The Silent Princess

Chapter 14

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No maid came to help her with her clothing which she did not mind so much. Though they were her only company, really she preferred to dress herself. She turned to her dressers and closet, happy to care for herself.

She stripped off her nightgown and pulled on a slip before turning to her closet to choose a gown. She had worn most of them and pulled out the one she thought was the simplest. The deep red color of the dress was more lavish then she would have liked but the dress itself was easy to put on and the fabric soft and warm. She laced up the front and smoothed the skirts in her mirror.

She frowned at her hair. With no one to help with it and very little time, her options were limited. If I were home, I could put it up in a scarf but they don't wear those here, she thought. She sighed and pulled it all into a single thick braid over her shoulder. Almost at once her hair started to come out in bits and pieces but she looked presentable, at least. Her stomach rumbled as if to urge her to move faster.

She gathered her pen and book and walked towards the door.

"Come on, Ilun," she called. He perked his head up, tail wagging and slid off the bed. Stretching he met her at the door as she opened it. They made their way through her apartments, empty and still, her maids nowhere to be found and out into the stone hallway.

Ilun walked along the bare floor, his steps changing at random from claws to pads and even hooves. She looked at him, his gait remained even. "You stay with me," she said, touching his neck. He purred.

The necklace pulsed steadily as they walked, their steps taking her further into the palace. They passed into winding hallways filled with portraits and false torches. This is the first time I've been out of my room alone, she thought.

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She smiled despite the gloom. There was something freeing about being out on her own, even as the necklace pulsed against her chest, setting her path.

If he didn't think that I was someone else, then why did he kiss me, she wondered as she walked. His strange behavior baffling her, even when she visited the dreams of people who knew her, they didn't recognize her. And no dreamer reacted to her presence without her acting first. The elements of dreams and nightmares would at times do so, as Ilun had done, but for the most part, she passed through the Veil like a ghost.

A shade, she thought, that woman knew this would happen. I have to speak to her again.

She touched her lips. And what of my feelings, she thought. Even if the letters were false I don't know that, there's a chance that the person who really felt that way is still out there, I can't let a kiss he doesn't even remember mean anything.

Ilun tensed, his muscle hardening under her hand. She turned to the animal as he began to growl, his fur rising on his back. He stepped in front of her, blocking the path.

"What is it?" she asked moving around his body to turn the corner, heedless of the danger her sensed.

Lehan leaned against the wall. A dashing figure in a blue jacket that offset his eyes. His relaxed posture stood in opposition to his focused gaze. Isilla stepped back, wrapping her free hand in Ilun's fur again.

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"If it isn't my sister in law. And the little monster my brother made for her to keep!" He eyed Ilun, a predator judging an opponent. "Well, not so little monster. Imagine meeting you here! I was just on my way for a visit with you. To apologize for my behavior and here you are!" he said in mock surprise.

She looked at him through silted eyes. His words were even, pleasant almost but underneath that she could sense danger. She curtsied and then continued to walk.

"Oh don't be that way," he said falling into step beside her, "No hard feelings about the wedding."

She shook her head, continuing her journey as if he were not there at all.

"Not going to write any notes? If I recall you used to write such lovely letters," he said looking at the ceiling.

She bit her lip, heat rising to her cheeks. But he didn't read them! she reminded herself. Ilun growled, the sound vibrating against her side. Her touch kept Lehan form hearing it but she considered releasing him.

"It's just as well, I haven't any interests in reading what you have to say," he said, "My brother still hopes to bring peace between the two kingdoms. I say he's a fool. War is good, don't you think? Fear and pain are food for nightmares. You should know that now that you're part of the family."

She forced air out of her mouth and one foot to move in front of the other. The jewel pulsed urging her forward.

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"But enough of that," he grabbed her and spun her in a mock dance, "I wanted you to know how excited I was to hear that there would be a ball for your wedding."

She looked up confused, her feet stumbling over themselves, his face a cruel smile above her. He's not as large as Arren, she thought as she tried to push away but he was still larger and stronger than her. She glanced panicked at Ilun as her hand fell from his fur.

Ilun lunged at the prince. No hesitation in his attack, his jaws wide, ready to strike. The blade, falling from the empty air pierced his skull, pinning him to the floor. She screamed silently, fighting against Lehan. He laughed.

He spun her around, pressing his arm over her chest, pinning her to him. "Oh don't cry over a simple construct. I'm sure my brother will make you another, maybe one that knows its place a bit better. It's your wedding announcement, but it doesn't have to be you know," his whispered into her ear, his hand traveling over her breasts and down to her stomach, the thick skirts stopping his advance.

"You can become mine. Not my wife, but maybe my mistress," his fingers were traveled back to her neck, feeling for her quick heartbeat. "Seeing you the other day, dressed as a princess, it cast new light over you. Maybe I've been a bit to hasty."

Isilla, panicked, and tried to turn her face back to Ilun but Lehan's fingers were like iron against her neck and jaw, holding them in place. He lowered his head and she felt the hot, wet press of his tongue on her skin.

Movement pulled her eyes back to Ilun. The animal's paws twitched as it fought to lift itself. It pushed against the weapon until it became free of the floor. He stumbled, the blade still lodged in his head and he shook it, quickly, his head changing, splitting until the snout became a wide, gaping maw, all teeth and long, wet tongue.

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The sword slid down his gullet, the magic of it engulfed in whatever darkness was the beast's innards.

Ilun roared and advanced. Lehan let go of her and stepped back. Running to the animal she buried her face in his shifting furs. "You have to calm down," she hissed at him. "You can't do anything or he'll hurt you again!" The animal stilled and whined, sitting his body in front of her, to block Lehan from reaching her again.

"That is not my brother's magic," he said slowly, inspecting Ilun as his brother had with thin tendrils of shadow. Isilla stood very still and watched them, still gripping Ilun's neck.

They're different, she thought as they brushed by her. She couldn't pinpoint how but there was something in the touch of them that differed from Arren's.

Without another word he pulled his own shadows back and bowed, "Good day, Princess."

He moved away from her down the hall in the opposite direction. Ilun's eyes tracked him and she could feel his muscles tensing to run, to strike but he stayed under her hand, stilled by her touch.

The necklace turned her away from the direction that Lehan had gone, the subtle directions of the necklace leading her away from him. She followed its pulsing through the halls until she reached a door and the necklace stopped.

She frowned at the closed door. She didn't want to just walk in but there was no way for her to knock. She looked over at Ilun but then decided against using him. His claws or hooves would ruin the wood.

I'm expected, she thought nervously. Frowning she turned the knob and pushed the door open.

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