The Silent Princess

Chapter 24

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"You promised that you would keep our engagement no matter what if I, if I," Elixabete stopped, unable to continue, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I promised you nothing. That child is not mine," Arren replied, his voice even. "How shameful of you both to attempt such deceit."

"Are you calling my daughter a liar? After you took her virtue you dare to sit there and call her a liar?" Istoz yelled, pulling his massive body from the chair again.

"I took nothing from her. I never touched her," he said evenly.

Isilla looked up, familiar now with his ways but no shadows crept across the ceiling, the light remained as it was when they entered. Either this display did not bother him or he was controlling his darkness well.

The girl cried harder, "How could you say that?"

Lehan sat with his hand over his mouth, his eyes focused on his brother.

One of the men who voted against her stood, "Istoz is right to be upset, the Prince cannot just toy with his daughter. His marriage to this other should be dissolved now that the truth is known."

"And ruin the treaty with the Light Realm? Are you mad, friend?" the mustached man shouted.

"There is no reason to consider this request. I did not sleep with her," Arren repeated.

"You did!" she shouted, crossing the room to stand before them. "After I visited you in the castle! The night after I returned home, you came into my room, you walked across shadows and had me that night and over and over again for weeks!"

"Why did you not say something to Council sooner?" Basajuan asked calmly.

"He told me to keep it a secret that it wouldn't matter in a few months when we were married," she said sniffling, her eyes leaking.

Isilla frowned and stood. Reaching into her sleeve, she pulled free a small handkerchief. A soft smile on her face, she handed it to the girl. Whether she told the truth or not, Isilla didn't care. The girl looked pitiful and alone to her eyes.

"Even his wife knows the truth! Look how she stands for my daughter!" Istoz yelled pointing as if her small gesture were some proof.

Arren's lips turned up at the corner, a small, almost invisible smile. "No, Istoz, my wife is just very kind. It hurts her delicate nature to see your daughter in such a position."

Elixabete took the square of fabric from Isilla, wiped her face and nose and tossed the cloth on the floor.

"To cast off such a thoughtful gift from the princess, you must be feel very confident in the Crown's good faith," Arren said.

Isilla looked down at the handkerchief and opened her book. It does not bother me. I cannot imagine being in your position, she wrote.

"You see, the Princess Isilla has far more grace than your daughter, she is a more suitable wife, after all," Arren said, focusing on Istoz.

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She closed her book and moved to sit in her seat again. Elixabete's hand caught her cheek as she stepped back. Her balance off, she fell into the chair, her eyes stinging from the hit. She touched her cheek, the movement drawing Arren's attention back to her.

"This weak thing is your wife? She couldn't even stop my hand! I have your child! I'm strong enough to be with you! You are rejecting me for this?" Elixabete yelled at Arren. "If this is what is standing in my way then I'll get rid of her myself!"

"Elixabete! What have you done?" Istoz yelled even as he came around the table to his daughter.

Arren's calm demeanor was gone as he reached for Isilla. Don't, she tried to say with her eyes.

Elixabete lifted her hand and a low growl echoed through the space followed by the loud scrape of claws on stone. Isilla turned to the noise. From under the closest pew, Ilun's huge form emerged from the shadows. He pulled his body up as if from a well. Free, the darkness that made him shifted and turned as he approached the woman who had hurt his mistress, teeth bared.

"Ilun, stop!" Isilla yelled pulling herself away from Arren's touch to meet the animal before he harmed anyone.

He came through the shadow, she thought to herself as she stood in his way, her hands pushing his nose down. "Stop! It's fine!"

Ilun growled but stilled under her touch, his eyes shifting in his skull to look over her shoulder at Elixabete. Isilla turned back to the Council keeping her hand on Ilun.

"Isilla!" Arren shouted, standing.

"Idiot," Elixabete said releasing her own power.

"Elixabete!" Istoz shouted attempting too late to stop her.

It came like a flash across the room. An explosion aimed at her.

Ilun ripped himself away from her, placing his huge body in front of hers.

"No!" Isilla shouted as the beast moved to be her shield, a dark wave swallowed them both. The flash hit the wall protecting them both from the damage of the blast but the force impact throwing both she and Ilun back

Isilla's back hit the pew hard, knocking the breath from her.

Ilun scrambled to his feet, at her side a moment later, whining and licking her face. She reached up and touched his nose. "You were supposed to wait in my room," she said weakly.

She pulled herself to her feet. Her back ached terribly. Something stirred in her core, a spark of that feeling from the vision the shade had given her. That part of her wanted to reach for something but she forced it back down, more focused on staying on her feet. She leaned on Ilun for support, the animal happy to give it.

The shadows disappeared as quickly as they had appeared, revealing the room.

The Council all stood, shocked, save for Lehan who had only leaned forward in his chair as if it were all some great play and he a captive audience. Elixabete stood alone, waves of red flowing around her, her eyes locked on Isilla and Ilun. Isilla turned her head just slightly to bring Arren into view. He stood, the shadows thick around him, a deep frown on his face.

"You've forced my brother's hand," Lehan laughed from behind the table.

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No, Isilla thought as she moved forward, her hands out to say I'm fine. She stumbled, pain shooting down her body from her back injury. Ilun met her, placing his body between her and the floor.

"The Crown admires power! Then I'll show you mine!" Elixabete shouted drawing energy back to herself, preparing for another attack.

"Elixabete stop this madness!" her father yelled.

"No! I will marry Arren! I will take my rightful place in this Realm! I challenge the Princess Isilla!"

"Your request has been rejected," Lehan answered.

"What?" Elixabete snapped.

"Your request for a challenge, it is rejected," Lehan said.

"Impossible! It is my right to challenge anyone in the royal family."

The Council grumbled their agreement, before Lehan spoke again, "Yes, but you are not eligible as you have committed treason. You've attacked one of us."

"Your highness, she's pregnant and not thinking straight, please have mercy!" her father begged, quickly realizing his daughter's mistake.

Arren knelt and picked up Isilla's dropped pen and book, crossing the room to her.

"Yes, we know. You were both so eager try and use her condition as a way to gain a better position. The penalty is death for attacking the royal family."

"You can't kill me! I have a child of the royal family in my belly!" she said panic seeping into her voice.

"As I said before, that is not my child," Arren said as he reached Isilla.

Isilla looked up, Lehan's eyes were locked on hers, their expression bemused. Arren reached for her but she avoided his arms, grabbing her book from his hands. You can't! She wrote in huge letters, big enough to be seen from across the room, she hoped.

"Oh, more notes? Arren, what does your wife have to say? I'll let her sentence this girl."

Let her go, let her have her baby. Don't do anything to her. Killing her won't solve the issue between her kingdom and the crown, she wrote her words shaky from pain.

Arren looked at her words and stood, turning back to the Council. "My wife wishes for the Crown to show mercy. She would like us to let her live and have her child."

"How interesting," Lehan laughed. "As the Princess has requested, Lady Elixabete of the Southern Firth, this incident will be forgiven."

"Thank you, Prince Lehan," Istoz said bowing low. "I will see that she does not forget this lesson."

"Not quite yet, she will stay in the palace until the child is born. She can leave once she pushes the thing out. The baby will stay here." Lehan added.

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"What?" Elixabete said, touching her belly, "But Prince Arren denies it is his."

"Although I am very sure that my brother never so much as kissed your hand, you have stated that the baby is of our line. So it will stay with our line."

Isilla moved to object, that's not what she wanted but Arren's shadows wrapped around her fingers, stilling her words with gentle pressure.

Lehan clapped his hands, "What an eventful day at Council. Things are always so exciting when you visit, Isilla! The issue with the engagement seems to have resolved itself, don't you think Istoz?"

The man nodded in agreement, his defeat clear.

"In that case, I think we should consider this meeting closed. What say you Basajuan?"

The old man nodded and stood from his chair without a word. The rest of the Council followed suit and one by one they began to leave by side doors, back to their own offices. Istoz took his crying daughter with him leaving only Lehan, Arren, and Isilla in the center of the room.

"Thank me brother, who knows what you would have done if I hadn't stepped in. Your eyes looked as if you were ready to return right back to your old ways," Lehan said, his tone mocking.

"There was no danger," Arren said.

"Tell me, what is that thing?" Lehan asked pointing at Ilun. The beast growled at him, a low rumble in his throat. Lehan couldn't hear it, Ilun still pressed against Isilla, keeping her from falling to the floor.

"A pet," he answered, bending to scoop Isilla up in his arms.

His shadows pulled at her gently as he lifted her. He held her close to his chest and she closed her eyes, anticipating his instruction.

"Open your eyes," he said a moment later, laying her body on her bed.

She rolled to her side with some difficulty.

"Do you need a doctor?" he asked, his voice full of concern, "Where are you injured?"

She forced herself up. I'm fine, she wrote, I just need to rest.

He shook his head, "Don't be stubborn! We can be upset with each other later!"

I hurt my back, I'll be fine once I sleep, she wrote admitting her injury if not how bad she felt. Ilun whined from the floor as if even he could tell she was lying.

"You can barely write and you want me to believe that? Let me see," he said.

She pushed her eyebrows together, questioning him silently.

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Sighing he bent and pulled her into a full sitting position before beginning to untie the laces on her dress. He gently pulled the sleeves down, exposing the thin shift underneath. This he pulled up to expose her back.

He sucked in his breath and helped her lie back down on her side.

"I'm getting a doctor for you," he said quickly.

She tried to stop him but he had already summoned two of his little creatures and sent them flying with his orders.

"Isilla, you need to stay awake until the doctor sees you," he said softly, returning to her side.

Her body felt heavy, exhausted. Ilun let out soft barks between long whines.

"Isilla!" Arren called, louder, "Stay awake!"

She nodded and he touched her face.

"I should have brought you back sooner, " he said gently.

I have to stay awake, she thought, even as her body fought against her.

The maids arrived first and Arren moved away from the bed. "Undress her, put her in something soft and take down her hair. Be gentle! Beast, you come sit with me!"

Ilun whined but Isilla nodded for him to listen. Arren walked out of the bedroom and into her sitting room with Ilun to wait. Alone with her, the maids set work, their hands the gentlest they had ever been on her body. Together they removed the dress the rest of the way along with her shoes and stockings.

The lifted the shift, working with Isilla's limited range of motion, it hurt too much to lift her arms. The three women gasped at the sight of her back, understanding Arren's orders completely now.

The covered her with a loose nightgown and quickly undid her hair, removing pins and taking down the coils until it was all a soft cloud.

The doctor arrived a moment later. Arren spoke to him softly in the sitting room before he entered the bedroom. A small, stooped man with iron gray hair and long fingers.

He had the maids lay her down on her stomach, her back exposed.

"Hmm," he hummed as he touched the bruises along her back. He felt her sides and then turned her over, lifting the gown to expose her belly. He pressed on her here too while Arren watched from the doorway.

The man sighed, "She will be alright. Nothing is broken. No bleeding. Just some very, very bad bruises." He reached into his bag, pulling out a small, white packet, "Make her a tea with this three times a day for the next four days. Morning, noon, and night. It will help with the pain. I'll have more sent but just one small spoonful will be enough."

One of the maids took the packet and nodded while another fixed her clothing and covered her with the blanket. Isilla felt too weak to move.

The doctor bowed and left as Isilla closed her eyes, the room fading.

"Prepare her tea and bring lunch for myself and the animal. I'll stay with her," Arren said.

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