The Silent Princess

Chapter 30

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She touched the dress, the fine fabric, the color of the sky the moment before a storm, soft against her fingers. Careful beading on the corset formed strange, horned beasts that Isilla did not have words for.

Originally she had planned to spend her day working more with Ilun, testing what the animal could and couldn't do. So far, she had learned that he could travel through the shadows on command. She told him to wait before leaving the the apartments, thinking of the hall where she spoken to the Grand Avatar and her brother, the castle guiding her through the long walk. Finally there, she called Ilun to her and a moment later he was there too, wagging his tail. Together they had looked out the windows for a while before she climbed on his back and he walked her to her rooms through the long halls.

She looked at Hanna, the question on her face but the woman didn't answer. "Come on, we've got to get her ready, quickly!"

She frowned, even as she lifted her arms so they could remove the plain dress she wore. Hanna pushed her down in the chair and begun working on her hair, pulling it into braids, pinning it down.

From experience Isilla knew that the women wouldn't bother to answer her questions. She clenched her teeth in anger as Sele began working on her face, applying dark lines around her eyes, red to her cheeks and thick, waxy color to her lips.

"None of these are quite right," Sele complained.

"It's the best we have," Hana said frowning at Isilla's reflection. "She looks alright."

Her eyes appeared huge and wet in the mirror, her cheeks, as if she had a fever and her mouth almost bruised.

"Do you think this dress is alright," Sele asked staring at it as she picked it up.

"It's her finest one," Gerta replied.

The three women carefully lifted it over her head and settled it on her body. While one fussed with the skirts, the other tied it, the laces so tight they cut off her breath. Hanna touched up her hair.

Satisfied, the women stepped back.

"This is the best we can do with her," Hanna said before leading them out of the door and into the waiting room where Elixabete sat, her expression bored. Vil stood nervously at her side and Isilla smiled at him. He returned it, his lips curling at the edges for just a moment before his expression returned to a nervous mask. From behind Isilla, Ilun growled. In the three days since they had come, Ilun had not gotten used to her presence.

For Isilla's part, she tolerated the woman. When the maids took her to the garden, Elixabete came and they laughed and spoke with her. They doted on her, bringing her books and treats, things they had never done, or done begrudgingly, for Isilla. She didn't mind their attention to Elixabete as much as she minded the increase between the four of them in biting remarks and veiled insults.

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She had considered, briefly, speaking to Arren about it all but decided against it. When he came to visit with her, only once since they had spoken he seemed so tired. She sat and played cards with him on her bed. The deck was different than what she was used to and he taught her a game with them. He did not kiss her, or even touch her but his shadows pooled around her, pulling gently at her hair and wrapping themselves around her wrists whenever he was focused on his hand.

"You would think with such an important meeting she would show just a little bit of hurry. But what can you expect from someone like here," Elixabete said pulling herself from the chair.

Meeting? She wrote.

Elixabete sighed, "I told you yesterday that we were having lunch with the King."

So this is how things will be then, she thought as the woman walked into the hall where a guard waited. There had been no mention of a lunch.

"Ilun, you should stay hidden," she said to the animal.

He barked, startling the guards and dove into the nearest, darkest shadow, disappearing from sight. The group began to move forward.

"It's a shame we have to walk so far, but everyone can't use magic," Elixabete said to no one in particular, letting the comment hang in the air. Isilla knew as well as she did that it would travel through the castle, affirming what everyone suspected about her, that she was weak and powerless.

Vil slowed slightly to match pace with Isilla who walked behind Elixabete, another subtle insult.

"She scheduled the lunch with the King as soon as we got here, I'm sorry, I couldn't tell you. But why are you letting her do this? She's insulting you!"

Isilla nodded. It's fine, she wrote, this meeting, walking in front of me, changes nothing.

Vil, nodded, still clearly confused but sped back up to walk behind his mistress.

The king will not harm me, this is just something I'll have endure, she thought to herself.

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A small sense of calm came over her. I cannot call on him, he will be angry if I trouble him again she thought as they walked, coming to staircases and down halls that she had never seen before.

Finally the guards stopped in front of a set of large doors. Opening them they bowed as Isilla and Elixabete entered leaving the guards and Vil outside.

"The Princess Isilla and the Lady Elixabete have arrived, my Lord," an attendant said next to the King.

The sun pierced twisting shadows, weak gray light filtering into the room. The King sat alone at a stone table, a full meal spread out before him. Two chairs sat opposite of him, empty and waiting. He seemed as he had before, his eyes covered in the nightmare darkness of his power, a stern expression on his lips.

Isilla bowed low but Elixabete crossed the room, hands out to the man who stood to greet her.

"My lord!" she said in a sing song voice as he took her hand and laid a kiss on her knuckles.

Isilla stood and watched the pair.

"Wait a lovely woman you've grown into," King Ero said, inviting her to take a seat. "And this," he said directing his attention to Isilla, "Is the dreamweaver."

Isilla nodded and slowly walked to to the table. Two attendants pulled out the chairs for them and they sat, Isilla keeping her gaze cast downward, his eyes too much for her to bear.

"Tell me, how has your father been?" Ero asked as the attendants began to serve their food.

"He's been very well, he sends his regards to you and hopes that you are able to come visit our humble kingdom again soon. We do miss your company," she said smoothly.

"Is that cook still with you? The one that made the delicious meat pies?" he asked. The two sunk into a familiar conversation, obviously, they were well acquainted.

Isilla listened as she ate, munching on the vegetables and meats. Ilun's nose pressed against her ankles, his snout peeking through the shadows. "Not now," she said softly and the animal stopped, diving back into the darkness.

"And you, Isilla, have such a lovely dress on today. You look much better than you did the last time you appeared before me. If I remember correctly, that color matches your eyes well, let me see," Ero said turning his focus suddenly on her.

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She put down her fork and wiping her lips smiled gently as she looked up at her father in law. His eyes glowed a sick purple color, the shadows twisting in their depths like worms. A wave of nausea washed over her, she pushed it back, meeting his gaze with her smile.

"As I thought, simply lovely together. Don't you think, Elixabete?" he asked.

She waved the question away, "I wouldn't know my lord. She rarely looks anyone in the eyes. She's so timid! I wouldn't think she was a princess at all."

Isilla cast her gaze downward again.

He reached across the table and forced her eyes back up. The feeling in her chest, that searching sense began as he forced her to look at him. "This one isn't timid," he said slowly as her heart beat in her chest in time with that extra feeling and despite what you think she's not stupid either."

"Oh, I never said anything like that about her!" Elixabete laughed, the sound like bells.

"Isn't that what you've been saying this whole time?" he asked, dropping her chin, and sitting back into his chair. "You think because she let you live, let you walk in front of her, say whatever it is you want to say, that this girl is inferior to you? You don't understand the Light. And you don't understand the Court either."

"What?" she stumbled.

"You think because I enjoyed your father's company for a time I would undo this marriage and let that bastard you carry take a title?" Ero didn't let her answer, waving the idea away, "I should kill you right now for attempting such a thing."

The shadows thickened around them, the sick pulsing light the only thing that remained illuminated the room. Isilla moved her eyes quickly over the scene, the searching sensation reaching from her to grasp at what it wanted, what it needed. She touched her chest. No, she thought, stop.

Whatever was in her stilled and she let out a breath. Ero's shadows brushed at her face and neck, their touch heavy and unnatural against her, she forced herself not to react, to sit still. She could feel Ilun's body pressing against, a low growl rolling through it.

"How interesting you are," Ero's voice low and thoughtful, "I'll have to send a thank you gift to the Emperor for sending such an interesting thing to me."

"I don't understand," Elixibete stuttered, attempting to gain back the control she had lost.

"You're too weak to feel it," he replied, "But my sons, oh how they'll crave you. Won't they, Sorgia?"

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A cold sweat ran down her back at the title but there was nothing she could do in response.

"I thought I knew you. I could feel it right away. So can you," he said.

I don't know what you're talking about, she wrote with shaky fingers.

He laughed, a deep bellowing sound that filled the room. By her feet, Ilun shifted, growling as be began to move his body from the shadows. I'm in danger, she thought holding her hand down to stop him.

"Of course you don't! I'm not surprised. It's such an old name for the brides brought from the Light to the dark. We haven't had one in centuries. But they they say, that they're drawn to each other, the Light and the Dark and I feel it. Can't you?" he said, his voice mimicking care but his eyes showed only a lust for something else. "But most of the old stories are lost. Still, I suppose if there's any truth to them, then we'll know. You're here after all."

The air shifted and the heavy touch of Ero's shadows pulled away from her skin, as the light came back. "It's fine, I will excuse this trespass for today but Isilla, I hope you understand now, as a daughter of this Realm what your kindness is worth. See how easily you're betrayed. And you, Elixabete, give your regards to your father when you speak to him again."

The King's words stirred the memory of the meeting with the Grand Avatar. My father sent his regards then, too, she thought.

"Spending my time with such lovely ladies, truly a gift," Ero said as he stood, his chair scraping against the floor. He robes swept the floor as his shadows shifted and then he was gone, leaving the two women sitting alone with the attendants who swiftly began cleaning the table.

Isilla stood, allowing Ilun to come from under the table. The servants dropped their work, shouting in fear as the moved away from the beast. Isilla didn't stop him from eating what was left of the food, the carefully prepared dishes disappearing down his black throat.

I hope this satisfied your desires, Isilla wrote, our places cannot change. She tore the page from her book and placed it on the table in front of Elixabete before turning to leave.

"Where's Elixabete?" Vil asked she left.

Isilla pointed behind her, where the woman still sat at the table. Vil hurried to her side and alone with Ilun, Isilla made he way back to her rooms.

She reached over to touch Ilun's neck. "What would you have done against a king?" she asked him. He turned his shifting features to her and licked her face. She wrinkled her nose at him and let herself lean against his body as they walked.

Sorgia, a name for brides from the Light Realm, she thought. Does this happen to everyone like me who crosses over between realms? I feel dizzy, she thought for a moment before hot, wet drops fell on her bare chest. She looked down, touching her fingers to them.

Blood, she thought bringing the red stained tips of her fingers to her face. She touched the wetness on her top lip, the blood dripping into her mouth, filling it with its coppery taste. I'm bleeding, she thought as she fell, collapsing onto the floor, Ilun barking in surprise.

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