Chapter 2 "Don't Get in the Way." part 1

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Jiang Ning hurriedly said: "I just wanted to help you!"

The things that the soul saw after death were vivid in her mind. Jiang Ning knew that the teenager in front of her was her savior, but also knew that he had been treated as a monster living in an isolated ancient fortress by others since childhood, taking pity and mocking eyes,and he must be very sensitive to this.

So Jiang Ning said again: "Don't worry, I will never make fun of you." The more she talked, the more strange she felt, and she added hastily: "Not only to you, as a three-good student in the 21st century, I  will be absolutely not discriminate against any disabled person."

As a result, the boy's eyes staring at her became more and more frozen.

Jiang Ning: "..."

Yan Yixie slowly put the bag of medicinal wine into the bag on the left side of the wheelchair, then put the black umbrella in front of him, and fastened the buttons on it with slender, pale fingers, and suddenly looked down. He said expressionlessly: "Before you court death, does anyone want to apologize?"

Jiang Ning was stunned for a moment, and then realized that these words were not meant for her.

She turned her head and followed the housekeeper's line of sight, and saw a few condescending teenagers walking down from the top of the seaside ramp, who seemed to be older than her and Yan Yixie.

The arm of the leader has tattoos on his arm, and he is smiling and looks a little familiar.

The tattooed man said with a smile, "Apologize? Go laugh your ass off, are you dreaming?"

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Everyone around him laughed.

 "A cripple, and still so brave? I told you to pay the protection fee and I'll let you go, but you still don't listen? Be careful I beat you up every time I see you."

Jiang Ning knew who this person was. He was a famous gangster in the vocational high school next door. He often went to No. 1 Middle School to collect protection fees. Until he entered high school, many boys were blocked by them in the alley.

Yan Yixie stopped talking and pushed the wheelchair slowly forward.

"??? What is he going to do?" Jiang Ning asked.

But the housekeeper in the black suit ignored her.

 "Yo, this cripple is very courageous. You don't think that because there is an adult behind you, you have a protection/umbrella. There are six of us."

The tattooed man weighed the iron bar in his hand and said arrogantly in a rather middle-aged tone, "Be careful not to only lose both legs, but lose both arms as well."

Several people smiled and surrounded Yan Yixie.

The butler in the black suit still folded his hands, stared straight ahead, and stood there, like a sculpture, motionless.

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Jiang Ning was so anxious, she grabbed the butler and said, "What's your name? Are you not his butler, why don't you help him?" 

Only then did the butler move his eyes slightly, and glanced at her and said lightly: "Little girl, you do not know, the young master is proficient in karate and Japanese kendo, it's useless for me to go there,  just now it should be that those people sneak attacked him from behind, otherwise he would not have been pushed down."


Seemingly amazed that she would actually show a little more concern for someone like the young master, the butler gave her one more look.

As soon as the words left his mouth, there was already dead silence over there.


Jiang Ning turned her head and saw that there were several people lying on the ground, all hugging their legs, as if they were broken, showing expressions of pain and horror.

That ordinary black long-handled umbrella was as fast as a sword, and as fierce as the north wind.

The young man in white had his back as straight as a bamboo stick, his fingers that were pale and bloodless like jade rested on the umbrella button, glanced at the two dumbfounded people who were still standing, and said lightly, "Don't you two want to apologize either?"

 "No, no, no, no." The two of them fought each other and stammered,  "Yes, I'm sorry, we shouldn't, shouldn't bully you."

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"Is that so?" Yan Yixie sneered, "Bullying me, are you worthy?"

The two men's faces turned even whiter and, not caring about the man lying on the ground, they turned and ran away in a huff. One of them fell and was grabbed by the other one and pulled wildly.

Jiang Ning: "..." 

The housekeeper only moved at this time.

He strode over, picked up the collar of the tattooed man who couldn't get up, and dragged him towards the beach.

The tattooed man screamed all the way.

There are still many children playing at the seaside, and even a few adults, either covering their mouths and looking over in horror, or not daring to watch the fun, and have left in a hurry.

The next second, the tumbling sea slapped over, and the butler pressed the tattooed man's head into the rising tide without saying a word.

The tattooed man couldn't even scream, his hands and feet kept slapping the ground, but the tall butler was like a rock, motionless.

The teenager in white clothes and white trousers pushed the wheelchair over, looked at the sea reflected by the setting sun in the distance, and asked, "What is the upper limit of the average person's breath holding time?"

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The housekeeper replied without turning his head: "Three to five minutes, but for such a waste, you should only be able to hold it for a minute or two."

"To be able to stop me in the middle of the road, is not some kind of waste, I think he can hold for at least an hour, what do you think?" Yan Yixie poked the tattooed man's buttocks with the tip of his umbrella and said lightly without raising his head.

The tattooed man struggled even more, using his hands and feet together, and digging a big hole on the shore in despair and fear.

After an unknown amount of time, the pale boy made a gesture, and the butler let go.

The tattooed man didn't dare to look back at the monster. He was supported by a few companions and left there like a water ghost. It's not an exaggeration to say that he was trembling.

Jiang Ning: "..."

Witnessing the whole process, she was still standing on the ramp, and after a long time, she slowly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

If not for the fact that the one in her shell was an adult, she'd be running home now and calling her mother.

Everything was different from what she had imagined.


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