The Silent Princess

Chapter 28

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Ilun growled at her feet, pushing his body up to stand on all four legs. Isilla placed her hand on his head, stilling him, his growl vibrating through her fingers. "Hush," she said softly and Ilun stopped, turning a questioning eye towards her before settling back on his haunches and turning back to Elixabete. He knew her.

Bring her a chair, Isilla wrote.

Hanna nodded and hurried out of the room leaving Isilla alone with Elixabete and her attendant. Isilla motioned for Ilun to put his head on her lap and scratched him behind his ears. The attendant shifted his weight from one foot to the other, nervously while Elixabete pressed her lips into a tight line, her anger making her pretty face ugly.

Good, she thought, she knows he is under my control but will not hesitate to protect me.

Hanna returned with the chair, placing it in front of the glass wall, opposite of Isilla. Elixabete sat, smoothing her skirts out. In the light of the sun, Isilla could see the intricate patterns on her dress, much more befitting of her status than Isilla's own simple gown.

"Hello, Isilla," Elixabete said, the insult apparent.

I have no ill will towards you, Isilla wrote.

Elixabete scoffed at her note. "I can hardly be expected to understand her notes. Maid will you translate?"

"Yes, ma'am," Hanna said quickly, "She wrote, 'I have no ill will towards you.'"

Isilla kept the frown from forming on her face, forcing a light smile.

"I don't know why you would," Elixabete said smoothly, daring Isilla to speak against her.

"She asks why you're here, ma'am," Hanna conveyed, ignoring Isilla's return comment.

Oh, so even now I can't trust my maids, she thought, hiding a grimace at the minor betrayal.

"To serve you. It is only proper that you should have a lady to help you learn more of your position in the Court. It is not as if she is a proper royal," Elixabete's last comments to the maid and attendant, as if Isilla could not understand their language.

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"Oh, you don't need to ask her that," Hanna said reading Isilla's next note. "She's here to be your companion, attend functions with you, things like that. She'll know much better than you because she was supposed to marry the Prince first."

So casual with me, Isilla thought, still petting Ilun's head. The animal grumbled under her hand, sensing her anger. I don't demand much but these women are insulting me. She glanced at the attendant, his eyes darting between the two women before settling on Isilla, embarrassed at their behavior.

She turned back to Elixabete, prepared to respond.

"Can I have a moment alone with Isilla? I'll keep my words simple and try my best to understand what she writes," the woman asked.

Without any hesitation, Hanna left the room. Frowning, the attendant followed her leaving the two women alone.

Elixabete rested her hands over her belly, tapping it gently while she observed Isilla. "Why did you really let me live?" she asked.

Isilla lifted her eyebrow at the question before answering. I think you were doing what you thought best in a bad situation.

"You don't know anything about my situation. You are causing this," Elixabete responded, "My wedding to the Prince was delayed for your engagement. If it had happened on time, no one would question the father of this child."

I don't know who the father of your child is but I what I do know is that it's probably a safer gamble to try and convince the Court it's Arren's over admitting that you were unfaithful, she wrote.

Anger flashed in the other woman's face and Ilun stood, quickly, barring teeth and placing his huge body between the two.

"Easy, Ilun," she soothed but the beast wouldn't be calmed. The air shifted around them.

Does she mean to attack again, she thought.

"I can kill you whenever I want, you pathetic waste of skin. That thing the Prince gave you isn't enough to stop my magic. You're going to help me become his consort and then his wife. Your marriage will be dissolved and my child will be his heir."

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So that's what she wants, Isilla thought, pushing Ilun from in front of her. He barked in surprise, even as he stepped back. Isilla stood and shook her head. "No," she said, the simple word easy to read on her lips.

She turned away. "Come on, Ilun. We're finished here."

Obediently he followed her to the door. She opened it and the power died in the room, Elixabete dropping whatever energy she had pulled to herself.

Hanna and the attendant were both in the hall, waiting. They crushed their bodies to the wall to avoid the touch of Iluns shifting furs as Isilla walked past.

"I'll take lunch in here," Elixabete called, louder than she needed. "Isilla will eat in her room."

So that's how she will be then, she thought as she made her way to her bedroom. She had guessed correctly that the woman was only showing her power. "I have power too," she said slowly climbing onto her bed, Ilun joining her.

I have to use what I can to protect myself from her but I need to be careful. I don't understand this all yet, she thought as she stroked his head. I can't ask Arren for help with this, I've already caused too much trouble between us and besides, involving him is exactly what she wants. I'll keep this to myself for now, she decided.

There was a soft knock on her door. Ilun pulled his head quickly from her lap before thumping to floor, alert.

She pushed past him opened the door. The attendant stood nervously in front of her. Taller than her but only slightly and portly with close cropped brown hair and brown eyes. He bowed low.

"I am so sorry for the way you were treated by my Lady. Please do not take offense, it's the child, her uncertain future. Please continue to be gracious with her!" he begged.

Does he know she raised her magic against me a second time, Isilla wondered opening her book.

Can you read,she wrote before tapping him on the shoulder.

"Yes," he responded.

It's fine, she wrote, Thank you for coming here. Will you be staying with her?

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He nodded, "I was appointed by her father."

Isilla beckoned for the man to follow and sat down on one of the chairs outside her bedroom, motioning for him to take the other. Nervously he sat, Ilun sniffing at him as he passed to join Isilla at her feet.

Did she send you here, she asked.

He shook his head, "No, she's having lunch in the sun room."

This is very bold of you, why did you come to apologize for her?

"I know you stopped her execution before and I am hoping that you can continue to protect her, she doesn't understand what she's doing!" his words came out in a great rush.

She tilted her head to the side, a slight frown on her face. Are you the father of her child, she wrote.

The man's eyes widened and he blushed, red crossing his cheeks as he shook his head. "No! She's my, I mean, no."

She's your what, Isilla asked slightly taken aback but the man's lack of composure.

He sighed and closed his eyes. "She's my sister," he answered quietly, quickly. "I'm a bastard. My father appointed me to stay with her, to watch her and keep her out of trouble but she's stronger than me."

You know who the father is then, Isilla asked.

He nodded, guiltily.

Don't tell me, it's not really important. You must care for your sister, she wrote.

"It's not that," he said, "It's bad for our kingdom to be so shamed. You seemed like someone who would be more forgiving."

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She considered his words. What's your name, she asked finally.

"Vil," he said, "Just Vil."

Isilla smiled at him and patted his hand. I'm sure there's more to this than I understand but for now this is alright, she thought to herself.

It's fine, she wrote, I understand that she's upset. In a few weeks she'll calm down, I'll do what I can to help.

Vil smiled at her and stood. "Thank you," he said bowing low before he left the room.

Moments later Sele appeared with her lunch. Without a words she swept by and left it on the table for her, leaving as silently as she had come.

I have to be careful, she thought, people are very ungrateful here.

She stood and made her way to her table. She sat down Ilun's plate, a half cooked roast before sitting at her own table.

Another knock on her door drew her attention away.

"Miss?" Julen called, opening it without waiting. His face popping inside nervously. "Oh, you're eating! Arren said you might be. He said he wants to see you after you're done, in his office."

She nodded.

"Do you need me to wait for you?" he asked.

She shook her head and he closed the door, leaving her to her meal.

"I guess he knows I'm better and it's time to talk about you," she said poking Ilun with her foot. And ask him why he hesitated when that woman attacked me, she thought as she began to eat.

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