Lu Xiuwen looked at the delicate youth in front of him. He tried hard to constrain the complicated emotion from showing in his eyes.

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It had been exactly half a year since he last saw Ye Ming. He had not seen his face nor heard his voice. It was as if he had vanished from his world completely. All this time, he had been sad and at the same time missed and worried about him. 

He was sad because this person had betrayed him easily. He missed this person because he was unable to see him and worried over his whereabouts. Ye Ming was so innocent and pure. He had already lost his value and yet was cheated by Song Qin. Would he be hurt and abandoned?

After he left Lu Xiuwen, who protected him?



All of this had caused Lu Xiuwen tremendous pain, tormenting him like a very precious part of his heart was being dug out alive. He didn’t even know where Ye Ming was and how he’d been.

Lu Xiuwen never gave up searching for Ye Ming. He wanted to try getting back together with him but it was as if there was some sort of power obstructing him. If a person really wanted to disappear like a stone that sunk in the sea, perhaps they would never meet again in all their lives. 

Half a year went by and Lu Xiuwen felt more and more despairing day by day. His hope dwindled day by day. In the twinkling of an eye, it was Gu Xueya’s death anniversary.


In the past, Lu Xiuwen would bring Ye Ming along to pay respects to his deceased parents on this day every year. But he was alone this year.

That day, Lu Xiuwen stood in front of Gu Xueya’s tombstone. The pain and shame that he felt was beyond what words could describe. Gu Ran was the only child of Gu Xueya and the love of his life. But the situation had evolved to such a stage.

He stared at Gu Xueya’s tombstone and said, “I’m sorry. I fell in love with your child but I failed to protect him, and I’ve lost him.”


Lu Xiewen couldn’t help but ask himself if he had made a mistake concealing the fact that he once liked Gu Xueya from Ye Ming.

He actually didn’t intentionally hide it from him. After all it was just some old matter that wasn’t worth mentioning. That relationship had ended a long time ago and Ye Ming was still so young at that time. He would not be able to understand even if he had told him about it.

When Lu Xiuwen realized that he had really fallen in love with Ye Ming when he grew up, he started to avoid speaking about this matter. He was subconsciously unwilling to let Ye Ming know that he had ever liked Gu Xueya.

He always thought that there would be a day when he would be together with Ye Ming. Thus he didn’t want Ye Ming to misunderstand his true feelings toward him. He was afraid that it would form a barrier in Ye Ming’s heart. 

But Lu Xiuwen didn’t expect that Ye Ming would find out about this matter when he was not prepared. Ye Ming easily believed the lies that were fabricated by Song Qin. He thought that Lu Xiuwen still loved Gu Xueya and caused the death of his parents.

Lu Xiuwen found it very hard to accept such an outcome.

His feelings toward Ye Ming were sincere since day one. Could it be that this child couldn’t even feel it? He never asked him about it and never believed him but set his heart on believing all the lies by Song Qin. Ye Ming didn’t even give him a chance to explain himself.

Lu Xiuwen felt sad and angry. He was also very disappointed. 

You didn’t trust me, you didn’t trust the one who had taken care of you with his own hands for almost twenty years and chose to believe in someone that you had just met. You even betrayed me for someone who had ill intentions and spoke a one-sided story.

There’s nothing more disappointing than this.

There were countless times that Lu Xiuwen woke up from his dream, and all that was on his mind was Ye Ming’s words. He’d said, “You are a cheater that disgusts others. Don’t ever come find me again!” These words were like a blade stabbing into his heart, causing it to bleed profusely.

He left the cold and desolate cemetery. The sky was dark, as if the whole world had gone into complete darkness. Lu Xiuwen was distracted and he didn’t notice the car that came from afar. 

At the moment he died, he thought that if there was a chance to start over again, he would certainly not repeat the same mistake again.

He would not leave any opportunity for Song Qin to take advantage, and he would protect Ye Ming and never let Ye Ming leave him again! He wanted Ye Ming to belong to him!


For a moment, Lu Xiuwen went into a daze. He gazed at the person in front of him.

Ye Ming stood before him. His eyes that were as beautiful as his mother’s were filled with doubts. He asked in a clear voice, “Uncle, why are you looking for me?” 

Lu Xiuwen clenched his hands in front of his body slightly and his pupils darkened. At this moment, he finally believed that he was reincarnated. His beloved person was still beside him now, standing in front of him. There was no sign of hatred in his eyes and he did not say those hurtful, ruthless words.

All of that had not yet happened.

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Lu Xiuwen stood up from the sofa and walked in front of Ye Ming. He touched his head and a faint smile appeared. “Nothing. I brought you a present from my business trip and also asked you to come home to stay for a night.”

He lowered his gaze to stare at Ye Ming. After a long while, he retracted his hands, his movements appearing natural. No one knew that at that instant he had restrained himself from showing any peculiar expression, doing something that he should not do and touching this person more. 

This time he would not lose him again. Nobody could snatch him away from him!

Ye Ming didn’t notice anything peculiar about Lu Xiuwen at all. He was at ease. It was normal for Lu Xiuwen to occasionally ask him to go home to stay with him or bring some presents for him.

He had always cared for him. He usually bought him gifts, called him over for meals and went on outings together with him. A CEO like him even attended his parent-teacher meetings and was never absent unless something urgent came up. Even after he had grown up and began to attend high school and university, Lu Xiuwen still treated him the same. It was to the extent that Ye Ming felt a bit uncomfortable as he felt that he was forever a child in front of Lu Xiuwen.

But actually he was already twenty. Boys at this age didn’t need their parents to worry about them like they were babies. 

But Ye Ming did not hate the care showered by Lu Xiuwen. He knew that he had no blood connection to Lu Xiuwen. All this was because his mother had lived with the Lu family before. Not to mention that this was a delicate relationship; even a lot of biological fathers and sons were not as close as them. He shouldn’t take it for granted.

Moreover, he really liked and respected Lu Xiuwen from the bottom of his heart.

Lu Xiuwen took out a flannel box from his pocket and passed it to Ye Ming. He smiled. “See if you like it or not. If you don’t like it, I’ll change it for you.”

Ye Ming was already used to receiving gifts. Lu Xiuwen was always generous to him. He would buy him anything. It was fortunate that he was not a son of the rich who loved extravagance, otherwise if he were to muddle with others, the rich kids of C City would all have to bow under him. 

He opened the box and took a look. It was a fine silver necklace for men. The pendant was of a simple design with a shiny bright blue diamond embedded in the middle.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ye Ming was brought up in the Lu family. He was able to tell that this necklace was priceless. A bit embarrassed, he said, “Uncle, you really should stop buying all these. I can’t use it and it’s too expensive.”

Lf kjr cba j wfwyfg bo atf Oe ojwlis jcv tf tjv jigfjvs fcpbsfv j iba bo atlcur atja ys gluta vlv cba yfibcu ab tlw. Lf ofia j yla ecmbwobgajyif. Megatfgwbgf, atf wfjclcu yftlcv atf cfmxijmf…tf ofia fwyjggjrrfv ab tjnf Fcmif Oe yeslcu remt j atlcu obg tlw. Zjsyf Fcmif Oe rlwqis ybeuta la klatbea atlcxlcu wemt, ilxf j ojatfg yeslcu rbwfatlcu obg tlr vjeutafg. Dea tf gfjiis vlvc’a cffv jii atlr!

Lu Xiuwen stared at Ye Ming. 

Of course this necklace was precious because one might not be able to buy it even if one had money. He custom made it for Ye Ming and it was not something that he simply bought from his business trip. Since he had taken it out, he would not give Ye Ming the chance to refuse his gift.

Lu Xiuwen knew Ye Ming’s character inside out. He refused to use any tricks on Ye Ming before. To Lu Xiuwen, Ye Ming was very precious. He was unwilling to let him experience the dark side of this world and he was also unwilling to direct any disgraceful thoughts at him.


But as a result, his intention of protecting him had led to Ye Ming being naive and easily deceived by others. Not letting him see the darkness had made him incapable of judging when darkness fell. He was polluted very quickly.

His reluctance to play games with him had resulted in him seeing him leaving his side, walking towards others. 

He could have had Ye Ming, who was as unsullied as a blank sheet of paper, and made him willing to be his. But it wasn’t that Lu Xiuwen couldn’t do it, it was because he didn’t want to do it that way. He had always wished to wait for him. This was how he valued someone who was precious to him. He wanted to give him everything that was most perfect and sincere.

In the end, he waited and waited and eventually lost it.

He would not repeat the same mistake again after reincarnation. As long as he can have him, what was the problem in using some tricks? This time, he would not foolishly constrain his own feelings anymore. He wanted him to be his completely.

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Ming with a hurt expression and sighed, “It’s just a gift. Are you taking me to be a stranger?” 

As soon as Ye Ming heard this, he quickly answered, “No.”

Lu Xiuwen smiled faintly and took the necklace. He stared at him. “I’ll help you put it on, ok? Let’s see if it suits you. I think it’ll look good on you.”

Ye Ming could only nod, not wanting to reject Lu Xiuwen’s intentions. He was thinking of removing it afterward.

Lu Xiuwen went behind Ye Ming and placed the necklace around his neck. His fingertips swept past Ye Ming’s chin and gently clasped the fastener of the necklace. 

He lowered his eyes to gaze at Ye Ming’s slender neck. It was very fair, with blue veins embedded in that almost translucent skin. It was so frail and beautiful, very alluring, making one wanting to kiss and touch him, to bite his neck like seizing the fatal weak point of one’s prey, putting on a lock so that he could never escape.

Lu Xiuwen slightly pursed his lips. He removed his hands and stepped back a little. He smiled and said, “Do you like it?”

Ye Ming stood in front of the mirror. Although it was a necklace, the design was refined and stylish. It looked really nice and even if one tugged it underneath their shirt, it still looked remarkable. Lu Xiuwen had excellent taste. But more importantly, how could he have the nerve to say he doesn’t like it! If he said he didn’t like it, Lu Xiuwen would immediately make another one that was even better and more expensive.

Ye Ming said with slight embarrassment, “I really like it.” 

Lu Xiuwen felt relieved and let out a gentle smile. “That’s great.”

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Lu Xiuwen had already gifted his present. He lifted his wrist to check on the time. “It’s getting late, you should get some rest.”

“Ok.” Ye Ming smiled. Just as he turned around and wanted to leave, he heard Lu Xiuwen calling out to him. He turned around and his eyes met with a pair of deep, dark eyes.

Lu Xiuewen looked at him earnestly. “You’ll wear it, won’t you?” 

Ye Ming was startled. He immediately nodded. He had originally intended to not wear it but it seemed like Lu Xiuwen had put in a lot of effort and really hoped that he liked it. In that case, he’d better wear it. After all, it was Lu Xiuwen’s kindness. It also seemed a bit disrespectful if he put it aside after just receiving it.

Lu Xiuwen had nothing more to say. He sent Ye Ming off. The smile on his face slowly faded away.


Ye Ming returned to his own bedroom. He took a shower and laid on the bed. He swung the necklace in his hand and he heard a buzz.

[Ye Ming: He’s filthy rich. This thing is not cheap.] 

[888: Hehe.]

[Ye Ming: This is the most expensive tracking device in history. This is the rope that Uncle Lu had put in a lot of effort to tie around me, I should wear it so that I don’t lose it!]

[888:…..] It seemed that he did not need to say anything more.

The bed in the Lu residence was big and soft. It was way more comfortable than those in the dorm. If it’s not for the alarm ringing, Ye Ming really didn’t feel like waking up. 

To be honest, getting up from bed was much more challenging than acting.

Ye Ming went downstairs. Aunt Zheng had already prepared breakfast. Lu Xiuwen sat beside the dining table waiting for him. He smiled as he saw him coming down. “You’re up.”

Ye Ming nodded and sat across Lu Xiuwen. He saw that it was getting late, so he took a bite of an egg and had some milk.

Lu Xiuwen remained still, he watched Ye Ming with an imperceptible look of greed and yearning. It was only after losing him that he found that such a simple yet beautiful scene was something that he had long yearned for. 

After experiencing two incarnations, he could hardly restrain his own feelings.

There seems to be a devil in his heart telling him, Even if you don’t do anything, he will eventually be deceived and used by others. He will betray you and leave you, trusting those who’re not worth trusting. If that’s the case, you might as well take action first, making him yours and controlling his everything.

Lu Xiuwen saw Ye Ming eating in such a hurry. He said with a low, deep voice while smiling, “Eat slowly, I’ll get someone to send you to school so you won’t be late. I also have something that I wanted to talk to you about.”

Ye Ming mumbled as he ate, “What thing?” 

Lu Xiuwen gazed at him deeply. “I wish you could move back home.”

Ye Ming’s mind went blank, unable to comprehend. He was already in university, wasn’t it normal for university students to stay in dorms? Even many local students stayed in the dorms.

Lu Xiuwen explained, “The school’s surroundings are a bit poor and the community in the dorm is full of all kinds of people. You had always stayed at home. I still don’t feel at ease letting you stay at the dorm. If anything happens, it’s inconvenient for us to take care of you.”

But Ye Ming was not willing to move back home. He was already a grown up and he couldn’t always count on Uncle Lu to take care of him like a child, right? Sooner or later he would need to leave this house. Furthermore, Uncle Lu was not young anymore. What if in near future he married a wife and had children of his own? Would he be intruding his life by living here? 

It was time for him to consider this matter. He couldn’t monopolize Uncle Lu forever.

Ye Ming let out a shy expression. “My roommates and classmates are very good to me. The food in the school’s cafeteria is tasty too. Nothing bad will happen, you can rest assured.”


Lu Xiuwen glanced at Ye Ming and went silent briefly. “If that’s the case then forget it. But you must promise me that you will take good care of yourself, otherwise you will have to move back home.” He looked a little serious as he said the last sentence.

Ye Ming immediately said, “I’ll definitely take good care of myself!” 

Lu Xiuwen didn’t bring up the subject of moving back again. He saw him finish his breakfast and arranged for his driver to send Ye Ming to school. His lips curled slightly as he saw the car leaving.

You will come back and stay at home.

Uncle Li sent Ye Ming to school. Although exams were over, Ye Ming did not plan to spend the entire holiday sleeping in at home or hanging out like other kids. That did not match his good kid character, thus his holiday life was still very substantial. He did not move back in his past life but stayed in the dorm and participated in activities and all kinds of internships with his classmates.

He joined the most popular club in school with Hu Lei. This club was founded by Senior Feng Shuo. Feng Shuo’s family had properties, and because he was handsome and funny, Feng Shuo was considered a famous “Mr Perfect”. He had countless female fans in school. Although his family was nothing compared to Lu Xiuwen’s, his reputation in school was much higher than Ye Ming’s. 

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There was a reason why Ye Ming chose Feng Shuo’s club. Although Feng Shuo looked like a gentleman, his private life was a bit messy. He was bisexual and had toyed with a lot of girls in the club. But contrary to expectations, not a lot of people knew about this. One could say that he had very good tactics.

In the past life, Ye Ming wanted to boost Lu Xiuwen’s good impression towards him, so he created some challenges and surprises for their ‘love’. He intentionally picked this ‘tool’, making Feng Shuo like him.

Feng Shuo, who was attached to good looks, was of course fond of Ye Ming. Ye Ming’s appearance and temperament were first class; he was very different compared to those whom he messed around with just for fun. He was very into Ye Ming; thus he took good care of him in school.

Something happened this time when Ye Ming and Feng Shuo participated in an activity together. 

Ye Ming was sure that Lu Xiuwen had been waiting for this to happen. Uncle Lu was such a careful person, how could he simply give up? Since he was reincarnated, he surely wanted to change the past.

His intention was to let him fall into his trap step by step.

Ye Ming returned to his bedroom. Hu Lei was brushing his teeth, half awake. He’d stayed all night playing video games so he was worn out today. When he saw Ye Ming was back, he asked dispiritedly, “Why are you back so early?”

Ye Ming asked, “Isn’t there an event in the morning?” 

Hu Lei’s eyes were dull. “Oh yeah. Wait, let me wash up…”

Ten minutes later, Hu Lei is finally wide awake. His sharp eyes noticed the silver necklace around Ye Ming’s neck. He suddenly looked wretched. “Oh no. You even wore a necklace! Are you a real man?”

Ye Ming shot him a glance. “Real men don’t use this as proof.”

A man of steel like Hu Lei didn’t understand guys who wore necklaces. Although Ye Ming was born with good looks, and the necklace was not overly striking and didn’t look effeminate or old fashioned, he just couldn’t help but make some comments about it. 

Ye Ming was really too lazy to bother with him. They arrived at the venue of the event shortly. This time it was a promotional event for a live broadcast website. A lot of well known, pretty hostesses were here too.

Hu Lei had no mood to make fun of Ye Ming anymore. His eyes were stuck on a whole room of beautiful girls and he almost drooled. He took a deep breath. “This trip has been worthwhile. I’m even willing to work like a slave for this.”


[Ye Ming: I have nothing to say to a straight man who has poor taste.]

[888: So your taste is very good? Just because you like long and thick men?] 

[Ye Ming: …] 888 had really changed!

[Ye Ming: No, that’s not what I meant. I also like those pretty little ladies and they also like me. But I will not be as wretched as him O(∩_∩)O~]

[888: Umm, you are indeed more boring and uptight.]

[Ye Ming: …] 

Feng Shuo noticed Ye Ming very quickly the moment he arrived. He stopped talking to others and smiled as he came forward. “Gu Ran.”

Ye Ming immediately broke into a smile. “Hi Brother Feng.”

Feng Shuo also immediately glanced at Ye Ming’s necklace. He didn’t make a big fuss like Hu Lei but instead knew that the necklace was special. Although he couldn’t see the style of the necklace as it was tucked under his shirt, he knew that it was not cheap. This junior had always been staying low profile but he was probably from a wealthy family. His temperament and taste were nurtured.

All this made Feng Shuo more curious and engrossed with him. 

And most importantly was of course that Ye Ming was really good looking. His skin was fair and flawless, his eyes were beautiful and delicate. There was not a single flaw that he could pick about that nose and lips of his. One could get blinded by his smile.

It was just that he was a little too pure. Perhaps he had been overly protected by his family, but he did not catch the hints that he had passed to him. This made Feng Shuo slowly lose his patience.

But even if it meant going through danger once, it was still worth it for someone like him.

Feng Shuo tapped on Ye Ming’s shoulder and said naturally, “You can go over there to help guide visitors.” 

Ye Ming nodded obediently. “Alright Brother Feng, I’ll go there now.”

As Feng Shuo watched Ye Ming leave, his eyes showed a look of someone who was determined to win.

Ye Ming repeated the things that he did in the past life. He felt absolutely bored and looked forward to the morning to come.

Finally the day went by. And Feng Shuo indeed did the same as past life, inviting everyone for dinner. Everyone went to the restaurant. 

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And because there were a lot of people, they had split into a few private rooms. Out of personal interest, Feng Shuo arranged for Ye Ming and Hu Lei to dine in the same private room as him. All of Feng Shuo’s classmates were in this room except Ye Ming and Hu Lei, who were from a lower grade, so both of them felt a bit constrained. Even Hu Lei, who was dissolute, also behaved.

People started to leave after dinner. Feng Shuo asked Ye Ming to stay for a while as he had something to tell him. The two of them were the only ones left in the private room.


[Ye Ming: The highlight is about to come!]

[888: Are you ready?] 

[Ye Ming: I’m already ready, just waiting for Uncle Lu to come to the rescue!]

In their past life, Feng Shuo took a desperate risk to keep Ye Ming behind after dinner, then drug him and make him his. But this was stopped by Lu Xiuwen, who appeared just in time. Lu Xiuwen prevented Ye Ming from taking the drink that Feng Shuo prepared by showing up earlier than expected and bringing him home. He gave a stern warning to the Feng family after that incident! From start to finish he did not let Ye Ming know about Feng Shuo’s filthy intentions. Such a whirlwind vanished into thin air.

But in this life, Lu Xiuwen did not appear in time.

Feng Shuo sat beside Ye Ming. He smiled and said, “Gu Ran, have you planned anything for this holiday?” 

Ye Ming wracked his brain and honestly said, “I have nothing planned at the moment. Maybe I’ll do an internship.”

Feng Shuo leaned forward a little. He greedily looked at Ye Ming’s face and said with implication, “Then would you like to come to my company? I’m also doing an internship at my company this summer. We can do it together. You can ask me if there’s anything that you don’t understand.”

Ye Ming thought for a while but didn’t respond.

Feng Shuo didn’t urge him to answer. He saw that Ye Ming’s glass was empty, so he refilled his glass with drinks. He smiled. “You can think about it.” 

Ye Ming felt that Senior Feng has always been this kind. This made him feel a bit embarrassed. He took the glass and took a sip, feeling a little uneasy.

Seeing that Ye Ming drank the drinks that he poured, Feng Shuo slowly became more domineering. He leaned closer to Ye Ming and reached out to embrace his shoulders while whispering in his ear, “I really like you.”

Ye Ming’s face glowed red after hearing what was said. He thought for a moment and felt that Feng Shuo shouldn’t be referring to that kind of ‘like,’ right? After all, the boys in his dorm always had their arms around each other’s shoulders and even flirted in their conversation. But everyone knew that they were all straight. Straight men nowadays were just not that upstanding anymore.

But Feng Shuo usually looked quite upstanding. He was not that close to him, so wasn’t it inappropriate to crack such a joke? 

Ye Ming felt a little uneasy. He stood up, wanting to leave. But before he managed to stand up, he felt dizzy. His cheeks flushed and he shook his head. “I, I need to be home.”

He was just halfway through his words when Feng Shuo suddenly held him in his arms.

Ye Ming was finally scared. He wanted to push Feng Shuo away, and this was when he discovered that his entire body felt weak. No matter how low his guard was, he still realized that there was a problem with the drink just now. He looked at Feng Shuo in shock. “Brother Feng, what—what are you doing!”

Feng Shuo felt the temptation looking at Ye Ming’s flushed face, his trembling long lashes, his black eyes that were clear as gemstones. How could he still hold out? Today, he must take him even if it meant taking a big risk! They were both males, and he was only going to sleep with him once. With Ye Ming’s nature, he would be too embarrassed to spread this in public. What could he possibly do to him? 

His expression suddenly became undisguised. He pinched Ye Ming’s chin and smiled. “I’ve just said I really like you.”

But Ye Ming felt absolutely disgusted!


He had always thought that Feng Shuo was an upright gentleman and he had respect for him. But he had never guessed that he would do such a thing! He was really mad and wanted to shove Feng Shuo away. But he was no match for Feng Shuo because he was drugged. His consciousness also started to get fuzzy.

Feng Shuo ripped Ye Ming’s collar, exposing a small patch of smooth shoulder. Ye Ming struggled in vain and finally felt despair. Right at this moment, the door suddenly opened! 

A tall man appeared at the doorway. The dim lights in the private room shone on his face, making his silhouette more abstruse and his expression appear more gloomy. The immense sense of oppression that he brought froze the atmosphere around the room.

Ye Ming turned around and looked at the man who stood at the door in shock. He suddenly showed a look of surprise! While Feng Shuo was still in shock, he abruptly pushed him away, rolled on the floor, got up, and staggered toward the man and threw himself into his arms.

Because the person that he could rely on had appeared, he couldn’t hold back his tears due to grievance and sadness. “You’re here, Uncle.”

[Ye Ming: You’re so bad, Uncle! In the past life it didn’t develop into this point. But this time he deliberately waited for me to finish drinking before he came over. This is indeed pursuing a narrow gain while neglecting the great danger!] 

[888: Uh-huh.]

[Ye Ming: But I just like him to be this bad. Shy.jpg]

[888: …] No, it’s better that you die.

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