Ye Ming hesitated only momentarily. Immediately after, his eyes grew cold again, and he slammed his palm against Mu Yuanqing’s chest again!

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Coughing up blood, Mu Yuanqing flew backwards. He stumbled back multiple steps before finally steadying himself. He was very sad, but he wasn’t too surprised by Ye Ming’s reaction. 

Shixiong was a little cold and aloof, but he was like an exiled immortal, his manner always upright and honest…He definitely wouldn’t associate with those insatiable, murderous, ugly devils. So—he either had to have lost his memories or been under someone’s control.

This couldn’t be his true intention.



Mu Yuanqing could tell that his current methods wouldn’t be able to rouse Ye Ming, so he immediately switched tactics. He had to make shixiong stay behind today! Only then could he help him recover his memories.

Mu Yuanqing promptly made a motion with his hand, and his flying sword returned to his grasp! This time, he attacked fiercely, pressing closer and closer, no longer holding back at all! He was no longer yielding. 

Ye Ming saw that Mu Yuanqing was finally getting serious. He let out a cold laugh and brandished his sword to meet his blows. He didn’t need these sanctimonious righteous cultivators to go easy on him. He absolutely must kill these people today, and then present the Fengming Sect leader’s severed head to Master!


However, although Ye Ming had obstructed the Xuanguang Sect’s strongest, Mu Yuanqing, the other demonic cultivators were gradually driven back by the Xuanguang and Fengming Sects’ joint effort, and they suffered heavy casualties.

Those demonic cultivators hadn’t expected to be so unlucky. The Xuanguang Sect people arrived much quicker than they expected. They could tell that they were going to fail their mission. If they continued to fight, not only would they not be able to take down the Fengming Sect, their own little lives would also be lost. Finally, they cried out to Ye Ming, “Yu Hun daren, we can’t keep it up any longer!”

Ye Ming clenched his jaw hard. His eyes were frosty. Mu Yuanqing had him fully preoccupied; he didn’t have the energy to spare to help the others.


Mu Yuanqing saw that the demonic cultivators couldn’t hold on anymore, and he redoubled his efforts to keep Ye Ming preoccupied. He couldn’t bear to actually injure Ye Ming, so with all of his strength, he managed to stall Ye Ming without accidentally hurting him.

Ye Ming noticed Mu Yuanqing’s actions and scoffed coldly. Did this person still mistakenly think he was his shixiong? He glanced at the demonic cultivators below them and realized that if they persisted, they would only lose their lives in vain. And although he didn’t care about these underlings’ lives, given that the mission was already a failure, he might have an even harder time explaining himself to Master if he lost all the underlings on top of that. Finally, he coldly commanded, “Retreat!”

Having received Ye Ming’s orders, the demonic cultivators were greatly pleased and hastily fell back.

The Lord would likely be angry over this mission’s failure. None of them dared to bear the Lord’s wrath—that was a fate worse than death…but Yu Hun daren had ordered a retreat, so perhaps for Yu Hun daren’s sake, the Lord wouldn’t punish them. 

At least there was Yu Hun daren to take responsibility.

Mu Yuanqing realized that Ye Ming was going to flee, and fought even more fiercely, wanting to force him to stay behind. But how could Ye Ming let him do that? He absolutely couldn’t leave Master! His gaze sharpened, and he faced Mu Yuanqing’s sword head on. Without dodging or evading, he rushed directly at him!

Mu Yuanqing’s expression changed dramatically. Ye Ming was banking on the fact that he wouldn’t hurt him! If Mu Yuanqing didn’t move aside, his attack would kill him! Mu Yuanqing grit his teeth and forced his flying sword to abruptly change direction. The flying sword brushed past Ye Ming’s shoulder, and a cut appeared in its wake.

In the most perilous moment, he diverted his flying sword; his qi and blood roiled inside of his chest. By the time he recovered, Ye Ming had already left, and it was too late to give chase. 

Mu Yuanqing wiped the blood away from the corners of his mouth. He gazed heavily in the direction that Ye Ming had left in. He didn’t move for a long time.

As a result of the demonic cultivators’ retreat, it was finally peaceful once more. The Fengming Sect’s members and the townspeople respectfully thanked the Xuanguang Sect disciples, their faces full of renewed vigor.

One of the Xuanguang Sect disciples saw Mu Yuanqing standing there motionless for quite a while. Finally, he went over to him to ask, “Mu shixiong, are we going back now?”

Mu Yuanqing snapped out of it. His expression was already unreadable. He tightly gripped the sword in his hands, his gaze dark and complex. He said, “Let’s go back.” 


Many of the demonic cultivators Ye Ming led had been lost. Less than one third of them survived. They fled all the way back to the demonic domain in order to escape the Xuanguang Sect’s pursuit.


They had already been gone for three days.

Ye Ming’s body faintly began to show signs of an attack. Without rest, he made his way back to the Devil’s Palace and finally found Zong Jun in the rear mountains. 

Zong Jun was sitting under a peach blossom tree, leisurely sipping tea, dressed in clothes as dark as ink. Juxtaposed with the lovely pink background, he looked as if he was going to suck up all the light, as if he were an abyss among the beautiful, sprawling scenery.

He slowly turned. His gloomy, deep blue eyes watched Ye Ming attentively.

Ye Ming met his eyes. Suddenly, his heart stuttered. He knelt down on one knee and lowered his head, averting his eyes from Zong Jun’s. He said, “Yu Hun was unable to complete the mission. May Master please punish him.”

Zong Jun’s fingers gently stroked his teacup. His voice was deep and low. “Failure will be punished.” 

Ye Ming’s face was a little pale, but he didn’t even dare beg for forgiveness. He had already been apart from Zong Jun for a full three days, and the pain that seemed to come from the depths of his soul and the marrow of his bones was beginning to torment him again. He needed Zong Jun. But he hadn’t even been able to complete his first mission. How could he have the face to beg Master to take pity…?

Zong Jun lowered his gaze and saw that Ye Ming had gone slightly pale from the pain. The hand he had wrapped around his sword hilt clenched hard enough that his veins pulsed.

He knew what he was going through.

But Zong Jun recalled what the spy he’d planted by Ye Ming’s side had reported. He knew what had happened even before Ye Ming had returned. 

Ye Ming had not only run into Mu Yuanqing, but in the face of Mu Yuanqing’s constant yielding, he had also been unable to act ruthlessly. On the contrary, he’d given Mu Yuanqing the chance to attack them back…Ah, even after losing your memories, you’re still instinctively unwilling to hurt your fellow sect members, your shidi.

It turns out you have people you care about too…

Then what about me? Even when you were fully clear-headed, you could bring yourself to draw your blade against me.

Cultivation partners? That was all bullshit! 

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The killing intent in Zong Jun’s heart began to bubble up. The hatred that had been building up inside of him for thousands of years once again began to flare up uncontrollably. He thought of how much he used to love this person, how he would’ve done anything for him, and how he silently loved him for thousands of years, wishing that he could pluck out his own heart.

He’d thought this person had been moved by him and fallen in love with him, because with the heavens and earth as their witness, they had joined together as paired cultivation partners and vowed that they would never part in life or in death.

But as a result?

I held up my end of the vow, but you didn’t hold up yours. 

Since you were so cruel to me, it’s now your turn to get a taste of my pain.

The depths of Zong Jun’s eyes were as shadowy as an abyss. The darkness within them was infinite. He neither asked Ye Ming why he had hesitated while facing Mu Yuanqing, nor did he reprimand him. He didn’t even mention what had happened today…He simply stood up, walked to Ye Ming, and gently tilted his chin up.


Ye Ming had no choice but to look up at Zong Jun. The slight coldness of Zong Jun’s fingers and the darkness deep in those eyes made him shiver a little, involuntarily.

He used up every last ounce of strength he had to restrain himself. He knelt there motionlessly. 

Zong Jun looked at him for a short while. Suddenly, he laughed lightly and retracted his hand. He said, “You can stay here and reflect.”

Then he brushed past him.

Ye Ming didn’t expect Zong Jun to leave just like that, but not only did he not feel any joy at being let off, a look of dread and despair also appeared in his eyes…Right then, he only had one thought: he wanted to chase after Zong Jun and beg him to stay. But his last remaining rationality also told him that he had already messed things up. If he was still unable to obey his orders, there would be even worse consequences.

So he couldn’t move. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

[Ye Ming: I can’t anymore…I’m dying. Ge, the rest is up to you! QAQ]

[888: …] Why didn’t he think about the consequences while courting death? 888 really wanted to ignore him.

888 tjv j wlcv ab glvlmeif tlw, yea rfflcu Tf Zlcu’r qlaloei jqqfjgjcmf, tf vlvc’a tjnf atf tfjga ab lucbgf tlw lc atf fcv.


Ibcu Aec vlvc’a wlcv Tf Zlcu jii cluta. Mlcjiis, atf cfza vjs, tf mjwf ab atf gfjg wbecajlcr. Mgbw ojg jkjs, tf mbeiv rff j oluegf lc ktlaf mbiijqrfv bc atf ugbecv.

His heart clenched, but thinking of what had happened, it frosted over once more, and he slowly walked over.

Ye Ming had his eyes shut tight. His lips were bitten bloody. His fingers were scratched raw, and mud was caked under his fingernails. His white robes were stained, and he looked positively wretched…It was clear what torment he’d suffered. After a long moment, he let out a quiet groan. He seemed to have sensed someone’s arrival. Eyelashes quivering, he opened his eyes.

Those eyes like black jade had long since lost all reason. There was only pain and blankness left as he stared dazedly at Zong Jun. 

Zong Jun looked down at him and said insipidly, “Do you admit to your mistakes?”

Dazed, Ye Ming rasped, “Yu Hun admits to his mistakes.”

He never wanted to suffer such dreadful pain again. He would definitely do everything he could to complete his missions. He would definitely never let Master down again!

Zong Jun sneered quietly. He didn’t know if it was directed at how pitiful Ye Ming was, or at how wretched he himself was. 

In the past, this person had abandoned him for the sake of the great Dao. Now, even after having lost his memories, he was still concerned about others, while Zong Jun…could only use these sorts of methods to force him to obey. He ought to let him go, and yet he couldn’t.

Finally, Zong Jun reached out and scooped Ye Ming up. He lowered his head to whisper in his ear, his voice as desolate as an echo in hell, “If you make another mistake, I will not let you off easily.”



When Ye Ming woke up again, he realized he was lying in a familiar bed. He looked around. This was a familiar room—Zong Jun’s bedchamber. He furrowed his eyebrows and thought for a long while before finally remembering what had happened yesterday. 

Remembered how he had begged Zong Jun through the pain…

Remembered that terrifying, endless torment. A lingering fear emerged in his eyes.

But even worse was that even after going through so much pain, he still couldn’t forget the scene of that Xuanguang Sect disciple calling him shixiong. Why…did it feel so familiar? Had that man recognized the wrong person, or had Ye Ming truly been his shixiong?

But he was a righteous cultivator, while Ye Ming was a demonic cultivator. The righteous and demonic could not coexist. How could he possibly be his shixiong? 

What were his memories of…?

Ye Ming didn’t dare think about it anymore and promptly abandoned that line of thought. Master should be the only one to occupy his thoughts, and he could only listen to Master. If Master found out that he’d actually been rattled by this, he would likely be even angrier, so he absolutely couldn’t let Master find out about it.

Zong Jun was not inside the palace. Ye Ming didn’t know where he’d gone. He thought for a moment, then put on his clothes, got up, and left.

Not long after, he heard from a chamberlain that Han Sha was requesting an audience with him. 

Ye Ming paused, then said, “Let her in.”

Han Sha had been punished by Zong Jun, so she certainly wouldn’t dare attack him again. In fact, he wanted to see what she was planning.

Han Sha was dressed in dark red muslin. Her usually bold, fierce eyes were at present lowered respectfully. In one hand, she carried a box. She arrived before Ye Ming and knelt, saying, “Han Sha greets Yu Hun daren.”

Ye Ming was slightly stumped. He could still remember how strongly Han Sha abhorred him before, to the point that she risked attempting to kill him. Now, her attitude had unexpectedly changed drastically. Immediately, Ye Ming was even more on guard. Coldly, he said, “Why were you looking for me?” 

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Han Sha forced a smile and pushed the box toward Ye Ming. She said, “I know Yu Hun daren still blames me. It’s true that I made a mistake due to jealousy, which I deeply regret. I’ve come today specifically to apologize to Yu Hun daren. I hope that daren can spare me…This is a gift I would like to offer daren. Though it’s not enough, I hope daren can accept it.”

She reached out and opened the box, and the gems glittered radiantly. The box was packed full of the finest, most precious spirit stones. In order to win Ye Ming’s favor, Han Sha was practically losing her entire fortune.

With this, Ye Ming finally began to believe her a little bit. He wrinkled his brows slightly. These demonic cultivators were truly without a bottom line, ready to steer in whichever direction the winds favored. Just a moment ago, she wanted him dead. But in the blink of an eye, she was kneeling and begging for forgiveness in order to save her own life.

The only reason Han Sha’s attitude was so humble now was that she was afraid he would make trouble for her, but in fact he didn’t have any intention of bickering with her. 

If in the future she became stronger and he became weaker, she would kill him without any hesitation.

These kinds of people should die, but Ye Ming didn’t enjoy killing indiscriminately. He wasn’t that bloodthirsty. If no one offended him, then he wouldn’t offend anyone else. Thus, he simply said a little impatiently, “I accept. You may leave.”


Han Sha seemed to finally let out a relieved breath. She lifted her head. Her eyes were filled with gratitude. “Many thanks, Yu Hun daren. If you have any instructions in the future, there will be none that Han Sha will not obey.”

She didn’t want to disturb him further, so she stood up and turned to leave. Suddenly, she seemed to remember something, and looked at Ye Ming worshipfully. “I heard about what happened with daren at the Fengming Sect. It wasn’t successful, but daren shouldn’t be troubled. You couldn’t have known you would run into Mu Yuanqing. Even I would’ve had to flee if I ran into him. I deeply admire that Yu Hun daren could obstruct him. There’s no need to blame yourself too much. Surely the Lord understands as well.” 

But Ye Ming was slightly startled. He didn’t know why, but when he heard that name, his heart seemed to stutter…

He clenched his fingers slightly. His voice low, he asked, “…Mu Yuanqing?”

Han Sha appeared to be very taken aback. An odd look flitted through her eyes. “That Mu Yuanqing is very renowned throughout the Immortal Cloud Realm. Has Yu Hun daren not heard of him before?”

Ye Ming pursed his lips, silent. 

Han Sha kindly explained, “Mu Yuanqing is the shidi of Bai Qianhong, who was the first disciple of the Xuanguang Sect three thousand years ago, and the youngest disciple of Yuan Ming shangren. Speaking of, that Bai Qianhong is quite a legendary figure. It’s too bad that he died three thousand years ago. Now, Mu Yuanqing is the future of the Xuanguang Sect. He’s a prodigious individual.”

Ye Ming paled. If he hadn’t been sitting down in his chair, one would’ve noticed something was wrong with him.

The moment the words ‘Bai Qianhong’ reached his ears, something deep in his heart felt ready to come forth into the open. Why…did this name feel so familiar? And who exactly was that shixiong that Mu Yuanqing was referring to?

An acutely torn look flashed in his eyes, as if there were a voice telling him…he was Bai Qianhong. 

But how was that possible?

If he was Bai Qianhong, how could he have become Zong Jun’s envoy? How could he be willing to become a demonic cultivator and slaughter the innocent? Was Zong Jun lying to him?

The corners of Han Sha’s lips curled up minutely. She lowered her head and saluted respectfully, saying, “Your subordinate dares not disturb you further and will be taking her leave.”

Then she left. 

She returned to her immortal cave. Finally, a cold light appeared in her eyes. Though her status was not as high as it used to be, she still had many connections from her many years in charge. Though the fighting had been very chaotic, and everyone had been preoccupied by their own battles, there were nonetheless some astute people who noticed Ye Ming and Mu Yuanqing exchanging blows, and Han Sha had received word of it.

Han Sha had always been very curious about Ye Ming’s identity. And now she could see that he and Mu Yuanqing had some sort of past entanglement. There were very few people that Mu Yuanqing would call shixiong—the majority of them were in the Xuanguang Sect, and a few of them had died. None fit Yu Hun’s identity.

But Han Sha wouldn’t give up so easily. She carefully investigated each of Mu Yuanqing’s shixiong, and finally, after extensive searching, she retrieved a portrait of Bai Qianhong, which shocked her greatly!

She was the only person who’d seen Ye Ming’s true appearance. Aside from the jade between his brows, Ye Ming was identical to that Bai Qianhong! And for Mu Yuanqing to clearly call him shixiong, there was no other answer. 

This conclusion excited Han Sha immensely. The Lord was infatuated with Ye Ming, but Ye Ming was actually Bai Qianhong! And it seemed he had lost his memories and was being controlled. If he could remember the past, as a Xuanguang Sect disciple, how could he possibly accept his current position as someone who was disgraced by the Lord and acted as a butcher’s knife for the demonic path? She wouldn’t even have to do anything and he would offend the Lord. When the time came, the Lord would certainly not put up with a cultivator that rebelled against him!

So Han Sha took the risk to visit Ye Ming and purposefully mentioned Bai Qianhong in front of him. Ye Ming’s reaction only made her even more certain of her conjecture.



Ye Ming watched Han Sha leave and haphazardly stuffed the box of spirit stones into some corner. He didn’t need to cultivate; these spirit stones were useless to him. He just sat in the room, and his mind seemed to be wandering. 

[Ye Ming: What a diligent assistant. I’m so happy…]

[888: Congrats. Indifferent.jpg]

[Ye Ming: Everything is ready except for one tiny thing. I think I’ll be able to remember soon ^_^]

[888: Hehe.] 

Ye Ming didn’t go anywhere and only stayed in the bedchamber. Zong Jun returned at night.

Zong Jun sat on a chair, gently tapping his fingers against the table. His gaze landed on Ye Ming. Unhurriedly, he said, “Come here.”

Ye Ming immediately walked over to him. He knelt deferentially at his feet.

Zong Jun gazed down at Ye Ming’s face from above. He studied his straight nose and his pale lips, and from this angle, he could also see his collarbones peeking out from beneath his robes. 

Zong Jun said insipidly, “I heard you met with Han Sha today.”

When Ye Ming thought of what Han Sha had said to him, he unwittingly felt his heart clench and unexpectedly felt a sort of guilt. He did his best to sound calm. “She came to apologize to me today and offered me a box of the highest quality spirit stones.”

A frosty smile appeared on Zong Jun’s lips. “That’s all?” he asked, seemingly lightly.

Ye Ming pursed his lips. Han Sha had also said a bit more, but she probably hadn’t meant anything by it, right? Those were all his own ridiculous conjectures—how could he say them aloud and make Master laugh? And he also had the intuition that it was best if he didn’t speak of these things rashly…Ye Ming paused, then said, “That’s all.” 

Zong Jun’s gaze immediately grew colder. Fantastic. Those two each had their own designs.

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Zong Jun had heard every last one of Han Sha’s words today and didn’t believe Han Sha had said them inadvertently. He should’ve killed her that day; he only mercifully spared her on account of her two thousand years of devoted service to him. To his surprise, she still dared to scheme against Ye Ming!

She was heading toward her own destruction!

As for Ye Ming, if he hadn’t been at all ruffled by Han Sha’s words, he should’ve mentioned it calmly instead of trying to hide it. 

So…have you remembered something? Or do you still believe Han Sha, even if you don’t remember? 

Zong Jun’s coldy scrutinized Ye Ming with an impassivity in the bottom of his eyes.


After a long time, Zong Jun slowly said, “Go to Beilin to kill some people for me. There were some thieves that had the gall to steal from the Devil’s Palace. Fetch their heads for me.”

Ye Ming immediately said, “Yes!” 

Zong Jun’s lips curved up slightly into a meaningful smile. “If you fail again this time, do you know what punishment will await?”

Ye Ming paled. His eyes were suffused with fear at the memories. His voice shaking, he said, “Yu Hun definitely will not let Master down.”

Zong Jun finally looked away. Waving his sleeve, he stood up and said, “Go now.”

Ye Ming didn’t dare delay. He immediately got up and left. 

Zong Jun stared after him. Finally, a look of profound pain and hatred appeared in his eyes. His hands clenched tightly at his sides. Let me see just whether or not you’ll let me down again… 


Ye Ming rode his flying sword. This time, he left alone, without bringing along any subordinates.

[Ye Ming: I’m really enjoying this feeling of being a sword cultivator. With every ten steps I cut down a foe, and as I travel hundreds of miles, no one can stop me in my path. Flying on my sword, I’m handsome, handsome, handsome! A man’s dream is the vast skies!] 

[888: …I think you probably know this is a trap, right?]

[Ye Ming: (⊙v⊙) Yeah, what’s up?]

[888: Nothing.] As long as you’re happy.

Ye Ming held a jade slip in his hands. On it was marked the location of the thieves. These demonic cultivators had stolen some of the spiritual herbs that grew around the Devil’s Palace and then quickly fled in fear. These were only a few weak demonic cultivators. Sending Ye Ming to kill them was like taking a bull’s cleaver to kill a chicken. 

He quickly located the demonic cultivators. But unexpectedly, when they saw Ye Ming arrive, they weren’t scared.

In order to evade pursuit from the Devil’s Palace, they had long since cast their lot with the righteous Xuanguang Sect. Furthermore, they had been tipped off in advance that the head demonic envoy would personally come to behead them. They had already reported this to the Xuanguang Sect. They would definitely send someone to intercept the kill the head envoy!

If the head demonic envoy could be successfully intercepted and killed, they would also have accomplished an outstanding service—perhaps they would no longer spend all their days running and hiding, and the Xuanguang Sect would take them under their wing.

Ye Ming’s white robes fluttered as he advanced against the wind. His spiritual force flared, and the door in front of him was blown right open. With his sword in hand, he entered and leveled his ice-cold gaze at the three demonic cultivators inside of the room. Suddenly, just as he was preparing to attack, a dangerous sort of premonition made his scalp go numb. He immediately soared up into the air and saw that this place had been surrounded by Xuanguang Sect members! 

To his consternation, the gold-clad cultivator who led them was Mu Yuanqing!

Ever since they parted ways that day, Mu Yuanqing had been constantly thinking of Ye Ming. He never could’ve imagined, even in his dreams, that there would come a day that he could see Ye Ming again, and that Ye Ming would actually be the Demonic Lord’s head envoy!


He didn’t know what means the Demonic Lord had used to resurrect Ye Ming, but he definitely wouldn’t let him stay in that devil’s grasp. Thus, he paid constant, close attention to any news regarding Ye Ming.

So when he found out that Ye Ming had once again been dispatched, Mu Yuanqing didn’t pass up such a good opportunity. He immediately came to intercept! In order to capture Ye Ming alive, he brought along a dozen disciples to form an array so that he could trap Ye Ming, and not let him escape like he had last time. 

Ye Ming saw a huge array suddenly light up on the ground, and his expression finally flickered.

Despite having made thorough preparations, Mu Yuanqing was still unwilling to hurt Ye Ming. He was really reluctant to attack unless there was no alternative left. He gazed at him affectionately. “Shixiong, won’t you come back with me?”

Ye Ming looked at Mu Yuanqing and coldly scoffed. No matter who he used to be, there was no way he was leaving with Mu Yuanqing. He loved Master, and he would never leave Master! And all of his memories contained Zong Jun and Zong Jun only. How could he possibly leave with these righteous cultivators purely because of some outlandish conjectures?

Ye Ming’s voice was crisp and cold, his gaze icy. “I am not your shixiong.” 

Mu Yuanqing seemed a little saddened, but his tone and gaze remained steady. Warmly, he asked, “If you’re not my shixiong, then who are you?”

Firmly, Ye Ming uttered, “I am Yu Hun, the exalted Lord’s head envoy.”

Mu Yuanqing looked at Ye Ming’s indifferent expression and signed internally. His gaze finally became resolute, and he commanded, “Do it!”

Ye Ming tightly gripped the sword in his hands and gathered the spiritual force throughout his body. With all his might, he faced their attack! 

Unfortunately, he was trapped inside the array, which greatly weakened him. It was as if there was a powerful gravity dragging him down. Even his attacks were heavily compromised, yet Mu Yuanqing’s Xuanguang disciples were all vigorous and fierce in manner. With the support of the array, they were unstoppable. Even though they avoided striking any vital parts, Ye Ming was trounced until he was in a truly sorry state!

Seeing as the circumstances were becoming increasingly unfavorable, Ye Ming finally began to look anxious. He couldn’t be captured…

Ye Ming bit the tip of his tongue, and out came a spray of ichor. Cangxuan flared brightly, and it finally hacked an opening in the array. Like a stream of light, Ye Ming charged out!

Mu Yuanqing didn’t panic. The previous struggle had nearly depleted Ye Ming’s power, and he wouldn’t be able to keep it up for much longer. Mu Yuanqing immediately gave chase, becoming another stream of light. The remaining Xuanguang Sect disciples’ cultivation bases were far below theirs, and they were soon left so far behind that they disappeared from sight. 

Ye Ming fled, Mu Yuanqing chased. In the blink of an eye, they’d flown several hundred li.

Mu Yuanqing rushed up from behind and caught hold of Ye Ming, pressing him firmly to his chest! Ye Ming began struggling fiercely. As a result, the two of them tumbled from the sky together! In order to keep Ye Ming from getting hurt, Mu Yuanqing flipped them around, using his own body to cushion Ye Ming’s as they crashed heavily to the ground! A sweet, metallic taste filled his throat!

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Ye Ming felt immense hatred. He originally wanted to seize the opportunity to attack Mu Yuanqing, but he hadn’t expected that he would rather sustain injuries himself than to let Ye Ming get hurt. He paused in his actions. In that split second that he was distracted, Mu Yuanqing had already caught Ye Ming’s hands. He tapped his shoulder with a finger, sealing his acupoints!

Ye Ming was completely immobilized. His expression twisted. “Despicable.” 

Mu Yuanqing laughed bitterly. He glanced around, then gently carried Ye Ming into a cave and set him down. Feeling a bit wronged, he said, “But if I don’t do this, you’ll try to kill me again, shixiong.”

Ye Ming repeated, “I’m not your shixiong.”


Mu Yuanqing was silent for a few seconds before suddenly, without any warning, taking off Ye Ming’s mask.

That face, which occupied his mind day and night and which had been engraved in the bottom of his heart for three thousand years, once again appeared before his eyes. 

Mu Yuanqing was already extremely sure that Yu Hun was Bai Qianhong because Cangxuan would never recognize anyone else as its master, but before he saw this person’s face with his very own eyes, there was always a hint of worried uncertainty in the bottom of his heart, a fear that he was celebrating in vain.

But now, as Mu Yuanqing saw Ye Ming’s face and looked into his eyes, there was no longer any trace of doubt in his heart.

This was his shixiong. This was Bai Qianhong.

The next second, Mu Yuanqing did the one thing he longed to do most, and the most forward thing he would do in this lifetime: he stretched out his hand and gently touched Ye Ming’s face. Three thousand years later, he finally got to touch this person again. 

In his eyes was an infinite wistfulness. His voice was slightly raspy. “I really missed you.”

Ye Ming sank into Mu Yuanqing’s gaze. Finally, his heart quivered. His endless conjectures rushed back once again, incessantly poking and prodding at him.

Why does he call you shixiong? Who are you, exactly? Who were you before you lost your memories? Are you really content with being a puppet with no memories at all? He should remember…

But why should he remember? He was doing just fine now. He had Master; that was enough. 

These two conflicting notions warred continuously in his mind.

Mu Yuanqing looked at Ye Ming intently. Slowly, he said, “Shixiong, I know you’ve forgotten the past, but that’s okay. I can tell you everything, little by little. You’ll be able to remember everything for sure.”

“You’re called Bai Qianhong. You’re my shixiong. Yuan Ming shangren’s personal disciple.

“You’re the pride of the Xuanguang Sect and the prodigy of the Immortal Cloud Realm. In less than two hundred years, you cultivated to the threshold of Nigh Immortality. You were really good to me. You would often give me cultivation advice, and once in a while, you would go down the mountain and bring back my favorite snacks from the secular world… 

“You look a little distant, but I know that you’re actually a very good person…You also have a cultivation partner. What a pity it isn’t me. I’m very envious of him…”

As Ye Ming listened to each of his words, it felt as if there were a giant hammer pounding relentlessly on his heart. His face was pale. His lips quivered. He cried, “Enough, stop!”

No, he shouldn’t remember. He was suddenly very scared, scared that he would remember something too painful to bear.

Those memories were too painful, too sad, so he forgot them—that should be right. 

He finally knew why he’d forgotten. It was because he wanted to.

But Mu Yuanqing didn’t stop. He just looked at Ye Ming with an intense focus. His voice was low and hoarse. “Shixiong, you said that when my cultivation base went up and I managed to become one of the seven core disciples at the competition, you would gift me a spiritual tool…But later, you left us, just like that…For him, you…”


Before he could finish his sentence, an icicle suddenly skewered his shoulder and impaled him on a stone wall! Blood stained his clothes red…

This sudden development made the air go still. 

Mu Yuanqing slowly lifted his head and saw a tall man in all black walking toward them, as if coming out from the shadows of an abyss. The fear of darkness and death enshrouded wherever he went. His heavily oppressive presence made the heavens and earth pale in contrast.

Only one person possessed this kind of terrible oppressiveness.

Mu Yuanqing could not forget the day two thousand years ago when the Xuanguang Sect was attacked. Like a demon god, that frightening man nearly flattened the sect. He stole the spirit jade and the Cangxuan sword…while Mu Yuanqing could only watch helplessly as he did so.

He was the Demonic Lord. 

And now, it was this devil again. He resurrected shixiong and was controlling him. He turned him into a blade he could wield. After losing his memories, he was at his beck and call.

Vitiriolic hatred flashed in Mu Yuanqing’s eyes. He watched rigidly as that man walked closer, step by step.

Ye Ming sat there. His acupoints had been sealed, but when Zong Jun arrived, he found that he could move again.

But he didn’t move, because he was afraid. 

He had never seen such a frightening Zong Jun. Even his soul felt like it was trembling.

Zong Jun stood there, wearing an indistinct smile on his lips. His dull blue eyes focused on Ye Ming. His voice was deep and low and seemed to carry a smile in it—yet not, at the same time. “You failed again.”

Ye Ming was unable to say a single word.

Zong Jun said, “Pick up your sword.” 

Ye Ming went stiff for a second, then reached out and grabbed his sword. He looked up at Zong Jun, his eyes blank.

But Zong Jun looked back at him tenderly. He stroked his hair comfortingly, his low voice sounding indulgent as he said, “But I can still give you one last chance.”

He turned his head, his heartless, ice-cold gaze sweeping over Mu Yuanqing, and said, “Kill him, and I’ll forgive you.”

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