Ye Ming’s lip quivered, his eyes shocked and confused. After a long while, he croaked, “You…”

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Right then, he could hardly think. His only thought was that Cossen knew who he was…He’d recognized him…



Cossen gazed down at the side of Ye Ming’s face and his golden, vertically slitted pupil. This was not the eye of a human, and yet the emotions within them truly resembled a human’s.

Just as if the human soul trapped inside of this beast’s body was now beginning to stir and was struggling to break out of its cage. 

Cossen thought, If there truly was an infected that could regain their humanity, it would probably be like this…It was just too bad that no matter how realistic his performance, he was only putting on an act, constantly trying to trick him, just like the ruthless, murderous infected of the past who tricked his loved ones.


Once you set him free, he would dig open your chest and rip out your heart…

Cossen’s voice was quiet, like a world-weary whisper. “Did you ever regret it, Harvey?”

Ye Ming closed his eyes in pain. Now he finally understood that the disguise he’d thought was infallible hadn’t been able to hide anything from Cossen.


Ye Ming calmed down and rasped, “When did you figure out my identity?”

Cossen stared at him, his expression gentle. Slowly, he said, “Do you still remember the shelter I took you to? You used the confidential access key that I gave you. That key…you’re the only person I’ve ever told it to.”

Ye Ming was momentarily dazed. So that mission, from start to finish, was to test him.

So Cossen had known who he was ever since then…and the reason he’d never exposed Ye Ming was so that he could use him to track down the other traitor. 

Of course Cossen had figured out long ago that he couldn’t have done everything. But he didn’t know that Ye Ming didn’t help Roy at all. He instead thought Ye Ming had worked together with another traitor, which was why he decided to turn the tables and use Ye Ming.

Then, all this time, he’d been watching Ye Ming’s performance, as if Ye Ming were a clown? His so-called training, tainted with torment and humiliation…was punishment for him. It was all deliberate and premeditated.

As Ye Ming thought back on it now, Brody’s apathy and Cossen’s indifference took on a completely different meaning.

Brody purposefully had people give Ye Ming a hard time because he knew he was Harvey. When it was clear Ye Ming was in a state in which it was difficult for him to bear it, he’d even intensified his training, fully aware that he couldn’t reveal his true strength because of his disguise. And he had Quentin and the others secretly deal with him and make him endure his suffering in silence…His apathy was directed solely at him. 

Cossen knew he was Harvey, and yet he purposefully humiliated him in such a way, violating him as if he were an object without dignity. It wasn’t that Cossen himself was a heartless person per se, it was just that he treated Ye Ming this way because he was Ye Ming.

He truly couldn’t forgive Ye Ming, which was why he turned into someone so unpleasant whenever he was with him.

Ye Ming suddenly laughed. He laughed and laughed, his mouth and throat filled with the taste of blood. He was very seriously injured—perhaps this time, he really was about to die, but he didn’t fear death.

What he feared most was the idea of the previous tragedy repeating itself. Now he could finally be at ease. 

Because he trusted that Cossen definitely wouldn’t let that tragedy repeat itself, because he wouldn’t be deceived by Ye Ming again this time. He wouldn’t be deceived by anyone again. He had everything under control.

For the sake of victory, he was even willing to tolerate him for so long despite how much he hated him, until Ye Ming finally contacted the traitor.


He was just as calm, rational, and unafraid of Xicks as before.

Ye Ming was very gratified, and this gratification and relief unexpectedly quelled his pain and sorrow. He didn’t care if he’d been hurt or if he’d been made a fool of. Compared to the survival of the human race, wasn’t that completely trivial? 

Cossen understood this, and so did he.

Ye Ming laughed for a while, then turned his head with great difficulty to meet Cossen’s eyes. Coldly, he said, “So what if you found me out? I won’t tell you anything…Xicks daren will kill every last one of you and trample on your human territory. You won’t be able to beat it.”

“I can give you the answer to your question now.”

“I don’t regret it.” 

These aren’t my true feelings. When, like a ghost, I came back from that endless darkness, the truth nearly crushed me. I blamed myself, and it hurt so much I couldn’t sleep at night. It was the last of my perseverance that led me to you…

But I won’t tell you my true feelings simply because I don’t want you to hurt as much as I do.

As the hero of humanity, you should keep pressing forward. You shouldn’t waver for anything or be hindered by anything. You should just do what you ought to do and let go of someone who should’ve died anyway.

Death isn’t an ending for me, but a new start, because I can finally break free from these wretched shackles. I won’t be under Xicks’s control anymore, and I won’t have to suffer anymore, alive and knowing that I hurt my loved ones. 

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Cossen listened as Ye Ming said those four words, and he saw the smile in his eyes. After a long moment, he sighed softly.

He reached out his hand and gently brushed aside Ye Ming’s stray locks of blood-crusted hair to reveal his smooth forehead. He trailed his fingers down his face, then lowered his head and softly kissed his lips. This kiss was just a simple meeting of their lips. It tasted of blood, and it felt like a sad farewell that seemed to come from somewhere deep down in their souls.

“Don’t worry. I won’t let you suffer anymore.” Cossen gazed tenderly into his eyes, as if through them he could see the pitiful soul that might still survive in some corner inside of that body.

I’ll kill this evil body so that the real you can be free and at peace. 

Ye Ming’s eyes curved as he smiled. What he didn’t say aloud was: Thank you.

Cossen couldn’t bear to look at the person in front of him. His fingers rested right on top of the control panel next to the metal bed. With just the press of a button, the metal bands would become sharp, unyielding blades that would easily sever his limbs and head, separating his corpse into pieces.

They had always executed the infected this way. Cossen could still remember each blood-drenched scene. He would watch as the soldiers cleaned up the blood and body parts that covered the ground. Now, all he had to do was move a finger and this person whom he so deeply loved would also be turned into that. And in the end, he’d be tossed into an incinerator and burned up like trash.

The sorrow in Cossen’s eyes nearly spilled out of them. His fingers were frozen stiff, unable to move. But this time, they truly should bid each other farewell. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf ufcais bqfcfv eq atf qjcfi jcv kjr pera jybea ab qgfrr vbkc ktfc tlr mbwweclmjalbcr vfnlmf revvfcis yffqfv egufcais.

Ktf rbecv bo la kjr fjg-qlfgmlcu lc atf delfa bo atf lcafggbujalbc gbbw. Pa jygeqais lcafggeqafv Jbrrfc’r wbnfwfcar jcv mea rtbga atf vfafgwlcjalbc jcv mbegjuf atja tjv ajxfc tlw j iba bo alwf jcv foobga ab rewwbc.


Cossen furrowed his brow slightly and switched on his communications deceive. Brody’s anxious voice came from the other side. “Marshal, we’ve tracked down the data! You should come quickly and take a look!”

Brody sounded extremely shocked, as well as the slightest bit uncertain. It was clear the traitor’s identity had caused him to be irresolute and indecisive. 

Cossen’s gaze steeled. He was silent for a few seconds before saying, “I’m coming right away.”

He looked up and glanced intensely at Ye Ming. Then he turned around and left the interrogation room.

Ye Ming watched as Cossen left and seemed to sigh in relief. He closed his eyes.

[Ye Ming: Ah…too fucking nerve-wracking ahhh! If you hadn’t been updating me on the progress of their search the whole time, I really would’ve been too scared to do this! QAQ I was so close to dying without my corpse intact!] 

[888: Hehehe…You looked really calm to me.]

[Ye Ming: No no no, I wasn’t calm inside at all! I was nervous to death! If Brody still didn’t call, I would’ve had to come up with a way to sway Cossen and keep him from killing me for the time being. If I die now, I won’t be able to eliminate his blackening value.]

[888: …How were you planning on swaying him?] He could tell that Cossen had really made up his mind.

[Ye Ming: That’s simple. Just bluff, heeheehee.] 

[888: …] Fuck off.

[Ye Ming: Ah, I’m about to see the rainbow after the storm. Roy, that little spicy chicken, definitely doesn’t have as strong a willpower as I do! I guarantee he’ll confess everything really quickly.]

[888: Strong willpower? Indifferent.jpg]

[Ye Ming: You’re my strong willpower. As long as you’re here, I can do whatever I want without fear o(∩_∩)o~ Love you, muah muah.] 

[888: Get lost.]

This spicy chicken would stir up a huge fuss over a tiny scratch, and he had the nerve to talk about willpower?!


Cossen strode out, his expression somber, and arrived at the office next door. Brody was anxiously pacing back and forth inside. When he saw Cossen approaching, he hurriedly walked up to him and said, “We already know who the traitor is!” 

Cossen’s eyes shone with a cold light, and his voice was laced with killing intent. “Who is it?”

Brody said through gritted teeth, “It’s Roy.” He couldn’t seem to believe it. As he spoke, he sounded uncertain.


Cossen was somewhat surprised. He lifted his eyebrows and raised his voice slightly. “Roy?”

Though he didn’t like Roy all that much, he’d nonetheless never suspected that Roy was the traitor. 

Almost all of the humans that Xicks used to create infected were either captured during battle or made from the corpses of soldiers that had died in battle. Because the universe was so big, the Human Federation couldn’t retrieve all of the bodies of the soldiers who had sacrificed themselves in battle, and the majority of them were left to drift in the universe…Xicks would transform these corpses, along with the occasional human that had been captured alive, and change their appearances. Then it would bring them back and substitute them for another human, turning them into hidden spies.

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Roy came from an aristocratic family from the capital star and was not native to this place. Because of his status, although his position in the military was not very high at first, he’d always been assigned to the troops safe and far from the frontlines. Three years ago, he’d never fought at the front lines and had never been in danger of disappearing or dying in battle. There hadn’t been any opportunities for him to be transformed or substituted by Xicks. He was someone who simply couldn’t possibly have been an infected.

Although in the last two years, in order to obtain meritorious achievements, he’d begun applying to go to bases slightly closer to the frontlines. Still, however, he rarely put himself in any danger.

And this was precisely why Cossen didn’t appreciate him very much. Although Roy’s military achievements these past two years appeared bountiful, Cossen only saw him as an opportunistic aristocrat who valued his life too much, treated this place as a stepping stone to achieve a higher status, and greedily seized achievements, instead of a truly heroic and fearless soldier…But even still, Cossen didn’t think he would be a traitor. 

Roy was one hundred percent human. He didn’t have any motive or reason to betray humanity, and he shouldn’t have had the guts, either.

Clearly, Brody was also very clear about this, which was why he was so shocked.

It was precisely because they were all sure that Roy was a human that they couldn’t believe that he was the traitor, and even less so that he’d taken part in the betrayal three years ago and that he’d sent millions upon millions of his own kind straight into Xicks mouth with his own hands.

Any human—even the most deranged lunatic—would never do such a thing! 

Before this, there had never been any other human who’d sided with Xicks.

Humans and Xicks were absolute mortal enemies.

Cossen muttered, “Let me see the tracking results.”

Brody turned on the computer and turned toward Cossen. He said, “It wasn’t easy, but we cracked the reverse tracing program Harvey set up, maneuvered around some false proxies set up deliberately to throw us off, and finally found that the confidential information was sent to an anonymous account created three years ago. The account isn’t under Roy’s name. The one who opened the account was a junior officer named Lesley, but he died in combat three years ago, so this is a ghost account.” 

Brody paused, then continued, “Finally, after investigating, we confirmed that this account was being used by Roy, and just yesterday he secretly logged in. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that he’s secretly using a dead person’s account and that this account just so happened to receive confidential information from Harvey.”

Cossen’s eyes were frosty. Without the slightest hesitation, he commanded, “Capture him.”

They would be able to determine whether or not Roy was the traitor by asking him. He was not one of the tenacious, fierce infected. Cossen had plenty of ways to force him to talk!

Brody nodded. Just then, an alert popped up on the computer, and he quickly said, “Just a moment ago, he logged into the account again and looked at the data!” When Brody thought about how Roy was probably Harvey’s co-conspirator from three years ago, the murderer who killed his little brother, he became so angry his eyes went red! 

Cossen’s orders were passed on at lightning speed, and his most elite unit arrived at Roy’s location in a mere three minutes.

After a two-minute shootout, Captain Howes reported to Cossen that they’d arrested Roy in one of his private residences. When they found him, he seemed somewhat frantic, and was just preparing to escape!


Cossen’s expression became colder when he heard that. Since he was intending to escape, then he definitely didn’t have a clear conscience. He coldly ordered, “Bring him back here. I’ll personally interrogate him!”

If Roy really was the traitor… 

He was a human, and yet he betrayed his own species! That definitely could not be forgiven!

Cossen paced back and forth in his office, his gaze dark. He seemed to be mulling over something.

Brody saw his solemn expression and didn’t dare disturb him. He just quietly waited to one side. When he thought of the fact that Roy was soon going to be brought back here and that the truth would soon be revealed, his mood became bitter and complicated.

He would definitely figure out what exactly was going on! 


Roy was locked in a room. He was sitting on a metal chair, his hands and feet bound. He’d gotten mildly injured in the shooting and had also suffered a punch to the face. He looked extremely awful.

But compared to his physical pains, his fear at getting caught was much worse.

He was only checking his secret account today as usual. That was the secret account he used to contact the other infected; ever since he’d thrown in his lot with Xicks, he passed on information this way most of the time. But when he looked at it today, he’d unexpectedly received some classified information. 

Roy hadn’t gotten any orders to steal classified information recently, so when he received it suddenly and unexpectedly, he had a bad premonition.

In the past three years, his betraying humanity made him live in constant fear. He was worried he would be discovered at any time. If he were discovered…When he thought of such a possibility, he became extremely terrified. The unexpected arrival of that classified information made him uneasy.

And today, his perpetual nightmare finally came true: he was captured by troops that had appeared without any warning. He didn’t know why he’d suddenly been discovered—perhaps it had something to do with the confidential information.

Roy heard the door opening and lifted his head in a panic to see a tall, handsome man with red eyes walk inside. 

This was the man he had secretly been in love with for a long time. He loved him madly—he would do anything for him, humbling himself for him until he was little more than dust. But Cossen never looked at him amiably. He was always cold and unmoved…and his expression now was even more frightening.

Roy swallowed. “Marshal, sir. What’s all this about? Why did you send people to arrest me?”

Cossen gazed at his icily. “You don’t know why you were arrested?”

Roy knew that if he admitted it, his fate would be sealed! So he gritted through his teeth, “I really don’t know. Today, I…was just resting in my home. I don’t know why I was suddenly arrested.” 

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Cossen’s gaze was sharp and his voice low. “Is that so? Then explain, starting from this account. Why would you log into the deceased Major Lesley’s account? Why did you just so happen to have received the confidential information that was stolen from me?”

Roy was deathly pale. He wanted to object, but he didn’t know how…Just as he was feeling hopeless, he suddenly had a jolt of realization. He shouted fearfully, “I understand now! I was framed, I was framed! I didn’t steal the confidential information! I don’t know why it showed up there—I don’t know anything about it!”


“I did use that account, but I really didn’t steal any confidential information! I’m not an infected, I’m a human! Y-you can’t do this to me without giving me a trial. I’m being wrongly accused!”

Cossen looked into Roy’s eyes. He didn’t believe him at all, because the panic and avoidance in Roy’s eyes had already sold him out. 

He was the traitor.

Cossen was incomparably angry. He couldn’t believe Roy was a human, and yet he would actually conspire with an infected and betray them. He did his best to keep his anger under control and maintain a mask of calm. He pursed his lips tightly, and said icily after a moment, “Someone come and help Colonel Roy remember what exactly he’s been doing these past few years.”


Cossen stood there and watched. 

As soon as the soldiers entered with the torture equipment, Roy was scared witless. He’d seen how they tortured the infected before. When he thought of those things being used on his body, of that horrifying ordeal happening to himself, he was so frightened he shook all over.

As it turned out, in this respect, Roy couldn’t at all compare to ordinary infected people, much less Ye Ming.

A mere twenty or so minutes later, Roy had pretty much caved. He was covered in blood from head to foot. He could feel that his bones had been broken and were piercing into his skin. He let out a miserable screech from the immense pain, but he also couldn’t die because these soldiers made sure to keep him alive. With current medical technology, death was an impossibility under strict supervision!

Roy was very afraid of death, but in this moment, he instead thought death would be a luxury. He really, really hated that he couldn’t just die, so that he would no longer have to stay conscious and experience all of this pain! Finally, he croaked, “Wh-what do you want to know…I-I’ll tell you everything, ahhh—” 

Cossen slowly lifted a hand, stopping the soldiers’ torture. He walked up to him and bent over to stare into his eyes. There wasn’t a single sliver of emotion within his dark red eyes. “Tell me how you betrayed us and what you did.”

Roy’s pupils were unfocused and his thoughts disordered from the pain as he began to disjointedly explain what he’d done. He spoke of when he joined Xicks three years ago, then of how he’d been helping Xicks secretly send in its infected ever since. He used that account to contact the other infected…

Not only Cossen, not only Brody, but all of the present soldiers’ eyes went red as they listened. They really wished they could go up and tear this person apart!

Cossen’s fists were clenched so hard they creaked. He coldly commanded the soldier next to him, “Make him spill the names of every last infected he brought in!” 

“Yes!” the soldier said.

Cossen’s eyes were ice cold. This damn traitor!

Roy had long since lost the will to resist. Whatever the soldier asked, he answered. Very quickly, he’d provided a list of over a hundred names. These were all the infected he’d helped Xicks bring in over the past three years.

The soldier carefully checked over the names, then handed over the list to Cossen. 

In fact, Cossen had heard them already. His memory was very good, so he’d already memorized them all, but still he carefully looked them over once more. Finally, his gaze settled on the name Kevin.

This corporal from base F876, he—was also someone Roy brought in.


Cossen’s grip was so tight his knuckles turned white. The cruel truth once again stabbed his heart like a sharp knife. There was no doubt Roy was the traitor who had worked with Harvey back then. And three years later, Roy had once again helped sneak him to Cossen’s side.

And his apparent jealousy…was probably also only an act…You guys put on a good show. 

Cossen handed over the list to Brody. Coldly, he instructed, “Capture all of the infected on this list. Don’t let a single one go. If you can’t capture them, kill them.”

Brody had heard everything just now. His rage burned fiercely in his chest. He shot Roy a hate-filled look and said, “Yes! None of these people will be able to get away!”

Cossen nodded, then looked at Roy again.

Roy was like a man made of blood as he sat there with his head drooping. His body spasmed slightly, and his expression was twisted in pain. His gaze was unfocused, and his voice shook as he said, “You—you, kill me…” 

But Cossen didn’t do that. This damn traitor should be interrogated and then publicly executed.

He spoke calmly and indifferently, “Now tell me, the reason you stole confidential information this time, is it because Xicks is preparing to attack again? What is it planning?”

Roy shrank back fearfully and mumbled, “I didn’t…This time it really wasn’t me…I don’t know why it appeared in my account…I don’t know, I don’t know…”

Cossen’s brows furrowed slightly. There was no need for Roy to deny it at this point. His previous confessions were already enough for him to be sentenced to death, and it was clear he’d already lost the will to resist. It wouldn’t be reasonable for him to lie now, so why did he insist that he was being framed? 

Had he really been framed?

At first, when Roy claimed he didn’t know where the confidential information came from, that he was being framed, Cossen thought he was lying to save himself. But now, he realized he might be telling the truth.

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But…that didn’t make any sense. Why would Harvey want to frame him?

Vaguely, Cossen had a bad premonition. His voice became deeper and lower. “The information was sent to you by Harvey. He’s one of the infected you brought in. Didn’t you know?” 

Roy looked up abruptly, his pupils constricting. He seemed to have heard a name he could hardly believe. Little by little, he regained his ability to think clearly. His lips trembled. “What do you mean Harvey? Harvey’s back?”

Previously, the interrogation had been going very smoothly, and everything was already plain and clear. But now a problem had come up where it was least likely to. Cossen felt that something seemed to be slowly spiraling out of control.

He stared intently into Roy’s eyes, his voice hoarse and deep. “I wanted to ask you what that’s all about. You worked together with Harvey back then to betray us, and now you helped Harvey hide his identity and come back. Corporal Kevin of base F876—he’s Harvey. Would you like me to help you remember the names you only just confessed?”

Roy’s eyes suddenly widened. His already strained body trembled from this enormous shock, and blood began to gush from his body anew, but he seemed not to feel it. He looked at Cossen fervently in disbelief. “Kevin—is Harvey? No, that’s impossible!” 

Then his eyes began to turn crazed. He muttered, “Kevin is Harvey…No, that might actually be possible…No wonder…No wonder…”

Roy’s eyes were very red. He seemed to be laughing, but also crying. Slowly, his eyes cleared back up again. This enormous shock seemed to have triggered something in him. He crowed hoarsely, “No wonder you like him! It turns out he was Harvey! No wonder you like him, hahahaha, you actually still like him! No wonder he framed me. I understand now…I understand everything! It was him who framed me! Since he came back, there’s no way he’d let me off!”


As he spoke, he started crying, his expression filled with immense hatred and his eyes shining with resentment. “Xicks daren promised it wouldn’t let him off, but it actually let him come back. That’s a death sentence for me! I can’t stand it. Was I not devoted enough to it? Did I not do enough? It abandoned me just like that! I can’t stand it. I hate it! I hate you!”

Cossen’s heart wouldn’t stop sinking. Roy’s words were causing everything to begin spiraling out of control. This development was completely outside of his expectations. 

Cossen wrinkled his brows and coldly said, “What crazy stuff are you spouting? Why would he frame you?”

Only envy and hate remained in Roy’s heart. He was in so much pain he wanted to die, and it drove him mad. His hatred, which he could not give vent to, practically burst out of his chest.

He would die soon…Xicks had abandoned him, and Cossen wouldn’t let him go, either…He couldn’t get anything he wanted, and he would die soon…It was just too bad he didn’t get to watch Harvey die first.

Roy’s tone was gloomy and cold. He coughed up a mouthful of blood. When he looked at Cossen now, his gaze no longer carried any sliver of respect, fear, or adoration, only deep resentment. “What about Harvey? Where is he? Is he in some interrogation room like me? Did you interrogate him like this too?” 

Cossen’s thin lips pursed tightly. He looked at him icily without replying.

Roy burst into a peal of laughter, like his throat was a gorged, leaking airbag. “Or is he already dead?”

Cossen gazed at Roy’s eyes with a growing uneasiness. He realized that his next response would very likely determine what kind of answer he got. For a split second, all sorts of thoughts flitted through his mind.

A short moment later, Cossen leveled a sort of indifferent gaze at Roy and said dully, “That’s right. He’s right inside the next interrogation room, but since he wouldn’t say anything and was a worthless infected, I’ve already executed him. He should’ve paid the price for his actions long ago.” 

When Roy heard that, a strange smile appeared in his eyes, as if he were very delighted with this answer. “So he’s dead…You gave the order to kill him? Or did you kill him with your own hands? That’s truly too amusing. I’m honestly so happy, hahahahaha! He should’ve died long ago. Let’s see if he can snatch anything from me now!”

Cossen frowned at him and seemed to be a little impatient. “Rather than talk nonsense, you’d be better off obediently explaining how you contacted him and what Xicks’s plans are. Then I might make things quick.”

Roy looked at him, the expression in his eyes frenzied and strange. “I’ll confess, I’ll confess right now. I’ll tell you the whole truth!”

“Harvey didn’t betray you three years ago. Although he was an infected and stole confidential information under Xicks’s control, he regretted it right when he was about to leave. He took his chances and destroyed the information he stole, and then tried to escape. Xicks was extremely angry, so it instructed me to capture him. I hadn’t liked him for a long time already. How come an infected could be adored and admired by all, and loved by you? So not only did I capture him, I peeled off his iris and fingerprints, and then I stole your secrets under his identity and let Xicks’s army inside.” 

“Wasn’t that a truly wonderful idea? All of you thought he was the one who betrayed you. You even personally ordered his arrest, hahahahaha…You have no idea how happy I was. I drank for days in celebration! That’s what an infected deserved! He was an infected, yet he didn’t properly obey Xicks and instead tried futilely to betray it and make you fall in love with him. It was only to be expected that he paid this kind of price…”

When Roy saw Cossen’s expression suddenly change, his heart filled with elation. Roy was doomed not to be able to have this person, and he also was to die by his hand, so he ought to let him get a taste of his suffering!

He continued, “…Back then, I captured him myself and sent him back to Xicks. Xicks said it wanted to make him suffer the consequences of betraying it, so Xicks has been torturing him for the past three years, hahahaha, truly sad and pathetic. See…in order to betray Xicks, he was tortured so terribly, and when he came back, he was hurt even more by the person he loved. Even I can’t help but feel a bit bad for him.”

As Roy spoke, the look in his eyes became indignant and sinister once more. Gnashing his teeth, he said, “But I still hate him! How could Xicks set him free and not tell me who he was? If I had known Kevin was Harvey, I would’ve killed him long ago. I definitely wouldn’t have given him the opportunity to get back at me by framing me! I did so much for Xicks, yet it didn’t hesitate to abandon me…Harvey came back to get revenge against me—it was just to get revenge against me!” 

Looking at Roy’s fierce expression, Cossen felt as if he’d been frozen. Impossible…How could it be…?

Roy grinned meanly. “Speaking of…when Harvey came back, he found that all that he wanted to protect, even at the risk of betraying Xicks, had been destroyed after all. That must’ve hurt a lot. And on top of that, he became a wanted criminal that everyone hated. No one would believe anything he said, hahaha…No wonder he had to frame me in such a roundabout way. But I didn’t lose. In order to harm me, he had to put his life on the line. I didn’t lose at all, hahaha…All of you liked him so much, but in the end all of you just hurt him and wanted him dead!”


Cossen grabbed Roy’s collar, his eyes wide. “Nonsense—”

Roy’s mouth split into a grin. His mouth was filled with blood. He looked frightening, yet his eyes were filled with pure delight. “What? Does your heart ache? Do you regret it? There’s no need…Think of it this way: you did him a favor by killing him. He betrayed Xicks for you again…so this time if he falls into Xicks’s grasp alive, he’ll have to go through torture hundreds, thousands of times worse, hahaha, so you liberated him!” 

“This…is a good thing. Since you love him so much, you should be happy for him…”

Cossen looked into Roy’s red, crazed eyes. He could see his own stricken appearance reflected in them.

Disbelieving, terrified, pained, anguished.

Like a body that had lost its soul, unbearably harrowed. 

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