ci left, then rushed over, slamming the door closed.

Jiang Ci listened to the peng of the door slamming shut. He covered his eyes with his hands and leaned his head back. He didn’t say anything for a long time.

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He really wanted to go in and take a look, but he was also afraid of alarming Ye Ming, upsetting him even more. At this time, he was glad that he had installed cameras here. They were originally meant to monitor Ye Ming and keep him from escaping. Now, however, they had another use. 

Jiang Ci also didn’t feel at ease leaving Ye Ming at home by himself. At present, his mental state clearly wasn’t normal. So he stayed in the living room and watched Ye Ming through the cameras.

Ye Ming sat on the edge of the bed with a dull look in his eyes. He was staring at the empty desk, crying silently.

And Jiang Ci just watched him like that. Little by little, the ache in his chest dissipated. Are you…looking at me? Do you actually—care about me? But why didn’t you tell me before?


Many hours passed in this manner. Ye Ming still didn’t react at all; it was as if he’d lost his soul. Jiang Ci felt that things couldn’t go on like this. He couldn’t let Ye Ming stay in there without eating or drinking the entire time. Ye Ming had already gone mad. If he also fell apart, that would only lead the both of them getting caught up in an even worse situation.

Jiang Ci finally got up and lightly knocked on the door. Then he pushed the door open and entered.

Ye Ming looked at the man in front of him, his eyes turning red. It was this demon—he killed his son and imprisoned him here, putting him through unjust torment. He could only escape if he killed him! He had to kill him, or else he couldn’t go anywhere…

But he was no match for him. This demon was too powerful—this made him feel utter despair. 

Ye Ming watched Jiang Ci come closer, step by step, and he trembled slightly. He just knew he wouldn’t let him go…

Jiang Ci hadn’t even gotten close when he saw Ye Ming hide into the bed and look at him with fear, hatred, and despair. Suddenly, he didn’t dare go any closer. He was silent for a long time, then said, as quietly as possible, “I just—wanted to call you to come out and eat.”

Ye Ming had originally thought he was going to face a new round of torment, but who would’ve expected this demon to suddenly deviate from his usual nature and treat him with such a gentle attitude? He stared blankly for a moment, but then he understood that this was a new trick of this demon’s. The devil was the best at pretending! He just wanted to first give him hope, and then make him lose all of it. He wouldn’t fall for it.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dea lo tf kjcafv ab frmjqf ogbw atlr qijmf, tf tjv ab ufa glv bo atlr vfwbc. Po tf mbeiv vfmflnf Tf Zlcu, atfc Tf Zlcu mbeiv jirb vfmflnf tlw. 

Tf Zlcu’r fzqgfrrlbc rtloafv rilutais. Lf ibkfgfv tlr fsfr jcv jrxfv delfais, “Tbe gfjiis—kbc’a tega wf?”

Ktlr yglfo defralbc wjvf Aljcu Jl offi ilxf tf tjv mbwf yjmx ogbw vfjat’r vbbg. Ca jcs gjaf, Tf Zlcu kjr kliilcu ab mbwweclmjaf klat tlw; atlr kjr j ubbv atlcu. Szagfwfis fjgcfra, tf rjlv, “P qgbwlrf.”


But Ye Ming was still a bit hesitant. He seemed afraid of getting too close to him.

Jiang Ci noticed. Without hesitating, he turned around and left first. He was afraid Ye Ming would be hungry, so he’d already cooked dinner a while ago. Now, all he had to do was go into the kitchen and bring it out. But to his surprise, Ye Ming had also quietly followed him into the kitchen. His footsteps were very light, and his face was pale. When he appeared behind him, he was just like a ghost. 

Jiang Ci didn’t dare say much, for fear that he would upset Ye Ming again. He just picked up the food and got ready to go out. But just as he turned around, he saw Ye Ming pull out a paring knife from the knife rack and pounce at him with a vicious look in his eyes!

Jiang Ci was stunned for a second, and he was a bit slow to dodge. The sharp blade of the knife grazed his shoulder, and his hand shook. With a crash, the plate broke, and food scattered all over the floor.

Ye Ming had failed to hit his mark with one strike. He slammed into the side of the sink.

Jiang Ci’s lips trembled. Ye Ming wanted to kill him. Just now, that strike hadn’t been the slightest bit merciful. He wanted to take his life…This realization nearly made him let go of the last shreds of his composure and rationality. 

It seemed as if all of the air in this cramped space had been sucked out. It was suffocating.

Ye Ming turned around. He had already dropped his previous act. A deep-rooted hatred once again emerged in his eyes.

He’d clearly been so close to killing this demon and escaping from here, but he had still just barely fallen short! He looked at Jiang Ci’s pitch-black eyes…This demon knew he wanted to kill him, and he would definitely redouble his revenge.

But he had already had enough of all of this! He would rather die than let him humiliate him again! 

Ye Ming tightly gripped the knife in his hand. Without the slightest hesitation, he thrust it at his own chest!

Jiang Ci’s pupils contracted. At that moment, he rushed over, practically on instinct, and tightly grabbed his wrist! The rims of his eyes were very red. He said emphatically and angrily, “What are you doing?!”

Ye Ming’s hand was gripped tightly, and he couldn’t move it the slightest bit. He laughed bitterly. “Don’t think about hurting me again. I won’t give you the opportunity!”

Jiang Ci’s lips moved. He wanted to say I won’t hurt you, but right now, bland words were more useless than anything. Ye Ming wouldn’t believe him. 

He would never believe him again.

In his eyes, Jiang Ci was just a demon that hurt him ruthlessly.

He’d thought he would be able to not care, but in fact, he couldn’t.

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Jiang Ci closed his eyes. His hand slowly exerted more force, until Ye Ming’s face twisted with pain, and he let go, the knife finally falling to the floor. Then, he immediately dragged Ye Ming out and tied him to a chair. 

Ye Ming was both resentful and anxious, his eyes wide with anger. He knew this demon was going to torture him again…but he would rather die than be humiliated by this demon again!

But Jiang Ci didn’t do anything at all. He just reentered the kitchen and swept up the broken plate on the floor. Then he made more food. Fortunately, of the ingredients he’d bought today, there was extra. After a while, Jiang Ci once again came out carrying food. He picked some of it up with his chopsticks and brought it up to Ye Ming’s mouth. With a low voice, he said, “Eat.”


Ye Ming sneered, refusing to open his mouth no matter what.

Jiang Ci’s hand that was holding the chopsticks didn’t budge. The depths of his dark eyes were despairing, desolate. The pain in his heart practically tore it to shreds, while the wound on his shoulder reminded him of the bitterness of it all. But he seemed to be wearing an indifferent and resolute mask on his face. Word by word, he said, “If you don’t eat, I’ll do you.” 

There was a profound hatred in Ye Ming’s eyes. “You might as well kill me directly!”

The corners of Jiang Ci’s lips quirked up. He unhurriedly said, “I won’t kill you. I want to slowly torment you. But if you eat, I won’t touch you. You choose.”

Ye Ming bit his lips so hard they were bleeding. He began to struggle desperately once again, but even when his wrists were chafed red, he still couldn’t get free. Meanwhile, Jiang Ci just watched it all expressionlessly, until Ye Ming stopped moving anymore, and he finally picked up another bite of food with his chopsticks and brought it next to his lips.

As if nothing could shake his determination. Cold. Merciless. 

Ye Ming’s eyes were red. He would rather die than be humiliated by this person again, but he didn’t even have control over death…He didn’t want to believe what he’d said, but he had no choice but to believe it.

Finally, he slowly opened his mouth and ate, humiliated.

Jiang Ci didn’t say a word. He fed Ye Ming until he was done eating, and then he untied him from the chair. Then he carried him into the bedroom, tied his hands behind his back, and fastened them to the head of the bed.

He was afraid that if he let down his guard, Ye Ming would commit suicide. After he was done, Jiang Ci turned around and left. 

Jiang Ci walked outside and quickly instructed his subordinates to contact a doctor. Then he once again returned to the living room and sat down. Only now did a pained and lost look appear in his eyes. His previous mask of indifference shattered instantly.

This short half-day’s span of time had been so difficult it made it nearly impossible for him to keep going.

The expression in Jiang Ci’s eyes was a bit absent. Now he knew just how cruel his actions were. He finally knew…

I forgive you, okay? No matter what you did in the past, whether or not you abandoned me, I won’t blame any of it on you…I’m begging you to get better, okay? 

I finally understand the meaning of those words you said to me. You told me, Don’t turn into the kind of person that even you yourself would loathe, for the sake of hatred. You’ll regret it…At that time, I didn’t believe you. In my heart, I only had hatred and unwillingness, and I didn’t want to listen to what you said. Now, I really regret not listening to you.

But it’s already too late.

I wanted you to stay by my side, but not like this…

[Ding, Jiang Ci’s blackening value -10, current blackening value 30] 


Because Ye Ming’s hands were tied behind his back, he slept quite uncomfortably, and it was inconvenient to turn over, so he woke up very early.


[Ye Ming: Ai, my performance went overboard. I have to think of a way to make him untie me. This isn’t well-suited for sleeping.]

[888: …] Your head is filled only with thoughts about sleeping? 

[Ye Ming: Did my good son’s blackening value go down yesterday?]

[888: It went down. There’s only 30 left.]

[Ye Ming: Looks like my child education program featuring personal demonstration was extremely successful! Back then, I read and reread all sorts of parenting handbooks until I was familiar with them, but actually, I’d say, for bear children…no matter how much you read those books, it won’t be as effective as letting them experience a bit of hardship themselves. When they knock their heads bruised and bloody, they’ll know they were wrong. Look, sure enough, he understands this time. His belated teenage rebelliousness is finally coming to an end!]

[888, flatly: Yes, you taught him pretty effectively.] He could tell with a glance that this wasn’t his biological child. 

Jiang Ci sat in the living room all night. When dawn came, he stood hesitantly in front of Ye Ming’s door. Finally, he summoned his courage, opened the door, and entered.

He walked to Ye Ming’s bed. He had already prepared himself to face hatred and curses, but to his surprise, Ye Ming instead watched him very calmly. His deep brown eyes didn’t contain any hatred or madness; they just seemed sorrowful and helpless and also indifferent, just like before…

Jiang Ci’s heart suddenly missed a beat. He was afraid that he was dreaming. Could Ye Ming have returned to normal? He was finally unable to keep his voice from shaking a little. “You—you’re awake?”

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Ye Ming didn’t answer. He just looked back at him with some confusion. 

Jiang Ci, however, was giddy with joy. He never would’ve thought that there would come a day that he would feel so satisfied just because Ye Ming was looking calmly back at him. He clearly used to really loathe Ye Ming’s indifference.

But merely over the course of one night, he had begun to miss the past.

He immediately went forward to untie Ye Ming, but he was unexpectedly a bit at a loss. He was afraid that if he wasn’t careful, if he said something wrong, he would upset Ye Ming again.

Finally, after a while, he slowly said, “I—came to call you out to eat…” 

Ye Ming stared at him blankly for a second. He felt that Jiang Ci seemed a bit different somehow. Furthermore, the chain on his foot was gone. But why would Jiang Ci’s attitude change so dramatically? He looked at Jiang Ci suspiciously.

Jiang Ci noticed Ye Ming’s perturbed expression. He had some internal conjectures. He softly asked, “Do you remember what happened yesterday?”

Ye Ming thought a bit. He could only remember that after they ate, he sat on the couch and watched TV. He didn’t remember anything that happened afterwards. He said, “We were watching TV, then…”

He furrowed his brows and seemed to be thinking hard. 

Jiang Ci had already gotten his answer. Of course, he didn’t want Ye Ming to really remember it. His voice deep, he said, “After watching TV, you came back here to rest. I had something to do at night, so I went out and wasn’t home.”

Ye Ming’s voice was hoarse. “Is that so?” Why didn’t he remember it at all…


Jiang Ci said, with an unquestionable tone, “Yes.”

So Ye Ming didn’t think about it any more. He stood up and walked out. Sure enough, Jiang Ci had already made breakfast. He silently ate breakfast, then returned to the bedroom alone and waited for Jiang Ci to lock him up. But Jiang Ci didn’t do that. Instead, he said, “I have a friend who’s coming over today to see me.” 

Ye Ming finally looked astonished. This was the first time Jiang Ci was letting him see an outsider.

Just now, Jiang Ci had already secretly texted the doctor about the change in Ye Ming’s condition, telling him that it was best if he didn’t let Ye Ming pick up on any peculiarities. Now, the doctor should be close to arriving.

As expected, the sound of knocking soon came from outside.

Jiang Ci walked over and opened the door. The person who’d arrived was a bespectacled middle-aged man. He looked ordinary but very kindly, and he was dressed casually. One couldn’t tell in the slightest that he was a doctor; on the contrary, he looked like he had come as a guest. He and Jiang Ci looked at each other for a moment, and then he walked inside. 

Ye Ming felt that a friend that Jiang Ci could bring home definitely wouldn’t help him. It would be completely useless to ask for help. He just sat there expressionlessly.

Jiang Ci chatted with the doctor for a while. Suddenly, he picked up a phone call. He turned to Ye Ming and said, “I’m stepping out for a moment. I’ll be back in a bit. Help me take care of the guest.” After saying that, he left.

Ye Ming still did not react. He was just a prisoner here. He had no obligation to help Jiang Ci take care of his guests. Jiang Ci’s request was completely senseless.

But it was as if the guest didn’t mind Ye Ming’s aloofness at all. Instead, he amiably took the initiative to smile at Ye Ming, saying, “Let me introduce myself. My surname is Zhang. What about you?” 


Of course, Jiang Ci didn’t actually have any business to attend to. He just stood downstairs. He had never felt time crawl by so unbearably slowly. About two hours had passed before Doctor Zhang came out.

Jiang Ci anxiously went to meet him. His voice was deep and low. “How is his situation?”

Doctor Zhang lifted his eyes. He said, “His situation isn’t too good. His reactions and his cognition is slow, and his movements are very sluggish, indicating that his psychological condition isn’t completely normal. It’s just that, compared to yesterday’s condition, it seemed like he had returned to normal. How long has he been like this?” 

Jiang Ci’s eyes dimmed. Ye Ming was already in such a critical state? Yet he hadn’t even noticed it at all, and he had only thought Ye Ming had given up on resisting. Regret rushed up in his chest. His voice rough, he said, “It’s been over a week.”

Doctor Zhang said, “I heard you say that he attempted to kill you yesterday, and he has displayed strong hatred toward you.”

Jiang Ci was a bit unable to conceal the pained look in his eyes. His throat felt tight. He nodded.

Doctor Zhang said, “You weren’t in there just now, allowing me be alone with him. It was obviously a great opportunity for him to ask for help, but he didn’t have the slightest intention of talking to me or asking for help. According to common sense, someone who’s been locked up and lost their freedom would want to get free by any means possible, but he didn’t do that. It’s clear that deep in his heart, he believes he can’t escape at all. Even if you opened the door and let him leave, he still wouldn’t leave, because he’s certain that you’ll recapture him; there’s simply no way for him to free himself…From his actions yesterday, we can see that you’re at the core of his hopelessness. He subconsciously believes that he can only escape from his desperate situation if he kills you, so that’s why he did what he did. And after he failed, he attempted suicide in order to escape from it all.” 

Jiang Ci’s face was deathly pale. He murmured, “So it’s like this…”

Since Jiang Ci was the source of his suffering, he wanted him to die…


Doctor Zhang wrinkled his brows, then said, “But human resilience is actually very powerful. It’s reasonable to say that such a short time of imprisonment shouldn’t cause such a detrimental shock to his psyche. No matter how much he hates you, he still shouldn’t have reached this point so quickly…His reaction instead seems to be that of someone who was originally in a state of desperation for a long time. Because he once again lost the hope that he’d painstakingly gained, he rapidly worsened. I believe he ought to have had psychological issues in the past. Your present actions are just a trigger.”

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Jiang Ci stared blankly, as if he didn’t want to believe this fact. “He’s been like this in the past?” 

Doctor Zhang said, “Not necessarily like this, but he’s definitely not like normal people. When I was talking to him, I discovered that he was extremely unwilling to talk about the past. His avoidant behavior is very strong. It must be something very painful, and he doesn’t want people to know about it. Perhaps it’s his past experiences that caused this crux of his. Think about it carefully; this is very important. Right…you also told me that yesterday when you tried to assault him, he suddenly experienced this onset. Did anything else happen at that time? Anything different from usual?”

Jiang Ci thought for a moment. “Nothing in particular. We were on the couch…The TV was on…”

Doctor Zhang asked, “What was on TV?”

Jiang Ci said, “I can’t remember, but I’ll investigate it.” 

Doctor Zhang nodded and said, “If anything comes up, contact me. Be careful not to stimulate him again. It’s a good thing that he was able to recover his awareness, but if he keeps coming into contact with the key catalysts that stimulate him, he could become unwell again at any time.”

Jiang Ci earnestly said, “I understand.”

He saw the doctor off, then promptly sent over the television channels he might have been watching yesterday to his subordinates. He asked them to send him their program lists.

Jiang Ci lifted his head, looking upstairs. He knew that Ye Ming was right there, but he suddenly lost the courage to go back. 

This reunion was filled with mutual torment from the start. And now, they had finally reached a point where they were past redemption.

Revenge…actually really couldn’t let one free oneself.

Jiang Ci didn’t dare enter, but he also didn’t dare go too far away, so he sat in his car downstairs and started to earnestly think back to the past…The doctor had said that Ye Ming had had psychological issues before, but Jiang Ci couldn’t remember that happening.

In his memories, Ye Ming had always been completely normal. His temperament was gentle and good-natured, and he was a very good person. That’s why he loved him so, even if he had hurt him in the past… 

Hurt him…in the past…

Jiang Ci suddenly sat up straight. His pupils contracted. Fragments of memories he had forgotten began to come back to him.

He suddenly remembered that when he was very, very small, probably before he was five, Ye Ming wasn’t that good to him…He had shut him at home, hit him, yelled at him, starved him, looked at him as if he were his enemy…

At the time, he had been too young, and those memories were too painful, so they had been deliberately forgotten. 

But in this moment, Ye Ming’s hate-filled gaze once again emerged before his eyes. That gaze suddenly overlapped with the Ye Ming of twenty years ago. Painful memory fragments began to resurface unceasingly…Another, grim-faced Ye Ming slowly appeared in front of him, a Ye Ming entirely different from the one in his memories…

His eyes were brimming with hatred, and his face was twisted with malevolence. Sometimes he was ruthless, sometimes he was detached. He was like a demon…No, that wasn’t him!


Jiang Ci ran his hands through his hair and put his head in his hands. His expression turned pained.

At that time, he was just a child who didn’t know anything. Why would Ye Ming hate him so much? He didn’t have any reason at all, right? He was the one who had been hurt…Then did Ye Ming actually hate him or did he channel his hatred for someone else onto him? 

Why would he steal him from Jiang Sheng’s side? Was it just for money? But was such hatred of him warranted, merely for the sake of money? It was as if he were his worst enemy…

Ye Ming’s hate-filled gaze and Doctor Zhang’s words made him finally recall the childhood memories he had forgotten.

Before, he had never known that he had hated him so much…It turned out that this hatred had begun a long, long time ago.

And not just yesterday. 

What exactly happened back then to make Ye Ming feel such despair and suffering, and as a result, wear such a fierce expression?

Jiang Ci’s thoughts were in utter chaos. At that moment, his phone made a noise. His subordinates had sent over the program lists. Jiang Ci looked through each and every one. Suddenly, he saw that Channel XX had the program: Interview About the Charity Fund That Jiang Sheng Founded.

The two words Jiang Sheng came into his view. They made his hand tremble, and he almost lost his grip on his phone.

All of his fragmented, distant, incomprehensible memories gradually came together… 

Could there be so many coincidences in this world?

Probably not.

He suddenly got up, frantically opening his car door and rushing upstairs. His steps disarrayed, he arrived at Ye Ming’s bedroom. Right as he was about to enter, he came to an abrupt stop. He really wanted to go in and ask Ye Ming directly, but he was also afraid to face the cruel truth that he didn’t want to believe. So he stood there in a daze.

Finally, after a long time, he slowly reached out, grit his teeth, opened the door, and entered.

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