Li Xu’an had already been standing there for a long time. He’d come after receiving Jiang Ci’s call.

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Ever since Chen Zhao had disappeared, Li Xu’an had been following Chen Zhao’s tracks. At the same time, he began to investigate the past, and found out that Chen Zhao had once had a wife whom he loved dearly, but she had been hit and killed by Jiang Sheng’s chauffeur, Zheng Shan. After that, he began to entangle himself with Jiang Sheng, and in the end, he stole Jiang Sheng’s child—Jiang Ci. 

And Li Xu’an thus found out that Chen Zhao was actually the person who had kidnapped Jiang Ci. He was utterly astonished.

The Chen Zhao that he knew was gentle and kind-hearted, and was especially patient with kids—and that care didn’t seem faked. How could this kind of person do such a thing? And why would he entangle himself with Jiang Sheng? Wasn’t Zheng Shan the one who killed his wife? Was it really as those people had said? Had he really done such a thing for the sake of money?



The facts were arranged right before his eyes, but Li Xu’an still wasn’t willing to believe that Chen Zhao was this kind of person. He must’ve had some motive he didn’t know about. But first, he had to find Chen Zhao.

Jiang Ci had been raised by Chen Zhao, but he had still done those things to him. Given his twisted feelings and vengeful mentality, Li Xu’an was very worried that he would hurt Chen Zhao. 

But from beginning to end, Li Xu’an’s investigation made no headway. He couldn’t find where Chen Zhao was; Jiang Ci had hidden him very well. Just as he was becoming ever more worried, he was surprised to receive a call from Jiang Ci, telling him to come and take Chen Zhao away.


At the time, Li Xu’an hadn’t dared to believe it. He could clearly perceive Jiang Ci’s abnormal attachment to Chen Zhao; even if he could only keep him by imprisoning him, he’d do it. How could he possibly be willing to let him go? He even knew about Li Xu’an’s feelings for Chen Zhao, and he was still willing to hand Chen Zhao over to him?

Before arriving, Li Xu’an had made all sorts of preparations. He would absolutely take Chen Zhao away with him, regardless of whether or not Jiang Ci was playing tricks on him. And on top of that, he would smash Jiang Ci’s pretty face in, and make this unruly brat realize just how repulsive his actions were! But when he arrived, he discovered that he didn’t have to make all those extra preparations in the first place…

Because someone who was stuck in an abyss of despair ought to be just like that. There was probably nothing in the world that would hurt him more than this.


Only, Li Xu’an had little sympathy for Jiang Ci, because Chen Zhao had gone mad. What kind of torture had he experienced in order to become the way he was now? Li Xu’an didn’t even want to think about it.

Rationally, perhaps he could understand Jiang Ci’s hatred for Chen Zhao. After all, Chen Zhao had kidnapped him for sixteen years. What had happened during those sixteen years, only they themselves knew…But emotionally, Li Xu’an was more partial toward Chen Zhao because he was more familiar with Chen Zhao, and the Chen Zhao he knew was a very good person.

And now this person had become like this.

No matter what the reason, Jiang Ci was not justified in selfishly hurting him like this. 

Jiang Ci said to Ye Ming, “My teacher came to see me.”

Li Xu’an immediately realized Jiang Ci wanted to speak to him alone, so he took a step forward and smiled, saying, “Mister Chen, there’s something I want to speak with him about. Could you step out for a moment first?”

Ye Ming was a bit hesitant. “Is there something you can’t say in front of me?”

Li Xu’an smiled and said, “Children have their own privacy too, don’t they? Anyway, it’s nothing serious, don’t worry.” 

Ye Ming highly respected teachers. After thinking it over, he went out.

Li Xu’an closed the door and walked inside, standing before Jiang Ci’s bed. His voice turned cold. “Whatever you have to say, you can say it now.”

Jiang Ci’s lips were colorless. He coughed softly and said, “I know there’s a lot you want to ask me. I’ll tell you everything, and then you can think over whether or not you want to help me.”

Li Xu’an sneered. “You did such a thing and you still want me to help you?” 

Jiang Ci paid no mind at all to Li Xu’an’s cold ridicule and just slowly said, “Director Li should know that when I was young, someone took me from the hospital. I didn’t return to the Jiang home until I was sixteen.”

Li Xu’an furrowed his brow. He said, “I’ve investigated it. It was Chen Zhao who took you away.”


Jiang Ci was not surprised that Li Xu’an knew. He smiled. “Since you already know about all of this, I won’t waste my breath. I’ll just tell you what you don’t know.”

He paused. A pained look appeared in his eyes. As if he had made up his mind about something, he finally slowly began talking. “What you don’t know is that my father is the true killer who hit his wife, and Chen Zhao unexpectedly found out…He went to find my father, but my father drove him away. Consequently, he lost his job in the end, and so he took me away out of the desire for revenge. What he wanted was justice. It was never because of money.” 

Li Xu’an’s expression finally changed. He hadn’t expected that they had such grievances. He lowered his head in contemplation for a moment. Then suddenly his voice lowered, and he said, “Then he must have really loved his wife…”

Otherwise, the Chen Zhao of the past had already received sufficient compensation, and on top of that, it had been an accident. Why would he still persist in going after Jiang Sheng without rest? Aside from being discontent that Jiang Sheng could escape punishment, aside from being discontent with the unfairness of reality, it was probably more that the person he’d lost was too important to him—so important that he couldn’t hear it, and that was why, after receiving the double blow, he ended up doing things that hurt others as well as himself.

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Jiang Ci’s expression was self-deprecating. If even Li Xu’an could understand this in an instant, how could he not have understood it? Chen Zhao’s deceased wife and child were the most important people in his heart, and they were the reason that Chen Zhao changed his mind and decided to keep him in the end…but he didn’t even have the right to feel jealous.

He loved someone he wasn’t supposed to love. 

Jiang Ci looked up at Li Xu’an and said, “He made his mistakes, but…he’s actually a very good person. Later on, he was always very good to me, so don’t misunderstand him. It was my mistake to treat him that way; I blamed him for abandoning me…If I had known all of this earlier…I wouldn’t have done that.”

“Right now, my father knows he’s back. He hates Chen Zhao to the bone, so he’ll want to hurt him. I’m afraid that I’m incapable of taking care of him at the moment, so I wanted to ask you to help me take care of him.”

The look in Li Xu’an’s eyes was complicated. He had imagined all sorts of possibilities before coming, but he had never thought he would get this kind of an answer. He looked at the sorrow deep in Jiang Ci’s eyes.

This decision was probably very painful for him to make, and he likely had no better option. He must love Chen Zhao. Those sixteen years hadn’t been without affection. 

But whenever Li Xu’an recalled the things Jiang Ci had done to Chen Zhao in the past, he still felt animosity toward him. Finally, he just coldly said, “I’ll take care of him, but this isn’t to help you. This is what I want to do.”

Jiang Ci’s lips tugged into a self-deprecating smile.

Just then, Ye Ming knocked on the door from outside, asking, “Can I come in?”

Li Xu’an walked over and opened the door. 

Jiang Ci slowly looked over, his eyes containing a sadness and unwillingness to part. Unfortunately, the current Ye Ming didn’t notice it. He smiled at Ye Ming and said gently, “Dad, could you stay with me for a little longer?”

Ye Ming nodded. Of course he was willing to stay with Jiang Ci; he wished he could be by his side every second of the day. He patiently stayed and looked after Jiang Ci, but because he hadn’t slept for an entire day and night, he ended up unwittingly falling asleep on the edge of Jiang Ci’s bed.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Jiang Ci stared at Ye Ming’s sleeping face, his eyes sad. He lowered his head, pressed a kiss to his forehead, and silently said: Sorry.

Aljcu Jl abbx bea tlr qtbcf jcv rfca bea j afza. Vbbc joafg, Ol We’jc delfais bqfcfv atf vbbg jcv  mjwf lcrlvf. Lf qlmxfv eq Tf Zlcu jcv aegcfv jgbecv. Aera jr tf kjr jybea ab ifjnf, tf rtba Aljcu Jl j mbwqilmjafv ibbx jcv qjgafv tlr ilqr rilutais. “Tbe vbc’a gfugfa la?” 

Jiang Ci smiled and didn’t say anything.

He would probably never regret anything more than he regretted not letting Ye Ming go and seeing him so sad.


[Ding, Jiang Ci’s blackening value -2, current blackening value 4]

Li Xu’an was still for a moment. He sighed a little, then left with Ye Ming in his arms. 


Jiang Ci waited a day after Li Xu’an left with Ye Ming before finally taking out his phone again.

There were a lot of missed calls. Jiang Ci called Jiang Sheng back, and he soon heard Jiang Sheng’s deep voice and its thinly veiled anger. “Why didn’t you answer my calls?”

Sounding guilty, Jiang Ci said, “Sorry, something came up, and I didn’t hear it.” 

Jiang Sheng took a deep breath and reigned in his anger. He asked, “Where are you right now?”

Jiang Ci told him his location.

Not long after, Jiang Sheng arrived. His expression was frosty, and he wore an angry scowl as he strode over. But as soon as he saw Jiang Ci, pale and weak from his injury, all of the anger that filled his heart subsided. He asked, brows knitted, “What happened? How did you get hurt?”

Jiang Ci looked at him, and the rims of his eyes suddenly turned red. He revealed a feeble expression, embarrassment flitting through his eyes. “Father…” 

Jiang Sheng’s heart ached a little for him. It hadn’t been easy for this child to come back. He’d been raised by Chen Zhao somewhere else for so long, so it was only normal that they would have some misunderstandings between each other. Jiang Sheng shouldn’t be so strict with him. He should give him some more time.

His tone softened a little. “Tell me how you got hurt. Who hurt you?”

Jiang Ci seemed terribly sad. After a long silence, he finally forced out, “It was Chen Zhao…”

When Jiang Sheng heard this name, deep hatred flashed in his eyes, and he coldly said, “He dared to hurt you!” It wasn’t enough that he’d stolen his son; it wasn’t enough that he tricked his son into being staunchly devoted to him; he even wanted to hurt him! He wouldn’t forgive him! 

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Jiang Ci gazed at Jiang Sheng sorrowfully, at a loss. He mumbled, “Why would he treat me this way…?”

Jiang Sheng’s voice was icy. “What reason does someone like him need to hurt people? I told you a long time ago not to care about that unpredictable madman, but you just wouldn’t listen! Where is he now?”

Jiang Ci lowered his head. “Sorry…he got away. I know I’m wrong now.”

Jiang Sheng patted his shoulder reassuringly and sighed in relief, despite his lingering anger. He’d been worried that Chen Zhao would tell Jiang Ci the truth. Considering how much Jiang Ci cared about him, he might come to resent Jiang Sheng. But now it looked like Chen Zhao hadn’t said anything. He had probably just hurt Jiang Ci because he was still venting his hatred on him. 

This madman…When Jiang Sheng recalled the past, endless hatred bubbled in his heart. He’d already given him so much money, what was he still unsatisfied about? It was only an accident anyway. It wasn’t like Jiang Sheng had done it on purpose. Yet he wanted his life, and he kidnapped his son! He was simply being unreasonable!

Although he was extremely angry that Chen Zhao had hurt Jiang Ci and made him deeply sad, when Jiang Sheng thought it over again, he realized this was a good thing—this way, Jiang Ci could let go of this person once and for all. You see…You longed for him so much, but he wielded a knife against you. Will you still think about him? You should realize that your birth parents are the ones who truly love you. 


Jiang Sheng’s eyes softened a great deal as he looked at Jiang Ci. With deep concern, he said, “Never mind…Don’t worry about him anymore. Right now, you should focus on recuperating, okay?”

Jiang Ci nodded obediently and looked at Jiang Sheng gratefully, as if he really had changed his mind. 

Jiang Sheng accompanied Jiang Ci for a little while longer before finally leaving.

When he left, he immediately called Zheng Shan. “You don’t need to look for Chen Zhao for the time being. Jiang Ci won’t believe him anymore. Directly report him to the police. You don’t have to worry about anything else.”

When he was finished speaking, Jiang Sheng hung up, his eyes frosty. I guess you’re terribly fortunate. It’s best if you don’t show yourself in front of me again. 

From then on, Jiang Ci indeed seemed disappointed and saddened by Chen Zhao, and he never mentioned him again, behaving like an obedient, filial son. Mrs. Jiang was very happy that her son had returned home again, and because Jiang Ci hid what had transpired from her, she didn’t know what he’d experienced and that he’d gotten injured; she just thought her son was the same as before. 

Over a month later, Jiang Ci’s injury was completely healed, and he announced that he wanted to go back to work at the company.

Despite the fact that Jiang Sheng was a selfish and cold person, he really didn’t have too much to say to Jiang Ci. This was his only son and his future successor. As long as Jiang Ci was sensible and did as he was told, everything of Jiang Sheng’s would belong to him sooner or later.

Of course, for now, Jiang Ci still had to temper himself.

Jiang Ci was young, but with the shares that his parents had given him, he had long since joined the board of directors and had accomplished a lot in his young age. 

Jiang Sheng had always been very satisfied with him and provided him generous guidance. This was his son, after all—if he didn’t help him, then who would he help?

Just as Jiang Sheng felt like everything was taking a turn for the better, like the troubles that Chen Zhao had brought him were gradually disappearing, the company’s senior board members suddenly requested for the board of directors to convene.

When Jiang Sheng walked inside the conference room, he could feel that something was wrong.

Jiang Ci was wearing a suit fitting for the occasion. His features were handsome and his eyes sharp. He sat calm and unruffled despite the unusual atmosphere, while the rest of the room looked at him somewhat strangely. 

For the first time, Jiang Sheng had an awful premonition. It felt like they had prepared a Hongmen Banquet for him.

Director Bai was the eldest and held the highest seniority. He had been given the nickname Smiling Fox because he was always smiling and laughing. Beaming, he said, “Director Jiang has arrived.”

Jiang Sheng’s eyes darkened, but he smiled and raised his voice slightly. “What’s going on? I was asked to come in a hurry without even being told what’s going on.”

Director Bai smiled slightly and shook his head. “This, ai, I’d better let Young Master Jiang explain.” 

Jiang Sheng furrowing his brows slightly, not really understanding what he meant.

Jiang Ci had been sitting upright and steady the whole time. Now, he finally looked up at Jiang Sheng, his thin lips parting. “It’s like this. Father, I believe you’re not fit to continue serving as chairman of the board, so I proposed a meeting for the board of directors.”


Jiang Sheng was taken aback for a moment before he finally seemed to understand what Jiang Ci had said. He looked utterly shocked, unable to believe these were the words his most beloved son had said! What did he want to do? Jiang Sheng hadn’t died yet, and he already wanted to snatch his seat?!

His chest heaved violently. Angrily, he shouted, “I’m not fit? Then are you fit?!” 

As a subtle person, Jiang Sheng shouldn’t have spoken so straightforwardly. If it had been anyone else, he definitely would’ve feigned civility, but the one who had said it was Jiang Ci, and so he couldn’t help but be furious!

This was the son that he had put his heart and soul into cultivating! Had he still not been good enough to him? Where was his conscience?!

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Jiang Ci expressionlessly brought out some papers, saying indifferently, “That’s not what I mean. It’s just that you’ve been tangled up in some predicaments recently, and to continue serving as chairman would only bring losses to the company. We have no choice but to make this decision.”

His eyes turned somewhat cold, and he continued, “Someone has informed me of your crimes of manipulating stock prices and funnelling money from the stock market, disrupting the financial market, and bribing pertinent personnel. Reportedly, the Ministry of Justice will soon be involved in the investigation. In order to redeem the company’s reputation, I believe you should voluntarily admit your responsibility and resign.” 

Jiang Sheng looked at the papers on the table, his expression changing dramatically. He was so angry his lips trembled.

Information that someone gave him…Did Jiang Ci think he’d believe this kind of talk? Who else apart from someone he was close with would be able to get their hands on confidential information to use as evidence? It was obvious that this stinking brat had brought it out in order to drag him down, regardless of what it would cost! This thankless wretch! Bastard!

Director Bai sighed, saying, “We’ve already discussed this matter and believe that what Young Master Jiang said is very reasonable. It’ll end up the same away, so wouldn’t it be better to just be straightforward, Director Jiang?”

Honestly, he hadn’t thought Jiang Ci could be so merciless and do such a thing, either. Jiang Ci had his own separate investment company, which had quietly grown quite a lot and nowadays could not be scoffed at, and he’d acquired many company shares, and he was also willing to put in his own money and effort to take care of his father…As long has Director Bai could benefit, who cared if it was the father or the son that was in charge? After some consideration, he changed sides. 

This kid could even make a move against his own father. The savage heart of a ruthless wolf cub wasn’t a simple thing.

Jiang Sheng looked at the board members present, but he was only met with a sea of blank faces. The human heart was truly cold and indifferent. To these people, only profit lasted forever. Jiang Ci must have promised them something, or else he wouldn’t have been able to get them to speak on his behalf just because of this matter alone.

All his life, he’d been cautious and prudent, and didn’t trust anyone else. The one time he trusted in his own son, he’d been beaten past the point of recovery!

Infuriated, Jiang Sheng tore the papers on the table to shreds. He glanced at Jiang Ci icily and strode out. 

Jiang Ci looked at the shreds of paper on the ground, pain flashing in his eyes.

He wasn’t in the mood to deal with the other board members’ fawning and small talk, so he left soon after as well.

That night, when Jiang Ci got home, he found that the door to the second floor study was open, and the lights were on. He knew Jiang Sheng must be waiting for him. He pursed his lips and walked upstairs.

Jiang Sheng had his hands behind his back. When he heard the sound of footsteps, he turned around and looked at Jiang Ci with anger and disappointment. Word by word, he uttered, “Why would you do this?” 

He’d thought about it for a long time and still couldn’t understand why.

Jiang Ci didn’t say anything and just placed a miniature recording device on the table. Then he turned it on.


Soon, they could hear distinct voices.

“You still haven’t ascertained Chen Zhao’s whereabouts?” 

“I’ve already sent people over, but we still haven’t found him at the moment. It looks like Young Master hid him well. Perhaps he already predicted this, so he deliberately kept you in the dark.”



“You mean…?” 

“Find him, kill him!”

The recording came to an end there.

Jiang Sheng’s face was pale. After a long time, intense, disbelieving hatred and unwillingness appeared in his eyes! He clenched his jaw. He seemed to be squeezing out his every word from between the gaps in his teeth. “You. Did. It. Because. Of. Him.”

Jiang Ci didn’t deny it. He just looked at him silently. 

Jiang Sheng took a deep breath, lifted his hand high, and suddenly slapped Jiang Ci!

Jiang Ci’s head jerked to the side from the force of it. With his thumb, he wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth and still did not say anything. He looked like he was willing to bear being hit and being cursed at.

Jiang Sheng was so enraged his entire body shook. This answer was harder for him to accept than the idea of Jiang Ci betraying him for power or money!

He would rather his son be a ruthless, ambitious person than betray him for Chen Zhao’s sake! Why! 

That despicable, vile person had stolen his son from him and made Jiang Ci perfectly happy to sacrifice his own life for him! He hadn’t even hesitated to betray his own birth father! That criminal! Why was he able to win his son over?

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He had made Jiang Sheng suffer so much hardship, practically tearing his family apart, and now he wanted to steal everything he had!

The hatred in Jiang Sheng’s heart was simply uncontainable. His eyes were bloodshot. He hated that he couldn’t just tear into Chen Zhao’s flesh! He was nothing more than a lowly ant, and yet Jiang Sheng had fallen because of the filthy, lowly ant he looked down on!

He had been bitten bloody by a tick that dwelled in the mud! How was this possible?! He didn’t believe it! 

“You evil creature! If I had known earlier, I would’ve left you to die outside! Living with that madman for the rest of your life!” Jiang Sheng rambled angrily. “What did you come back for?! Just to get revenge against me? Are you his son or my son?!”

Jiang Ci’s lips stretched into a miserable smile. He closed his eyes. “I’m sorry…But have you ever thought about what you did wrong?”


He, too, had gone through immense pain in order to finally make this decision. He’d made so many mistakes. The sole thing he could do for Chen Zhao was to give him justice. But he couldn’t give him justice for the past; there hadn’t been any evidence for a long time now. Just a mere illegally-obtained voice recording couldn’t prove anything, and it was even less likely to convict Jiang Sheng.

But he’d promised Chen Zhao that he would never let Jiang Sheng hurt him again, so he had to take away Jiang Sheng’s ability to hurt anyone ever again, had to pull him down from high up in the clouds, had to make him receive the punishment he deserved. 

Slowly, Jiang Ci said, “And the evidence is all real.”

I didn’t forge anything. These are all things you did yourself. And since you did them, you should have been mentally prepared to pay the price. The one thing that hurts me is that it shouldn’t have been me that did this.

It should’ve been anyone but me.

But aside from me, who else is willing to demand justice for Chen Zhao? There isn’t anyone. So it can only be me.  

This is your sin, and it’s also my sin.

Jiang Sheng grabbed the ashtray from the table and flung it at Jiang Ci! But because he was too angry, he missed, and his eyes turned frenzied. This bastard! This wasn’t his son! This was the bastard that Chen Zhao raised! Ingrate!

Jiang Ci didn’t try to dodge at all. He stood there, back straight, letting Jiang Sheng hit him, even as his blows came down more and more forcefully. Just then, a woman suddenly rushed over and screamed, “Stop that!”

Jiang Sheng looked at the woman, momentarily distracted, and finally stopped. 

Mrs. Jiang looked at him, disappointed and endlessly pained. Her lips quivered. She had heard everything just now. She had heard everything…So it was all because of Jiang Sheng, it was all his wrongdoings that had led to others’ revenge, it was all his fault that she’d lost her child!

But he wasn’t the least bit remorseful! He didn’t understand what he’d done wrong at all, and he even wanted to hit their child!

The author has something to say: Actually, from a purely legal perspective, if you commit vehicular manslaughter while drunk without running away, you’ll only be sentenced for three years max. If you voluntarily compensate for damages, the sentence can also be shortened. So regarding Jiang Sheng at the time, he had his driver take the blame not just because he wanted to escape the penalty, but more because he didn’t want to damage his societal status and reputation because of the accident. It’s not because the penalty is actually all that heavy. (If you hit someone you absolutely must not run. If you don’t run, it won’t be that serious. It’s hit-and-runs that are very serious.) Even if Jiang Ci later finds out that he was manipulating stock prices, the punishment for that will be more severe than for causing damage while driving. Jiang Ci has already done the most in order to punish him by law. You can say he’s placing righteousness before his own family.

In contrast, abducting and trafficking children is punishable starting with five years, and at most, the death penalty. Strictly speaking, Chen Zhao’s crime is the most severe. The reason why he hates Jiang Sheng is mostly because he loves his wife too dearly and can’t walk away from it. And also Jiang Sheng’s later attitude and actions stimulated him. But you can’t say that because of this, his actions were correct. If everyone killed people and kidnapped children just because they’re angry, this world wouldn’t be so peaceful anymore, so for this reason, he also had to pay the price. 

This story doesn’t advocate using violence to curb violence! I’m not advocating using illegal means to get revenge against people. We must abide by the law…but because this is just a novel ma, I can’t let the lead be depressed to death. Certainly, evil people have to have their due retribution. So rest assured, Jiang Sheng won’t have a good ending~

If Jiang Sheng hadn’t stimulated Chen Zhao and instead acknowledged his mistakes and given himself up to the authorities, none of the subsequent events would’ve occurred. According to Chen Zhao’s personality, he’d let go of his hatred even if he’s still feeling pained; if Jiang Sheng had chosen to report to the police this time instead of choosing to kill people out of extreme hatred, Jiang Ci wouldn’t hate him either. For Jiang Sheng, losing his son for sixteen years caused his hatred for Chen Zhao to be just as great as Chen Zhao’s for him. And he was anxious to conceal the truth and get his son back, so he made such a frantic move, just like how Chen Zhao didn’t hesitate to commit a crime in order to get revenge back then. Revenge breeds revenge, and there’s no end to it. The only difference is that Chen Zhao is inherently kindhearted, and he repented, while Jiang Sheng never repented.

The first time, because he concealed his crime and his attitude was arrogant, he attracted revenge to himself. The second time, he originally wanted to commit murder in order to silence people and win back his son, but he instead ended up pushing his son further away. Because he’s the kind of person who, every time he makes a decision, he’s always choosing to hurt others instead of reflecting upon himself, and who ignores the law and his own conscience. Step by step, he reached this conclusion. His nature is coldhearted and selfish and lacks regard for life, which is the ultimate reason why his loved ones turned their backs on him, and why he dug his own grave.

Although Jiang Ci later also made mistakes, and I know some beloved readers don’t like him, he’s still the least to blame among these three people. But this is a story that first abuses the shou and then abuses the gong ma~ So those who need to be bullied will be bullied~ Who told this silly child to like the shou ne 23333 

Emmmm but the author noticed that if she bullies the gong after he’s washed clean, everyone will stop leaving comments and feeling passionate. You say you like it but your body doesn’t, hmph! If you all don’t like to see gong-abusing plotlines, then I can try to reduce it a bit from now on…_(:зゝ∠)_

beansprout: The author’s note is quite long, so my translation is a bit rough and very lightly edited, but it should still be readable I think! Anyway this is what the jjwxc comment section looked like lol:


->I came especially for the gong abuse ahhhh!!!!!!!!

->!!! No! Can’t reduce the gong abuse! Dada! There are fewer comments because we’re in a hurry to read the rest of the plot ah!!! 

—>Right!!! Gong abuse can’t be reduced ahhhhh!!

->I’m shocked! Vehicular manslaughter only results in three years???????

—>So that’s why so many novels like to use car accidents to kill people…

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