The Silent Princess

Chapter 17

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The shadows cleared leaving them back in his study, their half-eaten breakfast still on the table. Ilun looked up and sensing her fear jumped to attention growling softly. She reached her hand out and he came to her, pushing her hand deep into his fur, leaning his body against hers for support. The shadows came again surrounding them all, clearing and leaving them in a bedroom.

Ilun sniffed the air and stalked the space before returning to Isilla' side.

This must be his, she thought looking around. Dark wood, thick carpeting and bedspreads in deep blue.

"You'll be fine here, you can rest," Arren said softly but the shadows swirled filling the room with darkness, everything about him, from his stance to his clipped words, tense.

He handed her book to her.

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Why did that happen, she wrote.

He stopped to read her words and then turned to his drawers, pulling out a shirt, "Here, cover yourself," he said pushing the shirt into her hands. "Did you see my father? In his dreams?"

She shook her head, holding the shirt that he had handed her in her shaking fingers. She looked up at him.

"Oh," he muttered and turned.

She changed quickly, letting the jacket drop to the floor, replacing it with the off white shirt. It hung on her body, huge on her smaller frame.

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Dressed she picked up her book and wrote, I don't think I saw him, I don't remember meeting anyone like that. People don't usually remember me, not really.

She tugged on his sleeve, pulling his attention back to her and what she had written.

"You have to be more careful here, Isilla," he said, his voice hard. "This isn't the Light Realm. It is dangerous. You can't just do as you please! If this had been another day you could very well have been executed for your own carelessness. This ability you have, you can't just use it! You don't understand this place!"

Hot tears rolled down her cheeks and fell on the pages. Ilun whined and tried to lick them away but she turned her face out of his reach.

She lifted her pen to apologize when Arren reached for her face, pushing it up to look into her eyes. His thumb ran over a wet trail before he lifted his fingers and swept a tear away from her eye with his knuckles.

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The anger fell from his face, "I'm sorry, Isilla. I should not speak so harshly to you. You've done exactly as I've asked you. You couldn't have known of any danger."

She wanted to write that it was alright, that she understood but her hands had begun to shake and she couldn't hold the pen correctly. He took the book and pen from her gently, setting them aside before reaching forward and wrapping her in his arms.

"You don't have to worry about that again. The Council cannot call for another test, no one will ever see you like that again unless you choose it."

He rubbed her back as she sobbed before lifting her in his arms and carrying her to the bed. The blankets moved back and he placed her on the mattress. He pulled his shoes off and slid in next to her, pulling her body down and covering them both.

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Her back against his chest, her wrapped his arms around her waist. "I knew they would check you but I did not know Lehan would go so far. Go ahead and cry little bird. You'll feel better. No one can see you here."

Ilun climbed into the bed, laying his body in front of her, her frame protected on both sides.

She couldn't stop the tears , more than just the throne room, her marriage, her loneliness, everything crashed over her all at once and the tears poured from her in great streams down her face, her breath catching in her chest. Arren only held her tighter, his shadows covering the room in twisting patterns.

Against her skin she could feel the soft touch of them, tracing the same paths where Lehan's hands had been. Arren's own hands rested wrapped around her stomach. I should be afraid, she thought but the touch, feather soft, comforted her.

"I know your heart belongs to another but I can't leave his touch on you," Arren said his voice as soft as his shadows. She pushed her body closer to his and closed her eyes.

Exhausted she fell asleep between the two, darkness covering her.

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