Ye Ming crawled on the ground, his body trembling and his expression terribly pained. He said, “I-I understand now…Please spare me…”

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That huge golden eyeball watched Ye Ming. After a moment, its low voice once again emerged in Ye Ming’s mind. “Remember, you are my creation. I can give you supreme glory, but I can also take it all back and sink you into endless suffering.” 

Ye Ming recalled those times without day or night, when there was no passage of time and no light. He could not sense his own existence, only despair and pain. He couldn’t even lose consciousness. The excruciating torment made him want to lose his mind, and yet he couldn’t lose it.

His eyes were filled with fear. He pressed his forehead against the ground and said shakily, “Yes.”



Xicks was very pleased with Ye Ming’s compliance. This was its most perfect creation, the masterpiece it took the most pride in…but perhaps because he was too perfect, too similar to a real human, he actually had his own personal consciousness and tried to break away from its control.

Xicks said, “I can give you one more chance. If you fail again this time, you can come back and fuse into my body. I will let you live forever inside of my body.” 

Ye Ming began to tremble again. That kind of horrific eternal life was worse than death.


Suddenly, countless tentacles on the ground pierced into Ye Ming’s body, winding and wrapping around him. Ye Ming immediately let out an awful scream, kneeling on the ground, his back stretched taught and straight. His pupils constricted, and his voice was hoarse as his mouth fell open in a scream.

Little by little, the color of his dark sky-blue eyes changed, gradually becoming an enchanting violet. Strand by strand, his soft golden hair turned black. His handsome face changed gradually, too.

This extremely horrifying process lasted an entire hour. When the tentacles finally removed themselves from his body, the one who appeared there had already become a completely different person.


A young man with short black hair, purple eyes, and ordinary features.

Ye Ming lay there, his mouth parted slightly, desperately gasping for breath. But even just breathing hurt. That nightmarish experience did not end with his transformation. Rather, it was rooted permanently in the deepest parts of his consciousness.

Constantly reminding him to obey. Even death was a luxury, because from his body to his soul, he belonged to Xicks.

The giant eye stared at Ye Ming for a while before revealing a pleased expression. Then, the eye closed and slowly retreated somewhere far away. The tentacles once again folded around him, and little by little, the light disappeared. 

The deep voice resounded in Ye Ming’s ears. “Go, my child. Prove your loyalty to me with Cossen’s head.”


[Ye Ming: This is god-level plastic surgery. It’s quick and effective, with all sorts of options, and there are no side effects. Not to mention smoothing out skin, reshaping bones, and changing heights, it can even change the color of your eyes!]

[888: No side effects?] 

[Ye Ming: Oh…it does seem to hurt a little, ha, but don’t I have you? o(∩_∩)o~]

[888: Hehe.]

[Ye Ming: I just knew our Master Xicks was omnipotent! It’s always able to help pave the way for me. Now I can finally go back without being afraid of people drowning me in their spit! Hahahahaha!]

[888: …] 

Ye Ming was lying in a flight cabin. He was pretending to still be unconscious, but 888 had already informed him of the outside situation. He was currently headed toward Fort Müller.

After the destruction of Fort Laris and Fort Frederick, Fort Müller was humanity’s last remaining steel defense.


After the last two bitter lessons, Fort Müller was now heavily guarded. Anyone who went in or out had to undergo strict questioning, and the military was subjected to especially strict interrogation.

But no matter how strict they were, this fortress was simply too big. It spanned several dozen star fields and several hundred inhabitable planets. Thus, aside from the military, many ordinary civilians also lived there. Xicks’s subordinates had a hard time infiltrating the military, but there was no lack of them among the civilians. Even under long-term fear, some humans still relied on Xicks for help. Roy was not the only one. 

The new identity Xicks had prepared for Ye Ming was named Kevin. He was just an ordinary low-ranking officer of the peripheral troops, part of the patrol of one of Fort Müller’s border planets.

When Ye Ming awoke, he realized he was lying in a military officer’s quarters. It seemed very simple and crude, with two iron beds and one table. It looked like he was sharing the room with one other person.

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He felt around in his pockets. Inside was a pair of memory-scanning glasses. It ought to have been prepared for him by Xicks’s people.

Ye Ming put on the glasses and pressed the power button, and they scanned through the memories belonging to the “original Kevin.” These memories were probably forcibly extracted from this solder’s brain. This truly was possible with modern technology, but the memories weren’t completely intact. It was just like roughly and forcefully seizing data from an encrypted computer—very destructive, and furthermore, after the memories were scanned, the original person was sure to be brain dead. 

When he was done viewing them, Ye Ming sighed.

He was only a very, very ordinary soldier. His entire family had died in an alien beast attack, so, grieving and indignant, he enlisted in the army by himself. But his performance was very ordinary and he had no backer, so he had muddled along as a lowest-ranking officer this whole time.

[Ye Ming: This poor guy. He was picked by Xicks.]

[888: He wasn’t picked by Xicks.] 

[Ye Ming: Oh?]

[888: Roy chose him. These past couple of years, he’s gotten along pretty well and nearly reached your previous level of fame. At the moment, he’s already a senior ranking officer. He’s always secretly been serving Xicks, and he’ll occasionally help Xicks send in its subordinates.]

[Ye Ming: I think he definitely doesn’t know that I’m the person Xicks had him bring in. Otherwise, I bet that by tomorrow at the latest, someone will anonymously report me as infected and send me to the execution grounds.]

[888: You guessed right. He doesn’t know.] 

Ye Ming relaxed and the corners of his mouth quirked into a smile. Roy had done a great service for Xicks, while Ye Ming had betrayed Xicks, yet now it looked like…Xicks still liked him more than Roy, a lowly human who was as weak as an ant. This entire time, Xicks had only been milking Roy of what exploitable value he had, that was all. It would not let him know too much—not even Ye Ming’s true identity this time.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dea Tf Zlcu’r fsfr oijrtfv lwwfvljafis joafg atja. Lbk mbwf Wlmxr ifa tlw ub rb fjrlis? Qjr la mbcnlcmfv tf kjr ageis ibsji cbk, bg vlv la tjnf batfg qijcr?

Aera jr Tf Zlcu kjr kbcvfglcu ktja tf rtbeiv vb cbk, atf vbbg kjr revvfcis qertfv bqfc. C rtbga wjc kjixfv lcrlvf. Lf kjr Bfnlc’r gbbwwjaf, Jtjgilf.

Charlie’s face was covered in freckles, and he had a head of short, messy maroon hair. He was wearing a dark green military uniform. He looked at Ye Ming and smiled. “Kevin, what are you doing back here? Didn’t you say you were taking three days off?” 

Ye Ming lowered his eyes and said, “It’s not like there’s anyone at home, anyway. I was just holding a memorial for them, so now I’m back early.”

Charlie saw Ye Ming’s gloomy expression and thought he was still sad about his family, so he forcefully slung an arm around his shoulders and smiled, saying, “Let’s go, us brothers should go out for drinks tonight! We’ll definitely get rid of those monsters one day!”


Ye Ming eyes dimmed for a moment. He had just read through Kevin’s memories and knew a bit about stuff from the past three years.

Kevin’s family originally all resided in Fort Frederick. At the time, he had followed the trade merchants to Fort Müller in order to purchase goods and had thus dodged the outbreak of battle. His entire family, however, turned to dust, together with Fort Frederick, until not even their skeletons remained…so he’d put up headstones for his parents and little sister at the communal cemetery over here, and warned himself not to forget that pain. Every year, he would come and pay his respects. 

Ye Ming clenched his fists at his sides. Truthfully, he had originally wished badly to die. At the time, under the pressure of extreme pain, he’d begged for forgiveness just because he wanted to escape Xicks’s control and seek freedom, but Kevin’s memories made him change his mind.

Although he’d destroyed the data back then, a traitor had still betrayed humanity…That traitor was, without a doubt, Roy. He was the only one who fit the bill at that time.

He had to tell Cossen to keep his guard up against this traitor. He had to expose Roy’s identity.

Ye Ming didn’t care about his bad reputation, but that desperate battle and its casualties still caused him immense heartache…He didn’t know why he was like this. He was one of Xicks’s creations, so he originally would not and should not have cared about humans, but he seemed to truly think of himself as a human. 

He could feel human happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy.

Charlie saw the grief and pain in Ye Ming’s eyes and told himself that this little bro looked like he was immersed in his pain again, unable to bring himself out of it. He didn’t know how he should comfort him.

Although his family was whole, who knew when those monsters would come and attack? Even the grand, imposing, indestructible Fort Frederick had fallen, and so had Fort Laris…Was humanity truly undefeatable?

Or…would this place, too, be destroyed one day? 

But what would happen if this place was also destroyed? Where would they go? Where could they escape to? Retreat any further…and they would risk their innumerable rich and fertile human territories.

Would those monsters eat him and his family too?

Charlie sighed. He forced a smile and said, “Don’t think about it anymore. Let’s go out and drink! A couple of friends and I already planned it, go go go.”

Without listening to any protests, he dragged Ye Ming out. 

Absent-mindedly, Ye Ming was dragged out by Charlie to a restaurant at the end of an alley. Low-ranking soldiers like them liked to come here—it had cheap but strong wine, huge chunks of beast meat, and leftover ingredients that the rich didn’t want anymore…and there were also beautiful, charming strippers who would accompany you for a night for just a couple dozen bucks—pretty and cheap.

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The scent of alcohol was overpowering inside the restaurant. The smell of smoke permeated everywhere. Ye Ming wrinkled his brows. He instinctively didn’t like these things, but Charlie pulled him to a table and sat him down.

There were already several people sitting there. They were all soldiers from the same battalion, and they were already very familiar with each other.

One after another, they asked Kevin, “You’re back from your vacation? Don’t you still have another day off?” 

Charlie was worried Ye Ming would be reminded of his family and get sad again, so he quickly interrupted, “So what if he’s back a day early? Stop being so pesky. Where’s the booze? Right, and that Miss Liliana, is she going on stage today?”

Hawk scoffed at him. “I had my eye on Liliana first. Don’t steal her from me.”


Charlie lifted his chin. “Then how about we let her pick for herself later?”

Hawk sneered. “Don’t be dumb, there’s no way she’ll pick either of us. I reckon she’s liked Kevin for a long time now.” 

Ye Ming stared blankly. He didn’t seem to have expected to suddenly become the topic of conversation.

Hearing that, Charlie glanced at Ye Ming and said dejectedly, “Never mind, I can’t compare, I can’t compare.”

Ye Ming’s current appearance was very plain in comparison to his previous one and could only be considered delicate and pretty, but compared to a group of rough men, his delicate features suddenly became a feast for the eyes.

Ye Ming was a bit embarrassed. He said, “I won’t steal from you guys.” 

How could he possibly be in the mood to think about women? At this moment, he couldn’t help but think of Cossen.

Kevin had some fragmented memories of Cossen. After Fort Frederick was breached, Cossen sustained many injuries and personally led the troops to combat, before finally smoothly withdrawing here. But the people who lived on the peaceful, faraway capital star couldn’t even appreciate all the blood and effort he had put in.

Cossen was summoned back to undergo interrogation. He suffered a lot of criticism, speculation, and attacks.

If it weren’t for himself, this magnificent marshal, this universally admired hero wouldn’t have had to suffer all of that. 

Ye Ming couldn’t bear the pain he felt. He didn’t know why he was hurting so much. Maybe this was the emotion of a human being.

Back then, he got close to Cossen under Xicks’s orders, gaining his affection little by little. But he didn’t know when it started, but he seemed to actually start liking him and the people around him. He didn’t want to see this place be destroyed, didn’t want to see his lover and comrade and his friends die…so when he escaped with the data, he suddenly regretted it. He realized he couldn’t do it!

So he resisted Xicks’s control and destroyed the stolen data. But as an infected, he was bound to eventually be exposed, so he couldn’t return to Cossen’s side, either. He was prepared to run away from here, but unfortunately, he was captured.

It was just that the course of destiny would not change merely because of his own changes. 

Everything seemed to be controlled by a pitiless pair of hands. He did not turn traitor, but in the end, the one who had betrayed humanity was himself a human.

Ye Ming still became the reviled traitor, while Cossen was implicated by him…

Although it was not what he wanted, Roy exploited his authority.

The people he loved and cared about, those countless planets, those innocent civilians and soldiers all died because of him. 

Charlie saw that Ye Ming’s mind was wandering again and shook his head helplessly. He began chatting with the others and didn’t disturb Ye Ming.

At that moment, the strippers started to go onstage to perform. Several people watched and shouted, making eyes at the girls on stage. It was loud and raucous all over.


Hawk said, “Did you hear? Marshal Cossen might come back here for inspections soon!”

Charlie said, “I heard! But our F876 base is so big that even if he came for inspections, he would only be inspecting the special combat units. He probably won’t be coming over to where we are…ah, I really want to see him, my idol!” 

Hawk nodded. “I really want to be able to admire him with my own eyes as well. Right…” He seemed to remember something really enraging and suddenly smacked the table, angrily saying, “A little while ago, I was chatting with my distant cousin, who’s studying at Star Laika. She heard I was serving at Fort Müller, so she specifically asked me what kind of person Marshal Cossen is. She doubted he was really a human hero…Over where she is, there are always people suspecting that there are issues with Marshal Cossen as well, or else why would he get entangled with that traitor Harvey? I was so mad I immediately blocked her!”

When Charlie heard this, flames erupted from his eyes. “Laozi is going to die from anger! We’re over here risking life and limb, risking getting eaten or trampled to death at any time by alien beasts. They’re living in peaceful areas, yet they only know how to criticize others! If it weren’t for Marshal Cossen, we would’ve all died a long time ago. Why would he even need to betray us? If he had betrayed us, Lord Xicks would’ve already reached the capital star!”

Hall said indignantly, “Exactly. They don’t even understand something as simple as this. They just spout nonsense all day. The one who deserves to die is that traitor Harvey! It was that monster that betrayed us and fooled the marshal. The marshal suffered so much because of him! If he’s still alive, I will definitely kill him, even if it kills me!”

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Charlie repeatedly nodded in approval, and everyone else echoed their agreement. One after another, they criticized the people living comfortably in those peaceful areas for not understanding life’s hardships and daring to doubt the marshal’s loyalty, whereas those who lived at Fort Müller would never think that way. The marshal was their god. 

Then, everyone’s topic of conversation moved on, and they all began to curse Harvey in the most vicious language possible.

Ye Ming was pale, the blood drained from his face.

Charlie cursed indignantly until his mouth was dry. He turned and saw Ye Ming’s expression and turned pale with fright, saying, “What’s wrong? Are you sick?”

Ye Ming’s dark purple eyes were filled with sorrow and remorse. He shook his head and quietly said, “I’m fine.” 

He truly did deserve to die. It was said that the infected were originally human, so he should have been a human in the past…but then why did he become Xicks’s offspring? He didn’t have his past memories, but he did have his own emotions.

He didn’t want to keep being controlled by Xicks. He didn’t want to hurt humans. He didn’t want to destroy this place.

Ye Ming slowly clenched his fists and became even more resolute about his previous thoughts. His death alone wouldn’t be something to feel sad about, but Roy was still alive and well, and held an important position to boot…He would definitely betray humanity again.

Maybe Ye Ming couldn’t identify every single infected person or traitor, but he could at least expose Roy’s identity and keep him from getting another chance to betray Cossen and humanity. 

Only, what should he do? He didn’t have any proof. If he just accused him without evidence, who would believe him? That the famous Senior Colonel Roy, the new star that gradually rose to fame following Fort Frederick’s fall, was the true traitor?

His current status was only that of a lowest-ranked officer. He didn’t have enough influence at all. But even if he were to use his true identity to come out and say it, everyone would only think he was slandering Roy and trying to drag Roy down. Nothing would come of it, aside from his own execution. Perhaps people would instead believe in Roy even more.

No one would choose to believe an infected, a traitor locked in a pillory.

Ye Ming sat there. Although he was surrounded by bustle, he seemed separate from it all. His heart was cold and silent, cut off from the rest of the world. 

On the way back that night, Charlie said to Ye Ming, “Don’t be sad anymore. I’m going to be sad, too, seeing you like this.”

Ye Ming knew Charlie had good intentions, and he forced himself to smile. “I’m alright. I’ll be fine after sleeping it off.”


Charlie didn’t say anything else and just patted his shoulder.

Charlie slept very deeply that night. He began snoring before long. Ye Ming lay on the bed with his eyes wide open, his expression heavy and sad. 

[Ye Ming: This won’t do. It’s too noisy; I can’t sleep. I’m about to kill him in order to silence him!]

[888: …]

[Ye Ming: I still have to figure out a way to meet Cossen. His coming over here for inspections is a good opportunity. I need to strive to grab his attention in one go!]

[888: You look completely different now than you did before.] 

[Ye Ming: That’s why I need to think of a good idea ^_^]


After his vacation ended, Ye Ming returned to his unit. The patrol forces’ work was laborious and didn’t depend much on skill. The forces were entirely composed of people like him and Charlie, whose physique and skill were average.

They were split into groups of two to patrol different areas, to maintain law and order and to respond to unexpected situations. If they discovered any infected, they were to immediately report it for specialized units to eliminate. 

But recently, it was quite peaceful. Alien beasts have not attacked, and there were no disturbances in the city, either.

But the troops in the base had always been kept busy. The messily uniformed army ruffians all did away with their sloppy temperaments. Every day, they dressed neatly and stopped frequenting the red-light districts. All of this was in preparation for Cossen’s inspection.

Ye Ming had been very worried this whole time, and he also missed Cossen very much…He could always see Cossen’s figure through all sorts of videos and pictures; he was still that flawless human war god, showing people the strong and invincible side of him.

But Ye Ming knew that this was all just an image. He could tell just how severe the blow he had dealt him was, just from the rumors and gossip… 

Even Charlie and the others felt so indignant and unhappy for Cossen. So what about Ye Ming? If it weren’t for him, none of this would’ve happened.

But Ye Ming wanted to see Cossen not just because he missed him. Roy’s matter made him bear a grudge. He had no opportunity at all to contact the upper officers…Nothing would be better than seizing an opportunity to get close to Cossen and making Cossen suspicious of Roy.

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Time flew by quickly. Finally, it was the day Cossen was coming to inspect the troops.

Before the sun came up, the commanding officer of base F876 anxiously put on his most formal clothes and waited outside of Cossen’s temporary residence. He stood until the golden sunlight began to shine onto his body from afar, and he finally saw the door in front of him open. A man walked out, his back to the light. 

The man was tall, with straight posture. His two legs were perfectly straight and slender. He was wearing a black uniform with a leather belt tied at his waist, and shiny military boots that covered his calves. On his shoulders, golden insignias reflected the early morning sunlight.

The man had a determined, soldierly appearance. Below his short brown hair was a pair of handsome, straight brows and dark red eyes that possessed an imposing chill that made it difficult for people to look straight at them. His lips were thin, the cut of his jaw cold and defined. Every single one of his facial features were utterly perfect. Together, they made a handsome face that could have belonged to a sun god.


He didn’t smile, just indifferently looked over, sparking awe in people’s hearts. That was the impressive murderous aura of one who had crossed mountains made of knives and oceans made of blood.

He had obtained every single one of his military accomplishments through his own personal kills. In this era, only the soldiers who had truly bathed in blood were worthy of respect! 

The base commander put his feet together and saluted. His voice was loud and clear. “Marshal, sir! Please allow your subordinate to show you the way!”

Cossen nodded. There was still no smile on his face. His expression looked a little cold, but no one took offense to it. Everyone knew that the distinguished marshal didn’t like to smile, especially in public. Practically no one had seen his smile before.

The base commander had heard a rumor from other bases that the distinguished marshal used to smile in private, but now it seemed he no longer smiled even when he was alone.

Cossen and the base commander arrived at the barracks together and got ready to receive the soldiers who had now been waiting there for a long time for inspection. They saw Cossen and the commanding officer approaching and stood at attention, saluting. Each and every one of them looked at Cossen with ardent adoration. 

Cossen swept his eyes over them, his gaze sharp.

Three years had passed, and all the while, the war with Xicks continued. Although Xicks had begun to go quiet, no longer launching large-scale attacks, no one knew when it would attack again, nor did anyone know who else among the humans were traitors…

So Cossen did not lower his guard in the slightest. He required the military to remain alert at all times.

But this was very arduous and tiring. As a military commander, not only did he have to lead his troops to attack the enemy, he also had to boost his troops’ morale and give them courage and strength. 

Thus, after he got around to it, Cossen selected a hundred bases to inspect. This was the ninety-ninth. After one more, he would be returning to base star A001, the core of Fort Frederick.

Cossen was pretty satisfied with the inspection results. Although this was a very remote little base, its soldiers still maintained pretty good fighting strength and vitality.

By the time it was over, it was already nighttime. Dinner was also eaten in the barracks. Everyone knew Cossen was always frugal, so dinner was very simple, without any extravagant dishes.

The base commander did not usually eat such simple food. He didn’t waste money, but he also didn’t wrong himself this much. But he had to keep a low profile in front of Cossen. 

The marshal hated the officers who milked civilians dry and squandered money the most, because the marshal believed that it was a soldier’s job to protect civilians, and the current state of emergency also did not allow for any wasteful behavior. Every dollar ought to go toward the war against alien beasts, and he and every other officer should take the lead in being economical.

Because of this, he began to tidy up behavior many years ago, executing several officers who tormented civilians and wasted money. These past few years, the military was strictly disciplined, and its atmosphere was much better than before.

For example, although Charlie and Hawk and them sometimes went out drinking with ladies to de-stress, they didn’t dare to truly push anyone around. No one cared about these little things. Soldiers risked their lives, so no one asked them to live like ascetic monks.

What Cossen wanted was an army that had fighting strength and good discipline but also was not overly harsh to the point of giving rise to complaints. He very much understood that tension and relaxation had their limits. 

After dinner, Cossen walked back, accompanied by the base commander. He took a look at some of the base’s facilities in passing.

The entire way, all the soldiers saluted respectfully to him when they saw him.


Cossen continued walking back, until he was just about to leave, when he saw a few soldiers standing at the entrance. One of the soldiers had his back toward him…making Cossen come to an abrupt stop.

That soldier was wearing an inconspicuous dark green uniform. He was probably a low-ranking officer. Amongst everyone else, he didn’t stand out at all, but Cossen narrowed his eyes, pain quickly flitting through them. 

That person’s figure from behind was very familiar.

He could never forget that back…that person he had once trusted, admired, and loved with his whole heart, and who had ultimately betrayed him.

Cossen felt rooted in place for a long time, but it actually only spanned the blink of an eye. He thought he was truly laughable—a stranger’s back actually stung his eyes this much.

It couldn’t possibly be that person. He was just someone with a similar back. 

Cossen lifted his foot, about to keep walking, when that person seemed to sense something and turned around. His gaze suddenly met Cossen’s.

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