These words embarrassed Ye Ming terribly, but as a soldier, he should obey orders rather than make excuses for himself in front of his senior officers. He awkwardly avoided Cossen’s eyes, bit his lip, and said hoarsely, “Sorry.”

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Cossen stared down at him without a single shred of pity in his eyes, only coldness. 

Countless times in the past, he would envision how their first time together should go. He’d thought about it extensively. Like an idiot, he constantly wondered how to make it gentle and romantic, beautiful and unforgettable…He just never thought it would be like this.

Before he could fulfill his promise to accompany him for the rest of his life, they separated.



Why would he choose to torment him in this way? It was probably because in his heart…aside from hatred, there was also that little sliver of protest crying out about something else…

It made him want to possess this person. 

However much he used to love him was how much he hated him now.


Cossen glanced sideways at Ye Ming and coldly commanded, “In order to become a qualified soldier, you not only have to learn to obey orders, you must also have great strength. It looks like asking you to be my orderly has actually made you lazy…In the future, go to Brody every afternoon for training. I don’t think he’ll be stingy in his teachings.”

Ye Ming said, “Yes.”

In the past, when he was with Brody, it was always him teaching Brody. Who knew that times would change, and now it would be Brody’s turn to teach him? It was too bad that Ye Ming couldn’t reveal any strength that surpassed Kevin’s by too much.


Cossen turned around and sat back down at the table. He said indifferently, “Why don’t you go right now?”

Ye Ming struggled to get up from the floor. Slowly, he put on his clothes. He could feel his legs still trembling a little, but Cossen clearly did not intend to give him the time to rest. He could only turn around and leave for the training grounds to find Brody.

Cossen watched as Ye Ming left. His thin lips pursed slightly. His eyes were fathomless and somber and seemed to contain an infinitely complicated emotion.


Ye Ming headed over to where Brody was. The entire way there, his expression was heavy with sorrow.

[Ye Ming: I would rather Cossen keep tormenting me…]

[Ye Ming: Please let him keep tormenting me! Don’t make me go find little Brody!]

[888: …] 

[Ye Ming: Wuwuwuwu, how could he be so cruel…]

[888: Shut up. If you don’t want to train, just say so!]

[Ye Ming: QAQ]

Internally, 888 thought, I really have no clue how this trash made it in the military before. Even after pretending to be an excellent soldier for such a long time, he’s still not any less of a slacker. 888 had already had enough of the endless fussing and wailing that came every time he started training! 

Over at the training grounds, Brody had already heard from Cossen. Cossen wanted him to take charge of Ye Ming’s training and monitor him. When he thought about how Ye Ming was just about to report to him, the look in Brody’s eyes became malicious. His fists clenched audibly.

He would comply with Cossen’s order not to kill Ye Ming or reveal his identity for now, but since Ye Ming wanted to pretend to be a low-ranking soldier, then Brody would let him get a taste of a low-ranking soldier’s treatment. There were plenty of ways in the military to deal with a low-ranking soldier and make him suffer without being able to complain.


Brody beckoned over his trusted aide, Quentin, and instructed, “There’s going to be a newcomer coming to report here soon. Take a couple people with you to greet him personally and let him know that our special combat unit isn’t one that any random newbie can join.”

Quentin immediately understood what Brody meant. It seemed Brody really did not like the person who was going to arrive and wanted to haze him. He hurriedly asked, “How far can we go?” 

Brody’s lips curled into a sneer. “He can’t die, but as long as you don’t violate military rules, anything’s fine.”

Quentin looked startled. This was giving them too much leeway! Even if he couldn’t die, he could still experience a life worse than death. How had this person offended Senior Officer Brody? This was Quentin’s first time witnessing Brody use this method to deal with a newcomer. Was there some enmity between them?

After all, Brody had never told them to do something like this before. Though he was strict, he had never used his authority to deal with his personal grudges.

Full of questions, Quentin left. He was very curious what kind of person this newcomer was. 

Ye Ming arrived at the training grounds feeling bitter.

[Ye Ming: Life is so bleak. When God shuts the door on you, he doesn’t forget to close the windows for you too. Honestly, right now I just want to pull a Ge You and then sleep…yingyingying…]

[888: Go, brave soldier. It won’t hurt anyway.]

[Ye Ming: But it’ll take up physical strength, won’t it? I’m really quite tired. After all, I’ve only just come from a round of intensely passionate lovemaking. I need to rest.] 

[888: Since you can’t avoid it, it’s better to die sooner and be reincarnated sooner.]

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[Ye Ming: But I’m hungry, I’m tired…]

[888 was silent for a long time: Then why did you run away back then? And why did you take the confidential information with you when you ran?]

[Ye Ming: …] 

[888: The all-powerful system store offers everything. The only thing it doesn’t sell is regret medicine. But don’t be discouraged. I’ll raise this suggestion to the main system. Who knows? Maybe in the future they’ll launch this product. Make lots of money—regret medicine is waiting for you to buy it. Our salary and commission depend on you. You’re the best.]

[Ye Ming: …] He didn’t want to talk anymore!

[888: Hehehe, jiayou!] Finally, peace.

Ye Ming knocked on the door, his expression courageous and self-sacrificing. After a moment, he received permission to enter. 

Brody was sitting off to the side of the training ground. His icy blue eyes watched Ye Ming.

Ye Ming’s legs were still a bit weak, but he did his best not to let it show that anything was wrong. He pressed his feet together, stood straight, and saluted. He said, “Corporal Kevin received orders to report to you, sir!”


Brody’s piercing gaze swept over Ye Ming from head to toe. Coldly, he said, “Since you were sent here by the marshal, I’ll definitely train you well. But my training program is very rigorous, and I don’t like to hear complaining. Can you take it? If you can’t, I will tell the marshal to arrange for someone else to train you.”

Ye Ming loudly said, “I can!” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

If Brody really told Cossen that he couldn’t take his rigorous training because he didn’t want to endure hardship, Cossen would definitely send him back straight away, so he didn’t have any other choice…Plus, it was expected of a soldier to go through training, no matter how difficult it was. Only soldiers who were strong enough could fight the alien beasts!

Dgbvs cbvvfv. “Nfgs ubbv. Dea rlcmf sbe’gf cfk tfgf, P vbc’a xcbk ktja ifnfi sbe’gf ja sfa. Vqjg j ofk gbecvr klat ws wfc olgra rb P mjc ujeuf sbeg ifnfi.”

Tf Zlcu rjlv, “Tfr!”

On the training ground, Quentin and the others were waiting, already eager to get started and see what Ye Ming was all about. Each of them looked contemptuous—they thought that the person Brody had specially handed over to them to take care of would be strong and powerful, but he turned out to be what looked like an ordinary young man whose physique wasn’t very strong and instead seemed a bit delicate. 

Pc atf wlilajgs, atlr xlcv bo rxlccs obgw vlvc’a ibbx atgfjafclcu ja jii.

Ye Ming looked back intently at the big men in front of him. He didn’t recognize any of them aside from Quentin, who was their leader. Quentin was Brody’s subordinate in the past, too. He was a powerful soldier with an A-grade physique, and he was aggressive and belligerent.

Even though he was very powerful, it wasn’t difficult for Ye Ming to deal with him. But that was according to Harvey’s physical aptitude…For Kevin, Quentin was someone strong and undefeatable. Even just one of his hands could squash him to death. Brody was really trying to kill a chicken with a cleaver by asking Quentin to sound him out.

Ye Ming had a creeping feeling that things weren’t looking so great. He was currently Kevin, so he definitely couldn’t defeat Quentin. He wondered how to make it seem natural as he lost to him later. 

Quentin’s fists clenched audibly. He had already stepped up, grinning. “Buddy, it’s not easy to join our unit. First you have to get through us. We won’t bully you. We’ll fight you one by one. I’ll go first. Remember my name: Quentin.”

Ye Ming’s expression finally changed when he heard this. Did they plan on taking turns fighting him? He pursed his lips tightly, a heavy, grave expression in his eyes.

Since Quentin dared act like this in front of Brody, that must mean Brody had given his tacit approval. Sure enough, it was not going to be so easy for him today. If Ye Ming couldn’t hold up against Quentin and the others, Brody would definitely come up with a way to send him back to Cossen. It looked like he really didn’t want to accept someone like Ye Ming, a rookie who might have gotten here by taking the back door, and was prepared to use any method to drive him away after making him realize it was not going to be easy for him here.

Quentin was very tall, over two meters in height, with a shiny bald head and vicious-looking eyes. “I won’t take unfair advantage of you. You can make the first move.” 

Ye Ming considered Kevin’s strength for a moment and made sure to hold himself back as he suddenly threw a punch at Quentin!

Quentin didn’t even budge. He looked down at the small and skinny Ye Ming, grabbed his approaching fist with one hand, and flung him away! Then he charged over with large strides, his immense power causing each of his steps to land extremely heavily, making the floor shake.

Ye Ming’s expression changed dramatically. If Quentin landed a strike on him, even if he didn’t die he’d only still be half alive. Hastily, he rolled over on the ground, avoiding Quentin’s fist. He bent his legs and leapt up. There was no way he could compete with Quentin in terms of strength. All he could do was dodge with agility.

Quentin’s punches missed Ye Ming several times in a row. He scoffed coldly, “Little mouse, do you only know how to run?” 

Ye Ming turned pale. He was no match for Quentin while he was hiding his strength. Even just dodging, he seemed so pathetic. Despite Quentin’s large build, his movements were very quick, and Ye Ming clumsily dodged left and right…He’d only just been violated by Cossen, and his body was still not recovered completely. A violent dodging motion caused that shameful place to once again flare in pain as it tore. Finally, he stumbled slightly, and Quentin punched him in the shoulder, sending him flying!

That punch made Ye Ming feel as if all of his bones had broken, and he immediately broke out into a cold sweat. But before he could react, Quentin was already charging toward him again! Ye Ming dodged pitifully, but Quentin only grew more and more daring. After a few bouts, Ye Ming finally found himself only able to passively receive a beating!


Each one of Quentin’s punches landed on Ye Ming’s body, and even though they weren’t deadly, they still hurt a lot! Not even a few minutes later, Ye Ming was kneeling on the floor, practically unable to move. His mouth was filled with the taste of blood, and he gasped desperately for breath.

Ye Ming lifted his head and saw Quentin standing in front of him with his arms crossed. He said disdainfully, “Do you want to keep going? You can still quit right now. We’ve never received a rookie like you before.” 

Ye Ming clenched his jaw. How could he give up just like that? He only managed to break free from Xicks’s control and return to the Human Federation after all that effort. Before he accomplished his goal, he would not die so easily, nor would he give up so easily.

He ground out, “I can keep going.”

Quentin sneered and shot him a glance. Then he once again brought a punch down onto him!


Ye Ming didn’t know how many times he’d been thrown around by now, or by how many different people. He could feel that two or three of his ribs were broken. He coughed up a mouthful of blood. There wasn’t a single inch of his body that wasn’t in pain.

After Quentin stopped, his underlings began taking turns fighting Ye Ming one after another, but in fact, Ye Ming eventually ran out of strength to fight back and was just beaten up one-sidedly. But the one thing he remembered was that he absolutely must not collapse. He must stand back up.

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He couldn’t be kicked out just like that.

The torture he suffered from Xicks had made it so that even if he had such injuries now, he could still remain clear-headed and in control of himself. Even if his legs were broken, he could still stand up! 

Ye Ming lowered his head and coughed a few times, then slowly crawled up off the ground again. Suddenly, he saw a pair of black military boots come to a stop in front of him. He looked up and saw Brody standing there with an icy expression.

Ye Ming cradled his dislocated wrist and slowly stood straight. He rasped, “Sir!”

Brody’s lips curved, and he looked at him with an insincere smile. He said, “You’ve met the standard. Starting tomorrow, come over here to train every afternoon. For now, go get your wounds treated.”

When Ye Ming heard Brody allow him to stay, he finally sighed in relief. “Yes!” Then he closed his eyes and promptly passed out. 

Brody shot the unconscious Ye Ming a vicious glare.

Just now, Brody had been on the sidelines the whole time. He knew Ye Ming’s strength very well. These soldiers were no match for him at all, but he would rather be beaten up this badly than to reveal even the slightest bit of his true strength.

This person only needed to comply with Xicks’s orders. Back then, he would allow the blood of countless people to become his stepping stones to climb the ranks, and now, he would do it again. He was able to fearlessly charge onward.

In a sense, he truly was a qualified soldier with strong willpower. Unfortunately, his loyalty lay with the enemy of humankind. 

Brody clenched his fists. He once again recalled the memories of the past, of his own blindness and of his innocent, deceased little brother…

Before these infected were exposed, each and every one of them had been disguised perfectly as humans. They made people trust them, love them, and completely consider them as their own kind…and when Xicks needed it, they would expose their fangs all at once.


All of the infected should die!


When Ye Ming woke up, he found himself lying in the treatment room. With modern treatment and regeneration technology, a broken bone wasn’t a very serious injury. As long as you still had breath remaining, you could be brought back to life.

His bones had already knitted back together, and his wounds had healed. Only light bruises remained on his skin. But his body was still in pain—every time you went through the regeneration process, you would be weak for a period of time.

The doctor at his side saw him wake up. He looked over the treatment records in his hand and told him, “Since you’ve woken up, you can leave. The war is intense right now, so don’t take up medical resources.”

Ye Ming thanked him and got off the bed. He changed his clothes and returned to his dorm. 

Even though he was very exhausted, he set himself an alarm to ensure that he would wake up on time the next day. Neither Cossen nor Brody were going to give him a vacation, and there was no way he was going to request time off because of such minor injuries, either.

Because he’d returned late, Ye Ming only got to sleep for two or three hours before he had to force himself to get up the next morning.

Cossen didn’t ask about Ye Ming’s training, nor did he continue to violate Ye Ming. He only arranged for Ye Ming to do some work as usual and didn’t seem to pay much mind to him at all.

Every morning, Ye Ming acted as Cossen’s errand boy. Every afternoon, he went over to Brody for training. 

Brody put Ye Ming on a very harsh training program that pushed him nearly to his limits. Every day, Ye Ming only finished very late, but he never complained about it being too difficult or tiring. No matter how exhausting it was, he still persevered. He could not give Brody any opportunity to kick him out.

Ye Ming often ran into Brody on the training grounds. Brody practically never smiled, and his entire person was enshrouded in a frigid aura that repelled people far, far away.

This made Ye Ming very sad. Ever since he’d come back, he was met with this ice-cold Brody instead of the young man with warm eyes who would occasionally reveal a bright smile.

The pain of Fort Frederick’s destruction and his little brother’s death had changed him in the end. 

Some time passed in this manner. Cossen once again summoned Ye Ming to him. He looked up at him and said, his voice deep and low, “Corporal Kevin, report the results of your recent training.”

Ye Ming stood at attention and loudly stated, “Reporting, sir, my physical test results have gone up half a grade. It’s currently at a C plus already.”

Cossen’s fingers gently drummed against the table. He was expressionless. He offered neither disapproval nor praise, as if no matter what Ye Ming’s results were, they still wouldn’t be enough to grab his attention, as if they simply weren’t worth talking about.

His cold eyes looked askance at Ye Ming. “Your measly C-grade strength is far from what’s required to go fight the enemy. You need to work harder…At the same time, there are also some things you need to improve on as my orderly in order to better service me.” 

Then he brought out a box and put it on the table. Indifferently, he ordered, “Use this.”

Ye Ming regarded the black box in front of him with some misgivings. Obediently, he picked it up, but after opening and taking just one glance, his expression suddenly changed. He couldn’t believe Cossen would actually bring out this kind of thing.


He tightened his grip on the box and hesitated a moment before he finally abruptly grit his teeth and walked out, taking the box with him.

As a soldier, it was his duty to obey orders. No matter how outrageous his orders were, he could not go against them…What’s more, if he went against orders, he would be kicked out. There was no way Cossen would tolerate a disobedient subordinate. 

But Ye Ming hadn’t even gotten to take two steps when he heard Cossen’s cold voice coming from behind him.

“Did I say you could leave?” Cossen asked.

Ye Ming stiffened. He turned around with a frightened expression. If he wasn’t leaving, then was he supposed to use it while Cossen watched? When he thought of that, Ye Ming’s face immediately flushed red.

Cossen’s eyes didn’t contain the slightest warmth. Coldly, he said, “Do it right in front of me so I can see it clearly. You can start now.” 

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The expression in Ye Ming’s eyes was shocked and ashamed. His face was so red it seemed like it was going to start dripping blood, and his lips were pursed so tight they turned white, but in the end, he didn’t protest against his orders. His hands trembled, and then he slowly put the box on the ground in front of him. Then he undid his belt and took off his pants.

Cossen watched him with a solemn, cold gaze without a hint of desire, as if he were assessing his troops.

Ye Ming grit his teeth hard, picked up the object in the box, turned around so his back was to Cossen, and knelt down on one knee.


Cossen sat there watching Ye Ming expressionlessly.

The youth’s ears were bright red, clearly feeling extremely embarrassed and uncomfortable, but he had no choice but to yield to his orders…It made one unwittingly want to take pity on him. It made one feel that it was wrong and excessive to treat him this way.

Slowly, a look of hatred appeared in Cossen’s dark red eyes, though one couldn’t tell if he hated the person in front of him, or himself who’d once deeply loved this person.

Even now, he couldn’t forget the exhilaration this person once brought him. 

Why do you look so human? Why do you act so human?

Back then, when I ordered the deaths of those infected, I felt sad and helpless. I saw those soldiers who’d lost their loved ones because of it. They didn’t want to believe that their loved ones were actually just beasts wearing human skin. The memory of the looks in their eyes—as if they were in so much pain they wanted to die—remains heavy in the depths of my heart even now, hanging over me like a damnation. But for the sake of our victory in war, I had no choice but to make that decision.

And when I personally issued the order for your death, when I face you once again in the present…finally, I truly understand what they felt. It hurts infinitely more now. There’s the voice of a demon inside me, and it constantly poisons me, deceives me, and tries to make me waver.

Cossen took a deep breath and, with great difficulty, finally got rid of those thoughts which he shouldn’t keep having. 

So what if I love you? It can’t change any of this.

Although it was only a quick movement, Ye Ming felt like it dragged on endlessly, and the fact that he had to do it himself made him feel infinitely more ashamed. He felt as if he was nothing more than an object or a slave, as if he didn’t have human dignity.


A human would loathe being treated like this, and he loathed it just the same. He probably thought of himself as a human from the bottom of his heart…

But Ye Ming knew extremely clearly that, for him, these feelings weren’t normal. Every infected believed through and through that they were an alien beast. He shouldn’t have these sorts of feelings; he should only feel anger and hatred. But why was he different? 

His feelings of being human were very strong, and ever since he’d first broken free from Xicks’s control three years ago, these feelings had begun growing stronger nonstop, as if there was something inside of him resurfacing. Even those three years of awful torture could not make him surrender. His humanity was winning.

He should be a human…

Pained, Ye Ming closed his eyes. He stood up from the ground and put on his clothes, then turned around to face Cossen again. He did all that he could to suppress the complicated emotions within him and waited for Cossen’s instruction.

Cossen saw Ye Ming’s eyes. The sadness within those pretty, enigmatic violet eyes was ever so distinct. Those eyes reminded him of that person…Out of all the infected he’d ever come across, this one was truly the best at lying and acting. 

That’s how he deceived everyone.

Cossen looked away, in case his heart would waver. As a military marshal, he shouldered the responsibility of the wellbeing of Fort Müller, and even the entire human race. It was absolutely unacceptable to be softhearted, because the price to be paid was not merely his life alone, but the lives of many others.

He didn’t care about his own life, but he had to be responsible for the sake of others.

Cossen didn’t command Ye Ming to do anything else. He only said, “You can go.” 

His eyes lowered, Ye Ming said, “Yes, sir.”

Then he respectfully retreated to the doorway and stood there to wait for further orders.

Only, even just taking these few steps, Ye Ming felt extremely uncomfortable. It didn’t hurt much, but he wasn’t used to the sensation, and he also felt humiliated. He was constantly being reminded of what he was suffering through.


Ye Ming stood for a few hours. At noon, he went to the dining hall to eat.

As he was going out, he really wanted to take out that damned thing, but he remembered that Cossen had never told him he could take it out, so he could only continue to endure. In the afternoon, Ye Ming had to go train with Brody. He was very embarrassed and conflicted, but he still went in the end.

Was he, a soldier, unable to withstand such a minor trial? If that were the case, then wouldn’t Brody have all the more reason to kick him out?

Ye Ming grit his teeth. He could definitely endure it! 

Today, what Brody had arranged for him involved wrestling, fighter ship piloting simulations, and running with weights. Though it wasn’t his first time doing any of these training programs, it was much harder to persevere today, and his movements were far less sharp than usual.

And his wrestling opponent was Quentin. After that first day, Quentin didn’t beat Ye Ming nearly to death a second time, but he was still just as vicious and always made Ye Ming suffer quietly. Just now, he’d kicked Ye Ming away, and then put a foot on his chest. He sneered, “Little mouse, are you drunk today? Why can’t you even walk steady?”


Ye Ming coughed a few times and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. He looked at Quentin stubbornly and said emphatically, “I’m not drunk.”

Quentin stared at him blankly for a moment, and then couldn’t help but burst into laughter. “If you’re not drunk then come at me again. Let me see exactly what’s going on with you. How can you get worse and worse each day?” 

And so Ye Ming was beaten up once again.

After wrestling was running with weights. Ye Ming grinned. Even though he was about to topple over, he just grit his teeth and kept running. Only, the route that he normally could’ve run in two hours took an entire four hours this time.

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When he was done running, he released the very last breath that was holding him upright and collapsed face first on the ground with a thud. His face was flushed with an unusual redness.

[Ye Ming: I’m already a dead dog. Don’t call for me. Let me have peace.] 

[888: …]

[Ye Ming: This burns way too much. I can’t take it, yingyingying.]

[Ye Ming: I don’t want to train anymore. I don’t want to wake up early anymore. Why can’t I just be detached from worldly affairs and be a waste of a person? QAQ]

[888: …] 

Still, thinking of his frozen experience points, Ye Ming lay down on the ground like a corpse for a little while before ultimately struggling back up and returning to his dorm.

Because he didn’t have Cossen’s permission to take it out, Ye Ming always wore what Cossen had given him, except when the situation absolutely didn’t allow it. This made his work and training, which he originally could still manage, many times more difficult. On top of that, he didn’t get enough rest, and his complexion was getting worse and worse.

But no matter how difficult it was, he still got up every day before the sun was up to wait at Cossen’s door.

Cossen glanced at Ye Ming. In only a few days, the young man’s dark circles had gotten worse and worse. Despite his best efforts to maintain his military posture, his slightly thin body still seemed like it was about to collapse. 

During this time, Ye Ming’s every movement was under Cossen and Brody’s watch. Ye Ming continued to behave very well. Even when he was alone, they couldn’t find any issues with his behavior.

Ye Ming made it through the morning. When he thought about how he still had to train in the afternoon, he immediately lost his will to live.

Brody probably noticed Ye Ming’s strange behavior and came up with even more ways to torment him. In the end, he made Ye Ming run fifty thousand meters before he allowed Ye Ming to go back.

There were sandbags tied to both of Ye Ming’s legs, so it was very exhausting. 

[Ye Ming: I’m not running anymore. Grandpa’s not running anymore!]

[888: As a soldier…]


[Ye Ming: You told me just now that Keke came to see me! He finally came to see me, this heartless bastard. Since it took him so long to finally come, I’ll faint for him to see!]

Cossen was standing in the observation room above the training grounds. He’d been very assured about Brody’s situation here, and Brody would report back to him about Ye Ming every day. He said that Ye Ming was very resilient, and he persisted even though Brody was deliberately making things difficult for him. 

But he and Brody both knew very well that Ye Ming would absolutely not give up. He would do anything to stay.

Cossen initially hadn’t intended to come over. He trusted that Brody could handle it. But with Ye Ming appearing in front of him every day, that stuff he’d deliberately forgotten began to constantly preoccupy his thoughts once more…

Cossen constantly thought of Ye Ming; even when he closed his eyes, Ye Ming’s figure seemed to appear in his mind. That handsome, dazzling face of Harvey’s gradually became that of the ordinary, purple-eyed young man before his eyes. The pain in his heart continued to worsen…

Cossen finally decided to come and see for himself. And so he saw Ye Ming’s familiar figure and that stubborn zeal and unwillingness to accept defeat—exactly the same as before. Even when covered in cuts and bruises, he would not be discouraged, he would not give up, and he would press onward. 

These were the qualities that Cossen used to deeply love.

He watched the lonely figure of the person running below. It was clear the young man was already barely holding up. He would run for a bit and then rest for a bit; it couldn’t even be considered running, but rather inching forward. Every time they thought he wouldn’t be able to press on anymore, he would climb back up from where he’d fallen…

And then Ye Ming fell again, but this time, he didn’t climb back up even after a long time.

Brody wrinkled his brow. “He must’ve passed out. I’ll go call him.” 

Cossen lifted his hand, his eyes dark and abstruse, and stopped Brody’s actions. He said, “Just let it be for today.”

After saying that, he went down and arrived next to Ye Ming. He gently rested Ye Ming’s upper body on his knees, then reached a hand out to brush aside the stray strands of black hair on the young man’s forehead, revealing his pale face.

The young man’s forehead was knitted, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead. There were blue bruises below his eyes from exhaustion. He looked frail and pitiable.

Cossen knew he shouldn’t be softhearted or distressed for him. This person had barely suffered anything. Compared to his betrayal…compared to the blood and lives that people lost…compared to the immeasurable price they’d paid, it wasn’t even worth mentioning. 

But he still couldn’t help but take pity on him. Even though he was fully aware that inside of this body was an emotionless beast, he still couldn’t help but be disoriented by this external appearance and the emotions in those eyes.

Cossen’s thumb gently brushed against the young man’s lips. Those lips were very soft, and they made one want to kiss them fondly, to embrace him in one’s arms, and to treat him tenderly.

But he shouldn’t. He couldn’t forgive him.

He could never forgive him. 

Cossen’s eyes were sad and pained. What are you waiting for? Why don’t you just show your true colors and contact your accomplice already? That way I won’t have to struggle like this anymore.

[Ding, Cossen’s blackening value -5, current blackening value 95]


Cossen shut his eyes and slowly relaxed his grip on Ye Ming’s shoulder. Just when he was about to put him down, he suddenly saw the eyelashes of the young man in his arms quiver, and then his eyes slowly opened, revealing a pair of limpid purple eyes.

Enchanted, Cossen was drawn into those two eyes, and his movements immediately froze. 

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